Cinnamon Rolls a la Sister


Posts have been slow on the blog lately. Sister is in town and we are extremely busy, zipping here and there, taking two quick trips to the province, and out for the next few days, so that’s why I seem distracted. But I thought I would do a quick post on these utterly stunning cinnamon rolls that my sister just whipped up together with the cook… If you have never experienced the smell of baked goods with lots of butter and cinnamon in your own home, you have missed one of life’s most memorable yet economical pleasures. The rolls have a rich dough with lots of butter and eggs, light but not airy, coated in caramelized butter, sugar and cinnamon (and raisins and nuts if you so desire) with crisp edges and sticky bottoms that make the perfect late afternoon merienda with coffee, tea or a diet coke. :)


We are still working on the recipe, but I thought I would post this teaser anyway. Up top, rolls just minutes out of the oven with a totally unnecessary additional pat of butter. In the second photo, fresh out of the oven, the crisp tops of the cinnamon rolls rest for a couple of minutes before being inverted to show off the caramelized sugar and cinnamon mixture below…


This pan was chock full of walnuts and raisins, while other pans were just plain…


Foil tins make browning the bottoms a little harder, but these still looked and tasted spectacular. The crew were totally in awe. In awe. And took pans and pans worth of cinnamon rolls home. And sister even stepped out to the “parlor” somewhere in between to get the works… :) The reason I have never made these before? I didn’t have the recipe! Sister has always been generous with her recipes, but before we bother to write it out and test it again, I think you need to convince her that enough of you out there are actually going to try and make it, if only for the wonderful smells that will permeate through your home. So here’s the deal — leave me (and sister) a comment if you WANT the recipe. If we manage to get to 100 folks over the next couple of days, you may just convince sister to sit down and write the recipe for me to post on the blog next week :)


209 Responses

  1. MM and Sister, pretty please share the cinnamon roll recipe…. memories of my grandma cooking up a batch of these buns for her mahjong session with my other relatives……. cant wait to try the recipe.

  2. a new post! got worried and thought you were out sick mm ;P im curious, what brand of cinnamon powder do you use?

  3. dear mm’s sister, pls pretty pls share you recipe for those lovely cinnamon rolls above! gracias

  4. I’m currently sitting in the office eating sauteed mushrooms and tuna but really salivating for those cinnamon rolls.

    MM’s Sister, may we have a copy of the recipe? Pretty please? With cinnamon and sugar on top. :-P

    @ the frequent visitors to marketmanila: what the heck are you guys waiting for?! ;-)

  5. My all-time favorite!!! Please share the recipe, especially since they are hard to come by here in Vietnam!

  6. What more lethal presence than sister´s to undermine your diet goal. On the other hand, would like to have the recipe. Her recipe for panetone turned out better than that of the Italian baker.

  7. Sister please! I love cinnamon rolls, and someday if I have an oven, I promise to make them!!! As in! :)

  8. Dear MMs Sister,

    Thank you for sharing the lovely cinnamon rolls to MMs readers.
    The smell of cinnamon mixed with sugar and butter is really a gratifying homey experience – this combination of smells has been used to attract would-be flat buyers in Stockholm.

    The Swedish cinnamon buns, classified here as coffee breads (yeasted pastries) although share common fillings with the cinnamon rolls that are perhaps of American origin, in that these are less sweet, use a lot of ground cardamom seeds in the filling and have no sweet sticky glaze. Instead “pearl” sugar and/or almond flakes are used as toppings.

    I’ve grown accustomed to these buns after having lived here for more than a decade and it’s quite addicting, even other Europeans love them – must be the cardamom??

    Cheers and enjoy Manila!

