Happy Father’s Day!


You just gotta love it. A bit over the top and not a vanity plate I would have on my car, but amusing nonetheless. My favorite vanity plate of all time was one on a red ferrari that we spotted on the tri-borough bridge into Manhattan that read “RUNVIOUS” and I didn’t get it for a few seconds until I smiled and thought “Are you envious?” and said “YESIAM”… I was in my twenties then. This plate photographed in Cape Town a couple of weeks ago.

BTW, for the ENGLISH majors out there, is it Happy Father’s Day or is it Happy Fathers Day?!


17 Responses

  1. I got excited, akala ko gift ni Mrs MM and the teen para sa iyo. My super wonderful husband gifted me my first C220 MB when I was 46 (1996). I ordered a plate “GROVER 1” . I only have 23 thousand miles up to this days as I don’t drive it often. We have 3 other vehicles to use.
    HAPPY FATHER’S DAY MM. Bless your heart always for being a great DAD!!!!

  2. Im no English major but me thinks it should be Happy Fathers Day. HFD to you MM!

  3. I saw a really nice sporty type mb driven by a lady maybe in her forties
    and the plate says “not his”. This was in Edmonton, Canada.

  4. Happy Fathers’ Day, MM and to all Marketmanila readers :)

    I would think “Father’s” is correct if you are referring to your own Dad… And assuming you had only one.

    “Fathers'” if you are referring to all fathers everywhere.

    Eagerly awaiting a correction from Footloose. Hahaha!

  5. I’m going to create my own English and say “fatherday”. Speaking of English, why is a capital alphabet employed when the word is used as an adjective? Eg: “I ate English muffins.” Why shouldn’t it be english instead of English?

  6. No English major here either as witness mine errors caught only after the edit period has expired and what’s more, consider correcting strangers rude. They would have been more explicit as in All Saints’ Day if they wanted the plural.

    I hiked to the mountains with my dad on weekends throughout high school where his dispersed interest for everything seemed to have rubbed off on me. He was not financially successful due mostly to too many scruples but he loved reading and did it wisely and too well.

    AMIENVIOUS? Well, no, but I can’t help but get residual satisfaction from instances of ironic justice that seem to be meted out in daily life:

  7. Not an English major but I would say it should be ‘Fathers’ Day’, i.e., araw ng mga tatay. So the word ‘Father’ should be plural. :D

  8. MM…it’s our day, we own it like mothers on Mother’s Day owns theirs, so it’s Father’s Day. It’s funny though that we have no problem with seating at restaurants as they are not as full as on the better half’s day.

  9. Lic plate on a Ferrari seen 20+ years ago in California: A4RE4ME. Wonder if the owner kept the plates.