Eat Your Purples & Reds…


Growing up they always used to say “eat your greens!” — a parental plea to consume more vegetables. To be honest, I think I mostly ate cucumber salads until the age of 11, and that qualified as my entire intake of “greens”… :) But there’s hope yet, for as an adult, I love to eat fruit and vegetables, and they don’t always have to be green. After a truly hectic week in Cebu in the wake of typhoon Yolanda, I was back in Manila for the weekend and had invited some folks, including foreign visitors, to a Filipino dinner in our home on Sunday night. I got up early on Sunday morning and made it to the Centris market in Quezon City by 6am…


This was just part of the contents of my market basket(s). Reddish purple kamote tops or tendrils. Some freshly harvested red shallots. Purple kamote or sweet potatoes. Red katuray flowers. Purple kadios. Unusual eggplants. Red beets. Luscious small red strawberries. Red seedless grapes. They all made for a simply beautiful still life.


12 Responses

  1. Would love to hang that work of art in my kitchen!! what a should consider selling prints of your pix..purple veggies are the most nutritious ones.

  2. Wow, I’ver never seen a deep purple katuray and deep colored kadyos. I like them both. I could make a great dinengdeng dish out of your produce basket.

  3. The photo looks so inviting! The only green I have in the ref right now is a long lonely piece of ampalaya. How are the prices at Centris market?