7th Doreen Gamboa Fernandez Food Writing Award (2009)

Some of you may want to consider submitting an entry to this prestigious Annual Award which recognizes excellence in food writing. I received an email, quoted below, from Award organizers asking me to post an announcement on the blog, so here it is:

This year’s topic is BISKWIT: traditional cookies that have been part of Philippine food culture, nationally or locally, for at least 50 years.

There are many kinds including pan de San Nicolas, kamachile, uraro, roscas, biscocho principe among many others. Modern products, like today\’s chocolate chip cookies are not included.

English-language essays from 4,500 to 5,000 characters (800 words) will be judged for content (50%), research (30%), style (20%). The decision of the judges is final, and submissions become the property of the Manila Ladies Branch of the International Wine & Food Society, which manages the contest. Entries should be 2 pages, double-spaced on short bond paper. Submit 1 printed and 1 digital copy (Word [doc.] or rich text format [rtf] on a CD) of the essay. Deadline for submissions is end-September.

A contestant is allowed up to 2 entries, each with a different pen name as byline. Only post by special delivery or hand-deliver submissions. Each essay should be accompanied by an envelope containing the author\’s name, pen name, address/es, landline/s (residential, business or school, whichever are applicable; if a student, please specify grade level/course), email address, cellphone and FAX numbers.

Prizes include gift certificates from bookstores, publishing houses and restaurants; magazine subscriptions; publication of winning entries in newspapers and magazines; and invitation to the awarding ceremony. The Award is a tribute to the dean of Philippine food writers, a catalyst for national and international interest in Philippine cuisine, and founding Vice President of the Manila Ladies Branch of the International Wine & Food Society, steward of the Award.

Submit to:

IWFS Manila Ladies Branch Awards Committee
PRISM, 5th floor, PDAF Bldg.,
Senator Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City 1200

For inquiries or additional information, contact Girlie Canlas at 890-9666 or dgfawards@yahoo.com.ph.

Good luck!


13 Responses

  1. MM, if there’s one person who can write extensively and beautifully about biskwit, that’s you! and you have a treasure trove of sources right in Cebu. Go, MM!

  2. millet, hahaha. I actually submitted entries to the first year of these awards, but didn’t win anything… My writing skills weren’t up to snuff. :) But if there is one topic I am not too keen on, it’s local biskwit. As I asked once before, there aren’t many really native versions, more likely local takes on a foreign inspiration as with Bohol’s broas, Cebu’s rosquillos, etc. Though uraro from arrow root is quite interesting… This is the one subject matter I don’t really have much stuff to write about! So I hope others with more or broader expertise in the subject will join with some wonderful essays…

  3. MM, what exactly does “…submissions become the property of the Manila Ladies Branch of the International Wine & Food Society” mean? Does the author lose ownership of and rights to the submitted essay?

  4. MM, the organizers probably got the idea for this year’s theme from your earlier post about a national cookie! i remember that post elicited a lot of comments and memories.

  5. Agree with other posters, you should submit an entry. BTW, your blog is really widely read, as read from another blog which commented about your article on your encounter with MAC. Whatever they say….basta kami believe sa integretiy mo. You are one of the very few who do their blog for the love of it and not for money or any endorsement/ ex-deals.

  6. This is very interesting, I would love to to send my entry.
    As baking is one of my passion , I could still remember making my own recipe , biskwit, and biscocho into a traditional way with a sense of style.

  7. I think only the winning entry/ies should be considered as properties of the contest organizers so the entries that do not suit the preference of the judges will have another chance to share their essays online and with other publications.

  8. My essay “Biscocho Pasuquin” won an honorable mention award. I got a copy of “Larousse Gastronomique” and a year’s subscriptions of FOOD and FOODIE Magazines. I wonder who were the other winners coz I was not invited to the dinner at the Cirkulo Restaurant. First time to join.