Amazing Food Challenge Starts This March 11…


Here come those television camera crews again…


A few weeks ago, we were “host” for the day to an episode of the upcoming new series called Amazing Food Challenge on The Asian Food Channel. It’s a program shot completely in the Philippines and includes 10 or 12 challengers from all over Asia who complete in food and miscellaneous fun activities on location in various parts of the Philippines. It has a fairly hefty cash prize, so it gets quite competitive!


It’s partially sponsored or supported by the Philippine Department of Tourism and the obvious purpose is to showcase what the country has to offer, and to attract tourists from around the region. This is a good move, in my opinion, as the cost of producing a show like this, the potential targeted audience, and the tourism potential generated will probably be more than worth the cost and effort. When Anthony Bourdain did his show nearly 5 years ago, nobody would have guessed that he had a footprint of almost 200 million viewers around the world and it brought a lot of positive attention to the Philippines in the years after the program first aired.


I can’t give away much about this program, except to say I may have (if it’s not edited out) a small cameo appearance in one of the challenges (our outdoor terrace is visible for a second or two in their trailer now showing on AFC), and to say we were more than happy to host the highly professional local and international cast and crew that descended on our Zubuchon premises for the better part of a full day, a few weeks ago. If you want to watch the entire series, it starts on Tuesday, 11 March 2014 at 9pm on the Asian Food Channel. Good luck to all of the contestants!


20 Responses

  1. millet, I don’t understand how actors do it. I can be perfectly cool as a cucumber but as soon as the cameras turn on, I sweat bricks. It’s like a guaranteed allergic reaction. I really don’t like cameras… Not to mention this is reality tv, with minimal cuts, so I actually walked off the set when apparently they wanted me to stay in frame… :)

  2. No pinoy food challenge is complete without balut. I’m sure an episode of this show would be dedicated to it.

  3. Judging from the 3rdphoto’s background, I guess the contestants were challenged to roast a lechon….maybe not a whole pig probably a pork belly or maybe a whole chicken!
    Nice red shirt,MM!

  4. You look great, MM! One would wonder how you stay trim and healthy despite cooking and consuming all the glorious food you post here! Excited. :)

  5. Hi MM!
    I have never been to any one of your restaurants yet. Hopefully this May 2014. :-))
    Do you sell Zubuchon T-shirts with your very pretty cute pig logo?
    I hope to see you when we visit Cebu! ( my father is fr. Alegria & my mom is fr. Catmon)
    Thank you!

  6. corrine, the cameras hadn’t gone live yet and the director yelled “ACTION!” — that’s when uncontrolled sweating breaks out like an allergic reaction. :)

  7. can’t wait to watch this show! if only to relive our zubuchon experience 2 christmases ago hahaha.. you look good in red MM!