Have a Good Easter Holiday Break…


Not quite a shroud. More like an old chaise lounge cushion laid right by the pool. I was flipping through a cookbook after a dip in the pool and left this impression. :) We tend to hate crowds and the inevitable traffic that come with them, so we got a jump start on the throngs of people who make the exodus from the city to the sea shore… We left for the beach on Monday and just got back to the city earlier today (in record time and no traffic), after passing one procession that meant we had SERIOUS BLOOD SPLATTERS all over one side of our vehicle. I was amazed they still do that re-enactment of self flagellation in this day and age, but kudos to the volunteer sinners is all I can say. Let’s not go there.

We hope you enjoy the Easter holidays however you individually chose to do that. I miss the days when our daughter was young and we decorated easter eggs and organized elaborate egg hunts on Easter Sunday (wasn’t it always Easter Monday when YOU were growing up? who changed that?). Or earlier than that, attending masses where folks still got dressed up (including some in foreign countries with easter bonnets or hats were still in vogue). I also distinctly recall fainting and being literally dragged out on the main aisle of the Baguio Cathedral by my mother one Easter mass when I was say 8 years old, how embarrassing is that? I was revived with a cold bottle of coke in the parking lot. :) This year we are home alone, and will be joining friends for lunch on Easter. But we will be sending good vibes to our daughter, who as a freshman in college, has been given the highly unusual honor of covering the 137th Annual Easter Egg Roll on the South lawn of the White House on Monday, the 6th of April 2015 for her school newspaper. She called to say her security hurdles (she is a foreigner with no social security number) had just cleared and her press pass was ready to join the thousands of folks who will hunt for easter eggs and play games with the President and First Lady as hosts. I have to email her that all that training as a kid in our backyard should come in handy if she is to manage getting one of the coveted white house eggs on Monday. Hahaha. She’s there with a camera and pen and pad, but Dad wants her to elbow eager 4-year olds from large bushes to find a special egg, and better still get a selfie with the President or the First Lady… She has about a 1/3,500 chance of that happening. I would just be worried that with thousands of guests for the day, my wonderful lawn is going to be seriously trampled on, and STAY CLEAR OF THE ROSE BUSHES!!! :) Happy Easter to you all!

If you search easter/eggs/meals on marketmanila that will take you to nearly a dozen old posts on easter eggs, candies, cookies, goodies and meals…


15 Responses

  1. Such awesomeness for the Teen..Congratulations.. The White House !! With her writing skills which she inherit from you..there is no question about it that she will be going to high places.Enjoy Easter Sunday

  2. Blessed Easter to MM and family and the MM community! I am so excited for the Teen, maybe she might beat the odds and have a picture with the Obamas !!

  3. I loved watching people getting carried away when I was really young reporting to mother whatever happened with appropriate comments as to whether they were convincing or not. Observed early on that fainters do not usually lose all consciousness. They could always sense when their footwear falls by the wayside and were quick to tell the bearers. Mother thought I was going to grow up to earn my living as a journalist.

    In the April heat of the Tropics, I can understand penitents being alternately flogged and ventilated in my hometown. What I could not understand was the ones I thought were the real bad characters were not the ones atoning for their sins.

    In a fit of ambition this week, I candied orange, lemon and ruby grapefruit peel which all kept their beautiful colour and turned out truly outstanding in the absence of bitterness. Will use some for kougelhopf for Sunday. Happy Easter everyone.

  4. Footloose, some hot cross buns as well perhaps? Btw, Sister and I are notorious fainters in our early years, and frankly, even our later years. I once fainted (but was also sick with the flu, in down coat) in a hot Green Line Boston T and woke up on a bench in the next station with a kind elderly lady fanning me and making sure I came to before she left on her way… Welcome back.

  5. MM I am sure the heart is swelling with pride..so happy for the teen, or dare I say Woman!

  6. Maybe because there’s work in Easter Monday so they hold the event on Sunday instead.

  7. Lucky Teen but I guess she earned it! MM, it really amazes me how you maintain such beautiful tiles! :)

    Happy Easter everyone!

  8. Betchay, they are Indonesian sandstone, and require no maintenance really… just don’t spill soy sauce on them as they are simply sanded and barely sealed after 15 years in place… they have a very smooth feel and cool to the touch and we love them. We insisted on their use after we spent many years in Indonesia and saw them in use there…

  9. Happy and excited for Teen. When my 2 girls were young’ings, hubby stay home while we go church. He will then hide the eggs. Upon arriving home, the girls ran to the yard (or whatever green patch we have in rental places we’ve moved), and search for eggs. Now we do it indoors for the grandkids .

    After Easter, I buy these plastic eggs on sale (n jelly beans too), and send them to my children’s ministry in Quezon. Then when I get there in May, I use them as gifts/tokens for the students. I include 5.00 peso coin too.

  10. Happy Easter MM, Mrs MM. and to the Teen/YoungWoman, Goodluck on the DC easter egg hunt!

  11. Nice first entry in the WH for the Teen. One small step, but a giant opportunity in the making nonetheless. It may just be the beginning of an illustrious career covering the future POTUS. :) Congrats and Happy Easter to all.

  12. La Emperor, our current brainless obsession is the television program “Scandal”. It sounds so utterly not me, but I have watched every episode since it started once our daughter got us hooked on it. Hahaha. Olivia Pope is the best. :)

  13. Haha…You’re funny MM. It is not “brainless” when you’re getting entertained. :) There are far worse TV shows nowadays which could disable your brain cells permanently…hehe