Banca For Hire, Coron


The key to a good visit to Busuanga, Coron, Culion and surrounding islands is a reliable and fast banca. I had featured my bangkero from Culion, Tiyo Fredo in an earlier post, but this particular banca is the “Mercedes version” in Coron: M/V St. Joseph the Worker. Based out of the Coron port, this bangka can take up to 15 passengers and has a pretty large engine, making it one of the faster bancas in Coron. Not to mention the owner, Emie, has a fantastic appreciation of good food, see the earlier post here. So if you are planning a trip to Coron and need a banca, contact Emmerson (Emie) de Leon directly at 0919-428-7453 (that phone fell into the ocean) so use this new number (0909-651-8293). He normally does group tours for cruise ships and other agency driven tours, but I am sure he will accommodate your party if you say Marketman sent you…


Emie can also give you some pretty good background on the islands in the area, nice beaches to visit, places to have a picnic, etc. I understand he has taken this smallish looking banca all the way to Boracay from Coron, but that is not a trip I would relish. Recognize when you are negotiating prices with him that his banca is faster than most, and for me, that deserves a reasonable premium. If a normal banca ride to Culion takes say 1.5 hours in calm seas and this one takes 50 minutes, I would be happy to pay extra… Also, if I am not mistaken, I think he has access to a small private beach where you might arrange to spend the day if you like… Book early if you are going during peak periods like Holy Week… and enjoy your visit!!!


10 Responses

  1. Thanks for the the tip to enjoy Coron through multi-taskers Emie – a tour guide, boat operator and access to a private beach – a real valuable insider’s info. I can’t anything else from you – you virtually share everything!

  2. Hi MM, Which airline do you take to get to Palawan and when is the best time to go (calm seas, Sunshine, etc.).

    any plans (or may i suggest) of organizing a group tour ala “Adventure with Marketman”? I’m sure you will have a long waiting list…

  3. Artisan, you can take SEAIR or Asian Spirit to Busuanga. I think the best time to go is sort of March to June, though it may be more full then. Group tour? Are you nuts??? hahaha. Can you imagine how much food we would consume??? Btw, stay tuned for next post…

  4. thanks MM, will surely keep emie’s no.

    bitaw- ARTISAN CHOCOLATIER is right- nice to plan that “adventure” with you. hahaha

  5. freeze, I did try one other banca and posted it in an earlier write-up under Bangkero or something like that, but this is the one I would recommend today…

  6. HeLLo…
    We @ ITEC (Saint P. Poveda College) r planning 2 hav our annual cultural outing @ Coron, Palawan… 8z really a big help dT I found dis post of yours…