Fried Tanguigue With “Thai” Inspired Sauce…


There has been so much going on lately that I have a backlog of posts to do… I forgot to post this dish that we enjoyed a couple of days after the last eyeball in Cebu. It is totally invented, but influenced by several Thai dishes I have enjoyed over the years. It makes good use of leftovers from the eyeball (in particular, the tanguigue used for the kinilaw) and was the centerpiece for a MM and crew lunch for 12! Since we only used the primest pieces of flesh for the kinilaw, we had large chunks of meaty cuts with or without bones left over. These pieces were simply salted and deep fried until golden…


In a separate bowl, I made a chili-lime dressing. First I juiced some 10-12 biasong or kaffir limes (dayap a good alternative). I added the juice of one lemon as the biasong had lots of fragrance but not much juice. Then a tablespoon or so of thai chilli sauce, brown sugar, fish sauce (Patis), lots of chopped semi-ripe tomatoes, thinly sliced shallots, and chopped red chillies (siling labuyo), salt if needed and stirred this all up…


On the base of a huge platter, we added sliced Indian mangoes (say 8-10 pieces of them) which were tart but not excessively so.


The fried pieces of fish were laid on top of the sliced mangoes…


Pour the saucy mixture all over the fish and mangoes.


Sprinkle with toasted peanuts that are roughly chopped and some chopped green onions…


…and doesn’t it just look like a million bucks? :) Frankly, I loved this dish. It had the crunch of the fried fish, with a firm white meat and a hint of saltiness along with the fat. It had the green mangoes (I love green mangoes in almost any form) to provide some sourness and texture. The sauce was incredibly fragrant from the limes, yet salty, sweet and spicy all at the same time. Some might find this dish a bit muddled, or sort of like a leftover garbage dish… but the platters (yes, there were 2!) were completely wiped out by myself and the crew…so it couldn’t have been that bad!



42 Responses

  1. Mouthwatering! another must try recipe from you MarketMan. I could just imagine the crunchiness of the deep fried tanigue and green mangoes mixing with the sweet, spicy and salty combination of that Thai-inspired sauce… mmmmmmmm!=)

    White rice please hehehe!!!!!!=)

  2. amazing! i sometimes do that if i spy a lot of leftovers in my fridge, i make imbento and ends up having a really nice “new” dish! though yours look a LOT stylish than whatever i whipped up ;)

  3. AleXena, we finished a whole large rice cooker’s worth of rice! Btw, some folks found the chopped peanuts a bit odd on this dish, so you could omit it if you prefer. It just so happened that we had lots of leftover fried peanuts so I added them to the dish!

  4. I wouldn’t mind the peanuts at all!=)

    Can I use kalamansi/lime and Thai sweet-chili sauce as a substitute for biasong and the chili sauce? It is what we usually have in the house.=)

    Can’t wait for Sunday lunch at the house. Keep it coming MarketMan.=)

  5. Alexena, I used the spicy chilli sauce in oil, so the sweet chilli might bring it a different flavor altogether, but just add siling labuyo for heat. I would shoot for dayap or limes rather than kalamansi for this dish…to keep it more in the Thai realm. Rico at Riza, a touch of bagoong might work as well… but balance is always the key… so taste your dressing before you dump it on the rest of the dish! :)

  6. Thanks MarketMan=) I will buy limes and that Thai chili-sauce in oil at the grocery later this week.=)I hope I get to find one if not then I’ll just put a lot of siling labuyo in it.=)

  7. Very impressive chunky fish salad. It can also go to the Mexican border instead of rice, corn or flour tortilla then we call it fish taco!

  8. i am overwhelmed by all the thai sauces in the groceries here (i live in BKK)so i dont know which one to buy so i can bring home this holiday and try to make a dish for the family back home.

    usually there are nuts in thai salads and mostly they are cashew nuts (which they put in a chicken dish) and almond nuts, so i wouldnt mind the peanuts at all.

