Marketman is a well-traveled management consultant who loves buying, cooking and eating good food. Read more »
149 Responses
Cute! And I must say, well-coordinated :)
And the Xmas season has truly begun. It’s a number I am sure that will be replicated at parties across the country this year.
Merry Christmas to the team at Zubuchon!
Haha! I got the password (bond!). I was actually prepping myself for the countless gangnam style presentations this season.
Merry Christmas to you, your family and your team!
I dare say the moves were BOLD! Congratulations, MM. What would have we to pay to see the video?
Just one the countless reasons, why we go back again and again and again to read your posts!
Merry Christmas to the Marketmanila family!
upload the live video hurry.. hehehe.
Yey, what a dance routine, your practice paid off!!!
cant wait for the pictures of the Christmas party
Would love to watch the video :D.
Total laugh trip. Kudos MM, for being such a sport. I’d like to hold off on the “well-coordinated” compliment til I see a video, though. ;-) (I kid, I just wanna see the video. Based on the pics, looks like you all were in sync. Galing!)
Merry Xmas, to you and your team, MM! And to all the readers out there too.
Hilariously amazing! hehehehe :-)
My first time to cry on out of sheer delight :)
you wore a yellow wig MM!! naki gangnam!!!
Haha, ikaw na Sir Marketman, that suit is indeed cheesy but totally appropriate for gangnam style. Merry Christmas to your family and crew!
BTW i wish there was another compilation of all BettyQ’s recipe/comments here, they’ve really helped me prepare for the holidays…
Looking good MM! I’m sure your crew were delighted with how game you were. Christmas parties are the only time we can see our bosses let loose so it’s something we look forward to.
Three words: balls of steel! :D
hilarious! what a great boss you are!
Soon as I saw the first picture I laughed out loud! Great job MM! And yes, the pictures showed your coordination — such dedication! :D
Oh, and pahabol lang, from the look on your face in each of the pictures, talagang todo-bigay! Kudos to you again MM, your Chief of Stuff, and your backup dancers :D
The ultimate tribute to PSYs “Dress classy, Dance cheesy” philosophy!
Oh. My. Gawwwwwwwd. I am sitting here howling with laughter. You’re a good sport, MM.
You are commendable, MM – to go through all that for the success of the party. What fun you must have with the rest of the gang.
Have a merry, merry Christmas to all.
hahahaha! can’t wait for the video of your version :)
The facial expression of the dancer in the yellow suit and the blonde wig is truly intense!
Couldn’t stop laughing to myself, hehe…
Good job MM! Hilarious…..
Hahahaha! That was awesome! You look good in yellow MM! And that wig, oh my!
Ang cute mo naman dito Mr. MM.
Woot woot!!! You’re such a good sport MM, looked like everyone had a blast :)
I take my jester hat off to you MM, ‘coz you do everything with passion, but not my wayfarer as I’m blinded by your fashion! Looks like a ton of good cheers and fun, congratulations on your event and Merry Christmas!
aha! no wonder your mango branch was closed! i was so embarrassed when i brought my foreign guests there, after making them walk from the beautifully lighted capitol building to the garish christmas tree at the fuente rotunda, only to turn the corner and find that zubuchon was DARK hehehe
You were so FUNNY, MM! I never thought I would see your pictures in blond/yellow wig and with a matching yellow outfit ;-) A good way to start the Holidays!
awesome MM!!! kudos to you and to your COS!
Well done MM, well done
You made my day. Had a good belly busting laugh. Your team will remember this for a lifetime !!! Awesome !!! Good you took the plunge to do something memorable, fun and silly like this ala Richard Branson. Please post the video in a password protected post. Can’t wait to see it !!! LOL Still laughing : )
OMG MM, this is such an a adorable entry. I love love love the photos. You are smashing! :-) Thank you for sharing, appreciate it so much. I wish there is a video. As I scrolled down to read the rest of the post, I keep on hoping I’ll find a link somewhere. I love that you let your gold hair down :-) how else, with a big bang! I’m sure your employees love you more for being such a great sport. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!
P.S. Hope you get to share the video :-) I’m still smiling ear to ear lol
agree with bearhug, please upload the video :)
LOL! That was a good one…but it’s gonna be better if a video is uploaded.
