Don’t Forget To Drop By on Tuesday… :)

A head’s up for regular readers who might not be dropping by on a daily basis but still read most of the posts. Drop by the blog on Tuesday 17 April 2012. For a 24 hour period, you will have a chance to figure out a PASSWORD that will give you access to future PASSWORD PROTECTED POSTS. Miss that PASSWORD and you’ll just have to imagine what are inside the future PASSWORD PROTECTED POSTS. Think of it as being in “First Class” while the rest of the “passengers” are in “Coach”. :)


41 Responses

  1. i have set an alarm on my outlook calendar! yey! must not miss this chance! thanks MM!

  2. Lol! I read daily but watch me miss this…I think I need to put sticky notes everywhere so I don’t.

  3. Maaan. i might miss this one big time :-( our internet connection and phone line has been really sketchy lately. This is a TOTAL BUMMER :-(

  4. Oho. I do drop by on a daily basis (and sometimes even get impatient internally if there’s no new post for more than a couple of days :P), so this is intriguing and exciting :D It’s not exactly a challenge per se, but as they say using contemporary internet parlance, “Challenge Accepted!”

  5. Hubby asked what’s “MM April 17, Tuesday” note I have on my laptop :-)

  6. Weeding out occasional riffraff by upgrading frequent flyers to first class? But I thought the grumblers are already being winnowed with your spam screen.

  7. Your blog is in my Home Screen for easy reading….Definitely, not going to miss this.. :)

  8. aaww I’m working on tuesday MM :( hope I can still catch up, is 24hrs Philippine time zone?

  9. MM is it okay if i will open at 9PM (PH time) 4pm here, because that’s my free time. thanks

  10. I have to make sure to sync my calendar/calendar clock as I follow EST :-) I don’t want to miss future posts lol

  11. Will have no problem myself getting to that password within the 24 hour time period.

    Naaawa lang ako sa mga fairly regular readers who’ll miss the opportunity and then find out they don’t have access to some future posts. If I were one of those, I’d be turned off enough to visit even less frequently. It would leave a “bad taste in the mouth”.

    But dems da rules. You snooze, you lose. :-)

  12. mabuhay, passwords will still be required, as far as I can tell. I am just testing this feature at this point. Also, it’s meant to limit access to more or less regular readers, rather than the casual googler, that often comes into a post and occasionally causes a ruckus without knowing anything about the history of the blog as a whole… Not to worry, if it doesn’t seem workable in the weeks ahead, the experiment will be dropped. It’s also because I have recently discovered so many stolen photographs (too many to even track down all of them and write about them) and write-ups on other blogs that seem to just steal (recipes, photos, write=ups, etc.) willy nilly either through automated crawlers or other means. At this point, an alternative is to cease the blog altogether… but that’s the most drastic option. Mart, you are right on the “you snooze, you lose” assessment. I have never chased numbers or multitudes of visitors, and prefer ones who contribute positively to the discussion instead, or voice useful criticism for that matter. Because this site is totally free and I make no money whether it is a high traffic site or not, then the numbers of readers ultimately shouldn’t matter at all. Besides, with 95% of readers plus never having chimed in with a comment, there is definitely a “silent majority” and they too can get a password if they like and jump the “hurdles” on Tuesday… :)

  13. there is no way i will miss april 17, april 17, april 17. and I am not sharing that password to any of my friends or relatives should they miss it. hahaha!

  14. MM – please take into consideration your followers from across the ocean with regards to the time constraint. thanks much.

  15. good thing i decided to drop by this Monday morning. we’ll be here again tomorrow then. :-}

  16. a bummer, I will be leaving for Bohol early Tuesday. Will have to find a Starbucks in Bohol if I can help it. MM, been to Zubuchon in Islandsstay Hotel. We had breakfast there and the lechon wasn’t in yet but when it did come the nice waiter offered it to us. The meat was very juicy and tender. Will have to go to Mango One before I leave. Love the kamias shake.

  17. Alarm set! :-D Glad I happened to check your blog tonight and that I have time to check tomorrow. Internet gods, please be kind and DON’T fail me!

  18. sigh. i guess this was the price i paid for the ultimate sacrifice of being productive at work (which is pretty much the only place i get Internet) for once(!). i snoozed, i lose.

    well, thanks for a great several years anyhoo.

  19. Hi MM, ive been reading Marketmanila since 06 and i just came back from a two week vacation from a place with no internet. This new experiment is no good. :(

  20. Hi MarketMan – had a family emergency from April 15 to 18th and wasn’t able to go on the net. Is there any way I can get a password? Been a fan of your site for years and years. Thank you very much!