Sorry, I just have to interrupt regular programming to bring you this youtube link that a really good friend sent me. I was laughing so hard I cried. I watched it four times and still kept laughing uncontrollably. Talk about stress relief in video format. I hate karaoke and cannot sing to save my life, so this video was particularly amusing. If you don’t laugh heartily at this one I don’t know what will amuse you… Here is the link to Ken Leee… I will remove this link in a day or two, so enjoy it while it is up. Hahahaha!!!!

38 Responses
Who says the pageant winner over the weekend was funny?
Ken Leeee is for the win! OMG, it is funny! Ken Leeee tubidu bidu douchooo. Love this!
Wow, MM! This made my day. Thanks.
Grabe, my staff think I’m crazy laughing by myself here. What makes it more funny is that they couldn’t catch the humour in it since the ENglish here is similar to ken lee!!! double laughter ako dito, am almost in tears
MM, hve you heard of Benny Lava? :-D
“tulibu dibu douchoo…” Hilarious!
It definitely wouldn’t be as funny without the screenshots of the judge wondering what the heck is she listening to! You just know she’s thinking “I know those words, but what language…?”
hhahahahaha…..i also have a link of this video in my site. grabe, like you, i was crying for laughing so hard.
Oh my gosh, this was shown to me on the way to work today (from a celfon). Was laughing so hard, and it put a constant amused smile to my face the whole day! oh, and the bb. pilipinas-world video was a winner too :)
hahhah!!! so you’ve also come across this one…this one made me laugh so hard i was crying too. really very funny.
MM, so it’s not only Filipinos who sing ‘sounds like’ lyrics! hahaha. Katrina, that was hilarious as well. But nothin beats the Indian Nipple Song-
Omigoose! Ha ha ha! I really loooved it. Thanks, MM!
iba na ba ngayon ang english language?now,that video really woke me`s six in the morning here and that was more potent than a cup of coffe.he, he
ken leeee ken leeee, animor… bwahahahaha…..
Ken Lee is the shizzz!
Ken Leeeeee…. Tulubu dibu douchooooo. Ken leeeeeeee-e-e-e-e!!!!
*** laughing uncontrollably ***
Hahahaha…..I think I better start bastardising my got this one on youtube and another one the country’s rep to miss world…hahaha
Thank you sooooo much!!!!!
Cant help but share it with my friends too!
Whew! That took off the stress for the day!
OMG!!! its hilarious. . . i thought only us Filipinos do the “sounds like”. . . HAHAHA :D and shes even sure that what she sang is english. . . hehehe
juskuday! hahaha!
She did well and give justice to Mariah Carey – phonetically sounds correct and hilarious!
Panalo pa rin si Alyssa Alano! :)
Ken Leee was really funny…
and our local version is too (really pathetic, though, if u think about it).
grabe, this is too funny! forwarded it to all my friends. thanks, MM!
she’s soo funny! the video came just in time, i just had a bad call, so all i can think of now, is how funny she is! :)
I am glad you guys found it as amusing as I did. I tracked the hits on that video in the past 12 hours and it has gotten over 100,000 views in 12 hours! Outrageous. Maybe I should just do silly videos of cooking pinoy dishes to increase the viewership of…. hahahaha!!!
it was english… we had an understanding… she was singing to me…
Videos of cooking pinoy dishes is not a bad idea MM…
Here’s a sample cooking video: “White guy cooking adobo manok speaking tagalog”
this is hilarious!!!
MM, and all, I want to share these with you:
1)you probably have seen this years back– it’s one of the best ads i’ve seen:
2) here are some more: hope you enjoy them
Please do not remove this entry, there are so many links contributed by readers and maybe there will be more if this thread stays.
that was hilarious!
This woman reminds me of how my 2 year-old son sings… nag iimbento rin itong toddler ko basta katunog, yun na hahahaha…
this has an all star cast
To all you catholics out there, try out this link for a great laugh.
now we all know why youtube is viral….
OMG! i’m here at the library and i can’t stifle my laughter! i hate you, MM! so funny!
Lex, that was hilarious as well and Lee, I enjoyed sarah silverman on jimmy kimmel video…they are all so funny! this is a fun way to end a stressful week…Thanks so much!
@lee,I enjoyed sarah silverman’s ******matt damon video…thanks for sharing!!!!
We’re having LSS (last song syndrome) now for Ken Lee! Hahaha!
“What language is that” “English” — Hilarious!! :)
my friend isy sent me this link which has the latest (*ahem*) version:
surprise! surprise! :-)
the lady is valentina kazan. unfortunately there aren’t any English subtitles so we can’t understand the initial interview.