  9. hi mm

    i’ve been a lurker for the longest time.i just really enjoy reading your posts.however i would die for sister’s cinnamon rolls’s sister please share it. i would be indebted to you forever.thank you

  10. I love anything with cinnamon! and I have yet to find the best cinnamon roll in town, so maybe sister’s recipe it “IT”! :D we’ll all be waiting for the recipe :)

  11. I will definitely try it, MM. I love cinnamon rolls and been thinking of trying out recipes from the internet and other blogs. But since Market Manila is among my top favorite food blog, I will try your recipe first :)

  12. WANT WANT WANT! Love cinnamon rolls and hate the ones that are dry and chewy with too much cream cheese topping to disguise how bad they are! I get my fix here in HK from Little Mermaid Bakery in CitySuper IFC, where the Rolls are (yes, with a capital R) are pillow-soft. My only complaint is I want more cinnamon in them, and the nuts would be great as well. Your pictures show me a truly marvelous confection so PLEEEEAAASE Sister share the recipe for diehard cinnamon roll fans like me? THank you!

  13. I’m having flashbacks of years back when I used to bake cinnamon rolls at night —- it’s much cooler and relaxing to do the kneading. The best part is the house would smell of cinnamon in the morning. Nice to wake up to the smell of cinnamon and brewing coffee. If only we could bottle the scent of good old memories . . . . . Why is it never the same when you try to replicate?

  14. hi sister, hi mm. please share us your recipe. my boys (hubby and sons) love cinnamon rolls. and i love my boys..:)

  15. To MM’s Sister…kindly share the poetry behind the creation of that delectable decadence that you call cinnamon rolls =)

  16. yummy photos! Please share the recipe, MM and Sister. Would love to try my hand in baking something for the family on my days off. :-)

  17. MM, please, bagsak ang attempt kong gumawa ng ensaymada—baka sa cinnamon roll ay pumasa ako…


  18. Yes! The recipe please. Remember: To share is to guarantee one’s place in heaven. (I made that up!)

  19. I have 500g of cinnamon sitting in the pantry for almost a year now . . . help me dispose them please!!!

  20. I bake a lot, and currently use the Paula Deen cinnamon bun recipe. I’d certainly appreciate the MM’s Sister version. Recipe, please!!!!

  21. Hi MM! Forever lurker, first time to comment!! Thanks for all the wonderful posts! MM’s Sister pls, pls, pls post your cinnamon rolls recipe … love the rolls and it sure look good & delicious!!!!

  22. Hello Marketman and Sister, I love to bake and I will definite try your cinnamon bun recipe. Btw, I finally had the courage to try your ensaimada recipe and I have very good results, tasted better the next day. Thanks. Hope you can give the recipe in grams too. :)

  23. For the love of cinnamon rolls, out of my hidey-hole I come…
    MM and Sister, I would love and appreciate to get ahold of your recipe. Pretty please?

  24. boy, i’ve missed your posts MM! yes pretty puhlease sister, share with us the recipe. cinnamon rolls are my absolute favorite! i actually had one EVERYDAY for almost a month when cinnabon opened in robinson’s place manila! :D

  25. Add me to the list! I would love to try this recipe- cinnamon rolls are my husband’s favorite. :)

  26. i have been around reading MM’s blogs but have been in hibernation but i could not resist this. sister, please??? say yes?!!!!

  27. Long time listener first time caller.
    I just had to make a comment because I too am trying to find and bake the perfect (for me at least) cinammon roll recipe. Hope you post it. :)

    Thanks MM for your blog, just wanted to say that.

  28. wala bang tawad MM/sister? 50 % discount na lang…or better yet just disregard the deal, so hard to resist a craving!

  29. O hayan, Silly Lolo has spoken, MM & Sister, i-share n’yo daw ang recipe ;)

    Napakamahal bumili ng cinnamon rolls dito—hubby and kid are so matakaw pagdating sa cinnamon rolls. If I get it right, dalawa na ang nasa aking baking repertoire—apple cake and cinnamon rolls.


  30. Sister, Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssseeeeeee share your recipe. I would love to try your buns!!!………….Cinnamon buns that is. ;->

    One of the things I do with my buns, is to finished it with an apricot glaze as soon as it comes out of the oven. It keeps the moisture in. I also like to use buttermilk.

    Come on guys, we need 51 more requests to hit 100.

  31. this will be a sure hit with our Sunday School class…we have merienda before going to class…pls, Sister, do share your recipe!

  32. I’ve been reading your blog for roughly two years and I must say that I have never been disappointed!! MM/Sister, please post the recipe!!!!

