I got an early Christmas present this year. Mrs. MM had a boxed item that she asked me to open early, so “we could use it”… It was a beautiful silver-plated sprig of mistletoe from Penhaligon’s. We have hung it above the front door so that folks can have a reason to have a holiday kiss “under the mistletoe”. I did a slightly irreverent post on fresh mistletoe here, and you may want to read it o find out why some would translate it to literally “poop-on-a-stick”… :)
This stylized version is far more practical, the poisonous berries don’t fall off, it lasts for several years and it looks great.
A photo of this year’s Christmas tree, hours before the Crew Christmas Party and the presents under the tree were mostly distributed to he 45+ guests that evening. Marketman and family wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope you are enjoying it with family, friends and loved ones!!
7 Responses
Merry Christmas to all !!!
Happy CHRISTmas po to everyone! Be blessed!
Merry Christmas Marketman! Your long time lurker here
Merry Christmas MM and Family!
love! Love! Love!
So, so exquisite! !!!
The most elegant alternative to fresh mistletoe!