Baked Scallops & Chorizo


Shellfish & chorizo have long been established as a marriage of flavors and textures that work brilliantly. Squid stuffed with sisig, sizzling chili shrimp with chorizo are two of the dishes we have made with this concept in mind. We were fooling around with scallops a couple of weeks ago and these were the results of our first batch of experiments. I had asked someone headed to the markets to buy me some scallops, and was told by phone that they had them alive and still in their shells. I am used to getting them on the half-shell or sans shell completely, so this was a bit unusual for me.


The shells seems older, harder and frankly, tougher than I recall scallop shells to be. Perhaps these were another variety, but we gave them a good rinse, and rather than attempting to pry each one open and probably injure ourselves (I am not an accomplished live clam/oyster/scallop shucker), I took a shortcut route of sticking them in a pan, into a very hot oven, and waited for them to die and pop open. I know, a bit cruel, but such is the fate of these molluscs.


I’m sure there is a logial way to tell which side of the shell the scallop “sticks” to, but we just did this haphazardly and turned over scallops that were upside down. That’s a bit of a flavor bummer as you lose some of the liquid from the scallops, so if you do this, figure out how to roast the scallops right side up first…


Next, I made two batches of sauteed chorizo, one plain, and a second batch, in the photo above, with chili jam. The jam was a bit sweetish, but still wickedly spicy. The combination worked really nicely.


Top the scallops with chorizo, some shredded cheese (we only had quickmelt from the neighborhood sari-sari store) and topped with some breadcrumbs… and into a hot oven or under a broiler…


And you end up with these pretty darned good first attempts at a baked scallops. We didn’t have enough cheese, and the breadcrumbs couls have been zhugged up with herbs or a bit of olive oil or butter… but nearly 100 scallops disappeared in no time at all. We are continuing experiments, but you get the basic idea. Chorizo is like the local equivalent of bacon. Almost everything tastes better with good chorizo. :)


13 Responses

  1. rendered fat from bacon, or garlic-longaniza – toasted fat and all — for sauteing vegetables. also for whatever-fried-rice. > a bit of garlic with the butter or cheese can make a difference with baked tahong or scallops.

  2. How I wish food replicators (from Star Trek) are a reality. I’d replicate me some those chorizo-topped baked scallops for lunch.. and merienda.. and dinner.. hahaha.. :D

  3. tootsie, Rustan’s sometimes has pepper jelly. I think I brought in the chili jam from a trip abroad. Or you can use local pickled chilies and add just enough sugar to add the sweetness factor. Ed B., wait till you see the next post… :)

  4. Here’s how to shuck a scallop:
    1 place in hand or on cutting surface flat side of the shell up, curved side on your palm.
    2 insert butter knife into hinge side… easier if butter knife…
    3 Pry shell upward away from fingers

    We went diving for scallops near So Cal and found a boat load of scallops, this was during the scallop season. You could learn the hard way like I did or just youtube the darned thing like the rest of my friends did…

  5. i never did like chorizo (even the smell puts me off!) but i looove bacon. maybe it’s just that i have never tasted good quality chorizo yet… any suggestions which one i should try? :)

  6. Greetings from Germany!

    I am German, but I am fascinated with your website. I am dying to try Philippino food, which seems to be non-existent here.
    One question – what kind of chorizo did you use? It isn’t Spanish, right?


  7. yummy! … i saw an episode on masterchef australia cooking shellfish and chorizo, though they used a chinese chorizo.


  8. netoy, we make our own chorizo for the restaurants. It’s just good pork, ground coarsely and flavored with garlic, vinegar, salt, spices, etc. No MSG. I think I have recipes in the archives to make it at home…

  9. StefanB, I used Filipino style chorizo, but using Spanish chorizo would be quite authentic. Just make sure you slice it thinly or mince it so it doesn’t overwhelm the scallop. I am not too familiar with Filipino restaurants in Germany, but perhaps finding a Filipino friend with cooking skills is your best bet!