The day after the “big birthday dinner,” we had three guests over for some hearty salads and a roast beef hash (recipe of that coming up in the days ahead). It was a far more casual gathering, with tables stripped of linens. But as the dinner discussion turned markedly adult-boring, the Teen was getting fidgety and asked if she could doodle with my camera, a Canon G-10, at the table. She wanted to take photos of the flowers and the setting. These are just a small selection of her photos… and I must say, they are FAR BETTER than any photos I took of the same subject matter. My shots were intended to give a broader picture, sometimes instructional and step-by-step in nature, while The Teen’s are far more artistic, with a really cool perspective. I have only fixed shadows in one of these photos, the others are exactly as she took them. Not bad, huh? :) All photographs in this post are the property of the Teen.

21 Responses
Nice shots. Nice flowers. Go, Teen!
With your back to back lechon engagements and dinner, I would think you are running for public office since national election is right around the corner if we will have one. Accordingly to my kamatis vine at 13th hour she will pass ChaCha with flying colors so she will stay in power! The Teen’s photo skills are more of I would say journalistic photography with lots of angle, panning and centering involved. The flowers look like they are dancing with the stars. Yes, definitely The Teen has photography skills.
Beautiful composition in most of the photos!
I love the placemats… Where can I get one of those?
The Teen has an eye of really good shots.. You should enroll her in photography classes so that her talent would really be developed..
Maria clara, is it really true? Is she really going to stay in power?! What will now happen to the phils? More zte scandals? I just really hope this will not happen.. Goodness gracious!
I love the shots!
I think I will buy a canon G10 when I go to HK in August. Do you always use this canon when taking your pics? My camera now is a Lumix TZ3 and I feel it’s time to get another one since it’s 2 yrs old na.
beautiful shots. i love the first picture up top and the close up photo of the carnation. yes indeed, the Teen really has some artistic talents.
MM: Definitely stunning. Keep it up Teen you are in the right track.
The flowers are gorgeous and the shots are very nice! :)
wont be long she will ask for her proper DLSR she has the eye for it
she saw a different view …
just posted some happy snappy photos of marche provencal, the market here in Antibes
Just like the last time you posted photos taken by the Teen, I noticed right away that they looked different, even before I read the post. She certainly has an eye for both subject and composition. Is she interested in taking classes? Word of warning, though: it’s an expensive hobby! ;-)
very cool! the teen has a natural eye! mana sa daddy?
Sanojmd: My heart is bleeding profusely just the thought of this. The way I interpret this it will involve tons of money to get the passage of Charter Change. She will not negotiate the monetary value in exchange of political favors. She will be extremely generous to all politicians, military, churches, opposition leaders and Supreme Court judges (our wheel of justice has been stuck in the mud forever) so they will be not on her way. She will plaster them all with money. Remember the fertilizer scandal involving Joc Bolante? Who will lead the revolt on this ChaCha? No one. There is no one to lead people out on the street. Everyone will be holding onto her coattail. Look at our elected politicians most of them they have extra families. They have Wife Number 2, 3 and 4. Same applies to our military folks. Priests have families kept in the closet and gambling problems too. Juan Dela Cruz will carry the burden for these. The poverty level will go three more tiers down. The Philippine Peso will lose more of its buying power. All the basic commodities from rice to cooking oil will go up including the price of kamatis. She will order more money printed and our gross national product is the same that that to me equates inflation and recession. Remember the German contractor that built the Ninoy Aquino Airport? It was supposed to be built and operate and up to certain years it will be returned to the Philippine government? That was the straw that broke the camel’s back of the international community. When our elected officials smell the money out of the airport they kicked out the German contractor and rescinded the contract. Constituent assembly is brewing right now and referendum will be held around April 2010 for this Charter Change which I firmly believe will be passed not on people’s vote but by rigged votes!
MM’s good genes + Mrs. MM’s good genes = THE TEEN!!
Si Teen na lang kaya ang taga-kodak ninyo para mas may arte ang mga photos? hehe ;)
the flowers are really beautiful..hehe..baka pwede natin kainin yan..haha!.. the resolution of the pictures is really great..hmp!! the way, whos the teen??..ahem..can you take the pictures moderately far from the camera??..its so close..maganda lang talaga ang camera..CANON??hmmm..expensive..hehe..Godbless everyone..
Beautiful! She has the eye for it…
looks like the teen is “near-sighted” hehehe
lovely shots :)
These are really lovely shots. Something about them reminds me of Martha Stewart.
Hi MM, …and way to go, Teen!!! This looked like the teen just stayed around the table and wasn’t even using flash, wait till she learns how to tweak the lights and shadows with available light and bounce flash. Keep it going!