Oh, you made my day! It’s such a wonderful time. you and your staff having fun, it’s very nice to see the boss being “game” sa party. i’m sure you made a lasting impression! :) oh, happy days!
I agree with everyone, show us the video MM :) I can’t wait to watch it! LOL, this certainly made my day!
Merry Christmas!!! You know it’s in the air when MM is dancing. Made my day. I bet every time you hear the music out in the streets you’re itching to strut your stuff :)
MM, you’re really consistent in every way! ” When you decide to do something, you sure as heck better do it well!” Whether with recipes, travel, business, it is the desire to excel that drives your action! Well done Marketman! Merry Christmas to you and your team!
My dear, you are a vision in lemon. :-) Nuff said.
Thanks for sharing the pics and painting a picture of the whole event!
This post alone ensures 8 more years of blog readership. :-)
this is what you call, “an opening act with a bang”… this is how a party should be started… hahaha… i’m pretty sure this performance was very hard to top during your party… Merry Christmas!!!
on a side note, ano ang handa sa party ninyo? hehehe… :)
This made my day! You are such a cool boss, MM! Hmmm, I wonder if the video will be in youtube soon? Searched it haha, but found nothing :P
I worked in the Gangnam district for four years haha~ and it’s the chi-chi business section of the city, like the Makati CBD. A great place for people and fashion grazing in Seoul, but prices are always more expensive there (especially in restaurants) than the other areas in Seoul :-)
This is what COMMITMENT means!! If you have to do something….give it your best shot. Bravo, MM!! I could just imagine the smiles on your audience’s faces.
Oh my…..outrageous indeed!…and your color choice….stills pa lang alam mo nang bigay na bigay sa pag sayaw! Sana we can see the video too!
I totally agree with you….when you reach half a century you have to let loose and are allowed a moment of craziness! I know I did too!…. to the craze music then which was “Nobody,nobody but you”…complete with costume and wig like you did.But my hats off to you because I cannt do it live so had it immortalized in a green screen video instead. :)
MWAH HA, HA, HA, HA!!!! IF there was a So You Think You Can Be Outrageously Baduy award, you got it MM! I’d even pay to see the whole act in video.
Woohoooooo!!!!!!!!!! What an outfit!!! Love the wig!!! Am still LOL here with matching tears from laughing… You are truly amazing, MM !!!!
that’s outrageous!!!!…..hahahahahah…….love it! love it! love it!
it’s been ages since i was in a pinoy ofc xmas party and i miss it, ofc xmas party here doesn’t come close :(
pls, pls, pls let us see the video :)
Bravo! Great performance MM, Chief of Stuff and the four pretty girls. How I wish I could see the video of it! Pwede ba birthday wish ko yun? Lapit na birthday ko :)
Thanks for posting these pictures! Super like!
I’m proud of you Mr. MM, how about posting a password protected video of the dance on this site. It will be the best Christmas gift ever to all your followers:)
Ang galing ninyong lahat!!!
I missed a lot of lovely posts. been sick when MM started the protected posts so ngayon lang ako nakapasok dito.
AAAaaaahhhh!!!!!! LOVE IT!! (Yes, I’m shouting!!)
Tickle-me-pink hilarious!!! F- u-n-n-e-e-e!! Vision of shock and awe in yellow!! That was great, MM and crew!! Thank you.
It must have been a great party…endless laughter…how did the wig manage to stay in place with all the gyrations? hehehe
Hwaaah! Very nice! The pics made my day!
The darndest things come from Cebu. First the prison inmates dancing to Michael Jackson and now MM getting down Gang Nam style. Wonders never cease.
OMG… a vision in lemon indeed!
I can’t stop laughing!!!
Thank you for the entertainment MM!
You will make the MM community really, really happy if you upload the video (protect it so the trolls won’t get to share – and God forbid, ruin the fun!
Have been a long time reader but I seldom comment. Am doing so now just to cast my “vote” to upload video!:-) hehe! More power, MM and crew!
We want the VIDEO!!
Nice one MM! Maybe i’ll start a signature campaign for you to post the video.
I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: you’ve got balls of steel, MM! Coolest boss ever!
Any chance of a youtube video?
Oh my! This is absolutely fantastic! What I would’ve given to have been there! Congrats MM!
you look awesome MM. Video! Video! Video!
