A Spectacular Rainbow from the Skyway…


I may be 50, but I still stop and stare with glee when I spot a particularly well-formed rainbow. This one captured on my phone (I can barely figure out how to use the contraption) at around 730am yesterday, Saturday, from the Bicutan Skyway entrance toll area. I realize they are just an optical phenomenon caused by the way light hits some moisture or raindrops in the air, but they always delight, particularly when you see it almost “end to end” as you do here.



16 Responses

  1. I saw that same rainbow too, MM at around 8am and shouted with glee…and am more than 50 :-)

  2. I don’t only like rainbows…i love them. I recently saw one after a brief rain shower while traversing the footbridge connecting to SM. I stopped and admired it long after it faded and didn’t care a bit even if my neck hurt afterwards and even if others threw cursory glances. Nice shot, Mr. MM.

  3. whenever i see rainbows, i will take a picture of it, call my 2 sons and show them that beautiful image in the sky. I, too, love rainbows.

  4. Were you the one in the blue car taking pictures of the rainbow just outside the toll gate in bicutan? :D

  5. I saw this same rainbow too last Saturday, but your photo looks vibrant. Such a wonderful promise. Good thing you were able to capture this. :)

  6. I LOL-ed a little too loudly at Mike’s comment (#8)
    But I don’t blame you, MM. Rainbows are little miracles. An “end-to-end” one is rare, a double rainbow even more so. :)

  7. Is it my screen or are the upper left and upper right corners yellow orange tinged?

    Might have been a faint double rainbow…

  8. So perfect! I would never ever pass up the chance to take a picture of a rainbow. I remember seeing one from above while I was inside a plane. Don’t know if that’s really possible or if i were just hallucinating… Didn’t grab my camera fast enough, though.