Thank you. Said with a lot of heart. And four thousand times over. Then add a few more from Marketman & family. The first year anniversary gift of Mamou to the feeding program at the Tenement Elementary School in Taguig was an incredibly generous and successful effort. The restaurant Mamou at Serendra, Fort Bonifacio, offered to donate the entire proceeds (except VAT) last Monday to the feeding program. And I mean the ENTIRE proceeds, not just profits. And in another incredible act of generosity, all of the staff members at Mamou likewise volunteered to donate ALL of their service charge earnings for the program as well. The result? About 4,000 meals will be provided to undernourished public school children over the next four months or so. Brava, Mamou! And thank you to all the folks who dined at Mamou that day for lunch and two sittings at dinner… Times may indeed be getting tougher, but there are a still many incredible folks out there willing to do something to help others who are more in need… Thank you.

8 Responses
Fantastic! What a wonderful idea! Well done to Mamou’s management and staff and to Market Manila !
That’s awesome. Kudos to Mamou and to MarketManila!
WOW!! ”from little acorns do mighty oaks grow”… from a good website that talks about fine eating-how apt!
will spread the word around and ask friends to patronize the place. good food and service, good hearts — kudos to mamou
wow. :'(
We were in Mamou last week, my hubby & I said we’ll be back in a month but we had dinner there again today after coming from SONA. We brought with us my sister, sisters in law & nieces :)