Diet Sabotage!!! :)


A friend, neighbor and now diet saboteur sent these gorgeous empanadas over yesterday afternoon. We arrived home from errands to find a huge box filled with the most amazing looking and smelling empanadas! With instructions on the box from “M” to just “re-fry” or “bake” as we desired, I nearly had diet failure as soon as I opened the box. We immediately baked a half dozen in the toaster oven and this heavenly aroma filled the kitchen. The crust was thin and light, not the heavy, hard, and unappealing crusts I have come across before. The filling, made of chicken, boiled eggs, veggies and raisins, was sweet and yet savory. Mrs. MM tasted a couple on my behalf while I swatted away the little bubble thoughts popping up around my head saying “eat it, eat it, eat it”. ARRRGGGH. To friends and family, I love you all, but PLEASE stop sending me these wonderful food items for the next month or so. Thank you. :)

P.S. Many of these have gone into the freezer, and maybe, just maybe, they will last until I am off my diet. :)


24 Responses

  1. send it my way! hehehe. hopefully you can learn to make these so you can share with us. i agree they look so yummy!

  2. Do you know where they were from? I think the empanadas from Silay are too sweet, but I love the flakiness of the crust. Those look like the same style (or are they Silay empanadas?), so I’d love to try them the next time I’m in the Philippines!

  3. Please ask your neighbor for me to please give me the recipe. I love empanadas but I don’t know how to make it.

  4. You know what goes great with empanadas? Coca Cola. Cold and refreshing. Imagine cracking open a can, straight from the fridge, and then pouring over ice in a tall glass. The faint sound of bubbling brown liquid gold mist gently caressing your hand as you pour. An initial sip cleansing the pallette in preparation for that first bite of golden, crusty patry shell surrounding a savory mix of chicken and spices.

    Yeah…ok, my attempt at terrible story writing or homage to ‘it was a dark and stormy night’.

    Have a (Diet) Coke and a smile.

  5. those empanadas looks so similar to what my lola used to make; light and flaky crust layered like onion (i’m guessing it was to complete the clamshell look), but filled with mixed ground pork/beef, boiled egg, tomato, and raisins. i’ve never seen the crust made that same way since. until now. is it pampangueno style? does your friend “m” sell these? i’d like to purchase some if available.

  6. I don’t think these were commercially sold empanadas, rather a family specialty and I suspect Bacolod/Iloilo in source and inspiration, though made in Manila. I have posts on empanadas in the archives if you are curious…

  7. NOTICE: To all friends and family of MM – please send your goodies to this address xxxyyyy. xxxyyy while MM is still on his diet. LOL!
    Those empanadas are to die for! In Iloilo, where I come from, the empanadas are flaky and just plain delicious!

  8. Can you ask for the recipe of this empanada? I have not tasted empanadas with thin & light crust as described. Something like croissant, flaky and crisp! Thanks.

  9. MM- i also had the same dilemma! When I was on my week 2 of Cohen, along came the best mochi pasalubongs from Tokyo. Tsk, tsk. I couldn’t count on my siblings for support! Hahaha!

    But after the refeeding program where I could eat (well, not really!) the fat and sweet stuff, I noticed that I couldn’t finish even half of what I used to consume. My taste buds have unlearned them all!

    So, request them to send the food over to your house after a month but in less quantity, MM! :)

  10. to the family and friends of MM, i love you all, pls help MM in his diet. Just send to me those food. MM knows my email add. hehehe…

  11. farida…e-mails not getting through with ….cake@hotmail address. Send me yours through the other one. I have a bottle of pickled green manggoes for you like the ones I used to buy at Echague in those great big garapons when I was alittle girl!….don’t know how you are going to get it across the border though. You might want to eat it at our side of the border! MM….have you made it yet? You don’t have to eat it! Do what I do…make them and give them away!

  12. They look like those Silay empanadas or empanadas from Pendy’s in Bacolod…

    …is the neighbor-cum-saboteur of yours from Negros? If he/she is, then I have to go and get some…

    mmmm initials M? baka si Margarita Fores?