Chicken & Kadios


The other day, I was busy baking, from early morning onwards and realized we needed some lunch (as well as to clear out some odds and ends from the fridge) so I threw together this kadios and chicken soup/stew with chinese chorizo and baby bok choy that turned out rather nicely. It has that strange tinge of dead purple-black, but the taste made up for the maudlin color. To make, simple start by adding vegetable oil to a pot and when it is very hot, brown assorted pieces of chicken, we used some breasts, legs and wings. Remove the browned chicken, add some chopped ginger, onions and garlic and several smashed stems of lemongrass. Deglaze the pot by adding some chicken broth or water. Add the chicken pieces back in, a couple of splashes of patis or fish sauce and more broth and the peeled kadios or pigeon peas…


Let that all simmer for some 15-20 minutes and season according to your taste preferences with salt or a little more fish sauce and lots of ground black pepper. I then added some sliced chinese sausage that we had lying around, and let that simmer a few minutes more. Throw in some chinese bok choy or other similar greens and serve hot with lots of steamed rice. So simple, so hearty and relatively quick to produce. The kadios gave the meal that starchy substantial feel, while the chicken was flavorful and the sausage provided a hint of fat and some sweetness. The greens were there to aid bowel movement. :)


Fortified with this meal, I managed, with the help of the cook, to churn out 7 prune and pecan cakes, 8 pans of brownies, 80 chocolate chip cookies, gingerbread, homemade granola, pecan pies, apple pies, corn muffins, etc… :)


16 Responses

  1. Where did you buy kadios? I seached the FTI Saturday offerings but was not able to see any kadios. I think there were green ones, but not the black ones that we Ilonggos traditionally used.

    I settled for patani instead.

  2. ntgerald, I got them at FTI last Saturday, at least two vendors had kadios! Next time, look for Gerry, the guy with a pretty spacious stall and Chinese veggies among imported broccoli, celery, etc. He tends to carry it. And the smaller vendors up near the plant section also had it. I only bought 3 packages out of dozens that I spotted. Was at the market at 6 am, so I don’t know how long they lasted. :) millet, think one large LPG worth… :)

  3. I only get to eat Kadios when I go to my father’s town in Iloilo. My aunt cooks them to perfection. :-) Yum! Im not sure if anybody sells those here in Cebu.

  4. This looks tasty! A perfect down-home meal to “give us strength” for the coming fiestahan. My Dad is an avid kadios hunter in the local markets.

    Do the kadios work like regular beans? Then I suggest Beano before the meal LOL

  5. Rosemarie…big grocery chain stores that have imported foods section carry those…canned pidgeon peas. I know because I have a Jamaican friend cook for me Palau? or something like that and she used canned pidgeon peas which she bought there . They are also readily availble canned at East Indian stores…Ok…back to baking!

  6. This dish reminds me of feijoada (black beans, chorizo and various pork parts). Would love to try this one, too.

  7. I used to cook kadios with pork ribs or with pork leg. You can also use cabbage and eggplant for the vegetables. And for us Ilocanos, we use “bagoong isda” to add a little twist on the dish.

  8. dried kadyos/ pigeon peas is sometimes available in asian and jamaican grocery stores. 99c per 12 oz bag. soak in water overnight, ready for cooking the next day. beats the canned type – too mushy and high in sodium. . now if i can only find unripe jackfruit.

  9. Lui, you can get canned unripe jackfruit in Asian or Filipino stores.; may not be as good as the fresh ones though.