Cory’s Cortege From La Salle Greenhills to the Manila Cathedral


A few photographs from President Corazon Aquino’s cortege from Greenhills to the Manila Cathedral today. The procession, originally estimated to take 2 hours, just ended minutes ago, some 5 hours after leaving Greenhills. On its way to Manila, what seems like millions of Filipinos lined the streets to pay their last respects. These photos were taken in Makati, where the procession paused briefly at the Ninoy Aquino statue at the corner of Ayala and Paseo de Roxas. I post these photos for those of you who were unable to see the television coverage of the event, that ran on some channels the entire day today…


And finally, this streamer, that simply says it all. Thank you Cory.


50 Responses

  1. Hello MM

    A sad day.

    We walked Ayala Avenue paying our respects as the cortege travelled along. Even as a Foreigner it was a very moving experience especially at the Ninoy Aquino statue where there was much spontaneous applause . I hope that the Country sees her like again and that people once more have a President that has integrity and valour.

  2. Thanks MM. For those abroad, you could watch the livestreaming courtesy of Channel 7 – at

  3. Thanks for the photos, MM. I hope that her legacy will live on to us, the Filipino youth.

  4. thanks MM for sharing these photos.. i appreciated every little gestures like this to keep me updated on what is happening on our country right now since i don’t have tfc here. thanks!

  5. Many thanks, MM. To be able to watch the Bandila news, I have to wake up at 5:30am or wait till late at night. I hope I will be able to watch tonight’s replay.

  6. The 2nd photo with the Ninoy flags is so nostalgic. I was too young then to join rallies and my parents were not exactly the activist types, but even as a child I knew something wonderful happened when Marcos left and Cory became president.

  7. Yes…feel so sad….our mother has gone on to the Lord….Thank you Cory..we love you…

  8. thank you so much for posting these pictures. the living are sad to lost such a beloved “ina ng bayan” but im sure tita cory is now happy to be in the arms of the Lord and be with Ninoy and most of all to be free of pain.

  9. She helped us get rid of the bad man, it’s now all up to us to get rid of the bad woman. No more Gloria!

    May Tita Cory reach the heavens with GOD’s mercy!

  10. Glad the wind is blowing at 17 knots and we are at port with out guests, managed to check news feed online… had to dash to my cabin after shedding tears.

    Mixed emotions for me as the years of Marcos regime to Ninoy’s assassination led us to exile.
    I was not there anymore when Cory was in power but least we managed to sneak in back in the country when at least we think it was already safe…

  11. Thanks for the photos MM. Tita Cory stood for decency and this is what our country really needs now.

  12. I was on the open truck for media and thought I saw you take photos. I guess you didn’t hear me yell “Market Man” or I mistook you. Great photos

  13. noemi, I was in a yellow long sleeved shirt with sleeves rolled up, and shorts. Positioned near the Peninsula Hotel on the center island. Then went up to the 18th floor of a building with a view of Ayala Avenue. My apologies if I didn’t hear you. :)

  14. thank you for the photos, marketman.

    brought along my boys to lasalle greenhills to say goodbye to the most gracious and selfless president our country has ever had.

    may her death help us find our voices once again and in unison, stand up against those who want so much to rob us of the democracy we fought so hard for just so they can remain in power.

  15. Thank you MM. I live abroad and got several texts today about this event happening. Your photo with the Ninoy banners startled me, evoking memories of those tumultuous years that I’m proud to have been a part of.

    A few months ago, I happened to ask my 16-year old niece who was visiting me from Manila if she knew about Imelda Marcos. Her response was, isn’t she the one who’s always wearing yellow?

    I was aghast, both at her ignorance and at the serious gap in her education in recent Philippine history. I suspect that most Filipino youths are in her same situation. While I tried to give her a quick remedial lesson about the Marcoses, Ninoy, and Cory, I wonder if anyone at the Department of Education is updating our history textbooks at all.

  16. i have a lump in my throat..was watching ABS-CBN online most of the day, yesterday..thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures, MM….

  17. Thank you, MM for sharing with us, the photos. We will never forget you, Tita Cory, you will always be in our hearts, Maraming maraming salamat…

  18. I have mixed feelings reading this heavy heart and happy. Sad she is gone and happy with the outpouring support, love, honor and respect our people give to her. Now, I can see there is a big difference between fame and fortune. You can have both like Cory but in times like this where fame really stands out. People go out of their way to pay homage and tribute to her. I heard it on the news Old Bush-Bush 41 will be flying out to represent the American people at Cory’s funeral. Fortune without fame is only through your inner circles, associates and family. Thank you President Corazon Aquino and hoping your Democratic and Constitutional Legacies live on forever! Thanks MM for keeping us abreast of the latest developments on this national tragedy.

