Le Bruun Butter… So Close, Then it’s Gone!

Josie, the proprietress of Ensaymada factory (and Empanada factory), emailed me a couple of days ago to say she “still had a can of Bruun butter in her refrigerator, did I want photos of it?” — my heart skipped a beat. OMG, there was actually still some Bruun butter floating around? In Manila? Within reach? Or at least close enough for me to get a recent photo of it? YES! Of course I would like to see a photo, and she has kindly emailed me these snapshots…

But alas, so close and yet so far. Josie writes, “I am forwarding photos of Bruun butter. It is no longer available in the supermarket. I got this (can) at Rustan’s Supermarket more than 10 years ago at PHP110 per can, and I don’t know why I kept it in my refrigerator and (did) not throw it out. I was able to talk to the importer of this butter at the food show, I think five years ago, and she told me the factory had already closed.” Hmm, I wonder if the can is unopened. And if the butter is still edible. :) So there you have it, a real honest to goodness photo of Bruun butter in Manila. Thanks, Josie. :)

Note: Both photos in this post were taken by Josie I. of the Ensaymada/Empanada Factory.


25 Responses

  1. wow galing. wonder why she kept it in the refrigerator for 10 years?!. butter never lasts more than a wk in our home. hihi

  2. hmm.. i keep some stuff in the ref for at least a year especially if the expiry date is still okay… but 10years… am sure it’s pushed back behind stuff used often kaya inabot ng ganun katagal.. wonder who cleans their ref?? lol.. why is it saying am from China?? am just here in Pasig.. lol..

  3. kaye, you might be using a company network that uses a server in China. Increasingly, servers are being set up in China for several local users, hence the location misidentification…

  4. Amazing! The label looks the same as the vintage Bruun. I wonder how Josie can preserve her lone can for posterity…she may be the only Bruun butter witness left who has an actual can.

  5. hehe I want to see her fridge and see what else is lurking there. and now it makes me wonder – what does aged butter turn into?

  6. Josie: Would you remember if the can came in 2 sizes-big and small? Because I have a recipe for a cake which calls for 1 big can Bruun, but I have no idea how much that is. Your can says 178 grams net weight, so that is a scant 1 cup? Thank you! Your can just made me giddy with excitement and amazement!

  7. Failing finding out the exact capacity of any container of ingredient required in a given recipe, see how much flour and sugar is called for and determine from that the correct proportion of butter required for that type of recipe.

  8. Hi MM! We always bought this butter when we were younger :) My mom loves it! Sadly, it is no longer available. We switched to Queensland (in the red can) and lately to the the one in the foil wrapper.

    Amazing photos, btw! I am in awe that this particular can was kept in the ref for more than 10 years! :D

  9. Hihihhihihihihi! I’m not alone…I have an unopened can of Coke in my fridge from the Brisbane World Expo 1988!

  10. Oooopsie…I forgot, I did get rid of it when I moved in 1999! but it was there for 21 years…hahahahaha!

  11. What!? The factory has closed down!? Let’s just hope there are other manufacturers of the said butter! :o

  12. I wonder too if it’s still unopened… or if it’s still edible? :)

    but rather not tamper with it, it’s practically a relic! i hope she doesn’t throw it away! keep it like a time capsule of what was the glory days of butter…. haha! :)

  13. hahaha…these are funny comments. anyway, MMs blog has elevated my butter-tastes to Lurpak and others with high fat content. they taste so much better. Fage and good sea salt are among the other “eye openers”..and thanks for inspiring me to bake again. in an hour or so, I will make a batch of Mamon for a get-together tomorrow.

  14. Yes, butter can make one’s heart skip a beat, but only MM! HA,HA,HA!

    Had to settle for the red Queensland in my suitcase for my trip back to the US….still better than the usual shelf brands and cheaper than Plugra. No Golden Churn butter available in the grocery store at the time.

  15. Connie C, dried shrimps from Puerto Princesa, Queensland butter in tins, what else? Are you that Batangueña lady I heard about who was going through customs with a large bundle of dried squids who when stopped by an officer to inquire what it was, panicked and blanked out on what it’s called in English and nervously blurted out, “ that’s my pusit.”

  16. Ha, Ha, Footloose, no farther than that, but I might bring dried kamias. Saw this lady who had everything in her suitcase including what looked like vacuum packed food items the size of her maleta. Of course she had a time with the customs inspector going thru the bowels of her suitcase.

    Dried shrimps from Palawan? They are not so dry as those I get here and rehydrates well and of course flavors my soups better. I am also hoping the deeper and cleaner waters of Palawan may not harbor as many discarded batteries in the ocean.

  17. speaking of canned butter, has anyone tried the following brands:

    Bretel (France) im not sure if this is their beurre d’Normandie
    Frentel (France)
    Wijsman (Netherlands & Indonesia)

    mmmmmmmm… butter….