La Grande Epicerie at Au Bon Marche


This is our favorite food store, hall, emporium, etc. in Paris. A VERYupscale grocery, a wonderful prepared foods delicatessen, an incredible source of fresh fruit, etc. Basically, the motherload of food products and pre-made take-away food items. It is up there with Harrods Food Hall in my opinion. Though Harrods is far more impressive in terms of the set-up. But La Grande Epicerie is more approachable. I could live here for several days… :)


It turns out photos are not allowed in this store, and I was actually advised not to take any… but whoops, that was after I had very inconspicuously taken a few usable photos, as you see in this post. I can’t imagine why they would discourage photographs, it can only help bring them more business in the long run I imagine, but as soon as they called my attention, I stopped.


This store is huge. A cavernous double height ceiling ground floor location behind the Au Bon Marche department store in the 7th, it is located at 38, Rue de Sevres. We decided on our first day in Paris to head here to pick up a simple sandwich or salad for lunch. The Teen fondly recalls a previous visit several years ago where we bought lunch at LGE and she ate some of it in the nearby park, but had a better time feeding the rest of her bread to the pigeons…


Many folks think European cities are incredibly expensive food wise, and I can see why. But if you manage your expenses so that you mix up nice restaurants with simple lunch time sources like these, you can actually eat very well for a reasonable sum of money. I like to just roam the counters at LGE to see what salads, quiches, sandwiches, etc.


The volume of pate, salmon, sausages, hams, salads was impressive. There were several mediterranean inspired dishes, an incredible slection of prosciuttos, cheeses, grilled items… and all available in individual sized portions!


We arrived at the store just before the lunch time rush and within twenty minutes, lines at the cashiers were 30-40 shoppers long. We picked out several items and as we had done years ago, planned to head to a park nearby and just enjoy our take out meal al fresco.


The total cost for a wonderful lunch for 4? Some Euro 25-30, but we ate very well… some of the dishes up next.


Office workers, salespeople, neighborhood residents were all shopping for their lunch meal. It was fun just to watch what people were buying to eat and what they were drinking as well. With an impressive drinks section, you could get several kinds of waters, juices, wine or champagne!


If you ever find yourself in this part of Paris, make sure to drop into La Grande Epicerie, it is fantastic!



26 Responses

  1. Whoa! you still managed to take good shots before you were told to stop.. thanks MM!

  2. Whoa…I thought this wasn’t a foodie trip?!? That will be the day, I guess when MM goes on a trip and won’t be a food related trip…as they say,baka ka mabinat!!!!…hahahahahha

    Taking photographs is a big NO, NO even here in food establishments. Hubby says it has to do with the competition among grocers….but I don’t see how when all it takes is to send someone from the competition inside other grocery stores!

  3. could you imagine what a foodie trip would be like?? that place is La Grande alright!!!

  4. Gina, I just discovered this artisanal lemonade a couple of weeks ago. I kept saying, Where have you been all my life?! It’s the good stuff!

  5. have you tried the café-teria here? the daily wok & gourmet specials, salad turo-turo & sandwiches are freshly made and delicious. and you can eat your takeouts here so long as you order a drink. about €12 for a lunch special, €7 for a medium salad. i actually make a plan of lunch here whenever i’m in the 6e for errands.

  6. pls tell me you had a fois gras sandwich… husband said the same thing “i could live in here”

  7. And this wasn’t a foodie trip? he he- all trips end up being about food!!! Ok , now this is where i get really envious- i love my macarons and chocolate as much as the next marketman fan but photos La Grand Epicerie?- just plain cruel! Ilove it!

  8. You know your business that’s why you managed to take those pictures without any knowledge from the establishment owners. Great job!

  9. I’ve never been out of the country yet MM, and I’ve never had the inclination… but your posts always entertains me and makes me wish that I too can travel like you do. Maybe I’ll start small first, like within Asia, which is actually my[with my younger sister] goal next year.

    Thanks for all the stories MM.

  10. Rhea, travel is a luxury but so incredibly good for opening one’s mind to new experiences, things, etc. I would give up fancy cars, clothes, watches, jewelry, etc. to travel. But I would pay for good food and education first before travel… :)

  11. ooooh. . . it’s so nice how they present/ package their food in those shelves etc. . . . hope we can make a filipino food emporium, where you could get the finest ingredients and treats from luzon to mindanao. . .

  12. wil-b, that concept has always been my dream, but I fear that the buying power in Manila won’t support such an endeavor… :(

  13. bettyq, unfortunately, SUKI has closed… again, I think not enough folks willing to pay for Artisanal or organic or top quality in the overall scheme of things.

  14. it’s my dream to bring the best artisanal Pinoy products into HK… even if only at a corner of a gourmet grocery store since I probably can’t afford to rent a huge space.

  15. Food porn!I’ve been to the Harrods Food Hall and was standing around stunned with what was available. LGE looks even better. Ah, someday.

  16. Marketman, I totally subscribe to what you said “…travel is a luxury but so incredibly good for opening one’s mind to new experiences, things, etc. I would give up fancy cars, clothes, watches, jewelry, etc. to travel. But I would pay for good food and education first before travel… :) “