  19. Pecorino, I had the same thought — why don’t my grade school kids know about Ninoy, Cory and People Power?? I was shocked that I had to explain everything, but they were like sponges and enjoyed the dramatic description of the revolution.

    MM, I was near the Ninoy monument, here are a few phone pix:

  20. Beautiful shots MM! Thanks for posting these photos. I arrived in Manila Sunday evening at 11pm and was near La Salle at around midnight. I wanted to pay my last respects but the line was still so long! Having no sleep for 24hrs, I had to pass. Then yesterday, I was near the Manila Cathedral at 230pm but previous appointments kept me from staying and waiting. It is so frustrating to be so near and yet so far!

  21. So now am sure that was you but how could you hear anyway with the blaring of the sirens, the Cory Cory chanting etc.. Good work there! I was never able to get a good shot of the President Aquino’s casket on the bed of flowers.

  22. I have watched some posts on you tube of President Cory’s funeral. Thanks Marketman for the photos. I also watched again Cory’s speech in the US Congress and tears started to flow. I was still in the Philippines during the EDSA revolution and wanted so much to join but my husband prevented me because I was pregnant. What she has done for our country is truly admirable. I am also reminded of Ninoy’s ultimate sacrifice for the Filipino people. Ninoy and Cory are heroes of Philippine democracy. I salute them.

  23. News articles on Cory have been bringing tears to my eyes these past few days. She’s family as far as I’m concerned… and although the loss is a pain in the heart, it makes me happy to think that she’s in heaven in the comforting arms of our Lord.

  24. These are times when I wish I work in Makati. I would really participate if I was there, but too bad I’m here in Ortigas :( I was born the year Ninoy was assasinated, and was just 2 y.o. when EDSA 1 took place. I just remember my late grandfather watching the TV as all EDSA 1 took place.

    Tita Cory, God bless your soul. Thank you for serving the Filipinos well. I am pretty sure that now you are in heaven, you’d be praying more for our country and the Filipino people. Rest assured, I will be praying with you about that. Thank you.

  25. It was so overwhelming to see so many people braving the heat of the noonday sun just to pay respect to Tita Cory with confetti flying all over. brings back memories.

  26. 1986 lives on. Thank you, Ninoy and Tita Cory. Hindi na kayo nag-iisa, at last you’re together in Heaven. RIP to both of you.+
    (Thanks, MM, for posting.)

  27. Thank you Tita Cory for uniting the Filipinos (once again).
    We visited her at the Manila Cathedral early morning today, we were still able to pray beside her casket

  28. so touching…
    its so unfortunate that there will be power interruption here in batangas the whole day tommorow! bakit kaya?

  29. I just got back from Manila Cathedral a couple of hours ago. I couldn’t believe the number of people lining up. That was a seriously long line. Just looking for the tail end of the line is an ordeal in itself, and you find yourself rejoicing when you finally find it even though you know it’ll take at least 4 times the time to snake your way back through intramuros to the cathedral. But in spite of this(and the rain and flooded streets), people were in good spirits!

  30. I pray that the filipino people will wake up from their slumber. I hope that once again as a nation would stand up and realized once again that the Philippines not only the filipinos are worth dying for. I for one sometimes fall into the trap of being apathetic to what these past governements has been doing . But after seeing and remembering what Cory went thru for us, I am truly humbled.

  31. Same here – crying on and off these past few days.

    Thank you, Cory. If I ever have children you are one of the very first Filipino heroes they will hear about.

  32. I’m going against the grain here. I was at Edsa and Ortigas barricade for 1 and half days, ready to meet the tanks if they rolled down the road from Libis. Cory was great for what she stood for but it was a pity she stayed past what her role demanded of her. She knew pretty well she can’t govern. May God bless her soul.

  33. I had the privilege to watch it on tv, since i wasnt working on that day…it was a special holiday….most of us in Bacolod were glued to the tv..and i cant help but shed a few tears too….its really sad….pag hindi ka nakaramdam ng kirot sa yung puso….well…hindi ka Pinoy…. :((