  33. MM,

    I could use the recipe because I love cinnamon rolls. I have a niece who bakes them at least once a week and they are yumy. My niece got accepted in Princeton for her doctorate last fall so she doesn’t make it any more unless she home for a vacation. I love the smell of those cinnamon rolls when I walk in to their home with a freshly brewed coffee for breakfast. She calls me when she makes them and it is worth the drive (a 20 minutes drive).


  34. i’m with sillylolo, secure a place in heaven and share!!!!

    bettyq if sister adopts you, can you adopt me?!? mom and lola baking, that’d be heaven!!!

  35. Please Please Please !!! for the sake of the 100 people out here and the thousands of our families (son, daughter, wife, hubby, mother in-law, father in-law etc….)who will benefit from both of your generosity. :)

  36. I love Cinnabon… and would love to be able to try Sister’s cinnamon roll even though I have not tried baking in my whole life. I just had a cinnamon roll (doughnut) this morning but Sister’s roll is more appetizing by the looks of it.

  37. my sister and i used to make these all the time when we were single, but now i can’t remember the recipe so i haven’t made them in a looooong time. so, please, Sister, share already…i promise i’ll step out to the parlor like you did,while the dough is rising :-)

  38. In 5 hr 45 mins (345mins) we got 57 comments who want Sister cinnamon recipe that’s one (1) comment in every 6 minutes. That means in 10 hrs we will be able to complete the required 100 YEHEY !!!!! and in 24 hrs (1440 mins) we will get 240 votes. AMAZING !!!!

  39. Mmmmm…oooey goooey cinnamon rolls!! Would love to try sister’s recipe. Pretty please?

  40. Yes, please, I would love to have this recipe! I’m going home to see my parents in a few months and would love to surprise them with these for merienda!

  41. Would love to try these yummy and scrumptious cinnamon rolls. If it’s not too much trouble, could we all please have the recipe. :)

  42. I know that, let’s say you wont get enough people to sign up, you will still give us your recipe.We know your heart,MM.

  43. Would absolutely love to have the recipe for this! Have been searching high and low for the perfect cinnamon roll recipe – this may be the one!

  44. this rolls would be perfect when my in-laws come to visit next week. please share the recipe ma gentille soeur!

  45. MM, Sister: Can I speak for Maria Clara and Onie? I know that they would very much love to try your cinnamon roll recipe….so that makes 2 additional requests, MM!

    So, Sister, what do you say….would you consider adopting me so I can adopt Wahini!

  46. Please, please include me. I want to know your good looking cinammon rolls. This is one of my dream breads to bake. thanks

  47. Prettyplease? Even if it means I would have to tack on a couple more weeks to my dieting sked,hehehe. . .

  48. MM, btw, have you or Sister tried the no-knead bread recipes? I tried it yesterday and it turned out great. I will experiment with some bread recipes that I have and will share them with you and everybody else if they come out great.

  49. I am a cinnamon roll addict. So please add my name to the growing list.

    Wow, I must have slept a few minutes and wake up with so many posts!
    MM, you sure know how to fire up your readers.

    And lucky to have a sister who would bake while visiting.

    Have a fun visit, sister! Good to be away, as Central Park has 10 inches of snow.

  50. the cinammon roll with chockful of walnuts reminds me of
    the ones i bought at the boulangerie in san francisco when
    i was working at the travel agency on geary street. almost
    everyday, i would go there for my break for coffee and this
    super delicious fresh from the oven cinammon roll….

  51. Yes, please share the recipe, I love cinnamon rolls! There is a winter storm right now in NYC and this would have been perfect to enjoy with a cup of coffee!

  52. recipe please, love, love, love, cinnamon rolls, but it’s my husband who bakes them using jamie oliver’s recipe, would love to try sister’s one…thanks!

  53. 14 years ago, I had a recipe for cinnamon roll. But it does not come out like this. I want to try baking again but I want MM Sister’s recipe.


  54. This is my first comment although I’ve been following your posts MM for a long time now. I just want to request for the fabulous cinnamon rolls recipe. Thanks in advance. :) I know you’ll reach the target number of comments.