Performance level!!! Braaavooo!!!
Best Christmas gift ever!
Hahahahahaha! Great waking up and having laughter in the morning. Thank you for posting this! You are very brave to have ‘Gangnam-ed’ AND to post photos as well! Unlike the Adele songs, Psy’s Gangnam Style is refreshing to hear and watch. Happy Holidays indeed!
UR THE BEST MM! wow! i really laughed hard upon seeing your picture with that yellow wig and suit and dancing to Psy’s Gangnam!
great way to start my day!!! laugh trip!!! what a cool boss you are MM!!! Well done!!!
Thank you for sharing MM! Happy holidays to you, your family and crew! And I’m one with the MarketManila community: VIDEO!!! VIDEO!!! VIDEO!!!
You are such an awesome boss! Laugh trip ka MM!
I hope you’ll post the video!
Hahahaha! Way to go MM!
So nice seeing you having so much fun. Happy Christmas to you and your family!
my staff wondered why i was laughing so hard in front of my laptop. they probably thought i have gone nuts…. ha-ha-ha…awesome MM, awesome!!!!!!
thank you MM for the laughter (with tears). got my dose of laughter yoga this morning and i don’t need to fake it :-)
Super super super AWESOME!
MM, you rock!
Hilarious, outrageous! Your crew will be talking about this during the entire you. And then they will expect you to top this one in next year’s Christmas party! You gave them something to remember and a good laugh to boot!
Now that’s what I’d call taking one for the team :)
Pretty sure some of MM’s staff saved their own videos of this one :)
if i was not in the office now, i would have laughed out loud really LOUD! hahahaha you’re such a sport, Mr MM!
Your staff must have totally enjoyed your performance. Imagine the CEO dancing and participating in their much-awaited Christmas Program, complete with costume and props! Kudos to you, MM!
MM, who would have thought you had a “PSY” bone in you? LOL. Thanks for sharing this moment with us.
hahahaha. love it, MM! now, if we can just see the video.:)
…you look good. Do it again next year and I bet you’ll surpass this one and you’ll get the moves much more polished. You are THE MAN, market man.
Thanks for sharing this one with us MM,how wish m one of the audience,.. merry christmas marketman family n’ the crew.
Cool! :D I like it when the boss decides to do something out of the ordinary and still does it well! Ume-effort! Hahaha!
speechless. i couldn’t breathe.
Ahahahaha this is too funny!!! :D Way to go, MM!
Oh my lord!!!! hahahahaha I’m ear-to-ear here!
“When you decide to do something, you sure as heck better do it well. :) Appearances be damned, we were in for a good time.”
I LOVE IT!!! You’re one cool boss, MM!
Waiting for the video…this will be stuck in my mind for days. How do I explain when people ask me why I’m smiling…ha!
Wow! who would have imagined? :D and it was as if we were watching with the detailed instructions to the dance and the many cute pictures! you’re a cool boss MM!
Nagluha ko sa kinatawa. James Bond would be proud of you.
Cool :-) Thanks for sharing the pw…really made my day:-)
I am casting my vote for the video to be uploaded! hahaha!!! boy i was so glad that i always read all the comments thus finding out the password!!! thanks MM! i’ve been a long time reader…though i seldom comment ; ) happy holidays to you, your staff and your family!
I rarely comment in the past 8 years that I have been following MM but I could not resist after crying from too much laughter :). This made my evening. Way to go MM!
this would’ve been truly a sight to behold!!! another call to upload the video and kudos for the very well-coordinated, truly shocking, and definitely amazing opening number!!!
MM,you’re a bloody good sport! Must have been an amazing event for you and your staff…..lots of laughter and great food.
Mabuhay, MM!
Video! Video! Video! C’mon!:) May petition na ata for 1-M signatures to upload video! :)
This has got to be 1 of the most memorable posts this year!:) LOL!
I love it!! Hahaha. May I borrow your suit? Hahaha.
Awesomely wicked!! you are such a good boss!!That Lemony suit & the wig made it! Wish i was a fly in the wall at the party!!
Love the James “Blonde” get up. Good sport and good moves….VIDEO next pls! tfs MM.
OMG MM! The boss and the chief were truly having a blast. That’s what you call a partey!
