Where Can I Find/Buy ……. ???

Since I started this blog, I have received hundreds of questions about where readers can buy one ingredient or food item or another. Many questions are posted in the comments section, others are sent to me in private emails. It is one of the most frustrating aspects of living in Manila and trying to pull together a meal…the lack of reliable suppliers, the quality of some food items, the prices, the locations of some items, etc. Sometimes, for an elaborate dinner, I have to go to at least 10+ suppliers just to find almost everything that I need. On rare and special meal occasions, I rely on friends and family that haul veal chops, red pomegranates, cheese, chocolates, etc. with them in luggage when they visit from foreign cities. Worse, just because store A carries fresh thyme doesn’t mean it has it all of the the time. Not only do you need to know the stores, you need to know the critical “delivery days” as well. Frankly, I have tried to answer every one of the readers queries but I have to admit with the rise in readership, I can barely keep up with the questions… So I thought I would do a quarterly posts that poses the question…Where Can I Find/Buy…??? How does this work? Just post a comment asking Marketmanila readers in general where you can find a sought after ingredient and I hope that all of the readers will chip in an answer when they know it. The more participation from readers on this post, obviously the better for all… Thanks in advance to all that ask and answer a question posed here…


412 Responses

  1. I buy my fennel from several sources…Santis Delicatessen on Yakal Street or Forbes Park branch on late Thursdays or Friday and Saturday usually. You can also buy fennel at the Salcedo Saturday Market from Joey Malana’s vegetable stand or Gil Carandang at Herbana Farms… If you head to Tagaytay, and pass by the Toscana Farm Stand at a gas Station halfway up to the rotunda from Santa Rosa, you can sometimes find fennel in pots. Other growers in Tagaytay such as Antonio’s also carries fennel. For Italian parsley, my favorite and most reliable source (comparatively) is Zacky’s herbs that they carry at Rustan’s Rockwell. You can also get Italian parsley at Salcedo market.

  2. You’re such a genius, Marketman! This is really a win-win for all your readers and you.

  3. For those who are patronizing more common supermarkets…fennel and Italian or flat parsley are available at SM Hypermart Ortigas and SM Megamall. Go around lunch time, though fennels usually aren’t available come Sundays.

  4. Where can I buy imported bean sprouts (togue)? The long white ones which are sweetish to the taste. All I can seem to find in supermarkets are the local ones, short and yellowish.

  5. You can get Mascarpone at any of the Santi’s ü i think a 250g tub will cost you around Php500, not sure though.

  6. You can find squid ink for paella negra in any of the two Terry’s deli branches (Pasong Tamo Ext and the basement of Podium).

    And yah, you can find now fennel in more common supermarkets like Landmark and SM. And by the way, I also chanced upon sugar snap peas (the sweet variety, not the chicharo though they look the same- great with just sesame oil!) in SM Makati.

  7. yep, santis has mascarpone cheese, though you can make substitutes for it. found lots in the net. it’s not 100% the same, but almost there. experiment and just decide which one you want (if you can’t get a hand on mascarpone).

  8. There are also mascarpone cheese in supermarkets (Rustan’s/Cherry). They’re around php 300+/200-250g tubs. Around 6 years ago, I found cheap ones at Robinson’s Supermarket (Circle C in Congressional Ave.) php 80/250g. No kidding! Tiramisu galore :-) Unfortunately, they stopped having it (and I can’t find it anywhere). I suspect, nobody knew what it was and it did not sell.

  9. Hi Marketman! Do you think your tech/web guy can make you a reader forum? Some websites have it for their readers when they can raise topics and questions…just like what we are doing here. Just an idea :)

  10. you can get the imported bean sprouts in weekend markets. i get mine at the lung center sunday market. you have two options, the organic ones and the regular ones.

  11. MM, wouldn’t it make more sense to devote a whole category to these queries? That way we’ll know exactly where to look. You can post the ingredient/produce/product names as headings, so it will be easier to search.