  55. i WANT this recipe please :D i absolutely love cinnamon rolls – especially with cream cheese on top! btw, did you know that cinnamon has slimming properties? :P

  56. Hello MM. I NEED THIS RECIPE. Let me tell you why. If there is one thing, one that my husband loves and if I do bake it for him, i know he’ll love me for life (oh, he already does) it’s cinnamon rolls. Wherever we go, if he sees a cinnamon roll, he will test it. To this day, he has not found one that he is happy with. So, please, share your recipe. The pictures are so enticing, I really hope you send it very soon. I look forward to hearing the good news! Thank you in advance.

  57. Oh I forget to add, the one recipe that was close to what my husband was looking for was the cinnamon rolls my eldest sister, Susan use to bake. However, she passed away just recently. I looked through her recipe notebook but I have not found the recipe. I know this one will be exactly what he’s looking for. Thanks, MM>

  58. 19 more to go ………

    btw, thanks for the fruitcake recipe, MM’s SIS … twas sinfully deliciouusssssssssss !!!

  59. MM and Sister,
    Thank you for sharing your recipe of cinnamon rolls; one of our favorites with the move here away from home. Of course, our kakanins and local pastries are still our favorites, but not available unless I make them. Warm regards.

  60. I’m a lifelong fan of these babies but I’ve yet to find my perfect cinnamon roll here in Manila. I’ve sampled most shops selling these around the city I think..from hotels to the popular chains to corner bakeries. I haven’t found that cinnamon roll yet. But maybe your recipe is IT. If it is, I’d gladly have my oven stamped with the scent of cinnamon the rest of its dear life.

  61. Mr MM and sister
    Please share Thank You.Now can I ask 13 times to make it 100.
    I think it is not legit.Just trying sakaling makalusot.
    What brand of flour do you use? I’ve tried a brand bought from
    a chain grocery store,very disaapointed x3, something extra
    inside the bag.Alive and crawling! So I usually bring home
    a bag of flour.

  62. Everybody in the family loves cinnamon rolls. Hope you can share the recipe so we can make it at home. Please Ate ….

  63. My husband has fond memories of these from his childhood. When we asked his mother to make it, she just bought frozen dough. We were a bit disappointed. We would like to make this and we do like our cinnamon roll to be soft and gooey. So, post the soft & gooey recipe of this sinful delight ASAP. We are looking forward to it.

  64. Count me in, MM and Sister. I love cinnamon rolls and the pictures above are so inviting. Gotta have the recipe, pretty please. I will make it for sure.

  65. Would love to have the recipe please pretty please……….Cinnamon rolls are a great comfort food from childhood (but not the cinnabon kind!) I am talking about the kind you could get from the bakery counter in Unimart…… and your pics look just like those!

  66. Dear MM and Sister, please share your recipe for cinnamon rolls with us. Been meaning to make them for ages but didn’t have a good recipe. Can’t wait to try it with your recipe. They look sooo good!

  67. yummy. Looks so delish. I had attended a class by Heny Sison 10 yrs ago- her recipe is just awfully great – so yummy and so mouthwatering. just as all her other recipes. It had whipped butter instead of plain butter. I long to bake her cinnamon again but today the snow is just nasty- hired a couple to clean up the foot of snow in my driveway. Grabe – tumigas na sa kapal! Good thing – spring is behind the corner so maybe i can do my mise en place for the cinnamon buns. waiting for your recipe. thanks .
    ps. twenty yrs ago whilst working in cavite as a resident – there was this guy who baked the best cinnamon buns. but i forgot his name. it was in cavite city. my memory is dwindling w age but the taste of those cavite cinnamon buns is so vivid in my memory – as if i just had it today. yummy.

  68. I can’t believe there are already over a hundred requests for the recipe in less than 12 hours. I’ve written out the recipe for MM and he will post it as soon as he gets a minute to sit down, he’s been very busy all month. I hope you will enjoy making this recipe wherever you are on the planet.

