Busy as an Elf…

Marketman is madly trying to finish this year’s gingerbread village, trimming the Christmas tree and some bulk wrapping, so things are quiet on the blog this weekend. Will try to catch up late this evening and with several posts starting tomorrow…stay tuned!


9 Responses

  1. And I have a hard time setting up my 6 or 7 Dept 56 items bought in Greenhills to make up a village. And you’re cooking your own. WOW!

  2. ’tis the season…

    currently losing sleep baking cookies for my patients

    Show us your village when you’re done. Advanced Merry Christmas to everyone

  3. Ditto on the kitchen duty. But no gifts to wrap yet. No time to shop! “Sweet” Holidays, All!

  4. normally I would already have bought christmas gifts mid November but now I still didnt shop for anythin. . .hmmmm

  5. Your take care of your Christmas errands – your posts mean a lot to me more than the Pentagon’s new air craft carrier missile fighter plane they are developing! I will sit tight, stay put and await your new posts with full of delightment.