Mango & Blackberry Popsicles a la The Kid


We made several popsicles, sorbets and ice creams over the long holiday at the beach; they were the perfect antidote to rising temperatures… The first experiment were some simple fruit based popsicles. We purchased this old-fashioned styled plastic mold at Crate & Barrel for 80% off at their outlet store, so we try to make popsicles whenever there is good ripe fruit around. In this case, we had some dense and intensely flavored local Batangas mangoes and I also happened to have some frozen blackberries in the freezer (originally planned for another dessert)…


So the kid scooped out the mango flesh of say 5-6 medium sized mangoes and placed them in a blender pitcher. We added a tablespoon or more of white sugar (you can use simple syrup as well), a squeeze of lemon, and about 2/3 cup of blackberries and blitzed this all up and placed them in the molds. There was some space leftover so we tried to freeze some kiwi juice we had in the fridge. The results? Superb! The mango blackberry popsicles were fun and messy, but incredibly flavorful and sophisticated in their own way. Not a natural mix of ingredients, but if you have them, why not? The texture from the blitzed blackberry pips really made this rather unique, and the viscosity of blitzed mango meant that the popsicles had a creamier texture when frozen than say a flavored water…


The kiwi popsicles were good too, but a bit more icy, obviously due to a higher water content of the juice. My only pet peeve with this kind of popsicle mold? You kind of have to partially warm ALL the popsicles to get just a few out… If you are wondering about the two-toned “bandera espanol” popsicles up top, I tried not to mix the blackberries and mango puree too much and since the blackberries were heavier, they naturally sank to the bottom and I added some mango puree on top… but for the rest of the popsicles, we blended the fruit more thoroughly… This was just super easy to do and so much healthier than store-bought stuff. And if your kids make them on their own, they are more likely to consume them with gusto.


14 Responses

  1. those look yummy. i am too lazy to make ice cream for the kids. used to. but not anymore. the kids just keep their ears open for the blare of the signature nestle ice cream jingle in the neighborhood and presto, ready-made frozen delights. i get jelly tongue because it doesn’t drip. its like gulaman made into ice cream. weird but good.

  2. we just use the plastic 1 inch wide for the ice candy that could be bought at the market at P12 for a 50 pcs (i think)

  3. Great! More ideas! I fear summer vacation…my kids are always scrounging around for something to eat. With this hot and humid summer, these popsicles are a real treat!

  4. Kids like to make ice candy just as much, and eating it is fun as well… We used to make avocado popsicles when it was in season… And now that I think about it, buko lychee popsicles would be brilliant too, like having buko lychee sherbet on a stick!

  5. these look good right about now.can’t wait till summer to fully enjoy popsicles.we had a very looong winter.i usually make some kid friendly ones and adult version which i add liquor. tangerine with grand marnier, lime aid with tequilla, mango with rum, aahhh heaven.i bring them along for 4th of july picnics.williams sonoma sells popsicle mold you can pull out of the metal tray so you only have to warm up what you need.i like the idea of kiwi pops.thanks mm for bringing a little slice of summer to my day today.

  6. I love jelly tongue too… it’s weird but good! Hehehe. I remember Jelly Jooze was in the market more than a decade back (jelly na juice naman) but it’s now gone!

    I love the popsicle mold! Since the Uyab and I don’t have posicle molds, we settle for ice candy (ice lollies?). Last week we made mango. Two weeks ago, it was avocado. I would love to try blackberries. Or maybe even a berry mix in different layers. But that would be wuite difficult to do with ice candy bags. Haha.

    MM, were the blackberries you used the same as those in the frozen food section of Rustan’s? The ones I saw looked more like puree than whole fruit. But then again, if I’m going to blitz them anyway then I guess it’s alright.

    Summer is here! Yippee! Time to learn to surf!

  7. The colors are enough to make your mouth water.
    What kid can resist those tempting cool delights, and grown ups too! Those moulds are really nice, but I guess we have to make do with plastic strips.
    With the rising temperature now, these are indeed wonderful and economical treats especially if the kids make it themselves.

  8. I don’t like those molds too, and so I resorted to paper cups (the small type used for bathroom/kitchen), and then when its frozen, I just ripped the paper. I saw on TV that they use the eggs container for same purpose. I think that’s a good idea, sort of cheap at the same time, recycling what comes from the store.

  9. I recently came across your blog.
    Fantastic read. Thanks for the enjoyment!
    p.s. I never imagined popcicles could look so luscious.

  10. Run the mold under running water or dip in basin/bowl with water for a few seconds to take out the popsicle easily from the mold – a trick i learned way back, always works for me. :)

  11. Great summer treat with real fruity fruits no artificial flavor, color or cream involved – all natural and cardiovascular friendly too!

  12. I was able to get these popsicle molds for my kids. It lets you pull out each popsicle individually. They’re been experimenting like crazy! They blend yogurt with ice cream, root beer with lemonade, chocolate with orange juice (ick). Thanks for the fresh fruits idea! We have to try that! :)

  13. I love the idea of making homemade popsicles, I have found some “ice candy platic” in my drawer, my parents bought them some years ago back home, so i managed to make some mango ice candy, oh me and my daughter enjoyed them very much!