Contribute Using Your Credit Card ONLINE…

The Teen is FAR MORE TECH SAVVY than her nearly half century old father. She set up this site with two other friends and set a modest goal of raising $1,000 over the next few days. In just hours, they have raised over $2,000 from friends, family, extended friends and family. It is amazing that with technology, social media, etc. this can be done so quickly. And you can give using your credit cards. The platform used, “indiegogo” will take a 4% fee. And to keep to my promise that 100% of your funds will go to aid, I pledge to make up the 4% fee for ALL DONATIONS from my own wallet (and I have advanced the funds as Indiegogo will only remit funds after a couple of weeks). The Teens’ classmates from grade and high school, extended family members and other friends have responded quickly and generously. Even though the stated goal of $1,000 was met within hours, please consider this platform if you prefer to donate by credit card on line. Donations as modest as $3 to a very generous $250 are all greatly appreciated. All funds collected by this effort will go towards relief goods for Northern Cebu.

The Teen accompanied us to Northern Cebu today and distributed much of the relief goods and saw the devastation to crops, homes, etc. firsthand. It was a truly eye-opening experience, and not something she would have learned in a classroom had she not taken a gap year before she heads off to University next year.

Mrs. MM and I are immensely proud of her. So very proud. :)

Please visit her effort here and spread the word on your facebook and other social media accounts, particularly for folks abroad who are looking for ways to contribute $1 or any amount they would like to give. Thank you.


21 Responses

  1. I made a contribution at your daughter’s site. I hope you don’t mind if I also publicize these two charities:


    I found out about them in an article in The Atlantic Monthly written recently by Mr. James Fallows:

    Thank you for your family’s efforts.

  2. Thank you to you, and your whole family, Marketman. I rarely post on facebook, but I posted The Teen’s link on my wall, as well as links to your blog. Again, thank you for allowing me to help in my own small way!

  3. Try negotiating with the site for the service charges. If they know it is going to the victims of this disaster, maybe they’ll at least lower the 4% charges if not all of it. Everything is negotiable.

  4. Kudos and Thank you MarketMan for your philantrophic endeavours! We know that calamity or not, you and your family have regular outreach and charitable programs in place. You and Mrs. MM have obviously modelled this value and behaviour for the Teen. I applaud her and her friends for this initiative. You (and the Mrs) raised her well!

    I had initially made my contribution to a reputable NGO as I wanted to take advantage of the government’s offer to match our contributions, dollar for dollar. I will, however look into this option as well. I have also posted a link to this article for others to see.

    Keep safe and stay blessed!

  5. Just an anonymous reader of your blog here from the US, really very proud of your kind help. The best example of humanity. I have been following this tragedy and discovered your blog. What shocks me, what are the catholic priests, bishops and clergymen doing in your country??? They seem to mind everything besides helping their countrymen. Not a single word from them. Where are they????

  6. Hi MM and family, I will share Teen’s website to my FB page.

    @jp – the Catholic Church is doing a lot for this tragedy even before the Yolanda typhoon as they are supporting the victims of the earthquake in Bohol and Cebu. You may check the CBCP website or Caritas Manila for that matter. Archbishop Tagle of Manila has given his directives to all parishes on what to do in this time.

  7. @Bubut DIRECTIVES? To do what? To delegate? Why don’t they fly and help out!
    It is Day 5 of the biggest catastrophe in the Philippines, and the survivors have nothing and will be dying. What are they doing??? I have not seen any single member of the church helping the sick, the needy, the dying!!! Not a single priest or nun! Go to BBC, Deutsche Welle, CNN, France 3, help the poor victims! HYPOCRISY of the Philippine Catholic church! When it is time to harass and discriminate people who wants contraception, are homosexuals, and play politics these church people are all out on the streets demonstrating week long. WEEK LONG!!!! Priests and Nuns are all there. Now that your own countrymen are dying where are they? It takes military people from foreign countries to help the great Filipino people, and where are the members of the Catholic church? Not a single clergy is ON SITE to help! God damn help these dying people!
    Respectful, compassionate people like this blogger are the ones making a difference in helping others. A true hero and human being!
    Sorry to fume here and my apologies, but I feel so bad for the suffering of the great people (and children!!!!!!) of the Philippines and the hypocrisy of certain establishments.

