24th Negros Fair, Sept. 11-16 Rockwell Tent!


Just a quick post to announce that the 24th Negros Fair will open this Friday, September 11, 2009 at the Rockwell Tent in Makati. I have always loved this fair, not just for the food items on offer, but the arts and crafts as well. My recent trips to Bacolod have only increased my appreciation and fascination for all things Negrense. On my last trip to Bacolod, I met one of the organizers of this year’s trade fair and promised I would place an announcement on the blog… Among the mouthwatering delicacies on offer will be goodies from Casa Carmela, which was the manufacturer of the pitaw I wrote about here, and again here. They assure me that pitaw supplies this year are plentiful, so if you want some, you’ll have to go to the Negros Fair! They will also have these wonderfully thin piayas in the photo up top. Besides the classic muscovado filling, they offer espresso, rhum and dark chocolate fillings as well.


There will be dozens and dozens of stalls at the Negros Fair, so mark your calendars and set aside some shopping money! Thank you MK for the photos used in this post. :)


34 Responses

  1. am sure a lot of us readers of mm would surely go and enjoy the food offerings if we can go. but sorry for us who are not in the country. to all those who could go, go and enjoy yourselves and have a wonderful time feasting on those delicacies the good people of negros has to offer.

  2. I haven’t had pitaw in a loooooooooong time! They look awesome. And piaya filled with dark chocolate and espresso!!!…Whoa!!

    I really have to plan a trip to Negros soon.

  3. Ay, I wish I am there for that fair. I loved to browse through the crafts. And the piayas, I think we call them tinapay in Barili. Gosh, I haven’t had one for soooo looong, the way it looked in the photo. And I have not tried the new flavors. I must get to Dumaguete when I visit home again. I must forward this to my sil who is from there.

    MM, just clarifying my 2 names. I used the other one before I realized that I have signed in already for this blog. Sorry for the mixed up.

  4. Wow, for once, we’ll be in the country when something like this happens. Yay! My half-Ilonggo hubby will be in piaya heaven!

  5. Congratulations to the ANP for the 24th trade fair. I miss Casa Carmela’s kalamansi filled thin piayas.. and now it just sinked in… I miss Bacolod! A lot!

  6. Marketman, you’ll get in trouble again for advertising ‘pitaw’, and migratory birds again will gather in this Blogg….Fiesta Pitaw….L.O.L.

    Referring to your Blogg 30th march 2009

  7. Lee, did you move? I thought you lived in Bacolod.
    Espresso piaya, now that I have to have one day!

  8. I never heard of “pitaw” or “piaya” even when I was there. Not even from my dorm-mates (at Institucion Teresiana – Dapitan/DosCastillas) from Negros! Can’t wait for your Fair report!

  9. oh oh oh casa carmela! i love their piayitos! i’m tempted to fly business class everytime i travel just to eat the piayitos served there ;p

  10. I hope to swing by to taste the flavoured piayas. I remember getting some thin and crispy piayas over at Magallanes Shell. It was so good.

  11. Oh my those are the thinnest piayas I’ve seen! I used to love the ube piayas from the Bacolod stall in Market Market, but that photo of incredibly thin piayas takes the cake!

  12. anywhere else we can got those very thin, flavoured piayas on a regular basis within the GMA?

  13. my father’s second wife was from iloilo and would get piaya when her mom came to visit. together with otap and fresh bagoong and that suka with a “ginger like root” soaking in it. hay sarap.

  14. am going to iloilo and bacolod next week and am so excited. will make sure to get the pitaw and all these lovely goodies!

  15. hi millet..

    ang pitaw can be found sa Sweet Greens cafe in front of Philippine National Bank along Lacson Street.. The thin piayas ara sa Negros Showroom just adjacent to Sweet Greens.

  16. Hi MM!Since you’re in Maine now, you’re missing the Negros Fair at Rockwell.I went last Friday, and went home with boxes of my fave thin piayas from Casa Carmela.They do have them in lots of flavors.I bought a bottle of pitaw(P190) and will try it today to see what’s all the rave about it! ;).Bought also a bottle of classic Dulce de Leche.They also have it in cappucino flavor.I had Bihod and Guinamos im my bag too!Ate lunch there and tried the thrice cooked adobo and lumpia ubod.Snacked on Ideal’s masa podrida and Virgie’s argellanas/barquiron.There are many more yummy food products and arts and crafts from Negros. Thanks MM for posting!Entrance Fee: P50

  17. MM, thank you very much for posting the ANP fair and the yummy treats we offer on your site. We packed up tonight and are headed back home after 6 days at the Rockwell Tent and we are headed back to Negros with more smiles for the wonderful reception we received with all the things we had to offer… till our 25th edition next year!! More exciting things to come!

  18. we used to eat deep fried “pitaw” from Enting’s (if i remember it right) in their old location across Bob’s Northdrive.

  19. Millet, you can also visit Virgie’s, Bong-Bong’s and Pendy’s for take home goodies….you can go around Bacolod and drop by Assoc. of Negros Producers (ANP Showroom) for some pasalubong

  20. I missed the Negros Trade Fair, and it breaks my heart so much. Where in manila can i still get some of the negros handicrafts. The last time i went home to bacolod i almost hoard all items at Handmaid gallery store, all to be hand carried. Now the Negros trade fair was my only chance to avail again of some of the handicrafts that i wasnt able to take home with me then. Will there be a second wave of the fair again? If not is there any outlet here in manila that sells negros handicrafts?