Baby Carrots with Anchoiade


I called my suki Edwin at Fresh Field at Market!Market! a few days before our big Holiday dinner and asked what goodies he had… he suggested some baby carrots he was just about to start harvesting and I also ordered some arugula microgreens for garnishing. On the day carrot2of the dinner, I picked out several kilos of baby carrots and was so thrilled at their freshness that I decided to serve them as is, albeit naked (peeled). First, I chose the specimens that were more or less uniform in size and straight and then washed them in lots of water. I then soaked the carrots in a large pail of water so that even the green tops would be re-hydrated and they would look good as an appetizer. Closer to serving time, I peeled the carrots and laid them out on a rectangular silver tray, greens and all (to serve as the handle) and added a simple anchoide dipping sauce…

To make the sauce just chop up some anchovies finely together with some garlic, add to good mayonnaise, a few spritzes of fresh lemon juice and cracked black pepper and voila! What was really cool about these carrots were that they LOOKED like carrots. At about 4-5 inches of orange root, this was perfect for say 2-3 bites. The only logistical issue was to avoid double dipping… thankfully, the guests figured that out and slathered a lot of anchoiade on the first dip. Serve with lots of napkins and provide a way to get rid of the carrot tops. With the rest of the carrots I just roasted them in the oven with some olive oil and herbs. Delicious. Simply perfect. This was a great way to start the meal…mislead everyone into thinking they are going to eat healthy for once… Thanks Edwin!


7 Responses

  1. Wow, I like eating it that way too, fresh but usually cut in strips together with celery and cucumbers with about 3 choices of dips. Yours was a great idea, aesthetically appealing and interesting!

  2. The baby carrots look very happy for reviving them before putting them up on a plate. Who says carrots with greens on top are only for Bugs Bunny? They are the bell of your dinner with their bright orange color who would miss them. Double dipping is big offense but anyone familiar with dips will never do a double dipping.

  3. Corrine, its in the open market area, near the main avenue to the front entrance of the Mall. It is near the Ineng’s barbecue stall and the King Louis flower stall. Ask around, it’s easy to find…and they usually have good stuff.

  4. great starter, MM! i think the carrots led everyone to believe they could eat everything sinful afterwards since they’d had their fiber and beta-carotene and vitamins ahead.

  5. Thanks, thanks, MM! Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thank you for the gift of sharing! To all your followers, may you all have a joyful Christmas!