Banana Muffins with Muscovado, Golden Syrup & Walnuts

The original recipe came from “Sally’s Baking Addiction”. We have baked it half a dozen times since and every so often I have swapped out ingredients and made some minor changes. So this is the last version we’ve used and it’s my favorite so far.


3 cups very ripe bananas, mashed in your mixing bowl with paddle attachment

Whisk together in a bowl:
3 cups All-purpose Flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 tsp powdered cinnamon
1/2 tsp freshly grated nutmeg

Mix together in another bowl:
3/4 cup melted butter
1/2 cup Muscovado sugar (we like the dark kind)
1/2 cup white sugar
1/3 cup Lyle’s Golden Syrup (if you don’t have this add equal measure of white sugar)
2 whole eggs
2 tsp good vanilla extract (we use homemade that is intensely fragrant)
2 Tbsp of good banana compound if you have it (see tips below)
4 Tbsp whole milk

1 cup of chopped pecans or walnuts

Put your mixer on medium and mash the bananas, add the wet mixture and mix well. Add half the dry ingredients and mix briefly. Use a spatula to scrape edges then add remaining dry ingredients and mix until just incorporated. Add nuts and mix for just seconds.

Place batter in 24 lined muffin tins and put into oven at 425F for 10 minutes and lower heat to 375F until cooked. Check to see if a toothpick comes out clean after say 25+ minutes of baking.

Marketman tip #1. If you have just one or two bananas that reach the spotty overripe stage from a bunch, just peel it and throw it in a ziplock bag and into the fridge. Keep doing that until you have enough bananas for baked goods. They thaw a little soft, but that’s good in recipes like this one.

Marketman tip #2. Good quality banana compound is basically concentrated banana flavor from natural sources like puree that is the secret of good bakers and commercial bakeshops. It is much better tasting than the cheap artificial banana flavor that comes in bottles and whose ingredient list doesn’t seem to include any real banana. If you are going to pump up banana flavor, use the compound, not the artificial flavor (the latter is what is in most modestly priced banana breads and you can discern it by the strong aroma and sharp flavor that is, well, artificial. :(. I found the compound by chance at an SM Hypermart along with raspberry and other natural flavor compounds.



16 Responses

  1. Agreeing with Lissa and liking this layout! My dad loves banana anything and will give this a try this weekend. Thanks, MM!

  2. First time visiting your website. I see that you’re a follower of Sally’s Baking Addiction too! ?
    Will prolly try using my black jaggery sugar that’s starting to ‘sweat’ already in lieu of the muscovado!
    By the way, I really appreciate the lack of annoying google ads on your site! ??

  3. Wow so happy to see, read new posts here MM. One of my go to page when I hanker for something to cook. Thanks for the update MM.

  4. Love this banana muffin recipe,I always buy too many bananas that end up banana breads.Will surely try this recipe.Thanks MM

  5. How many days can i store this banana muffin po? I really love banana muffin/cupcakes/loaf ???

  6. Utterly glad tot notice you’re still alive and kicking, pandemic and all!! Hope your family is doing well too. Here in Holland – from where it’s been a real pleasure to read your posts (and comments thereupon) since 2008 – we seem to be heading for another complete lockdown; going through your archives and being busy in the kitchen keeps me diverted from all this disconcerting news about new South African mutants etc. Meanwhile, I’m in dire need of a Filipino-E culinary dictionary though :-) and of a real good recipe for Filipino banana ketchup. This morning, 3 XXL near ripe mangoes are on my kitchen countertop waiting to be turned into jam as per your last recipe for ‘mango jam à la Marketman revisited’, so today starts off well. For next month, I wish you and yours Happy and Healthy Holidays – here, Santa Claus has arrived for celebrating his birthday on Dec. 5 – and, please, please, keep up your posting. It contributes in making my/the world a better place. Hartelijke groeten van Hélène from the little town of Neeritter in the Netherlands.

  7. Browsing for new recipes for my kids, glad to across your blog. Excited to try Banana Muffins with Muscovado, Golden Syrup & Walnuts for baon pack for my kids.

  8. These banana muffins sound delicious! I appreciate the tips you’ve included, especially about using the good-quality banana compound for an authentic flavour. I’ll be trying this recipe soon. Thanks for sharing it!