Free “Vintage” T-shirts!!!

It’s time for some fun, games and prizes, no? :) I found a stash of unused, “vintage” t-shirts, used for our feeding program fund-raising effort a few years back… You could win one, absolutely free, sometime next week! :)

Each t-shirt features one of four different words or phrases (1) marketmaniac (2) I Beat My Eggs to Make Mayonnaise (3) SUKI (4) Have You Been to the Market Today? — and all of them have the logo and on the back of the shirt. They only come in black and white and they are men’s sizes, so a SMALL is probably a medium for ladies…

Up for grabs are these two SMALL t-shirts…

…these two MEDIUM t-shirts…

…and these two large t-shirts. Not sure what the mini-contests will be like, but suffice it to say that searching through archives is a skill you would like. Long-time readers may also have a slight advantage in the sense that if their memories are good (Footloose often recalls posts I have forgotten about, for example), they may remember where to look for answers or clues. These shirts were designed by “Lee” and are only available exclusively from :) Heehee. So stay tuned, there will be three mini-contests next week and two winners will be selected from each group. Marketman will send by mail or courier the t-shirts to ANY PHILIPPINE address to whom LBC will deliver. Readers based abroad can join, as long as you have a relative or friend with a Philippine mailing address, and you can eventually pick up your shirt from that address…

Meanwhile, if you haven’t come across these silly mini-contests before, you may want to read responses to this previous version, or another one, here, and this last one in case you are truly devoid of useful things to do right now… :)

And here’s a useful hint if you intend to participate in the contests next week… :) There are essentially two ways to search the archives which contain over 3,200 separate posts published over the last 7.5 years or so… (1) Use the “Search” box on the blog itself… but it yields ALL posts with the key words you punched in, so it’s sometimes hard to find the precise post you need, or (2) simply go to your favorite search engine, say Google, and type your “key word” and “marketmanila” and that usually yields a far better and targeted result. For example, if you were looking for say Marketman’s best adobo, you would type “best adobo marketmanila” into google and hopefully my recipe for adobo will appear somewhere conspicuous on the first page of results from Google, or Yahoo, or whatever. Please try a few of these searches and see where it leads… newer readers (less than two years on the blog) may be surprised to find out how many old posts they may have missed. I am particularly amused by some neophytes who send me frustrated or streppy emails telling me I should focus on more pinoy food, only to “fishpan” them back that I have MANY Filipino recipes in the archives, many of the “Top 50” popular pinoy dishes and desserts, for example… But I do realize there might be post overload at this point… :)


28 Responses

  1. “I am particularly amused by some neophytes who send me frustrated or streppy emails telling me I should focus on more pinoy food, only to “fishpan” them back that I have MANY Filipino recipes in the archives” -> Nice one MM!

    I love it how old items can be labeled as “vintage” to make it more sosyal sounding when truth be told they probably got it from their lola’s baul. ;)

  2. I want a Fishpan…. hahaha if MM had like a line of kitchen stuff that would really be a good idea no? Marketman soon to be a MOGUL! :)

  3. This is a great enticement for everyone to use the “Search” function, an antidote for readers (who in all fairness probably have limited time on the net) not reading the whole post who are just too trigger happy to pose a new query first instead of exploring the extensive data base. If one has lots of time and in a serendipitous mood, delving into the “Random Posts” is also a fun way of frittering away hours.

  4. yey!!! im excited!! i want to join…but i can only answer question during shift w/c is 8pm-5am coz im working in a callcenter!! :)

  5. Funny “marketmaniac” shirt! Maybe there also ought to be a Sunday shirt for those guys who assume the specific job as Marketing Director (i.e., palengke dude) every weekend. =)

  6. Papa Ethan…NOw, now…I think MM is an equal opportunity employer…Marketing Director could be a she…so maybe “palengke dudette” as well!

  7. Would love to have a fishpan instead! Not be fishpanned, mind you :) The quiz should be fun! I still have that food magazine I won a few years back.

  8. Hey MM,
    Will be going to Cebu this week for a short business trip.Was wondering where may I acquire a zubuchon t shirt? does all the branch sell them? Thinking of going to the Mango ave. branch. What’s a probability of obtaining xxl sizes? lol
    Finally… I get to taste the zubuchon after all these years of just reading about it, and following from the lechon chronicles.
    What are the must try items on the menu? besides zubuchon.
    Any help is appreciated.
    It’s more fun in the Philippines to work in Manila and do business trip in Cebu and eat zubuchon.

  9. RoBStaR, don’t miss the Lechon dinuguaan and the kamias shake! Wish we could have it in Manila…
    Let the games begin!

  10. RoBStaR, Mango branch is your best bet, with the most comprehensive menu. They sell collared shirts there, with the pig logo… the shirts above are not for sale. If the shirts don’t fit, they have black zubuchon caps for sale… :) When you get to the restaurant, look for Ronnie or Eric or Henry… one of the supervisors on duty… they will take good care of you… Lechons arrive around 11am and 6pm, and its best to have lechon soon after they get to the restaurants for the best quality…

  11. Hi, MM!! was just wondering if there’s any eye ball in the works any time soon ? My family is taking a vacation in July and we’re flying in via Cebu. I hope to meet you in person after so many years of being a fan of your blog. If I’m not mistaken, I started reading your blog in 2004. I was newly married and I just moved to Japan to join my hubby who was doing his graduate studies. I was missing home and kept reading about Filipino food on the internet. That’s how I discovered your blog. been hooked every since. :) Now, I’m a mom to a 2 year old little girl. By the way, I hope you have cute shirts for kids, too. :)

  12. yes! we haven’t had a contest here for sometime, so it’s about time. seeing these shirts again made realize that at the time these shirts came out, “zubuchon” was not even a glimmer in MM’s or anyone’s eyes then, right?

    so happy to see it’s been seven delcious years and several restaurants later, and we’re still here, fishpans included!

  13. MM… *in a theatrical whisper* I think, it will be more beneficial and fun, if you made more limited designs (to cut the costs..also XXL size for me!), and then sell it, and the proceeds go to the feeding program :)