G. Detou, Paris

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If you bake a lot, curious about all things ingredient wise, just like food shops or are into sweets, this is one shop you SHOULD NOT MISS when in Paris. G. Detou is relatively small, but chock-full of the finest stuff you can imagine. From blocks of varying qualities and intensities of chocolate, to nuts, marron glaces, sanding sugars, etc. it is a FABULOUS store to visit.

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Unfortunately, it’s so small and so crammed with people that I was too embarrassed to take photos inside the shop. But trust me when I say you MUST VISIT G. DETOU at least once in your lifetime. You may be surprised how small the place is, but size isn’t everything and what they do have is everything you want to buy and put in your own pantry. I could have filled several balikbayan boxes at this shop in less than an hour, but alas, I bought just a few items to take home in our luggage.

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And prices here are just a FRACTION of those elsewhere in Paris, so it’s easy to go overboard. But enough of my raving about it, for better posts on the shop, visit David Leibovitz’ s 8 year old post and C&Z’s 12 year old post for more details. Believe me, in 2015, the shop is as good as ever.


6 Responses

  1. O.T.: saw a pic of your new store at City Soho Tower in Cebu City. When is the opening?
    photo link: httpss://scontent-hkg3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfl1/v/t1.0-9/11951831_10153238759757830_8372441298119027192_n.jpg?oh=9f7293ba1459b5da7de3354e66a156cc&oe=5680BB5C

  2. UPDATE: Just came from the branch — Ron, it’s now expected to open on September 1st instead. :(

    Hi Ron, we hope to have that new Zubuchon branch open by this weekend… The Zububelly outlet in the foodcourt on the second floor of the same building is already open. Thanks for asking…