I Like It! I Like It!

Heehee. I was just so relieved that the site was live and functioning when I woke up this morning… Thank you KN for your stealthy midnight migration! The site is exactly what I was hoping for! For readers, here is a summary of changes that are visible to you:

1. The page is wider, which makes reading the text a little easier, I think. The fonts are cleaner and clearer. The photos can now be wider, giving me the option to post slightly newer shapes and configurations, when I figure that all out.
2. The logo and the name “Market Manila” has been updated, and presented in a larger format.
3. The photos of produce at the top of the page have expanded, with my new favorite the crab, along with a fresh kasoy fruit, amongst the images. They appear randomly, so I have been madly clicking on pages to check out the different photos.
4. The comments are now numbered, and each comment is alternatively shaded or with a white background. And only comments from Marketman are highlighted in green… to make it easier to find if I have weighed in on anything. Also, though it is imperfect at the moment, the comments will put your general location (country) whenever it can figure that out.
5. Comments will be automatically shut down after 90 days from the time a post was written, this to help with traffic/processing/huh? from the back end. We will revisit this to see if it is reasonable or not…
6. The biggest changes will be in the ways you hunt through the archives… the categories have been expanded, tags will be added and there are several ways into the archives and older posts, however, AND THIS IS A BIG CAVEAT, it will take me a month or two to go through 2,300 posts to re-categorize and tag them. But I tried doing a few this morning, then googled the topic, and I consistently showed up in the first page of google results, so I am psyched as that means it will be easier for new or casual googlers to find the site.
7. Also, at the bottom of the home page, are new things, like the most popular posts, though these are ranked by number of comments, not hits I suspect, and are skewed to newer posts rather than older ones. Also, my tweets are summarized there, and you can sign up for them on Twitter.
8. I am struggling with the latest version of WordPress, and publishing a post is a little more complicated than I am used to, also adding photos seem surprisingly more cumbersome now. So give me a few weeks to get used to everything, I am slow on the technology uptake, if you know what I mean.
9. Meanwhile, if you notice any bugs, leave me a comment so we can see if they can be fixed.



55 Responses

  1. I love it!the kasuy looks weird though. haven’t seen the crab. been staring at it for a while now. yeah, the kasuy is giving me the creeps. it doesn’t fit it. market manila 2.0!

  2. I LIKE IT TOO!! Feels like an almost seamless transition. I’ll wait a while for the tagging to see how it goes, but already, the archives are much easier to navigate.

    Well done, so far.

  3. Love it! I love the green font, looks fresh and pops out, love the pictures up top, almost looks 3D.

  4. Very Nice!!!!!!!!!! Love the clean look and new typeface.
    Just wondering, under what category do we look for desserts like your flan and preserves?

  5. Very nice! Still has all the features I like plus all these improvements. Congratulations and thanks to whoever helped you put everything together.

  6. Lex, I believe there is a category for desserts and snacks, it just doesn’t show as I haven’t re-tagged any desserts yet… over the next few weeks, more and more old posts will be re-tagged or classified and hopefully the archives will be complete in a month or two.

  7. I love the alternating white and gray backgrounds in the comments section! It’s so much easier on the eyes.

    Oh by the way, the crab gave me a slight shock when I saw it. Hahaha.

  8. Congratulations!I like the new feature of being able to edit your comment in 10 mins!As always, great blog, actually,even better now!

  9. Superb! Looks neat and the links at the bottom makes navigation more quicker. I’ll follwo you on twitter!

  10. Nice! Although Im still getting used to it… And I tried it on my moblie – its better (fonts are bigger) to read it now… Great job! :)

  11. Congratulations on the new look! (The crab also gave me a bit of a shock..hehe) I’m already following you on Twitter. Love your blog, more power to you MM!

  12. Better format overall, the only negative is it seems it’s taking much longer for the website to load initially and when making a search thereafter.

  13. The changes are really nice, specially when it gives you time to edit your comments before it gets posted.

  14. Just noticed from my previous post that my country of origin is in Singapore. I’m actually in in Makati. Is there anyway i can correct this?

  15. portugalbear, I gather the location is based on ISP information, and so I gather if your company uses a Singapore registered ISP, that would automatically register. A few folks in the Philippines working with foreign business processing centers, banks, call centers, etc. will have inaccurate locations. But for 90+% of the commenters, it should be accurate. If you would like sign on with “portugalbear, Makati” but the Singapore will remain after that… sorry, but I don’t know how to adjust it on an individual basis.

  16. Kudos to the new site look! Its a really modern and clean design. And i believe the new and improved categories will be a huge, huge help now that Christmas is approaching.

    Btw I’m from the Philippines, seems to me like our ISP is from US…