In the Afterglow…


I still had a bit of a buzz early this morning, after two holiday dinners at home in a row, and when I took a look at the bottles of bubbly and wine we consumed between say 25 people, only 18 of whom drank more than the champagne at the opening toast, I wasn’t surprised at all… And that photo doesn’t include doubles and triples from the first evening, they had been disposed of before we could think to add them to this photo… Guests were emailed a menu a few days before, and they all figured out what wine to bring along to pair with the food. Let’s just say everyone seemed to have had a really good time. :)


There is a need for a few hours to recover after a week long, but totally enjoyable marathon to prep for the meals, so I’ll leave you with two links here and here to Downton Abbey spoofs sent to me by one of the dinner guests last night. They are totally worth watching if you are a fan of the show and just pining away for the Christmas Special in a few more days. In the meantime, stay tuned for a chance to win roundtrip tickets from Manila to Cebu and free meals at Zubuchon and an overnight hotel stay as a thank you from Marketman & Zubuchon to all of you out there. Yup, it’s totally free. :)


18 Responses

  1. Happy Holidays MM to you and your family, looks like a good time was had by all : ) my kind of holiday party

  2. Just saw the famous Zubuchon being eaten by hungry inmates at Jessica Soho. Have a Merry ChristmasnMarketman and family.

  3. Can u pls post your menus? Planning on a new menu for Christmas dinner. Need to check your archives for turkey recipe.

  4. Looking forward to all your holidays post MM especially the baked and sweet goodies.
    My hubby and I have never been to Cebu so i’m excited to join the raffle…:)

  5. Happy holidays MM, Mrs MM, and the Lady! The same goes to all the readers and the little community of comment-ers (is that even a word?) whom I consider my online family. A toast to one and all ;)

  6. Blessed Christmas to everyone in this ‘family’
    MM – hope the former Teen is now with her mom and dad for the holidays.

  7. Seeing the tag line and the initial pic, I was thinking this was a post about AFS :)…not.