  12. It’s not exactly just food, but more like “medicine” in order to eat more food: where can one find yacon, the tubers, and the tea, in Metro Manila? I hear that it tastes like sinkamas, and is good for diabetics.

  13. Does anyone know where I can still buy Marca El Rey Chorizo? Rustan’s and Unimart used to carry this but I haven’t been able to find any recently. Last post I read on this was sometime mid 2006. Our paella just isn’t the same with the alternatives from Alba and La Tienda

    By the way, does anyone know where Bellyliscious is? I bought some jamon serrano and chorizo from them in a bazaar which was pretty good. I lost their flier but if I remember correctly they are somewhere in Merville.

  14. ejgod, for Marca El Rey, try Cash & Carry but since this is the sister grocery to Unimart, if the latter doesn’t have it maybe it is out of stock… NYCmama, yacon, the tuber is often at the Salcedo market at Herbana Farms and I have also seen it for sale at the FTI Taguig market. TOPING, you are right, the rapid and varied responses here suggests I should be more organized about this somehow in the future. Joey, my tech guy left me for Australia for a few months!!! He is still helping me but with limited time. I think a forum would be nice but I can’t get it anytime soon… maybe Topings suggestion of a separate category with headings by item would work in the meantime… samarie, Valrhona chocolate at Bacchus in Shangrila Makati. Also, Cook’s Exchange and some of the bakery stores in Mandaluong mentioned in my Baking Ingredients 101 post comment section also carry the cooking Valrhona… Galileo Enoteca in Mandaluyong and Pasong Tamo also sometimes carries mascarpone…

  15. Hi MM, this is a great idea! I well remember my frustration at finding key ingredients there after having lived abroad. Now I that I am back in the US, my “where do I find _____” list would be the stuff in your alisbayan box :)

  16. Terry’s sells El Bidado and Santis has Pamplona chorizos. Add Jamon Serrano (Terry’s/Santis), Tyrolian Bacon (Santis) and use arborio rice (both stores carry it) and you’ll end up with one mighty authentic tasting paella.

  17. You indeed reach out well making it easy for everyone and so are your readers’ very good interaction and collective efforts to keep the flame of our common passion food going. Nothing will deter us. Wishing someday our market will be consistent with their shelves. I know the feeling of frustration – we have the resources but we could not get our hands in some of the key ingredients or come up with innovative substitute that will be as close as the initial ingredient calls for. We are indeed very resourceful.

  18. Aside from the yacon sources mentioned by Marketman, it is also available in common supermarkets already.
    I used to get Marca El Rey Chorizo at Hi-Top Supermarket along Quezon Ave. but I have not gone there for a while, not so sure if they still carry it.

  19. Hi! Where can I find french bread from Palawan? those baked from the Viet Village. I heard somewhere that it is available here in Manila, just forgot where. Thanks. Also, does anybody know where I can get those chicken nuggets sold pero kilo? :) Thanks so much MM for this wonderful idea!!!! You rock!

  20. If my eyes don’t decieve me, a fresh artichoke featured in a picture from the RAM lunch. Where oh where did that come from? What about HAAS avocadoes? Has anyone seen them here? Or stonefruit like peaches, nectarines and apricots is there anywhere more affordable than Santis for these?

  21. chicken nuggets are sold at belcap which has a branch along xavierville avenue in quezon city. it comes in half kilo bags sold for P120 a bag.

