Lemon Tart a la Francois Payard


There were several requests for the lemon tart that I made a few days ago. This has to be one of the easiest and best tasting lemon tarts I have ever made, and it is from Payard’s Simply Sensational Desserts cookbook. I strongly recommend that you buy this book if you are a fan of tarts and other fine desserts. First, you need to make some tart dough, recipe here. For the filling, all you will need is the fine zest (I use a Microplane zester) and juice of three lemons, 3 large eggs, 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon of granulated white sugar, and 3 tablespoons of unsalted butter, cut into little cubes. That’s it.

Pre-heat your oven to 325 F. Prepare a bano maria or double boiler and bring the water to a simmer. Put your zest and juice in a metal or glass (that can stand the heat) bowl and whisk in the eggs. Add the sugar and butter and place the bowl over simmering water (water should NOT touch the bottom of your bowl) and whisk until the butter is all melted and the mixture is smooth and slightly thickened, this will take a few minutes. Remove from the heat and let this cool for 10 minutes. Pour the lemon mixture into a pre-baked (see link for tart shell up top) tart shell and bake this for roughly 8-10 minutes until just set. Cool the tart completely before serving. Excellent with some whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. You can get fancy with the garnishing but it is great plain as well…


13 Responses

  1. Hello MM! Since I love lemon bars I’m sure I’ll enjoy this lemon tart recipe as well! On another note, I’ll have to share with you this mango cheesecake recipe that I got in Hawaii years ago. The crust is made of shortbread (yum!), the filling is made of whipped cream topped with slices of fresh mango using Knox gelatin to set . . . but again, I’m sure you’ve already a recipe for mango cheesecake? :-) Take care . . .

  2. i was lurking thru your archives and found the recipe for apple pie. i did it, following every instruction– including the part not to do it while in a foul mood as body temperature would affect the dough. the first attempt was perfect. the second was not as i was in a really bad mood.


  3. Thank you MM for featuring this recipe! I love lemon-based desserts and my sinful indulgence involves two and I mean two lemon meringue pies from Goodies and Sweets which I eat in a single sitting!!! And then off to the gym I go to burn the all the pastry and lemon curd and meringue i stuffed into my body— hahaha!!!

    I am currently in search of the best lemon eclair. So far, its Bizu for me but I’m sure that there’s a better lemon eclair somewhere.

    Hope you can feature recipes using lemons in your future posts.

  4. Trish, I do have lemon squares in the archives I think. Ms. Rebecca, you have to try them, they are really easy to make. mandayamoore, I was laughing for a minute straight…your comment is one of the funniest I have received in recent memory… but it is so true, apple pie crust is a disaster if the temperature is too hot…heeheehee. tulipfleurs, I have made cheesecake only a few times and just put mangoes on top… pittipat, I hope the recipe works for you!

  5. MM, i think you missed the part about baking the crust. the recipe merely says “preheat the oven…”

  6. Hi Millet, recipe calls for a pre-baked pie crust, details of which is in linked post to the previous pecan tart post with tart recipe in detail… Once the lemon filling is made and cooled, you only need to bake it for another 8 minutes or so…

  7. I love lemon tarts! I actually had a craving of this all weekend and I finally went to a renowned pastry shop called Brunetti’s in Melbourne to satisfy my craving =) hehe…I also bought some canoli, strawberry sponge cake, chocolate mousse and house-made nougats…Yum! I certainly had my sugar fix this weekend =)

  8. Hi MM, yup, i realized that as soon as I posted my comment. Hmmm, I knew the senior moment had to come from either you or me (and it was me, as usual!) :-)

  9. As I’ve said, this looks really beautiful. I bet it tastes as refreshing as it looks. Can’t wait to try it!

  10. Another one from Payard! Because of your posts on Payard, I made sure I went to Payard Patisserie when I was in New York two weeks ago, and bought the book there. I was so pleasantly surprised when I got home to find out the book was autographed by the man himself! :)