  8. jp, I understand your sentiments, but I am sure the church is doing something… I just can’t point to it directly right now. But we are all in this together, to do something positive… for now, I’d like to dodge the church/state issue. Thanks. :)

  9. I opted to donate to your daughter’s effort. I didn’t know they were using Indiegogo for such efforts as well; good on her and her friends to think this up.

  10. my church announced another relief and collection efforts last sun for the typhoon yolanda – affected people.

    for the recent bohol earhquake fund drive , collection was at 190,000 pesos as announced during the mass.

    other parishes and church affiliated organizations are doing the same.

    Pari sa Samar, nagmotorsiklo pa-Maynila (priest motocycled from samar to manila)

  11. Let us not judge and criticize hastily. The Church started having a 2nd collection for the victims of the typhoon as early as Saturday. Most churches throughout the metro have also organized their relief efforts and repacking of goods for distribution to the bigger and more able organizations. Remember that the flights being chartered by the military c130 to and from Tacloban are prioritized to bring relief goods, medical and military personnel for the safety of the survivors.

    At a time of great need, every little thing we do helps in a big way. Let us not make it an issue of responsibility, since this will open a Pandora’s box to more finger pointing.

    Again, thank you MM and Family, Zubuchon staff and volunteers for all of your efforts. For sure, you all will be blessed a hundredfold. ;)

  12. MM, opted to donate thru the website coz its easier. Million thanks again for doing this.

    I just want to share this post I read on twitter “Let’s not demoralize with our armchair rage all those tired, brave, dedicated people on the ground doing their best despite everything.”

    Again, thanks!

  13. We had 2nd collection in my church last Sunday and I wouldn’t be surprised if the same was done in churches across the country. I believe CBCP has an ongoing novena prayer and fundraising for Yolanda and a certain Catholic Relief Services has been mobilized to action.

    Maybe the reason why we don’t hear about priests or nuns during this time is because of their very nature. They’d rather work quietly and not draw too much attention to themselves.

  14. Hello MM and Family.

    We just donated to the effort using the Teen’s indiegogo website. But just a heads up, in case you are unaware – when we hit enter to proceed with the transaction the first time, the page refreshed saying there was a problem with our credit card details. (Note that we use Firefox as our browser and I had chosen “temporarily accept all on this page” on the scripts menu before putting in our details.)

    So this time, I go back to the scripts menu and select “allow all on this page”. Then we went back to page two of the site, re-entered the credit card info, hit ‘continue’ and the same error message appeared.

    Hmm.. odd.

    Then just as we were about to do the whole thing again (third time’s the charm, hehe), we got a confirmation e-mail from indiegogo. One of those attempts went through after all.

    Uh-oh. We may have donated twice.

    Anyway, after 15 minutes of waiting, no other confirmation e-mail came. All is well.

    So to all would-be donors using Firefox, please make sure to accept all of the page if you have the “NoScript” add-on and save yourself from potential fretting.

  15. hi MM…thank you for your continuous efforts…may the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

    I would like to comment on jp’s statement regarding the church not helping out…i will have to say that that is not true…the OAD that has a seminary in Talamban, Cebu have been receiving donations in cash and in kind from people in Manila, Visayas and Mindanao…from the cash donations they bought additional goods – food, water, tents/trapal, medicines, candles, etc…several priests already made their way to Ormoc to help out the other priests tend to the orphanage and the communities affected…another batch of priests will be heading to Ormoc friday night bringing with them additional supplies…i know because we have been coordinating and helping them with the donations and shipment of the supplies from manila to cebu then to ormoc…they might not visible on television since they will not be wearing their priestly garbs but in civilian clothing with only their collar to indicate their profession…

    i understand jp’s comment that the church was very vocal when it came to the RH bill (which i am a supporter) since i was also frustrated and angry over the statements they made to those who are supporters of the bill…

    the church, like all of us, in their own way is helping…and like us, they may be invisible to the media…

    MM and family, thank you again for your generosity and effort…God bless you po…

  16. I,too, have opted to donate to The Teen’s website as it’s a lot easier. It’s really heartwarming to see these young people helping those who are in need. Bless their hearts!
    Can’t say this enough MM and crew, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!