  69. You’ve alerady reach 100 but just want to chime in – yes, I’d like the recipe! Can’t wait til it’s posted! I can smell it already :)

  70. ooohhh—am i late?? he did say 2 days…thanks for sharing, sister–YOU ARE MISSING the mess of a winter here…i was there less than a week ago, too–enjoy the warmth and the Phil food!!!!!!!!!!! i miss Iloilo…sigh

  71. been out the whole day yesterday and was amazed at the number of response in a short time!My family loves cinnamon rolls and so Sister and MM thanks in advance for sharing.God bless you both for your generosity!

  72. Those pictures are simply screaming: Bake me! Make me! So please, please, pretty please share the recipe. Tnx MM and Sister.

  73. Pls share the recipe. Will try it out as soon as you post it. My husband and 2 sons just love cinnamon rolls! Please-oh-please!!!

  74. Please please Sister! By a coincidence I’ve been wanting to make cinnamon rolls since last week..learned to eat them from my dad.. the last really good one I had was from Tesoro’s in Baguio.. ages ago! Thank you in advance! I <3 cinnamon rolls!

  75. cinnamon rolls are my favorite so of course would love the recipe and detailed instructions on how to get it right!

  76. MM and Sister: Count me in! I know this will be a good one since I have been baking your ensaimada recipe and have impressed family and friends with it, in fact, since it is the best tasting ensaimada I have ever made, I threw away my other tried and tested recipes which were good but not as delicious as yours. I don’t diet on the weekend so i will surely be making this one weekend. I’ll be waiting! Yum yum!

  77. MM, this looks really good. I want to try this if you provide the recipe. Is this daunting to make? Always thought of cinnamon rolls as hard to do but I’m willing to try it.

  78. looks amazing! please share!! or if not, make it available and sell some please. i would definitely order from you and your sister.

  79. Hello MM and sister…. im one of those who crave for cinnamon rolls…can i have the recipe please. Thank you!!!

  80. Okay, I know this is far more than a hundred now, but still, I want! I want! … My eyes felt like they were going to pop-out seeing the first photo! Oh, dear, my diet, my diet … Thank you!

  81. Oh i love love love cinnamon rolls! I’ll forsake my diet for this one. Eventhough I’m not a good baker I’ll try my best to perfect it…Maraming salamat po in advance! God bless…

  82. Those looked mouthwatering!!! I tried baking some cinnamon rolls in the past but they never looked like this =(..

    Looking forward to Sister’s recipe. Thanks MM & Sister!!! =)

  83. OH. MY. GOD.
    Please share the recipe…pretty please with sugar and cinnamon and butter on top. :-)

  84. hi, i am not a cinnamon fan… but, this post has intrigued me to try the recipe………..please?
    Btw, i tried sister’s cookie recipes. it was a hit in our family!!!

  85. please please…am a newbie cook, inspired by marketman ( dont think I’ll ever get to where you guys are when it comes to cooking though, lol) …so please recipe please sister?

  86. Thank you, Sister! MM, please type faster and blog the recipe as soon as you can. Btw, I am praying that you are still going to win against Teen. The verdict is a week or so away right?

  87. We used to make these at home in Manila and I soo agree that there is nothing like the smell of baking bread with cinnamon. The moment it’s cool enough to handle, we flip it over and grab the corner. =) No more additional butter. Just lots in the inside along with the cinnamon sugar. My momn always added crushed pineapple to the bottom along with raisins and walnuts. I am here in the states now so no recipe. =( I need one!

  88. God bless you sister, thank you for your generousity. @rosemarie, perhaps you could share ms heny sison’s recipe too. your description of her’s made me curious…oh! i hope the magic word helps….pleeease…

  89. OMG Cinnamon rolls! Love, love them! Pls. Sister and MM post the recipes! They look so yummy and delicious…wish I could have some right now. Thanks in advance for the recipe… =D

  90. Thanks MM and Sister. Looking forward to the recipe. More power to the both of you for enriching us with your passion for cooking and unselfishly sharing your recipes.

  91. Already past 100 comments, but I’ll still add my request to pretty please please please share the recipe with us. ^___^

    Those look so good. I can almost smell that off the laptop monitor. Hee. ;p

  92. MM and MM’s sister – Please share your recipe! I love cinnamon rolls and so do my hubby and I would love to make this for him. Looking forward to it!