Oh my world!!!! you gave me quite a good and hearthy laugh…such gangnam ala marketman must be a sight to behold..I join the rest of MM readership to call out for password protected VIDEO! VIDEO! VIDEO! (as xmas gift?) :) was lucky to view this post at home.. im roaring out with laughter, otherwise i will be chased out of the dialysis department in the hospital during treatment…. daghang salamat MM for the upper post in my otherwise painful treatment day!
This suit is much better than your shirt in AB No Reservation Philippines. I Love It !
OMG, you chose the perfect role! The sidekick in the elevator has the best part! And in true MM fashion, all out. No such thing as mediocrity! BRAVO to guts and gusto!
Thank you MM for sharing the pictures. Awesome boss!!!
I don’t know what to say!!!!!!!!! I am still reeling from laughter and joining in the chorus of VIDEO please :):):):););)~:)~:):)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a way to kick off the Christmas season and with such verve and gusto and a lot Chutzpa(only the good kind). Hats off MM, hats off!
Ang galing. clap, clap,clap
you were totally in the gangnam zone, MM!
Looooovvve eeet! :)
OMG! I enjoyed every picture. And laughed by myself. MM, I really admire your being a sport to do this dance. You are one great person! And I mean that. I bet everyone enjoyed your dance as I have. Lol.
hahaha!!! love this post, MM!
Hi… I’ve been a silent lurker in your blog since 2009. Well, until now. This made my day Oppa MM! Awesome! :)
You’re the bomb! MM!
IDOL!!!! Love this post!
Nice intro for a Christmas party it sets a warm and welcoming mood ! I’m sure everyone enjoyed it!!
Cute! Merry Christmas MM and family! :)
You are the most versatile, coolest boss EVERRRRRRRR! Thank you very kindly for sharing.
My heart was racing while reading this post, I was very thrilled to scroll down to see more pictures of you and the gang, one after the other! From the looks of it, I can say that you had a very good time dancing and it seems that you’ve enjoyed it very much, ofcourse including all the screaming fans you have in the audience MM! :)
What a great way to open up the evening! Good job!
BRAVOOO!!! *clap* *clap*
any chance of posting a video? hehehe…
Kudos to you, MarketMan, fearless leader! Wonderful post, I loved it!
Hahahahaha MM! this made my day!
well done! :)
Before gang nam, Psy had ventured into the racy and risque. I am not suggesting this to be MM’s act for the next Christmas party. Here watch: Ignore the article and scroll down to video #4:
Great moves, MM!!! All out Kung all out ha, with the suits and your wig. ;)
I just attended a wedding last night, where the newlyweds danced to the gangnam style as part of their first dance. Talagang it will be the Christmas/dance anthem for 2012.
wohoo MM! i love the moves and the outfit!
It was hilarious MM and I was laughing out loud. Happy holidays to you and your family.
OMG, that was too funny! Thank you for making my morning. Galing! And here comes the clamor for “Video! Video! Video!…” :)
I was having a good breakfast of Thai curry while reading this post and I almost choked on it while laughing. And like the others, I would pester you for a video of the actual performance!
Gotta love a Boss that knows how to have fun :-)
I had fun looking at the pics. What more the live one! I enjoy parties where the bosses let their hair down, and I admire you for that. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Cheers!
You should have gone “local”…like the Cebu prison dancers? Orange jumpsuits!! Anyway, happy gangnam style!!
woooot, wooot, talagang you make my day MarketMan! ang suerte ng mga kawani mo merry christmas to all!!
Thanks MM you made my day! :) Advance Merry Christmas!
Ur da MAN, MM! James Bond na gangnam style pa HAHAHAAAA!!!!
Love this! Such a Merry Christmas! :)
Internet got fixed after 2 weeks and this is what greets me! I love it!!! So impressed with the attention to details and the choreography, but, of course, the video will be the one to show if all these are not staged. Hehehe.
Post the video (chant numerous times here please)!
Ang galing!!!
One of my favorite posts, ever! Good job, MM! It’d be nice to have a boss like you, for sure. :)
149 Responses
Cute! And I must say, well-coordinated :)
And the Xmas season has truly begun. It’s a number I am sure that will be replicated at parties across the country this year.
