Food Poisoning, Time Out…

Mrs. MM and I ate something at lunch yesterday and are down with the worst case of food poisoning we have ever experienced. So I am taking a day or two “time out” from the blog to recover. Will be back soon. Delve into the archives if you are bored… :(


63 Responses

  1. I know the feeling, seems like the energy and body controls were removed from you. Take bananas, apple, and hydration fixes.

    Get well soon.

  2. Get well speedily MM and Mrs. MM! I guess this is the occassional work hazzard.

    God bless!

  3. Talk about coincidence! I ate a lot different food from lunch to dinner yesterday that I don’t know which food caused me to have many trips to the bathroom at 11pm lol

  4. hmmm…seems like food poisoning is getting to be more rampant nowadays. I’m just recovering from that myself. Started Monday night and went on till last night. Get well soon!

  5. get well soon– take a lot of fluids, bananas, apples– and rest! regular coke works for me.

  6. Ayayay! So sorry to hear that you and Mrs MM are unwell. I know you’ve been trying to shed some pounds but not this way, no? :-) Bananas for potassium and pinasingaw na Coke work for me, I hope they do for you as well. Take care.

  7. Well my son ans I also has recuperated from the stomach flu (gastroenteritis). Good thing I took the brunt of it not my 7 year-old son. Take care MM and I know how you feel (am in the soft food diet myself).

  8. Get well soon, MM and Mrs.
    And what, may i ask, caused it? I hope its not the explosive clams again.

  9. Hi Everyone, THANKS so much for all the kind comments and wishes. Things are slowly getting better. Not sure what did exactly cause it, but it wasn’t shellfish… And yes, I am down some 3 pounds in 24 hours! :)

  10. I don’t think I’ve ever had a very bad case of food poisoning (cast-iron stomach!), but I’ve seen others go through it for several days, and I’m sorry you’re suffering now, MM and Mrs. MM. :-( Panache is right, buko juice helps. If not, Gatorade does the trick, too. Hope you feel better soon!

  11. Had minor food poisoning too just the other day, but I know what got me… kesong puti! Bought it Sat, but probably waited too long to panini-grill it with my pandesal. I didn’t taste spoiled, but I guess I ate it right at the moment when it went from almost-spoiled to spoiled.

    Had a chuckle when sonny_sj mentioned the explosive clams :)

  12. Get well soon! Slice up lots fresh ginger and steep in hot water — ginger will help soothe your stomach muscles.

  13. I hope you’re both feeling better, my mother has been telling me of the non-stop rain; I’m always a wee bit worried about food safety during the rainy season.
    Lots of bananas, buko juice/gatorade should help get you both back to speed. Or do what my parents always dosed us with, days of congee (till you feel like rice is your enemy).

  14. yup, hope it doesn’t get serious-serious. hope it’s something that buco juice and bananas will take care of, and that you end up fit and ready for the lechonfest. sinigang na isda, or the bisaya tinowang isda with tanglad would be superb at this time.

  15. Ugh, what a bummer :(

    Clear broth and Pedialyte will do the trick. If Pedialyte is difficult to find, Sprite or 7-Up work just fine.

  16. trinam, my doctor said that too, that ginger soothes an upset stomach. And apparently, sugar, too! I remember this because it’s so seldom that doctors give sugar their vote of confidence!

  17. Suggest you take clear fluids for 24 hours. No medication. The body has natural defences to expel the toxins and microorganisms; just help your body do its job.
    Upon recovery, no dairy products for 5 days, as the microvilli int he intestine would be destoyed in the inflammation, and would take a couple of days to recover, hence you you would not have the enzymes to digest dairy products and wouild get further diarrhea.
    best wishes,

  18. Hope you & Mrs. MM feel better soon. The sister of my co-worker also suffered from food poisoning a few days ago.

  19. saw this entry just now…drink liquids ha. also, you can eat the really unripe bananas…it does wonders. be safer next time ha… we need you here.