Don’t Forget!!! First Ornament Pick-Up Date Saturday, 6 December 2008!!!

Just a reminder if you wanted to drop off a donation for the feeding program and get an ornament and card from MM, Family & Crew in return, that we will be at the Saturday Salcedo market on Saturday 6 December 2008 from 8 – 11 a.m. We will be located near the stall of Joey, the vegetable guy, the Portuguese food stall and the large seafood stall. Please just search the market for our little half table location… Many thanks and I hope to see many of you there. We have a total of 400 ornaments, and it is on a first come, first serve basis, though I don’t expect to run out on Saturday unless readers are being particularly charitable… And many, many thanks to market managers who have graciously allowed us to use the Salcedo Market as a pick-up point!


33 Responses

  1. May the December 6th Pick Up Day a big success for Market Manila and more power to Salcedo Market. May the ornaments be picked up like a lower fruits in a tree meaning they go fast.

  2. i’ll try coz my flight still arrives manila at 9 am. i will surely catch up if i bring my maleta in salcedo market.but people might think am a homeless guy. he he he.

  3. Hi MM. This afternoon, I deposited my donation to the Cebu BDO account of Belen Desquitado, as you instructed. I’m just wondering why the name Eva Sonia D. Espana appears on my receipt. At any rate, I’m sure I got the account number right. Thanks for this opportunity to participate in a noble undertaking.

  4. Gina, it’s okay. It’s a joint account to ensure a joint signature on withdrawals and control over use of funds. The second person is
    someone I trust.

  5. For everyone in Cebu. I will be bringing to the Cebu International School (CIS) Bazaar at Marco Polo Hotel the blown glass ornaments that Marketman left with me.

    The Bazaar is tomorrow and Sunday (Dec. 6 & 7) from 10a.m. to 6 p.m. Just look for the Suki booth.

  6. My ornaments have been ‘waived” for the others who can pick them up.

    MM by his own right has led the spirit of his own campaign. For the rest of us who want ideas on how to simplify the holidays, here’s a website you may want to visit, from my son in Hawaii where he is doing his studies and will have a “stay-cation” there. He forwarded this to me:

    “Malama Hawai’i encourages you to join the campaign led by Kokua
    Hawai’i Foundation and Kanu Hawai’i to “Simplify the Holidays.” This
    campaign will help the people of Hawai’i refocus on the season’s
    deeper values of joy, peace, and ohana.

    The campaign encourages people to follow our 12 Days of a Green
    Holiday Guide. The tips from this guide provide creative ways to give
    back to our families, community, and planet. For example, Day 1 asks
    us to commit to buying a locally grown Christmas tree and to recycle
    it as green waste once the holidays have ended. Day 5 inspires people
    to start eco-friendly family traditions such as picking up litter when
    you go out caroling. And Day 12, the most important tip of all, asks
    us to give back to the community through donations to nonprofits and

    Season’s Greetings and a kinder, greener world to us all!

  7. Hi MM. My mom will make a deposit for me when she flies back to Manila worth P3005.18. I hope it’s not too late since I don’t know if she can do it right away. When is the deadline?

    Anyone who needs more ornaments can just get mine. But if they all sell out, then better! I always wonder at the injustice of it all: the wastage the food industry churns out every single day, and millions of hungry stomachs who would kill to get a bite.

  8. ragamuffin girl, thank you very much for your generous donation… and no, there is no deadline per se, we are keeping the account open for at least the next few months! Thanks!

  9. (Thinking out loud) If I were to wear my marketmanila shirt and use my marketmanila tote tomorrow to the marketmanila pick-up point, would that be a fashion do or a fashion don’t? Hmmm…

  10. MM, I asked my brother in Mnl to deposit a donation on my behalf…how would we know if the account was the actual recipient?

  11. san, the deposit slip should confirm Belen Desquitado or Eva Espana. But as a second check, I will update the deposits received so far next Monday, so you can see the deposits received into the account on the dates you deposited… in other words, you should be able to identify your specific deposit, even though I don’t get the names of the depositors… THANK YOU so much for your generous support. Zena, I will be wearing a marketmanila t-shirt. :) Artisan, thanks so much for that extra “outlet” and two days of availability!

  12. Hi MM, I’ll deposit my share when I get home for the xmas holidays.
    Good to know that the account will be open for a while, was feeling disappointed that I wont be able to give my share late this month eh. Sayang, I’ll miss the ornament thingy though :)

  13. I chickened out of wearing the shirt! But I shall bring the tote next time. MM, parang akong fan, di ko man lang na-intro sarili ako dahil na-shy ako. It was like “i’m talking to MM, what do I say?” Hahaha! Natawa ako sa sarili ko after. I was the girl in the black shirt who asked where Marc’s ensaimadas were. I promise to introduce myself next week if you are there. And I do like the hinayupak ensamaidas! I love eating the top part. Nagulat lang ako medyo sa laki. Para syang nakalagay sa mini-batya, hehe.

  14. MM, I was about to send you an email to notify you that I won’t be able to pick up my reserved ornaments when I saw this post. Still, I will be sending my donation to the aforementioned BDO account next week. Keep up the good work!

  15. got the ornaments this morning and i am so happy to be of help even if only for just a small amount….. thanks mm for helping us help others as well :)

  16. Hello MM. Uyab will deposit Php 2000.25 to the BDO account on Monday. Anyone else who wants the ornaments can take ours. I’m too far away from Manila to pick them up. Hahaha! More ornaments = more donations!

    God bless you MM and family and all the readers of your blog. What you do may be just a drop in an endless bucket but for someone who is very thirsty, one drop is precious.

  17. Hi Mr MM, it’s so nice meeting you, Mrs MM and The Teen. I don’t give comment so often but I always visit your site…. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help in our own little way. We Love You…..God Bless.

  18. San, You can tag you contribution like I did by adding a peso or two. EX. PHP 501.00 Most people deposit exact amounts outside of foreign currency exchange. MM can then check the deposits.

  19. It was great seeing you, the missus, the teen and the crew at Salcedo today. Next time I’ll introduce myself. Please do let me know when you have the black shirts (like the one you were wearing today) available in xs. BTW the ornaments are gorgeous.

  20. i’ll deposit the money when i’ll arrive in cebu on 20 dec but i guess i wont be able to get the ornaments since the sked for the pick up is around next week. it’s okay…

  21. dec 6th??!! i thought it was dec 13th at salcedo mkt! i swear i saw that schedule in a prev. i missed it?

  22. I was there Saturday but completely missed MM’s table…..hope to be there again this week, so maybe then I’ll see the Marketmanila setup. I am not too familiar with the layout of the market yet, actually was starting to lose hope about finding Marc’s hinayupak na ensaymada. Luckily, we recognized his mom and she pointed the stall out to us.
    Having tried the Imang Salud ensaymada at St. James Bazaar, and now Marc’s, well, they are COMPLETELY different in style and each is special in it’s own way. Apples and oranges.:)

  23. so glad that you’ll keep the account open. i was feeling bad that i forgot to have someone pick up the ornaments last saturday. i’ll deposit my donation when i return to the philippines next week. thanks for this, MM.

  24. The ornaments are beautiful, and will grace the trees of many Ninongs and Ninangs whom I know will appreciate the message it brings– that the blessings of Christmas should be shared with everyone.

    Thank you MM, for allowing us to be a part the Taguig kids’ Christmas.