Locally Grown Radicchio/Treviso!

I dropped by the Fresh Fields stall at the outdoor market section of Market!Market! Mall last friday, with fingers crossed, hoping they had lots of fresh dill in stock for a side of salmon I was turning into gravlax again. I was in luck… not only did they have more than a kilo of the freshest looking and smelling dill, but as they were wrapping that up, I spotted some treviso radicchio in little plastic bags! Could it be locally grown, finally? Yes, Edwin, the proprietor confirmed. Yahoo!

I have often wondered when someone would finally bring in the seeds and test the soil/temperature conditions to see if they could raise radicchio, and after many, many years here it is! A bit green on the spines where they should be almost white, these also had “open heads” and the leaves didn’t curl in tight. But no matter, these tasted great and were a welcome addition to the growing choice of salad greens (and reds) on the local market. Edwin advised that he would be growing more of the smaller rounded head variety and that should be on the market in about two months time.

I have featured radicchio before, first in a post on the Ponte Milvio market in Rome from 2006, then this produce laden gift basket from a friend in 2007, a late-summer 2009 post on the Union Square Market, and this post from San Francisco in 2010 featuring the treviso variety. I like radicchio in a three colored lettuce salad with endive, young arugula and radicchio with a balsamic vinaigrette…


11 Responses

  1. Hi MM – I have so many dill in our farm house in Lemery. I can definitely send you a big bunch next time we go to Lemery. Next time would be mid march so I will send you an email then so I can send these for your use. Warmest regards!

  2. I had a mental picture of an endive while reading “radicchio”. Hehe, mali.

    I just finished an epi of Barefoot Contessa, and I’m adding celery root and fennel to the wish list of local produce.

    I spied a neigborhood organic store in Kapitolyo and they sell bibingka negra from black rice, luscious kalamansi, oyster mushrooms, tomato and dark green sitaw. Am just so happy such a store is near home. Fresh vegetables are really different– OA, but they feel more “alive”.

  3. I do an appetizer of honey mustard dressing on an endive and top with a piece of gravlax. Always a hit. In the absence of endive a slice of bell pepper is good too. Love these vegetable pica pica.

  4. MM, thank you for the post on gravlax. Made mine the other day and it came out very well. Enjoyed it with bagel, cream cheese and capers.my daughter enjoyed it as well, I gave her the other piece. I even thought I should make this for xmas gifts! I have the pickled cherries but have not eaten them yet,

  5. On a more radioactive subject that has come up time and again hereabouts, the Bataan nuclear power plant is back in the news, at the NYT no less, under their Science category although it could have been more aptly grouped under Travel/Tourism. I did not know it was just about ready for a dry-run when the news from Fukushima detonated.

  6. Wow, locally produced radicchio! Will make sure to drop by Fresh Fields at Market!Market! whenever I am in the area.

  7. Marketman, “Treviso” is available in many varieties. Not all Treviso-type radicchios form tight heads, some are relatively loose headers.

    Not too long ago we had braised radicchio (Palla Rossa and Chiogga) with roasted pork belly from a local farm. Fab on a cold winter’s night!

  8. Risa, thanks for the info on the organic store. I’m in the area once in a while; in fact, I was just on that very road a couple of days ago, and marveled at all the new eateries there that I want to try. (That day, I tried Mad Mark’s.) May I know the name of the store? That bibingka negra is so intriguing!