Merry Christmas to the team at Zubuchon!
Haha! I got the password (bond!). I was actually prepping myself for the countless gangnam style presentations this season.
Merry Christmas to you, your family and your team!
I dare say the moves were BOLD! Congratulations, MM. What would have we to pay to see the video?
Just one the countless reasons, why we go back again and again and again to read your posts!
Merry Christmas to the Marketmanila family!
upload the live video hurry.. hehehe.
Yey, what a dance routine, your practice paid off!!!
cant wait for the pictures of the Christmas party
Would love to watch the video :D.
Total laugh trip. Kudos MM, for being such a sport. I’d like to hold off on the “well-coordinated” compliment til I see a video, though. ;-) (I kid, I just wanna see the video. Based on the pics, looks like you all were in sync. Galing!)
Merry Xmas, to you and your team, MM! And to all the readers out there too.
Hilariously amazing! hehehehe :-)
My first time to cry on out of sheer delight :)
you wore a yellow wig MM!! naki gangnam!!!
Haha, ikaw na Sir Marketman, that suit is indeed cheesy but totally appropriate for gangnam style. Merry Christmas to your family and crew!
BTW i wish there was another compilation of all BettyQ’s recipe/comments here, they’ve really helped me prepare for the holidays…
Looking good MM! I’m sure your crew were delighted with how game you were. Christmas parties are the only time we can see our bosses let loose so it’s something we look forward to.
Three words: balls of steel! :D
hilarious! what a great boss you are!
Soon as I saw the first picture I laughed out loud! Great job MM! And yes, the pictures showed your coordination — such dedication! :D
Oh, and pahabol lang, from the look on your face in each of the pictures, talagang todo-bigay! Kudos to you again MM, your Chief of Stuff, and your backup dancers :D
The ultimate tribute to PSYs “Dress classy, Dance cheesy” philosophy!
Oh. My. Gawwwwwwwd. I am sitting here howling with laughter. You’re a good sport, MM.
You are commendable, MM – to go through all that for the success of the party. What fun you must have with the rest of the gang.
Have a merry, merry Christmas to all.
hahahaha! can’t wait for the video of your version :)
The facial expression of the dancer in the yellow suit and the blonde wig is truly intense!
Couldn’t stop laughing to myself, hehe…
Good job MM! Hilarious…..
Hahahaha! That was awesome! You look good in yellow MM! And that wig, oh my!
Ang cute mo naman dito Mr. MM.
Woot woot!!! You’re such a good sport MM, looked like everyone had a blast :)
I take my jester hat off to you MM, ‘coz you do everything with passion, but not my wayfarer as I’m blinded by your fashion! Looks like a ton of good cheers and fun, congratulations on your event and Merry Christmas!
aha! no wonder your mango branch was closed! i was so embarrassed when i brought my foreign guests there, after making them walk from the beautifully lighted capitol building to the garish christmas tree at the fuente rotunda, only to turn the corner and find that zubuchon was DARK hehehe
You were so FUNNY, MM! I never thought I would see your pictures in blond/yellow wig and with a matching yellow outfit ;-) A good way to start the Holidays!
awesome MM!!! kudos to you and to your COS!
Well done MM, well done
You made my day. Had a good belly busting laugh. Your team will remember this for a lifetime !!! Awesome !!! Good you took the plunge to do something memorable, fun and silly like this ala Richard Branson. Please post the video in a password protected post. Can’t wait to see it !!! LOL Still laughing : )
OMG MM, this is such an a adorable entry. I love love love the photos. You are smashing! :-) Thank you for sharing, appreciate it so much. I wish there is a video. As I scrolled down to read the rest of the post, I keep on hoping I’ll find a link somewhere. I love that you let your gold hair down :-) how else, with a big bang! I’m sure your employees love you more for being such a great sport. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!
P.S. Hope you get to share the video :-) I’m still smiling ear to ear lol
agree with bearhug, please upload the video :)
LOL! That was a good one…but it’s gonna be better if a video is uploaded.
Oh, you made my day! It’s such a wonderful time. you and your staff having fun, it’s very nice to see the boss being “game” sa party. i’m sure you made a lasting impression! :) oh, happy days!
I agree with everyone, show us the video MM :) I can’t wait to watch it! LOL, this certainly made my day!
