Holiday Dinner 2012.1 – The Setting…


Our first holiday dinner of the season was for twelve good friends, from at least four different faiths (Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu) and varying dietary considerations. Regulars on this blog will have seen table settings like this before, but we do try to do something a little different each year… Our first dinner table was done in holiday red. Just deep red roses in crystal vases spread out over the length of the table.


Cream beeswax candles in crystal candle holders. White crocheted christmas tree ornaments (hardened with glue, I think) were re-purposed from a few years ago to add some contrast to the red tablecloth. Snowflakes seemed out of sync with the hot weather outdoors, but it looked nice enough…


Wine and champagne glasses out in full force.


White limoges (restaurant line) china with silver cutlery and red linen damask tablecloth and napkins, the latter two presents from Sister over the years. Wood table lined in thin foam and the tablecloth ironed in place to ensure minimal creasing and good sound absorption. Ready, set, go… :)


19 Responses

  1. Lovely like always! I like the crochet snowflakes…it adds a ‘rustic’ touch to an elegant setting(:

  2. Wow! Everything looks perfect. The ornaments were a nice touch. What’s the silver item near the top of the plates, name card holder?

  3. Wow! Very classy! Can you tell us what were served in each glasses?
    I bet the hardened crochets were originally intended to hang on Xmas tree? Or are they coasters?
    Is there a rule as to how to put the spoon and forks? Because I always put mine facing upward

  4. A says: Mukang state dinner ang setting na ito a.
    B replies: Hindi, e bakit walang steak knife?

  5. Footloose, hahaha, if guests didn’t feel compelled to wear shoes, we would have eaten barefoot. And there are steak knives… :) Betchay, meal and wine coming up. Yes, the crocheted ornaments were for a tree, given to us years ago. I removed the strings that hang them up and used them on the table. Spoons and forks are set European style, because European sets of silver have the design/borloloy on the “back” so the utensils are set “upside down”… no big significance to it. Sort of like the difference with eating with a fork in your left hand… when one brings it to their mouth, do the tines face down or up? Not a big deal really. You’ll notice on other dinner settings in the blog, the cutlery faces up…

  6. friedneurons, in developed western countries such as yours, they have what are called table liners, often with felt backs that serve the same purpose… :) You can get them in places like Bed, Bath & Beyond. But because our dining table is an unusual size, I had to find something that would do the same thing, so I purchased very thin packing foam and tape it to the table (underneath) to ensure that it remains flat, then put a tablecloth on top of it. What results is the feel of a luxurious starred restaurant’s tables… when you put your silverware down it is slightly cushioned… :)

  7. Skye, sharp eyes, we ran out of that large red wine glass, so that space set for someone who doesn’t drink much, and probably won’t need one… :)

  8. Beautiful! The crocheted ornaments could have been starched. Went to a friend’s house and her mom crocheted table runners with flower type patterns around the edges that were strangely stiff and upright (I was really young then) and she told me her mom uses starch in order for the flowers to look 3D : )

  9. I have always loved the silver,dinnerwares, crystals and kitchen items that you post. I was wondering what is your take/opinion on melamine dinnerwares? I grew up using melamine dinnerware. My mom liked them because they were light, easy to clean, microwaveable and sturdy ( we often dropped them as kids and they did not break). My only thing against them is they stain and they look unpretty. When i recently went to a Williams Sonoma store and saw their melamine ware i never thought that melamine can be real pretty (and expensive! I thought since they were plastics they would not cost as much as glass, stone or porcelain ware)! Now I am wondering if it is worth investing in one since we have chipped and broken too many dinner plates =)