A Link to An Interesting Blog…

Sometimes I am so busy with this blog that I don’t spend enough time hopping to other ones and just enjoying their wonderful content. I still visit many of my favorites in the links page, but here is one I think quite a few of marketmanila’s readers might enjoy. I was first piqued by Bea’s intelligent comments regarding biodiversity and the manner in which we go about collecting our food in the comments section of a recent post on pitaw, then I hopped over to her site and checked out some of the archives and realized I should really read more, but that would mean I would post less… :) At any rate, if you are bored or if the pace of my own posts is less frequent than you would like, you might try this blog or others on my links page. Enjoy! P.S. If you are a reader and have a blog of your own, please leave a comment here with a link to your blog so that Marketmanila.com readers have a chance to discover new, fresher, younger, smarter, or just equally entertaining :) blogs to while away their time. Thanks!


19 Responses

  1. Hi MM, Thanks for the link. This is an an interesting site too. The blog which me led to your site was iloveiloilo.com but it seems Inday Hami hasn’t updated her site for quite some time. I come from Iloilo and her blog was a good site to read and reminisce about my hometown.

  2. thanks for unselfishly linking us to other blogs.. it browse it and i also find it interesting and entertaining. thanks MM!

  3. Hi MM, I recently started a blog that i’d like to share with you and your readers. I can only hope that mine will be half as successful as yours.

  4. Katrina just wrote about having halohalo in Sagada and she mentioned seeing macaroni noodles as part of the melange. I hope Bea will open comments to her posts. She has a good blog, with interesting insights.

  5. I went to the recommended blog as soon as I finished reading your post and read hers about the whole gamut of preferences in the preparation and drinking of coffee. I chuckled audibly to myself since fresh from an extended immersion in the land of coffee, it mirrored some of my observations. I have been drinking coffee since I discovered that it eased my asthma symptoms as a very young boy tolerated by conscientious coffee drinking parents. I therefore have a well drawn profile of what a good cup of coffee should be and I am sure others have theirs but I recently sat in a bar with a view of the kitchen and watched a Brazilian cook brew coffee. He used a paper cone with little water. Watered this down quite a bit and boiled it making me murmur to myself a little sadly how flavor fled. No wonder there is too much bad coffee in Brazil.

    I look for dialog in a blog. Without a comment section (which are sometimes more engaging that the post itself) they seem just conceited soliloquies to me. I know it is difficult and time consuming to control internet comments what with its opaque anonymity that all too often only encourage testy people to quickly loose certain disciplined decorum. Few people have the personality and resources to take them on.
    I am grateful you seem to posses both.

  6. YapakYakap has a link on the right that lists “Another Hundred Years Hence”, a very intelligent and thoughtful blog about the future of Manila. Written by one Urbano dela Cruz, it tackles urban development and planning issues. It’s a great place to find ideas from all over the world that could improve commuting and living in Manila.

  7. It’s interesting that I didn’t actually notice the lack of comments… I must have been rushing through reading some of the posts. I find that after 4 years of this blog and tens of thousands of comments, I realize a HUGE part of the blog are the comments. And as time consuming as dealing with the occasional rude guest can be, I take a slightly warped pleasure in responding to them on occasion. TI really should have saved some of the most bizarre comments and emails I received over the years but instead simply deleted or ignored as they would have made a VERY interesting post indeed. Apicio, glad to have you back. Thank you to all for adding links above.

  8. how coincidental!!!

    we just came from claveria, cagayan and one of our usual snack stops was halo-halo. It was the first time I saw halo-halo with macaroni. I was asking the tindera if she also sold salad…hehehe, ksama pala yun sa sahog. They also offer gatas con yelo. yep, just milk,ice and sugar. =)

  9. Thanks for posting the link, MM! It’s been a continuing chronicle and somewhat random assemblage about encounters and small fascinations. Thanks for the kind words.

    And to Apicio, I get questions about the comment function a lot– it’s a bit jarring to have the lack of it referred to as “conceited”.

    To explain (and also for other bloggers to consider), the main reason for not having the comment function, besides not always having ample time, is to avoid the frustration of having people leave interesting comments or details and not being able to continue correspondence if they don’t check back and don’t have blogs themselves. I am in communication with many people who read the blog because of this. I also look for this email “window” on blogs I read as I find it a more reliable place to “geek out” with follow-up information.

    In my other blog about the garden, where there are people who might be doing species-specific searches, I leave the comment area open so information can accumulate if it must.

  10. For some reason, my post won’t post on this site. Anyway, if this actually show up, my blog is linked with my name. And my blog is linked with another blog of the same name (A Box of Jalapenos). I blog about food, family and the expat life in Korea.

  11. Here goes…only my husband and sisters-in-law are aware of my blog about food, family and life as a migrant in Australia.

  12. I’m milking this for all it’s worth, since I love your blog so much and know that there are more people like me constantly follow everything you post. Ta-daaaah, my foodblog: KATFOOD. Tell me what you think, please :))

  13. somehow, I didn’t find bea’s lack of a comment box a deterrent for me not to write her :-). I find her blog moreso the gardencore to my interest because I have a huge garden of which my husband and I also believe to leave “un-touched” except for the walkpaths and a few cultivated areas and see what Mother Nature is really all about—creepy-crawlies and all! Kaya, I felt a kinship with Bea! Thanks,MM for acknowledging this upbeat blogster!

  14. Morbidly out of topic but related to the poll on the right hand margin. Since I view death as passing on to a much better place, I am opposed to speeding up the wait for odious criminals. Capital punishment is just too painless and swift. They’ve got to pay back their debt to society first without the risk for the rest of us of losing or diminishing our humanity. Throw them in jail with no visitor or internet access and train them to weave something exquisite or useful like jipijapa, jusi and piña. Or employ them in building and repair of decaying infra-structure the way Franco employed his political prisoners carving Valle de los Caidos out of solid granite. Fire the Swiss guards and replace them with a battalion of pedophile priests so the pope will have to deal with them everyday of his reigning life and perhaps realize for the salvation of his soul that actions (or inaction) have consequences. Send them to Africa to distribute condoms or birth control pills or better yet, to actually care for AIDS and ebola patients. Make them plant trees to revive our squandered tropical rain forests and slow down global warming. Use their labour to clean up polluted rivers and lakes so we can eat worry-free mollusks once again. Employ them in organic farms and train them to raise barnyard animals with solicitude and affection that they scarce showed their victims or the environment. Infinite possibilities.

  15. I love this blog. Somehow the writer feels like a kindred spirit, someone who would be fun to talk to, or tramp around manila with (which i tend to do alone).
    keep writing bea :) you’ve got a new fan