How Convenient…


My favorite sign from a my weekend trip to Bantayan Island, Northern Cebu. Hahaha. Wait till you see some of the seafood shots from this recent trip!


15 Responses

  1. In small communities things do get cozy. That’s why municipal signage reminds me of Bill Maher’s musings about sex where he wondered why nature would juxtapose waste disposal and recreational area.

  2. Would have been more convenient if the slaughter house came first. Now one has to backtrack .6 Km!:)

  3. Connie, .06 kilometer, but yes, that’s because they want to show you where you are going to end up before the slaughtering. Footloose, I couldn’t STOP laughing for a good minute after reading that comment! My sense of humor last night as I faced the loss of all comments on this site were well deep in the waste disposal area.

  4. If you remember the movie Soylent Green with Charleston Heston then yes, the cemetery would come first followed by the slaughter house.

  5. LIKE!!! hahaha… this made my day… i wonder what is between the 600-meter stretch of the cemetery and slaughterhouse… just musing… hehehe… :D

  6. Proper zoning is the BIG problem in our country. Seems like our government is not educated about this.

  7. MM, am watching at AFC (Asian Food Channel) the Amazing Food Challenge wherein you demo on how to cook a lechon belly… wow salivating…

  8. The cemetery comes first in case the animal to be slaughtered dies en-route. :-)
    Or maybe the cemetery had a few cases in the past where the bodies suddenly sprung back to life and had to be dealt with accordingly.