Gourdo’s Offers a Discount for MM Eyeball Guests!


The management of Gourdo’s has contacted me to let me know that they are offering a one-time 5% discount on items at their Fort store or at the restaurant, good through the end of November. This offer is good for anyone who attended the Eyeball on November 4th… please just mention your name (or nickname on the site), the eyeball and you will receive the discount! Isn’t that just nice of them? Shucks, and I went shopping the week before the eyeball! I guess I will just have to go back again and have a great pizza as well. They have terrific Lodge cast iron pans in stock, great baking equipment, gifts for the holidays, oddly, some terrific candy/stocking stuffers for the kids, etc. On my last shopping trip there, I got silicone brushes for the barbecue and pastry, I found lemon wraps and cheesecloth (which is HARD to find in Manila generally… Many thanks to Chris and Gourdo’s for this kind offer!


10 Responses

  1. Shocks! I missed the sale of the year just bec I didnt attend your EB…..wah wah wah…
    Anyway, happy to hear such good news from you. For all those who attend, care to share with me? :p

  2. Wonderful EB Night aftermath – the fun has nine lives. Kudos to MM and Chris for this deal.

  3. What GREAT news!! Thanks to you MM and Chris – thanks for being so generous!! :) See you soon when I drop by!! Cheers!!

    P.S. – I love Gourdo’s Pizzas!

  4. I know someone that crazily insists that every time you shop during a sale you’re actually saving money. (If you shop till you literally drop, you’ll make a fortune!).

    I generally dislike shopping, but in the case of Gourdo’s, I’m prepared to apply the same irrational line of thought. =)

  5. I’ve been thinking about returning to Gourdo’s for more of the delicious food we had at the EB, and this discount gives me a great excuse to do so soon. I have to say, that’s a fantastic idea, Chris! You clearly know how to market your restaurant — give them a good taste, then give them a reason to come back for more. Thanks! :-)