Cavolo Broccolo Romanesco / Romanesco Broccoli

Isn’t it just stunning? It even brings up discussions on fractal symmetry and what not. And it is locally grown! I once referred to this as a broccoflower, in this old post, and while the name is fine, it is NOT actually a cross between a broccoli and cauliflower, as I had written in that post. Thanks to Kurzhaar, who pointed this correction out.

Edwin of Fresh Fields at the outdoor vegetable section at Market!Market! had it on offer so I scooped up two smallish heads of the local romanesco. At PHP200, they were well priced. Not sure what I am going to use them for yet, but with a vegetarian-ish houseguest arriving tomorrow, we are stocking up on more vegetables…


32 Responses

  1. hmmm…i have a slight suspicion madonna’s costume designers were inspired by these…

  2. hmmm.coincidence..just had it for dinner.we normally cut into florettes of smallish pieces. mix it up with iceberg lettuce leaves, some nuts (cashew,walnuts) or dried fruits. and drizzle with dressing (ceasar/yoghurt cum garlic with salt and pepper/olive oil and vinegar vinegrette). glad to note its now grown locally..

  3. The florets look like small X’mas trees to me!Local produce really gets interesting these days.Thank you MM for introducing them to us!

  4. When I first saw it, it looked like an alien. Second time, it looked like the top of Asian temples :-)

  5. Hi MM, I have been following your blog for about 4 years already, but this is the first time I am posting a comment. Here’s what I found on romanesco broccoli. Thank you so much for a very informative, honest and entertaining blog. Every morning I always look forward to reading whatever is featured in your site before I start my work at the office. Thanks again.

  6. looks interesting. first time to see one like this. now i’m reminded i’m not yet done on backreading the articles…

  7. Sana may “like” button din dito sa marketmanila for people like me who doesn’t have much to say but really like your entries :) (at least may participation other than just a lurker hehehe)

    Thanks for sharing! This type of broccoli is too goodlooking to eat :)

  8. Isn’t it just stunning?
    For Christmas decor, yes. For lunch, can I have KFC muna?

  9. Is there any way to cook the entire head as a whole? I would cut the bottom flat and try to roast it, but have to get my hands on a head first… ;)

  10. bakerwannabe: my hosts normally have it raw when mixed in their green salad, but i tweaked mine into blanching in boiling water, then cold water after ( i have to, because i have to adhere a low kalium diet), sometimes i also saute it with other veggies ala chopsuey :)

  11. I find it a blessing to discover a variety of vegetables n your blog considering you’re big on meat(: I so love my greens and here’s hoping you can share some ‘green’ recipes you’ll be preparing for your vegetarian houseguest…:D

  12. They look like spires on temples, so hypnotic to look at. I wonder what the best way to serve these without having to sacrifice on presentation?

  13. Lovely! I have been reading about this in another blog (Green Kitchen Stories) for a sauteed vegetable tart.

    I’d like to have this drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled with salt flakes, and roasted briefly like broccoli. Served alone or as a part of a roasted vegetable platter to be dipped in whatever sauce or dressed with balsamic vinegar.

    Thank you for posting!

  14. Stunning indeed! I’ve never seen local romanesco before. It’s a good thing local farmers are now growing vegetables and fruits which I only read about in books or the internet. :)

  15. I was just thinking that it reminds me of a fractal. And it is!

    Google Images: fractals in nature and this broccoli comes up.

  16. What a gorgeous romanesco; almost shame to eat it… Amazing how The Almighty makes all of these fractal designs on something as humble as a vegetable .

  17. Kidding aside, the fractal sci-fi appearance of this broccoli should make the task of making kids eat broccoli a bit easier. On top of my mom’s superior cooking ability, she also piqued our interest by making us vie for the odd-shaped ones such as twin yolks and siamese bananas to say nothing of the truly twisted carrots and camote.

  18. OMG, that is spectacular!!! I can’t stop looking at the photos! I want to turn it into a hat or something. ;-) Please do post what you did with it?

  19. i went to market market i cant seem to find one of this brocollis, where can i find them? thanks!

  20. May nagbebenta ba ng halaman nito? Ung talagang nakatanim pa talaga? please, i badly need an answer.