  22. Aileen, pectin at Metro Grocery Market!Market! or sometimes Cash&Carry Grocery. Tina, you have sharp eyes, our guests got the fresh artichokes flown in from Italy…they were good… at Galileo Enoteca Pasong Tamo… Stonefruit like nectarines and plums right now at Salcedo Market or the fruit stalls in Binondo or I find SM Supermarkets in Mega Mall or Makati have the best fruit selection at reasonable prices… Avic, I know the french bread that you refer to, but I don’t have a number…they are in Quezon City somewhere, other readers, HELP on this one. peanutbeanma, I have not actually seen Brunne anymore, so I use the canned butter from Denmark in most groceries…

  23. pricemart is selling mascarpone cheese for around 290 pesos per 250g…i think the brand is mama lucia…

  24. It’s deplorable how our supermarkets stack the fresh produce. It’s usually crowded that lettuce or tomatoes get easily bruised and they wilt easily because they can’t seem to “breathe”. They pile them so high and tightly that when you take a piece of tomato for example, others fall off. Other shoppers also are not careful..they pinch and poke. *sigh* I am surprised that even Dole is not particular with how their goods are stacked. Maybe shelf space is so expensive. Where can I find nice romaine lettuce? I can’t find one from australia anymore. It used to be available in most supermarkets. the local ones are a bit bitter.

  25. corrine, I get my romaine at FreshField in MarketMarket, the outdoor market section. They are locally grown but good. They sell only the hearts and the larger heads. A bit pricier than those in the groceries but I have never been let down. It isn’t the big really crisp Australian or North American romaine but its the best I have found locally. Just rinse it in cool water, put it in a spinner and store it wrapped in paper towels in a plastic bag in your vegetable drawer int he fridge. It will “revive” and be good for a few days…

  26. Affordable stone fruits (nectarines, plums etc.) are also available at SnR Pricesmart. Really crisp Lolo Rossa and Romaine letuce can be found at most vegetable stalls in Farmers Market, you can get the imported bean sprouts here too!

  27. Someonelooking for coconut crabs.I only have seen abundant fresh and live ones at Cebu. Occasionally, it can be found at the Farmer’s Market Cubao.
    Belcap has a very good chicken nuggets and other meat processed products. They used to have other branches,you may contact them thru 9226262/9299432.
    Pectin I have seen at Hi-Top before, also at SM Megamall.
    HAAS avocado, the one common in Calif? Oval in shape, dark skinned right? We usually find it at the fruit stalls near National Bookstore Quezon Ave. Sometimes I find it at fruit stalls at Farmer’s Market too.

  28. Rowena, you got me there, I don’t even know what liquid smoke is… izang, we once bought a spinner at Cook’s Exchange at SM Megamall, but it was SO MUCH more expensive than the ones we got in the states. Have a relative stick one in a balikbayan box the next time around… Oh, just saw “imported” style bean sprouts at FTI Taguig this morning…

  29. For El Rey, if you live further down South, I get them from South Supermarket or Shopwise, although they run out sometimes. There’s also Santi’s in Festival Mall.

    Isang, I got my spinner from Rustan’s. They sell some at SM but the quality is not good.

    Rowena, I was able to buy liquid smoke at Duty Free. A small bottle goes a long way since you only use a few drops or teaspoons. I haven’t looked for one in the shops but will let you know if I find one. I use liquid smoke when I marinate ribs. It give this charcoal broiled aroma when you bake them in an over.

  30. Wow! This is great! Another question, where can I buy Italian tomatoes, a good wagyu beef–how much?

    If you happen to be in the Cubao area, Mascarpone is available in Shopwise. Although, a bit laborious, a friend suggested that we could just plant herbs. For a wide-range of glorious choices, check out: https://web.tri-isys.com/greenhearts

  31. wagyu–salcedo market has local wagyu, south supermarket (c/o snake river farms distributor here); or you can call their distributor:

    For an extensive selection of wagyu, Kurobuta, angus and other imported meat and meat cuts, call Alternative Food Corp, the local distributors of Snake River Farms (Bulk Sales) at 0927-9052168 or 6317228-30

    i just had wagyu the other night, my dad bought in japan (one steak comes to about $7 per pc). saraaaaap!!!!! di pa kobe yon!

