Dina & Her Shoes…


It’s been a while since there’s been a shoe post. So this is for all of you shoe addicts out there. Shouldn’t there be a term for someone who is addicted to shoes? A Shoeologist perhaps? :) At any rate, you probably thought Marketman was pretty obsessive compulsive, but you haven’t met some of MM’s friends… To put things in context, when Imelda fled to Hawaii and the hundreds of pairs of shoes she left behind in the Palace made headlines around the world, my mother and female siblings were probably thinking, “is that it?” I jest, of course. And having hundreds of shoes seems somewhat farfetched. Or is it? On a recent visit to San Francisco, we stayed with friends and I was utterly shocked and amused when I went into Dina’s home office cum dressing suite. On the wall on one side of the room were hundreds of neatly lined plastic shoe boxes each housing a treasured pair of shoes. Talk about arrange-my-stuff-titis! And Dina culls her stuff regularly, I gather, so this was the pared down version! Wow! Let’s just say the Teen was totally amazed!

Dina, who studied interior design at Parsons and whose concentration is on both residential and retail projects, designed their home that is colorful, quirky and very San Francisco (whatever that means) has this website which you can browse and in it see the full office/dressing suite that has the shoes. She is married to Richard, a developer and contractor for splashy high-end homes in some of the ritziest areas of town, most of them in Hillsborough, I gather. Richard has some photos here and has a website here (have a gander and see some of the spectacular homes he has developed/built). You will also notice photos of the kitchen that I cooked in in recent posts. So you think a proclivity for shoes is actually genetic? :)


22 Responses

  1. Whoa! Seems like an awesome pairing… husband-and-wife, contractor-and-designer. I like their aesthetic. If I ever win the lottery I will be sure to ping them. Looks like they work in the city or the upper Peninsula, but I’m sure if I win $100 million in MegaMillions I can convince them to do a project farther south when I buy a house in Atherton. lol

  2. I know that neighborhood…but out of respect of some privacy, I won’t say exactly where. Other than the upscale grocer, there’s a farmer’s market every Wednesday (or at least when I last checked). There’s a few decent restaurants including a Vietnamese owned soul food joint and a hole in the wall that serves up pretty good roast pork and oxtails on a bed of rice and veggies in HUGE portions.

  3. my mom’s comment when it was revealed that Imelda Marcos had 3000 pairs of shoes: “i probably have that much myself … “

  4. I, for one, never thought Imelda’s collection that impressive numbers-wise. Also learned from reports about her to buy every color in whatever shoe I manage to find that fits me.

  5. Hi, my name is Hera Kitty and I am a shoe addict.
    As they say, “there is a little Imelda in all of us”.
    This Black Friday all through cyber Monday, I had about 12 designer shoes purchased.
    Can’t seem to have enough of them! This season’s desire: all kinds of boots!

  6. plastic shoe boxes may be good for SF weather but I wonder if they’re suitable for Manila weather unless the aircon in the room is turned on at all times

  7. I have the same thing in my garage. You can either get the pricey clear plastic container from the Container Store of just buy the $1/piece plastic shoe boxes in either Big Lots or WalMart—instant makeover of all your shoes. I have the same thing for my treasures purses and flipflops.

  8. WOW! VERY INSPIRING! I’m not talking about the shoes but the whole beauty of that Lady’s private home, in every single angle, inside and out. Thank You MM for sharing it.

  9. I would love to have that kind of organization in the house. I am inspired to do some organizing at home when I have the time. Thanks for sharing!