And the Winners Are…

For the two t-shirts size LARGE…

#80 — “GREG” PG, 54 FEBRUARY

#124 — “BLAISE” BF, 28, OCTOBER

Congratulations! Please email me through the contact form and let me know if you would prefer the “Suki” shirt or the “Have You Been To The Market Today?” shirt. In the event, that you both pick the same shirt, the first one to reply to me gets their first choice shirt, the other shirt goes to the second winner.

Email me a complete name, mailing address in the Philippines, and I will be sending the t-shirts sometime next week or so by LBC or similar courier service.

Many thanks to all for joining the mini-contest, next contest for the medium sized shirts coming up tomorrow… :)


16 Responses

  1. Congrats to the winners. I hope that those who did not get a shirt will have a zubuchon instead. :)

  2. bettyq, meet up soon? im not sure if you still have my contact info.
    MM, sorry, i used your website for this.
    congrats to the winners!

  3. bettyq, will be sending you email…. hope all is well…
    congratulations to the winners! here’s to the next contest!