Happy New Year!!!


Happy New Year to all marketmanila sukis and lurkers!!! I’m sure you’ve noticed the subdued pace of posts, comments and activity on the blog for the past week or so. Marketman & Family were away on holiday in Cambodia and Vietnam, but we are back from a wonderful trip and even managed to catch the fantastic free fireworks in Makati, with a vantage point directly under the exploding pyrotechnics!

While we were traipsing through temples in Siem Reap, several folks texted us to say they had seen the World Cafe Asia episode with Bobby Chinn in Manila, including a segment with Marketman & friends, but the producers have yet to get back to me to say whether the episode was already officially aired as part of the new season… I don’t have a DVD of the episode and haven’t seen it yet, so stay tuned for more. The episode was run very early morning after Christmas Day sometime and I couldn’t find any reference to it on the Discovery Travel & Living TV schedule so this is all pretty mysterious to me. But I wasn’t dreaming in Cambodia, a few of our guests at the merienda filmed for the program also received texts from friends saying they were “spotted” on television that day… heehee. I hope there is a replay. :)

Also, another super alert reader (or rabid Bourdain fan?) sent me this link to the one minute “commercial” for the new season of Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations television program that has a scant second or two glimpse with Marketman in Cebu… I must admit, I was stunned to see this, and I am a bit freaked out (or giddy with anticipation?) by the actual contents of the final edited episode of the Philippines trip, which should air in a few weeks or so… will also keep you posted on dates and times if I get them beforehand…

Let me take this chance to greet you all a very Happy New Year and I hope that 2009 is a good one for you and your family… We are away from our desks again for a few more days… please browse the archives if you are bored. :)


56 Responses

  1. a wonderful new year to you, mrs. mm & of course, the teen … :)

    good health, good wealth & good life…. of course, good food. :)


  2. Happy New Year to you and your family, MM!

    I hope you post plenty of pics from Vietnam and Cambodia. Those are the 2 places I’d really like to visit. I’m sure you’ll let us know how well you liked the food :)


    Looking forward to an exciting 2009!

  4. happy new year, MM,mrs MM and the teen…..looking forward to an exciting 2009 with you…..

  5. happy new year to you, Marketman, Mrs. Marketman and The Teen! Also to all the readers of this blog. God bless!

  6. Happy new year to you MM, Mrs MM, Teen And the crew

    God bless you all! looking forward to a more recipe try out in 2009

  7. Happy new year MM, Mrs. MM, Teen, crew!
    Do you think they used the Cebu section as a teaser for the new season? They didn’t list the Philippines in the places they were featuring (I saw Venice, Azores, Mexico).

  8. mabungahong bag-ong tuig kanatong tanan! the new season of No Reservations will air on the 5th of January @ 10pm central time and im so excited. my hubby and i are waiting for the philippines episode with great anticipation.

  9. Happy new year to MM, Mrs. MM and Teen!

    God Bless and may the new year bring more exciting and interesting posts! =)

  10. Happy New Year MM & Family!

    Mila: from the youtube video they mentioned Philippines after mentioning Mexico, Azores and Venice

  11. Happy New Year to you and your family, MM! I’d definitely watch out for the Philippines episode of No Reservations. Can’t wait! :D

  12. HAPPY NEW YEAR, MM, Mrs. MM and the TEEN. May you have a great a new year ahead, more blessings and more posts!

  13. Happy New Year Marketman.
    You’re blog is such a gift to us readers. It should have a badge stating “Proudly Pinoy!” because it does inspire us to be proud of Pinas and of being Pinoys.

    More power! Can’t wait for the suprises that await us readers in 2009. :)

  14. I did check out the No Reservations teaser (v.2) and the Philippines was there! And you were very recognizable in that 3 sec or so exposure. Happy New Year to all!

  15. Happy New Year to you MM and family, and a Happy New Year to all readers and lurkers! Blessings :)

  16. Happy new year Marketmanila and family!!!!!!! i love vietnam…did you try the pho 2000? can’t wait for your posts re:vietnam and cambodia.

  17. Rose, I promised to get you the street address of the special bun bo hue stall near Mac Din Chi St. on my last trip to HCMC in November but I didn’t have a chance. Anyway, the best pho place in HCMC is Pho Hoa at 260 Pasteur St., not Pho 2000.

  18. HAPPY NEW YEAR to MM and Family, and to the regulars of this site!!! hope you all had a wonderful celebration! may 2009 bring us all stability, contentment and more beautiful posts from Market Manila!!!

  19. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO MM & Family Looking forward to an exciting year of new adventures and more food finds

  20. MM! wasn’t able to go to the pick up points while I was there (I underestimated how hectic a wedding is!) and so :(

    Can I just deposit to the account? Is there a deadline for deposits bec I’m not sure when I can do this…or is this a year-round charity? Thanks and Happy New Year to everyone!

  21. Happy New Year, all! I’m looking forward to MarketMan’s posts about his recent travels and food adventures.

  22. happy new year mm and other mm-readers! looking forward to your posts on your culinary adventures in cambodia and laos =)

  23. I hope you had a fantastic New Year’s celebration, MM! And that you have an amazing 2009 ahead.

    Vietnam and Cambodia are where I most want to go next, and in fact, we were supposed to go last October. It didn’t push through, but I’m hoping to take the trip this year. So I’m very much looking forward to your posts on the sights and the food! Maybe our trip was *meant* to be postponed, so that I could take advantage of the insights I’ll glean from you! :-)

  24. Hello, Market Man!
    What a great blog site! I can’t wait to visit again and learn more Filipino dishes. I’m a Pinay, too, I hailed from Novaliches, QC! Hope you’ll visit my blog soon!

  25. A very HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, MM and to your family and all your crew…and to EVERYBODY!

    May the food loving community you have brought together continue to grow and grow and grow …..

  26. happy new year!

    every foodie out there who haven’t gone yet to Vietnam, find time to go! one of the best places to eat, eat,eat and be merry!

  27. Happy New Year! I can’t wait to see this No Reservations episode! I am also giddy with anticipation! Thanks MM for keeping up this website! Looking forward to 2009!

  28. Marketman,

    Joyful 2009 to you! I must say that you made my trip to Manila so memorable with your blog. I was able to experience places that are foreign even to the locals. Thank you so much! I loved Salcedo Market and took home not only goodies but shopped like it was my last day on earth. The lechon from Cebu was yummy. The budbud, warm piyaya that I hand carried, the budbud and the puto manapla was even heaven to my Ilonggo dad. My family lives in Cavite so we hit LZM as we headed to Tagaytay. This will be a usual eatery fot them as they are so close.

    I took home so much memories. Thanks for your passion as it touches people. It surely touched mine :)


  29. Happy new year, everyone! MM, I’m glad you visited Cambodia and Vietnam which are among my favourite countries. Cambodia I have visited several times over the years and was the first country I fell in love with, so much soul. And I lived in Hanoi for a year so Vietnam is also close to my heart. I look forward to reading about your discoveries in these countries.

  30. Can’t wait to read about your experience! cambodia is one of the best places I’ve been in, so photogenic. Hope you had the chance to visit Halong Bay in Vietnam, it’s gorgeous. Happy New Year!