  93. Haven’t baked bread in a while, this Cinnamon recipe would be a good way to relearn it. Thanks in advance for posting it!

  94. Yel: I don’t think you will be LOVELESS any longer once you make Sister’s cinnamon rolls! Trust me on this one!!!! Just show them the picture up above and they will drool!

    Magkakandapila sila to taste your cinnamon rolls and they will be hooked forever! A-araw-arawin ka nila bisitahin so you have to prepare….mega cinnamon rolls! Teka muna, I am assuming you are a Ms.?

  95. Sister and MM, please do share the recipe. Thank you in advanced! While I myself am not a fan of cinnamon, my mom and the rest of my family are. They are coming back to the country in a couple of months and I would like to surprise them with a home filled with the smell of baking cinnamon rolls from my brand new oven.

    P.S. my mom would go NUTS over these rolls, especially if it’s full of walnuts on the bottom. Must get lots of coffee too…

  96. Dear MM and Sister, I promise to bake the recipe when you’ve posted it. We got an oven recently, and this week I’m buying baking supplies, so by early next week, my new home is going to be full of the smell of cookies, bread, and hopefully cinnamon rolls!
    MM, I thought the pat of butter was a slice of queso de bola lol.

  97. I’ve lost my recipe a long time ago, which is why I can’t make it anymore….Please Sister, Please share with us your recipe……..

  98. i’m inching towards the 200th request. Grabe na ‘to. Can you share your recipe pls. thanks!

  99. sister and MM, thanks in advance for the cinnamon recipe. while waiting for it, i will just buy at the local cinammon store or bakery around to enjoy cinnamon roll.

  100. betty,

    I will surely make the cinnamon and add some love potion. I am Mr. and I am the 169th pala sa list. hehehe!

  101. a few more comments and we’ll round up the number to 2 x 100…thanks for the upcoming recipe..i’ve made this at home before but i’m sure i can pick up a few more tips..

  102. Bro, sana po ibigay na po ni MM at ng sister nya ang recipe ng cinnamon rolls. Matagal na po kasi hinihintay ng mga Fathers at ng mga taga-Bagong Pag-asa ang recipe. Please lang po, Bro. Salamat po.

  103. Can’t wait for the recipe! Cinnamon rolls are a childhood fave, would love to make it so I can re-live my childhood!

  104. Dear MM and Sister please post the recipe for this awesome looking cinnamon rolls!

  105. hi sister,
    tanx for being generous with your recipes….pls pls pls share with us these delicious recipe….i am 197th……

  106. I know it’s way past the 100th mark already but I like to add… me too!!! Would love this for merienda on one of our get togethers. Could this be placed in the freezer prior to baking, so that I can just pop it in the oven an hour before afternoon tea? That way, I can make it in advance and not mixing and preparing them when friends are here. Thanks in advance MM and sister for sharing the recipe.

  107. Mr. Marketmann & Sister–please share with us your recipe for Cinnamon Rolls! I have long been dreaming of doing this at home and have imagined how the house would smell with the aroma of butter & cinnamon baking in the oven! Mmmmmm…. :D

  108. These look like Sticky Buns more than Cinnamon Rolls….a distinction my grandmother from Philadelphia was always quick to point out. Whatever the name, they look wickedly delicious!

  109. I love cinnamon rolls! Please share your recipe because mine is difficult to make and yours looks better and probably tastes better too!
    You see, my recipe was given by a professional baker so it’s complicated to make and I think it needs the right kitchen equipment to be just perfect. When I made it, the dough was a bit tough.

  110. Bro, sana po ibigay na po ni MM at ng sister nya ang recipe ng cinnamon rolls. Matagal na po kasi hinihintay ng mga Fathers at ng mga taga-Bagong Pag-asa ang recipe. Please lang po, Bro. Salamat po.

  111. I love cinnamon rolls. Tried baking them once before when i was 14 but I ended up with a doughy mess. Looking forward to your recipe. I’m ready to try making them again, 16 years after. :)