  32. Liquid smoke, pectin and other wonderful specialty “food finds” can be found at the Metro Gaisano Grocery at Market! Market! (Or as I call it, Markay, Markay!) They also have a lot of imported household cleaning and laundry products, personal care products and even exotic Asian foodstuff. Just don’t go there if you’re on a budget (or budjay) because of the wealth of impulse buys that will be almost impossible to resist.

  33. Hi MM. Where can I find good / fresh tuna, salmon for sashimi? How do u slice em up, jap style, btw? Got tips? Thanks heaps?

  34. My husband has been looking for less expensive soft goat’s cheese for a year now. He buys the French and Swiss-made kind from our local delicatessen but thinks that there may be some places in Manila where it can be bought.Kesong puti as we know is always made out of carabao’s milk. But someone might also make it out of goat’s milk…?

  35. ejgod, shopwise makati had lots of huge cans of marca el rey chorizo over the christmas season. these were also sold by piece at the meat counter.

    i find romaine widely available now – shopwise makati, cash and carry, robinson’s supermarket in ermita usually have romaine distributed by Dole plus one or 2 other distributors. you just decide which brand’s offerings looks fresher!

  36. ejgod: You can reach Bellylicious at land line 8239689 or email noalleje(AT)yahoo(DOT)com :)

    RT Gonzales: you can get pine nuts at Santi’s or Spices ‘n Flavours (at Market!Market!) or Cook Exchange :)

  37. for goat’s cheese/milk, carabao milk/cheese:

    try mr. moo along sta. rosa laguna on the way to tagaytay.

    they taste great and they even put an “ice package” separately so your cheeses doesn’t spoil during transit.

    for the cheeses you have a choice between less salt variety or the regular one.

  38. Cheap pine nuts are available at Toby Nuts booths in malls.
    Fresh tuna & salmon for sashimi at Cubao Farmers’Market, go at wee hours and ask the vendor for a fish meat for sashimi.They will gladly give you the freshest ones.
    Goat’s cheese straight from Tagaytay, someone used to deliver it to my mother . Will ask about it.
    Alternative Food Corp. delivers wagyu beef if you buy in bulk. Really great!

  39. Any tips as to where or from whom can one buy premium quality homemade pasta noodles (fettucine, lasagna, tagliatelle, etc.) both the plain and flavored (herbed, lemon and pepper, spinach, carrot, beet, etc.) variants? I prefer these tendfold over the usual grocery-bought kinds.

  40. I love MarketManila!! Everyone is helping each other and very friebdly. Its like a family to me.

  41. thank you so much for the goat’s cheese info! That was fast information—I really appreciate it! It’s a great excuse for my husband and me to do some sightseeing as well:-)!

  42. I often see this on Iron Chef America, I’d like to get my hands this gadget, which can turn almost any firm vegetable into fine spaghetti-like strands or incredibly thin, long ribbons. Could someone help me find this… so you’ll have a better idea of how it looks like:https://www.peasandcornco.com/spiral-slicer.asp. THANKS to everyone, all of you …rock!

  43. Faye – Tefal has those pans, oval for fish, in Rustan’s :) I don’t know about the high end ones though…

  44. i have been looking for liquid buttermilk. can anybody please help me where i can find one?

  45. Hi MM, kathygirl, and tulip! Thanks so much for your reply. Still waiting on the french bread though :) thanks again!

  46. you can also find liquid smoke in unimart. they always seem to have it in stock.

    could you please tell me where to buy real saffron for paella? thanks.

  47. hi mm,

    i’m planning to open a coffee shop and i’d like to know where i can find frappucino powders and a reliable flavored coffee supplier. thanks!

  48. Avic, I know an old Vietnamese lady who makes french bread but she doesn’t sell. She only gives it to friends. When I get in touch with her, I’ll ask her for other possible sources. I’ll pass on the info to Marketman.