Merry Christmas!!! You know it’s in the air when MM is dancing. Made my day. I bet every time you hear the music out in the streets you’re itching to strut your stuff :)
MM, you’re really consistent in every way! ” When you decide to do something, you sure as heck better do it well!” Whether with recipes, travel, business, it is the desire to excel that drives your action! Well done Marketman! Merry Christmas to you and your team!
My dear, you are a vision in lemon. :-) Nuff said.
Thanks for sharing the pics and painting a picture of the whole event!
This post alone ensures 8 more years of blog readership. :-)
this is what you call, “an opening act with a bang”… this is how a party should be started… hahaha… i’m pretty sure this performance was very hard to top during your party… Merry Christmas!!!
on a side note, ano ang handa sa party ninyo? hehehe… :)
This made my day! You are such a cool boss, MM! Hmmm, I wonder if the video will be in youtube soon? Searched it haha, but found nothing :P
I worked in the Gangnam district for four years haha~ and it’s the chi-chi business section of the city, like the Makati CBD. A great place for people and fashion grazing in Seoul, but prices are always more expensive there (especially in restaurants) than the other areas in Seoul :-)
This is what COMMITMENT means!! If you have to do something….give it your best shot. Bravo, MM!! I could just imagine the smiles on your audience’s faces.
Oh my…..outrageous indeed!…and your color choice….stills pa lang alam mo nang bigay na bigay sa pag sayaw! Sana we can see the video too!
I totally agree with you….when you reach half a century you have to let loose and are allowed a moment of craziness! I know I did too!…. to the craze music then which was “Nobody,nobody but you”…complete with costume and wig like you did.But my hats off to you because I cannt do it live so had it immortalized in a green screen video instead. :)
MWAH HA, HA, HA, HA!!!! IF there was a So You Think You Can Be Outrageously Baduy award, you got it MM! I’d even pay to see the whole act in video.
Woohoooooo!!!!!!!!!! What an outfit!!! Love the wig!!! Am still LOL here with matching tears from laughing… You are truly amazing, MM !!!!
that’s outrageous!!!!…..hahahahahah…….love it! love it! love it!
it’s been ages since i was in a pinoy ofc xmas party and i miss it, ofc xmas party here doesn’t come close :(
pls, pls, pls let us see the video :)
Bravo! Great performance MM, Chief of Stuff and the four pretty girls. How I wish I could see the video of it! Pwede ba birthday wish ko yun? Lapit na birthday ko :)
Thanks for posting these pictures! Super like!
I’m proud of you Mr. MM, how about posting a password protected video of the dance on this site. It will be the best Christmas gift ever to all your followers:)
Ang galing ninyong lahat!!!
I missed a lot of lovely posts. been sick when MM started the protected posts so ngayon lang ako nakapasok dito.
AAAaaaahhhh!!!!!! LOVE IT!! (Yes, I’m shouting!!)
Tickle-me-pink hilarious!!! F- u-n-n-e-e-e!! Vision of shock and awe in yellow!! That was great, MM and crew!! Thank you.
It must have been a great party…endless laughter…how did the wig manage to stay in place with all the gyrations? hehehe
Hwaaah! Very nice! The pics made my day!
The darndest things come from Cebu. First the prison inmates dancing to Michael Jackson and now MM getting down Gang Nam style. Wonders never cease.
OMG… a vision in lemon indeed!
I can’t stop laughing!!!
Thank you for the entertainment MM!
You will make the MM community really, really happy if you upload the video (protect it so the trolls won’t get to share – and God forbid, ruin the fun!
Have been a long time reader but I seldom comment. Am doing so now just to cast my “vote” to upload video!:-) hehe! More power, MM and crew!
We want the VIDEO!!
Nice one MM! Maybe i’ll start a signature campaign for you to post the video.
I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: you’ve got balls of steel, MM! Coolest boss ever!
Any chance of a youtube video?
Oh my! This is absolutely fantastic! What I would’ve given to have been there! Congrats MM!
you look awesome MM. Video! Video! Video!
Performance level!!! Braaavooo!!!
Best Christmas gift ever!
