Hydrangeas in Bloom…


Milflores or Hydrangeas have been featured often on this blog before. In the past few years, growers have propagated more localized (smaller bloom) strains of this wonderful plant. In addition, King Louis Farms from the North (Bulacan and Baguio) and Puentespina Farms from the South (Davao) have also raised beautiful large hybrid varieties for commercial sale. The latter versions have large blooms and most often in blues, purples and pinks. While many consider hydrangeas a fickle cut flower due to its propensity to wilt and (apparently) die quickly when cut, I still count these flowers as one of the house favorites. They have robust blooms, fill a room with color and are relatively economical compared to other cut flowers. A few stems of hydrangeas can fill a medium sized vase and if cared for properly, last up 6-7 days in our warm weather…


In the last couple of years, I have opted to buy the whole plant rather than cut flowers, so that I can decide when to cut the blooms and to maximize its cut lifespan. As a result, I have dozens and dozens of plants that are “decapitated” and would otherwise die if not for our trusty part-time gardener… He has persevered with these plants that prefer cooler climates and has managed to grow an entire hedge about 10 feet long out of dozens and dozens of potted hydrangeas I have purchased and “decapitated” over the years. Situated near the laundry area, it is constantly wet (which the plants need) and in a reasonably cool part of the garden. His care and the wet rainy season and cooler temperatures recently have resulted in a Makati gardening miracle…


At the moment, we have three blooms of hydrangeas in the garden! They are quite substantial in size and gorgeous. This is only the second or third time he has managed to coax these blossoms… so it deserves a post, I think. Even if they don’t bloom, the plants have really vibrant foliage so they make a nice ornamental plant hedge. And in case you are wondering what those leaves are that Ina Garten (Barefoot Contessa) always uses to freshen up her buffet platters of desserts, fruits and other foods, they are actually hydrangea leaves…they are lush and green and last a long time without wilting. Oh, and in the corner of that last photo, notice the Kid’s dog wondering what all the fuss is about… maybe it was her “fertilizer” that made this all happen!

For other hydrangea/milflores posts, click the following:

King Louis Flowers and Plants
Milflores or Mophead Hydrangeas
Flowers for Public Spaces
Hydrangeas in Squash
Flowers and Food for Multiple Events
The Blue Dinner
The Ultimate Crabby Dinner
Table Dressing a la Marketman
“Perfect” Milflores/Hydrangeas
Flower Arrangements for $3.89 each
Abundant Hydrangeas
Wedding Flowers
The New York Wholesale Flower Market


17 Responses

  1. Congratulations! I’ve always wanted to have this but doesn’t have enough courage to nurture one. You inspire me!

  2. Wow, lowland blooms. I only ever see this in bloom in Tagaytay or Baguio. Pogi points for gardener.

    Are these edible? (Referring to Ina Garten’s use of the leaves.)

  3. Nearly didn’t notice her in the picture, she sort of camouflages, like a tiger!

    A favorite road of mine in San Francisco has hedges and hedges of blooming hydrangeas. They are a gorgeous sight, so robust, and generous.

  4. For the past two All Souls’ Days, my mom has been purchasing milflores/hydrangea plants to bring to the cemetery instead of the usual cut flowers. Then afterwards she gives the plants to us. We’ve kept most of them in pots and planted some in our garden and although the leaves are healthy, we haven’t succeeded in making them bloom yet. Perhaps your gardener has some tips he can share, MM? Did he put fertilizer?

  5. I also love hydrangeas/milflores. I was able to buy four plants in AANI market and I arranged them in our patio together with some orchids. Ang ganda tingnan. :-) I also a fan of ina garten. I love her house, her blooms, her plants, her food…Hhayy How i wish I could have a house like that and also have her talent in whipping great dishes for her family and friends.

  6. You have a very healthy looking hydrangea hedge. Mine has just shed the last bunch of flowers and getting all geared up for the cooler days of winter. I trimmed then short to force more foliage and hopefully earlier flower shoots. What do I know? I operate on pure passion, and if there is some science to it, then great. Hydrangeas thrive better near the pond, I observed, and like generous watering and good soil drainage. you also have the white variety that eludes my “sort of green” thumb (or fingers. If you get enough white blooms, they would look great on your Christmas table, eh? Been enjoying your posts and your admirable sense of goodwill and charity. Makes me guilty for not posting lately. Sorry. I will catch up soon. Darn, if I were nearer, I would have lined up for those shirts. Those cloth totes are all the rage in stores. They are offering similar totes to purchase as alternatives to the plastic bags (think carbon footprint, the phrase of the moment). Enjoy your holidays as I slave over a dozen Cornish hens. I am not doing turkey this year ;).

  7. they are really beautiful, my mother went crazy over these milflores and bought 2 potted plants (white and lavander in color) and i fell in love with it also… but once the flowers withered she can’t make them bloom anymore. any other tips how to make this beauties blossom? sorry i know this is a food blog :)

  8. your gem of a gardener deserves the post –gem because he succeeded in making the hydrangeas bloom in polluted makati!
    please ask him how he did that . . . and let us with less green thumbs know . thanks

  9. Its funny my maiden’s name is Miraflores.. and I thought for a while..this flower is spelled this way. Anyway, Hydrangeas makes me home sick for North Carolina where I stayed for 2 1/2 years. We rented a house in the “boondocks” district of Jacksonville, surrounded by corn field, cows, horses, turkey farm, barns, creeks, and huge pine trees all over. At the house itself are 4 hydrangeas shrub, which blooms great but not as profusely as my neighbors (theirs are undescribable). I believe its the weather in NC. As for Philippine’s propagation, I did not know it can survive there, I would ask my hipag to look for a plant to buy and when I go there this summer.. its like going to NC again..

  10. i love hydrangeas!! beautiful when it blooms in the spring into summer. It was the flower during my wedding 5 years ago.

  11. My hydrangeas had a ton of early blooms, but they didn’t develop. They dried out and fell off. Only a few flowers grew around the edge of the bloom. What did I do wrong?

  12. I just bought milflores from Baclaran at 75 and 120 per pot, the vendor said that I put them in a shaded area and to water at least twice a day, I spray water on the leaves and flowers every now and then, I hope they survive cause I am planning to buy more, they really look beautiful in my garden.

  13. Love hydrangeas. Also saw Barefoot Contessa uses the leaves to decorate her platters. did that myself for a platter I brought along to a party and was informed that the leaves (and buds) of hydrangeas are poisonous. couldn’t believe this since the contessa used and suggested them. However I googled and TRUE they ARE POISONOUS. Ugh!

  14. Hi people

    As newly registered user i only wanted to say hello to everyone else who uses this board B-)