  49. Thanks, tulip. That would be lovely! Btw, here’s a number where you can order Wagyu burger . . . 3731234 loc 6402/6403, just look for cesar. :)

  50. peaches go-tiu, maybe you may want to try going to pines st. in mandaluyong. there’s a company there that supplies coffee to coffe shops. it’s beside the figaro office.

  51. Hi Marketman, somebody way up suggested a reader forum. i think that is an excellent idea. That way, each topic will have it’s own thread- the questions and answers do not get all mixed up. =)

  52. marosee, saffron can be found at Spices N’ Flavours in Market!Market!

    where can we find locally produced cheeses? mozzarella, parmesan etc

  53. thanks trixie, i visited the one you suggested near pines st, and will most likely get my coffee beans from them. as for the syrups i selected Stasero Syrups from Seattle, USA. exclusive philippine distributor is Far Skyes Enterprise (0917-8364249, landline 6721452). their flavor line is more extesive and price is the best ;)

  54. MM, would you know where to get creme fraiche? is that how it is spelled? also a more affordable supplier of mascarpone.

  55. asunta, I have seen creme fraiche at Terry’s Selection at Pasong Tamo once in a while. I also understand that if you check the net, there are ways to “fake” the creme fraiche but I haven’t tried it. Mascarpone is generally pretty pricey but the tubs at S&R lately have been relatively well-priced, though I can’t recall now how much they were asking… marosee, they have real saffron at La Tienda Filinvest Alabang or at the Spanish store near Jupiter street in Makati. Rustans also used to carry little packets of saffron in their groceries. ryan, what I think you are looking for is a Japanese benriner (spelling?) which makes really long strands out of radishes, carrots, etc. I haven’t seen them here but should be plentiful in U.S. specialty food stores.

  56. FRESH tuna and salmon sashimi??? good luck mwr and tulip! almost all (correct me if i’m wrong, mm) tunas (tuner. ü) come from our southern parts in frozen state. and almost all (99.9%, this i’m sure) salmons also come in frozen from norway, canada, australia, chile, etc. even 5-star hotels and high-end jap restaurants buy tunas frozen and pre-cut into nice rectangular blocks, about 450g to 500g each. you will find ‘fresh’ or ‘chilled’ tunas and salmons in some places and seafood markets, but these are presumably slacked or thawed out from frozen to begin with. So in this case, its better to buy the frozen ones right away. only buy the ‘fresh’ thawed out ones when you intend to use them on the same day.

  57. jules winnfield, yes the tuna comes from General Santos, flown almost daily at the Cubao Farmer’s Market. The tuna aren’t really frozen, they are transported alive then prepared and offered in sashimi cuts or fillet at the market. The fresh ones appropriate for use as sashimi are only available at wee hours, around 3 am. The one source I get mine (we used to have a food related business) is a source of most restaurants around the metro. Truth is it isnt actually for sale to the majority since they only offer it to “suki” who would definitely buy their stocks.You have to be acquianted with the dealers/sellers to have it and to know the schedule of the deliveries.
    Salmon comes from different countries but if it is for sashimi, I advise get salmon from Japan (if possible), fresher than any salmon from other distant country where the salmons are “frozen-cooked” during transportation.Most quality Japanese restaurant gets salmon from Japan lately.Someone used to deliver this to us, straight from Japan but they only deliver and purchase the order according to the demand they get locally here. It is quite pricey but worth it. I havent get in touch with the folks running this part time business lately.

  58. Hi MM, i carry Valrhona Chocolates, in professional (cocoa powder packs for baking) and Retail range (chocolate bars). for more info, please email me at thesteaklady@gmail.com.. I also carry an extensive range of Australian, USDA and Wagyu (Japanese and American Kobe) Beef products. Thanks!

