Brilliant? Disaster? or Brilliant Disaster?


It’s been crazy busy for Marketman over the last few days. But we still had to eat. So while I haven’t had time to write a post, I offer this teaser…

So what do you think this is? Were the flames intentional? Did it ruin the experiment? Has Marketman gone too far? Lost his marbles? Stay tuned for the results, up soon. :)


31 Responses

  1. looks like somebody became too fired up cooking tupig, or perhaps someone did an over-the-top clambake or luau? must be a lot of steaming/baking going on under those banana stalks (?)…hmmm…you’re the master of intrigue, MM! :-)

  2. YO Marketman,

    You’re about to grill some good eats. Like Miss Millet says, it might be my favorite snack, mirienda or maybe even good breakfast w/kaping barako, cha-a or hot chocolate drink – TUPIG? Is it? :>) Or could it be you’re just getting the coal ready the for the lechon?

  3. I’d say something brilliant (?) — I see something tied up inside that burning leaves (?) haha…can’t identify any of that in your photo! Maybe a lechon in the making? Can’t wait for the surprise…

  4. looks like bringing zubuchon into new height- “zubuchon” in a wrap!…wrapped in banana leaves, perhaps …. hehe

  5. Hey MM,I saw your sign for Zubuchon at the Cebu airport!
    Just thought I’d let you know.Was in the Phils from Dec till Feb. and ate lots of lechon.
    My sis in Ormoc has a lechon business so everytime we have a craving we just order and presto 5 hours later we have yummy lechon.But I have not tried your Zubuchon.
    Next time I go home I might have a taste of that now famous lechon.
    We’ll be back again December this year so hoping I can have a taste this time.

    Is there any other place besides at the airport that you have an order stall?Thanks.

  6. i think those are tanglad leaves wrapped around something being roasted. the tanglad caught fire because it came too close to the charcoal.

  7. coal roasted zubuchon bamboo rice? probably an accident, the fire looks too strong and its already burned off much of the leaves. smokey taste is diff from “sunog” taste

  8. looks like you were cooking meat (pork perhaps? :P) inside banana stalks and tied them with banana leaf strips or maybe twine then those caught fire. Looks good though.

  9. Siguro lechon. I read your post everyday and I love it. First time to post a comment today. More power to you!

  10. I don’t think the flames were international. It looks like you were grilling something and dried leaves accidentally caught fire in the charcoal.

  11. lee, haha… if one pig is good, two pigs would be awesome, right?

    artisan chocolatier, subtle..subtle….. :-)

  12. Must be a brilliant disaster where an unintentional accident lead to a yummy food !!! I mentioned before what I saw on tablescape where one guy from batangas grilled a whole chicken in 5 minutes. The chicken on a bamboo was stick upwards then cover it with a can from a big cooking oil. Then they cover the whole can with lots of dried grass or dried rice stalks which easily burn in 5 minutes. The results according to chef Bruce is an out of this world lechon chicken…..This time maybe MM experimenting it on a whole pig instead :))) but needs a big drum and lots and lots of dried grass to cook the whole pig in a record time !!!!!

  13. I think it’s a small zubuchon wrap in banana stalk tied by coconut fronds which accidentally caught fire and resulted in a very tender, flavorful,smoky meat!But isn’t that how roasted pig was discovered?—–a pig roasted in a burning house? :)

    Junb, I also saw that episode and was amazed that cooking time for the chicken was only 5mins!

  14. MarketMan please let me know if you guys already can ship zubuchon to Silay/bacolod airport.
    i can pick it up at the airport. thanks!