Daniel Craig in “Casino Royale”

We watched the new James Bond movie, “Casino Royale” with Daniel Craig last night. The verdict? Good, very good. Okay, so I am a bit biased; The James Bond movie franchise is my all-time favorite series of movies, from the time I watched Sean Connery with my parents when I was in my single digits to the last few movies with Pierce Brosnan with increasingly sophisticated doodads, spectacular sports cars and of course, the Bond women. Forget the sometimes thin plots, the ridiculously unbelievable fight and car/plane/boat chase scenes where Bond never gets mussed or breaks a sweat — this is entertainment at its finest, and at the cost of a movie ticket — fantastic value in my opinion. I don’t think I have ever missed a Bond movie. And several of them I have watched many times over. So what did I think of Craig, Daniel Craig? All the pre-movie hype was something that I missed, from his controversial selection to all the brouhaha about whether he was too blond, too serious or too ugly for the role — all I can say is, I thought he did a great job, period. The movie was tougher, grittier, more realistic (haha), more human, but still very Bond, very Bond indeed.

At 38 years old and incredibly fit (he worked out daily with a trainer for several months just for the Bond movie), this Bond (Daniel Craig) is someone for middle aged foggies like myself to aspire to… a little research on the net yielded the following quote from Ian Fleming’s book, From Russia with Love, where he describes James Bond as Height: 183 cm (6 feet), Weight 76 kilograms (167 pounds), slim build, eyes: blue; hair: black So here goes, Marketman continues with renewed vigor on the now renamed Marketman/Bond Diet. After all, I am exactly 183 cm tall, have a lanky build and black hair… All I need now is to lose 15 more pounds to hit 167 and get some blue contact lenses… HEEHEEHEE. I kid you not. I give myself until next swimsuit season, say May 1, 2007 to achieve this goal. Good grief, where does one find that retro square cut pair of trunks Daniel Craig used in the movie?? And as if that wasn’t amusing enough, Marketman’s real life name in initials would be B, J.B. You can’t make these things up!!! HEEHEEHEE…


14 Responses

  1. i totally agree with you. love the movie! he now ranks as my 2nd fave bond, next to sean connery.

    read somewhere that his two front teeth were knocked out during the shooting… well he still looks so damn hot!

  2. I love all the 007 Series from the birth of Dr. No to Casino Royale. and all the actors who played the Agent 007 from Sean Connery to Daniel Craig. Do you still recall those suit case gadgets they used in Dr. No? Very futuristic movie. The cordless/cellular phones – we have them all now in our every day life. Lots of action, suspense, gorgeous women, and sexy scenes but all look very tastefully done. Sean Connery is still my favorite of them all. As for the actresses they are fine with me.

    Did you mean May 1, 2007? The June 2007 issue of GQ Magazine, you will be the centerfold. MM aka Agent 007 Asian version!!!!

  3. I agree. His still pics doesn’t do much but when he moves ahhhhhh….and half naked, coming out of the water, swoooon. I think, with the exception of Sean Connery he outBonded em all.

  4. Definitely agree that this Bond is not as bad as people first thought he would be. Really came across as the tough guy you expect from a spy. The “walking out of the water” scene didn’t do anything for me. To me it was a sad attempt to copy a scene from “Die another day” when Halle Berry walks out of the water. Now that one did do something for me!

    Good luck with the Marketman/Bond Diet! When does the book get published?

  5. I’ve got to see this movie this afternoon! I also think that the James Bond role fits Craig perfectly. I loved him in Layer Cake, he was great!

  6. The word that comes to my mind about this movie is that it is more raw. Which is surprisingly good for me!

  7. I’m going to watch Casino Royale again! Daniel Craig’s the best bond since Sean Connery, at least in terms of the acting part. Don’t mind oggling his behind either. A very gritty Bond, will just nap during that overly long chase scene in the beginning and the poker game.
    I think he’s more a woman’s Bond, at least Casino had more eye candy for women than it did for the guys.

  8. I loved it! I think it was about time they showed us some of Bond’s rough edges again, instead of only the smooth ones! Ok, I’m going to stop right here before I get carried away with talk of Daniel Craig’s edges.

    I love the Bond Diet idea! The cleverness of that name has totally inspired me to go on a Bond Girl Diet! :) Move over Ursula!

  9. When you posted your family pic, I thought you look like my former boss. I thought maybe you might be somehow related. And now I’m thinking about it again because his middle initial is B.

    Wala lang :)