  59. thanks for the info, tulip! wow, live tuna! must be some really stressed out fish to go through all that travel! i wonder if they are transported ‘asleep’, the way most of the other live fishes are exported. hmmm….

    japanese salmon… interesting. must be really top dollar for these. siguro hanggang japanese salmon belly lang ako. üüü

  60. Thanks Avic and Trixie, i emailed you already about our products and the price list. Mr. MM, i’m such a fan and can’t wait for your book! Would love for you to try some of my products, pls email me at thesteaklady@gmail.com so i can send it to you. I have Spanish Chorizo “Chorizo Fresca” that’s best for callos, paella, spanish beef stews and chorizo rice since Marca El ray is so hard to find now. Good luck with your book!

  61. Hi Sandy, thanks for the price list. I will definitely try some of your products. I am intrigued with the spanish beef stew, would you care to share your recipe? :) MM, can you also share some Spanish recipes? I’m really just starting to hone my culinary skills, if any. :)

  62. thanks marketman and erleen.. hope my first crack at paella will be a winner.. sandy, i’m also interested in the products that you carry.. please email me the pricelist at morose_marose@yahoo.com when you can.. it might help my paella.. thanks

  63. Hi again Mr. Marketman and fellow posters/lurkers. Allow me to repost this comment – since I first posted it last April 16, I havem’t gotten any reply yet. Hope I’m second time lucky…

    Can anybody here give me tips as to where or from whom can I purchase premium quality homemade pasta noodles (fettucine, lasagna, tagliatelle, etc.) both the plain and flavored (herbed, lemon and pepper, spinach, carrot, beet, etc.) variants? I prefer these tenfold over the usual grocery-bought machine-made kind. Unfortunately I don’t have much of the zeal or patience to make my own, that’s why any help will be much appreciated.

  64. Hi MM! How’s the book coming along? =) I noticed that you have several posts regarding Lechon and i want to share Cebu’s best kept secret(i’m from Cebu too). Aside from Alejos, CNT, Cang’s, Helen’s Lechon and of course the super authentic Cebu Lechon from Talisay (dubbed the original!), there is actually Rico’s Lechon. Very very delicious, it never fails in taste! Average is Php2200- Php4,000. Best part of the deal is that they take care of freight from Cebu to Manila, so all you have to do is pick it up at PAL or Cebu Pacific Cargo. They charge Php 600 for shipping fee. Payments acan be made through bank transfers. You can call Rico at (032) 344-0119. And bonus is that he’s really such a nice guy too. Good luck on your quest for the best lechon! =)

  65. The Steak Lady, thanks for that tip. But I really like the pig soon off the flames rather than after a plane ride in a cold luggage hold… I may try him the next time I am in Cebu though… thanks!

  66. hello everyone! =)

    In one of the posts here, I think I already mentioned that I’m not from Manila. Anyway, I’ll be visiting some relatives next week there and I would like to know if there’s someone who knows where I can buy fresh blueberries. or are there actually fresh ones being sold there?


  67. Rowena, prime rib at Santis, but it is ribless due to new Phil. import laws. krizteene, you can find fresh blueberries VERY rarely at specialty fruit vendors. I saw them two weeks ago at Salcedo market. Also, there are flash frozen blueberries at S&R in the freezer section.

  68. hi Krizteene! Fresh blueberries are available at S&R (like Costco) and some fruit vendors in the upscale stores carry it as well. Rowena, i carry different slabs of beef perfect for roasts. Pls email me at thesteaklady@gmail.com so i can send you a full product list. Or most delis here in the Phil carries it also. Thanks! =)

  69. asunta, I have never purchased orange oil here, but I suspect your best bet are one of the baking supply shops mentioned in the comments section of a post I did on Baking Ingredients 101 in my archives… they are located in Mandaluyong and I also understand there is one in Quezon City that have an extensive range of baking supplies…

  70. thanks MM. btw my staff came back from Dumaguete and she brought me some budbud. it was only 100 for around 25 pieces. lami gid!