Hahahahahaha! Great waking up and having laughter in the morning. Thank you for posting this! You are very brave to have ‘Gangnam-ed’ AND to post photos as well! Unlike the Adele songs, Psy’s Gangnam Style is refreshing to hear and watch. Happy Holidays indeed!
UR THE BEST MM! wow! i really laughed hard upon seeing your picture with that yellow wig and suit and dancing to Psy’s Gangnam!
great way to start my day!!! laugh trip!!! what a cool boss you are MM!!! Well done!!!
Thank you for sharing MM! Happy holidays to you, your family and crew! And I’m one with the MarketManila community: VIDEO!!! VIDEO!!! VIDEO!!!
You are such an awesome boss! Laugh trip ka MM!
I hope you’ll post the video!
Hahahaha! Way to go MM!
So nice seeing you having so much fun. Happy Christmas to you and your family!
my staff wondered why i was laughing so hard in front of my laptop. they probably thought i have gone nuts…. ha-ha-ha…awesome MM, awesome!!!!!!
thank you MM for the laughter (with tears). got my dose of laughter yoga this morning and i don’t need to fake it :-)
Super super super AWESOME!
MM, you rock!
Hilarious, outrageous! Your crew will be talking about this during the entire you. And then they will expect you to top this one in next year’s Christmas party! You gave them something to remember and a good laugh to boot!
Now that’s what I’d call taking one for the team :)
Pretty sure some of MM’s staff saved their own videos of this one :)
if i was not in the office now, i would have laughed out loud really LOUD! hahahaha you’re such a sport, Mr MM!
Your staff must have totally enjoyed your performance. Imagine the CEO dancing and participating in their much-awaited Christmas Program, complete with costume and props! Kudos to you, MM!
MM, who would have thought you had a “PSY” bone in you? LOL. Thanks for sharing this moment with us.
you’re wonderful, MM!
ROFL =) Happy Holidays MM and staff!
You. Made. My. Day!!!!!!!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahaha. love it, MM! now, if we can just see the video.:)
…you look good. Do it again next year and I bet you’ll surpass this one and you’ll get the moves much more polished. You are THE MAN, market man.
Thanks for sharing this one with us MM,how wish m one of the audience,.. merry christmas marketman family n’ the crew.
Cool! :D I like it when the boss decides to do something out of the ordinary and still does it well! Ume-effort! Hahaha!
speechless. i couldn’t breathe.
Ahahahaha this is too funny!!! :D Way to go, MM!
Oh my lord!!!! hahahahaha I’m ear-to-ear here!
“When you decide to do something, you sure as heck better do it well. :) Appearances be damned, we were in for a good time.”
I LOVE IT!!! You’re one cool boss, MM!
Waiting for the video…this will be stuck in my mind for days. How do I explain when people ask me why I’m smiling…ha!
Wow! who would have imagined? :D and it was as if we were watching with the detailed instructions to the dance and the many cute pictures! you’re a cool boss MM!
Nagluha ko sa kinatawa. James Bond would be proud of you.
Cool :-) Thanks for sharing the pw…really made my day:-)
I am casting my vote for the video to be uploaded! hahaha!!! boy i was so glad that i always read all the comments thus finding out the password!!! thanks MM! i’ve been a long time reader…though i seldom comment ; ) happy holidays to you, your staff and your family!
I rarely comment in the past 8 years that I have been following MM but I could not resist after crying from too much laughter :). This made my evening. Way to go MM!
OMG – 100 comments on MM’s dancing !!!
Upload! Upload! Upload!
woohoo! Galing, MM! Video! Video!
this would’ve been truly a sight to behold!!! another call to upload the video and kudos for the very well-coordinated, truly shocking, and definitely amazing opening number!!!
MM,you’re a bloody good sport! Must have been an amazing event for you and your staff…..lots of laughter and great food.
Mabuhay, MM!
Video! Video! Video! C’mon!:) May petition na ata for 1-M signatures to upload video! :)
This has got to be 1 of the most memorable posts this year!:) LOL!
I love it!! Hahaha. May I borrow your suit? Hahaha.
Awesomely wicked!! you are such a good boss!!That Lemony suit & the wig made it! Wish i was a fly in the wall at the party!!
Love the James “Blonde” get up. Good sport and good moves….VIDEO next pls! tfs MM.
OMG MM! The boss and the chief were truly having a blast. That’s what you call a partey!
