Basic Tart Dough / Pecan Boat Recipe a la The Kid


I received several requests for the recipes of the lemon tart and the Kid’s pecan boats in this previous post so I decided to first describe the tart dough (which you can use in many, many different tarts) and then the recipe for the pecan tart boats. The tart dough is basically a pate sucre or a dough with butter, flour and powdered sugar. It is a bit “maselan” or delicate, but once you get the hang of it, it is an utter breeze. I use several variations of this recipe but here is the most basic, with full credit going to Francois Payard from his cookbook “Simply Sensational Desserts.”

Sift together 1 cup plus 1 tablespoon of confectioners (powdered) sugar with 1 and 3/4 cup of all purpose flour and 1/8th teaspoon of salt. Place 9 tablespoons of softened (but not melted), good unsalted butter into the bowl of a food processer and blitz for a few seconds. Add the flour mixture and 1 large egg and blitz again until the dough just forms. DO NOT OVERBLITZ. That is it. Simple right? Split the dough into two roughly equal pieces and flatten into discs and wrap tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. I leave mine in the fridge overnight. When you are ready to make the tart, take the dough out of the fridge and let it warm up a bit (about 15 minutes in a warm Manila kitchen, but perhpas up to 30 minutes in cooler climates), then dust a cool work surface such as a marble or granite countertop with flour and roll out your dough with copious amounts of flour dusting and lifting the dough to make sure it doesn’t stick. Lift the dough and place it on your pan (I use removable bottom tart pans whenever possible to make extracting the tart easier) and patch up any gaps or tears in the dough with your fingers. I find that I rarely can get it as thin as I want, but that’s okay, it tastes good anyway. Prick the bottom of the dough in the pan with a fork to prevent this from bubbling up and then return the dough to the fridge for a 20 minute cool down session while you heat up your oven.

Do not be tempted to take shortcuts or let your dough get to warm, you will be punished severely by your tart! This dough must remain cool lest the butter literally melts into the flour… not a good situation. If you are going to pre-bake or partially bake your dough as is called for in most tarty recipes, then turn on your oven and heat it up to 325 degrees F. Next, cut out some parchment or baker’s paper and put it on the tart and weigh this down with pie weights, beans, or I like to use coins. This step is to help cook the tart without the bottom bubbling up. Bake this in the oven “blind” for 8-10 minutes then remove the paper and coins and return this to the oven for another 10 minutes of so until just ever so lightly golden on the edges. Watch the tart carefully, if the dough puffs up, pierce it with a toothpick or fork to deflate it. Let this cool and you are good to go to the next step. If you are FULLY pre-baking the tart shell, you may need about 25-28 minutes total of cooking time.

The Kid’s pecan boats were made with some extra tart dough. She pressed the leftover dough into small tart pans and pre-baked these for just 10 minutes total (they cooked faster because they were smaller and thinner). After they had cooled, we concocted the following filling: in a saucepan, melt 2/3 stick of butter or about 80 grams with 3-4 tablespoons of honey until this is all melted and blended, then add 2 tablespoons of white sugar and 1/3 cup of brown sugar and let this come to a boil and let it boil for about 60-90 seconds. Take it off the heat and add a tablespoon or two of heavy cream or whipping cream and stir to combine. Let this cool for a minute or two then add about 1 cup of chopped pecans and stir to coat all of the nuts. Spoon the nut mixture into the pre-baked tart boats and bake for roughly 8-10 minutes. Line your baking pan with foil as the caramel is a bit gooey and messy and burns quickly. Let these pecan boats cool and enjoy with ice cream, coffee or tea. They were really good.


15 Responses

  1. Wow! your pecan boat looks so good. perfect for afternoon snack. can’t wait to try it on weekend.

  2. funny mm when i tried to eat a pecan pie just recently, bought at one of the more famous coffeeshops,the kids’pecan tart crossed my mind… i just thought, hers definitely must be better than the one i had,with a rating of no stars and really not worth my bucks :)

  3. Hi Marketman! I also make these delicious treats but I found that toasting the chopped pecans in a baking sheet in the oven for a couple of minutes prior them to adding them to the butter/sugar mixture. It gives it a rather smoky dimension that my friends just love.

    Your photos make me want to pop some in my mouth right now!

  4. brenda, don’t give her ideas, she has already sold indian mangoes by the sack (we buy in Batangas, she sells outside our house) but dad paid for the stock! :) mia, absolutely, toast nuts for a few minutes to release oils, these pecan boats were a pahabol and for extra dough, so we didn’t bother but that would be an excellent step for others to do to ensure maximum flavor! suzette, I find commercial versions scrimp on the nuts and add more sugar… home made trumps most commercial unless it is a really good bakery/sweets shop or patisserie… Markee, you can also made them a bit bigger if you like. And serve with a nice thick cream…

  5. hi mm
    thanks a lot for this recipe. i’ll definitely try it and maybe perfect it before the x’mas holidays. they would be great treats for the pinoy community potluck together with the cassava bibingka – the recipe from your blog. btw, had a potluck at work last weekend and brought the cassava cake, it was a hit, some had to save slices before they could have sweets as the cake disappeared in no time. pwede ba raw next time, the topping and the cake have the same thickness. more baking power to you. thanks again.

  6. those tarts are really mouthwatering! hope i can make it one of these days. good luck to me! :P

  7. You know if I did not care enough about the consequence, I can pretend that they are real boats being sucked into the maw of a leviathan (that’s me) and make a whole fleet of them disappear one after another. Not equally good but can be done in a jiffy with melted caramel squares.

    Are you sure it is not the framing of the beautiful blue glass plate that makes the tart jump out at us so lemony yellow?

  8. mr. mm the kids pecan tart are the best!!!! i have one version of this but instead they used eggs instead of honey…i love your version better.

  9. Gosh, am missing an amazing treat from The Kid. My mouth salivates just looking at the pics. Pecan boat tarts are among my favorites. Will have to carve time to cook a batch using your recipe. Hope am lucky it turns out exactly the same as The Kid’s.

  10. MM, my food processor burned out ages ago (over-used, hehe). What can I do in place of blitzing in a food processor? Will a blender work? Or the 2 knives technique?



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