  9. Thanks for this recipe MM. Nakakasawa na rin yung mga fish na putahe namin sa bahay. Salamat! At sana hindi mo makalimutan i share yung award winning chocolate cake recipe ni Betty Q.

  10. Try also shredded green mango with patis, sugar or honey and some siling labuyo then top it off to any fried fish or lechon kawali/bagnet eat with lots of rice. Simple but yummy!

  11. It looks so yummy MM. I’m sure your Thai concoction is more superior to what you can find in Bangkok. Your procedure seems so easy. Will try it as soon as I can assemble the ingredients.

  12. wow, this looks totally inspired. sayang, we had fried tangigue for dinner last night. will try to do it with sutchi or cream dory. thanks, MM!

  13. Amazing! Looks so yummy too. It teaches us to be creative with whatever leftovers…that’s a good one MM!! Sarap…

  14. Wonderfully inventive, easy to make with readily available ingredients. Yehey, I know what we’re having for lunch on Sunday! Love the peanuts — a common touch in Thai dishes.

  15. Here’s another simple Thai sauce too: 2 Tbsp panocha or palm sugar, 3 Tbsp patis and 3 Tbsp lime or calamansi juice. I just mix all and set aside until the fish is fried crispy – usually a medium-sized tilapia. I shred some carrots, cucumber, even green papaya is okay, red sili haba, finely sliced onions and wansuy leaves, and toss with sauce, then place over fish as soon as it is fried.

  16. MM, any suggestion on what thai chili sauce to get here in manila? there are already so many in supermarkets

  17. It looks really yummy! Not “muddled” at all!
    Cilantro might also be nice to throw in.
    It must have been a fantastic fish to yield such “leftovers.”

  18. cheesehead, it was a reef fresh 10 kilogram tanguigue, best parts used for kinilaw… :) esquire, I got my chili sauce at the grocery of Metro at Market!Market!, not sure what the brand was, I left the bottle in Cebu…

  19. Marketman, do you have a simple tomato and basil pasta dish of your own? Just curious. It’s that sort of simple dish that my family and I enjoy once in a while, with a toasted baguette slathered with either butter or olive oil and topped with fried garlic bits. Kind of a break from the usual meaty stuff.

    Have a flavorful Holiday ahead!

  20. really mouth watering… looks really good…

    I think the sauce is good for dried fish as well….

  21. Hi Kate, You can use lapu-lapu or sea bass it will also be nice. Try to buy fish on sunday where the market have a wide selection of fresh fish or you can visit woodlands senoko fishing port where they start selling freshly caught fish at 2am.

    If you want cheap salmon you can also go to fassler @ woodlands terrace ( where they give away salmon head but of course you got to buy something. Their salmon sashimi is very nice and cheaper than NTUC and cold storage. They are actually a distributor of salmon to NTUC, cold storage and japanese restaurant.

  22. Thank you, MM!!

    I don’t know how that passed me by! I tried to search “tomato pasta” “tomato basil” and nothing of that sort popped out.

    This is wonderful! Can’t wait to try it! Thanks again!

  23. PanchoA, with 1,900 posts in the archives, it is getting hairy to navigate through it. Best to google “xxxxx marketmanila” and you will likely find a better link. So “spaghetti tomato basil marketmanila” will be the best option right now… :)

  24. PanchoA…can I be of assistance,MM? …just type “spahetti” in the search engine….there are about 5 maybe? …with lobster, carbonara, the one in Rome, and i forgot the others!

  25. Thank you, Betty Q and MM! We managed to scrounge up a few cloves of garlic, a white onion and other available ingredients and we’re having a variant of your Tomato Basil spaghetti for lunch! With a few slices of butter slathered batard toast!

    Thanks again, and like I said, my family prays that the MarketMan family will be continously blessed for not just the feeding program, but for this great blog!

    Have a flavorful season ahead, all of you!

  26. Amen to that PanchoA!!! and to all those who visit this site and unselfishly share their well kept recipes, culinary prowess, great finds, atbp.