Oh my world!!!! you gave me quite a good and hearthy laugh…such gangnam ala marketman must be a sight to behold..I join the rest of MM readership to call out for password protected VIDEO! VIDEO! VIDEO! (as xmas gift?) :) was lucky to view this post at home.. im roaring out with laughter, otherwise i will be chased out of the dialysis department in the hospital during treatment…. daghang salamat MM for the upper post in my otherwise painful treatment day!
This suit is much better than your shirt in AB No Reservation Philippines. I Love It !
OMG, you chose the perfect role! The sidekick in the elevator has the best part! And in true MM fashion, all out. No such thing as mediocrity! BRAVO to guts and gusto!
Thank you MM for sharing the pictures. Awesome boss!!!
I don’t know what to say!!!!!!!!! I am still reeling from laughter and joining in the chorus of VIDEO please :):):):););)~:)~:):)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a way to kick off the Christmas season and with such verve and gusto and a lot Chutzpa(only the good kind). Hats off MM, hats off!
Ang galing. clap, clap,clap
you were totally in the gangnam zone, MM!
Looooovvve eeet! :)
OMG! I enjoyed every picture. And laughed by myself. MM, I really admire your being a sport to do this dance. You are one great person! And I mean that. I bet everyone enjoyed your dance as I have. Lol.
hahaha!!! love this post, MM!
Hi… I’ve been a silent lurker in your blog since 2009. Well, until now. This made my day Oppa MM! Awesome! :)
You’re the bomb! MM!
IDOL!!!! Love this post!
Nice intro for a Christmas party it sets a warm and welcoming mood ! I’m sure everyone enjoyed it!!
Cute! Merry Christmas MM and family! :)
You are the most versatile, coolest boss EVERRRRRRRR! Thank you very kindly for sharing.
My heart was racing while reading this post, I was very thrilled to scroll down to see more pictures of you and the gang, one after the other! From the looks of it, I can say that you had a very good time dancing and it seems that you’ve enjoyed it very much, ofcourse including all the screaming fans you have in the audience MM! :)
What a great way to open up the evening! Good job!
BRAVOOO!!! *clap* *clap*
any chance of posting a video? hehehe…
Kudos to you, MarketMan, fearless leader! Wonderful post, I loved it!
Hahahahaha MM! this made my day!
well done! :)
Before gang nam, Psy had ventured into the racy and risque. I am not suggesting this to be MM’s act for the next Christmas party. Here watch: Ignore the article and scroll down to video #4:
You’re such a great sport, MM! Really cool… :-)
Please post the video, now naaaaa!!! ;-)
great moves MM!!! :D
Great moves, MM!!! All out Kung all out ha, with the suits and your wig. ;)
I just attended a wedding last night, where the newlyweds danced to the gangnam style as part of their first dance. Talagang it will be the Christmas/dance anthem for 2012.
wohoo MM! i love the moves and the outfit!
It was hilarious MM and I was laughing out loud. Happy holidays to you and your family.
OMG, that was too funny! Thank you for making my morning. Galing! And here comes the clamor for “Video! Video! Video!…” :)
I was having a good breakfast of Thai curry while reading this post and I almost choked on it while laughing. And like the others, I would pester you for a video of the actual performance!
Gotta love a Boss that knows how to have fun :-)
I had fun looking at the pics. What more the live one! I enjoy parties where the bosses let their hair down, and I admire you for that. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Cheers!
You should have gone “local”…like the Cebu prison dancers? Orange jumpsuits!! Anyway, happy gangnam style!!
woooot, wooot, talagang you make my day MarketMan! ang suerte ng mga kawani mo merry christmas to all!!
Thanks MM you made my day! :) Advance Merry Christmas!
Ur da MAN, MM! James Bond na gangnam style pa HAHAHAAAA!!!!
Love this! Such a Merry Christmas! :)
Internet got fixed after 2 weeks and this is what greets me! I love it!!! So impressed with the attention to details and the choreography, but, of course, the video will be the one to show if all these are not staged. Hehehe.
Post the video (chant numerous times here please)!
Ang galing!!!
One of my favorite posts, ever! Good job, MM! It’d be nice to have a boss like you, for sure. :)
Just checking if the video was posted……