Apple Hill Farm, Concord, New Hampshire

From ice cream in nearby Hopkinton, it was off to another quintessential New England Fall experience — an apple orchard ripe for the picking. Macintonsh apples and lots of other varieties literally weighing down the branches of small trees… just look at the number of fruit on this cropped tree!

A liesurely drive through more country back roads led to Apple Hill Farm, on the outskirts of Concord, New Hampshire, the state capital. Passed an elderly but lively couple in a top down classic car (MG? Bugatti?) just leaving the farm and it was like a scene out of a movie…

Gorgeous and fragrant peaches…

…unusual (at least for me, as I had never come across them before) shiro plums, that were incredibly juicy and somewhat sweet, but oddly, I thought totally lacking in plum ummph… they obviously didn’t make a good first taste impression.

Gravenstein apples…

…Clapp pears (didn’t get to taste these)…

…and an outdoor stand just bursting with late-summer goodness. All of these vegetables grown on the farm, and each looked as fresh, vibrant and natural as possible. If we had access to a kitchen that day, I would have been unable to suppress the urge to buy up a storm. I was particularly taken with the tomatoes that looked absolutely amazing, the incendiary peppers, the beautiful garlic and the impressive selection of herbs and leafy greens.

If the stall is closed, you can still drop by and pick up whatever you need, just leave the payment in a little box…

Gorgeous plum tomatoes, just screaming to be part of a tomato sauce that coats your perfectly cooked spaghetti…

…acid free yellow tomatoes, another first for me…

…the most amazing looking red onions, with skins so shiny they looked like they were lacquered, but they were just incredibly fresh and vibrantly colored.

And besides some fruit that we purchased for consumption over the next couple of days, a bottle of chilled sparkling apple cider (non-alcoholic) that was refreshing and absolutely delicious. Notice the floaties (what we call backwash when viewed in other drinks…) in the bottle, little bits of freshly pressed apples that were turned into the cider.


25 Responses


  2. Just came from apple-picnicking at Garwood Orchard, La Porte Indiana. We picked a lot of golden delicious, a few Jonah gold, a few red delicious and lots more of honey crisp. We left after eating our picnic food and just as the rain started getting a bit wetter. We were in a hurry to go back home because the husband of my cousin is going to see the game in Soldier Field of Bears and the Packers. As of now Bears are losing.

  3. Oh wow! A small apple tree and yet so laden with fruits! And the glistening lively colors of the produce really screamed FRESH!FRESH!FRESH! The Honesty Box………at least one can still be found in the Philippines—in far away Batanes! :)
    MM, are you back from Cebu? A few days more and we’re flying to Cebu but kinda nervous because our tickets are on PAL and we’ll be right on smack the birthing process of their spin off/outsourcing program! :( Keeping my fingers crossed for an uneventful flight. Only the thought of Zubuchon brightens our upcoming trip!

  4. Betchay, unfortunately, I will no longer be in Cebu when you get here. But PAL flights have been erratic, Mrs. MM’s flight cancelled or delayed 5 hours, other flights late, etc. I too worry about the return flight to Manila, as there is definitely discombobulation in the system…

  5. Uh-oh… that is not very good news: 1. will not be catching you in Cebu 2. PAL’s erratic flights. We have a few upcoming scheduled domestic and international flights with PAL…..please,please…I hope we will not be stress out! :( Would you mind alerting me what happens to your flight back in Manila? I read in their website’s flight advisory the list of flights that have been cancelled. Unfortunately or fortunately, none of ours is cancelled so I guess not eligible for ticket refunds without penalties :( Thanks so much. Good luck on your flight back!

  6. I love the ‘Honest John Change Box’! The last time there was something similar to that was when I was in Los Baños, Laguna. There was a little shack near the UPLB gate, carried odds and ends from the market, run by an old woman who was barely there.

  7. gorgeous pictures! i can almost smell the fall air. and that second photo is just priceless. are you sure that wasn’t jay gatsby at the wheel?

  8. WOW!! Great photos MM!! My family and I are scheduled to go in 2 weeks. Can’t wait to pick my fave apples. Golden Delicious, Jonah Golds & Honey Crisps!! Yumm and of course apple cider doughnuts!! :D

  9. MM – Love the pictures of the apple tree and the elder couple in their car.
    @PITS, Manila – I share your sentiment. That is something I look forward to in the future.

  10. Same with la emperor, i highly share Pits Manila’s sentiments. Lovely snaps, MM and the sparkling Apple cider looks totally refreshing!!

  11. Our annual picking got postponed due to rain.. Those are great shots. Would love fresh veggies and apple cider.

  12. Awesome photos of really interesting things. Especially that they are of things that I probably won’t see firsthand myself here in the Philippines, like the different varieties of apples and plums. Seeing those plump aubergines and beautiful tomatoes make me feel so excited. Hahaha. I am so weird. ;p