  71. Hello everyone! Just a few questions for anyone who can answer them. Does anyone know where I can get:
    1. Roma and plum tomatoes? MM, in case I don’t find any, is there anything I can do with regular salad tomatoes that’ll approximate the flavor? I want to try out some pasta sauce recipes with these tomatoes as main ingredients, but am afraid they’ll just fall flat if I don’t use the right variety. Will using the canned stuff do?
    2. Nonfat plain yogurt (similar to S&R’s greek yogurt, but nonfat), & nonfat or lowfat monterey jack cheese?
    3. Eggbeaters (or any other liquid egg substitute)?
    Thank you, thank you! My gratitude to anyone who can help out! =)

  72. mokongbugoy, I did a post on roma tomatoes or plum tomatoes that I found at Fresh Field in Market!Market! a few weeks ago, check the archives. Unfortunately, they weren’t terrific romas for cooking so I would stick with a good Italian canned tomato which you can get at most good groceries or delis such as Terry’s or Santis… I haven’t found a good non-fat plain yoghurt. There is low fat plain yoghurt sometimes at Landmark, but not consistently. If I am not mistaken, Cook’s exchange in large malls sometmes have egg substitutes for sale. Also, with tomatoes, never put them in the fridge, it affects texture and flavor dramatically… just leave them out on the counter.

  73. Where can I find real vanilla extract (the really good ones)? I would like to use them for my chocolate chip cookies.

  74. Karen, you may want to try some of the baking supply shops mentioned in the comments section of a post last year entitled Baking Ingredients 101. Real vanilla extract is pricey but superb…in a pinch, buy some of the locally grown vanilla bean and make your own using some alcohol or vodka…

  75. I found 2 brands of nonfat plain yogurt at the supermarket in megamall (in tiny, tiny tubs), and will be trying them out in a day or two. I’ll be using them for some “yogurt cheese,” which is supposed to be a nonfat alternative to cream cheese. The author of the recipe says that “the freshest yogurt makes the sweetest cheese” – I’ll have to see if these little ones are any good. Keeping my fingers crossed – don’t wanna end up having to force feed myself if they end up tasting awful! Thanks for all the great tips, MM!

  76. bigeater, there is a Japanese Grocery called Sakura on Pasay Road in Makati near Pasong Tamo, in front of the new building beng constructed by Ayala in Greenbelt that carries many japanese ingredients. I have seen shiso there before but I am not sure how consistently stocked they are.

  77. shiso’s perilla right? know anyone growing plants here? thanks again

  78. Hi Marketman! it’s so great to find this post when it is the exact question i have in mind!
    Where can i find bottled tinapa? How about calamansi powder? i’m sending my friend in Germany a Pinoy Pack, and these are her “bilins”… I hope you/others could help. thanks!

  79. mukongbugoy, eggbeaters are now in s&r. its in a yellow box in the freezer section.

  80. Hey, I was wondering, where could one find fresh maraschino cherries, or any cherries for that matter? How about raspberries?

  81. Pau, I think by definition, maraschino cherries are preserved or bottled…they are available at lots of groceries in Manila. As for fresh raspberries and blueberries, they are sometimes stocked by upscale grocers like Rustan’s and S&R once or twice a week during the season. There are also stalls in the market area of Market!Market! in Fort Bonifacio that stock the berries…

  82. Oh, see this is why i’m clueless. But i’ve read in recipes, it says fresh or frozen maraschino cherries, odd. Thanks alot, marketman :D

  83. Hi,

    I don’t think this question was answered. I also wanted to know where I can get buttermilk?

  84. Hi zel, I have not seen buttermilk for sale in the Philippines, but I think you can approximate it by using whole milk and adding just a touch say a teaspoon of vinegar to a several cups of milk… it gives it that acidic/souring quality. Google buttermilk substitutes.

  85. I am an American transplanted to the Philippines and now living in Cagayan de Oro City with my new wife. I am retired and one of my hobbies is cooking. However I am having a heck of a time finding good ingredients here in CDO. Do you believe I will have to go all the way to Manila to find American groceries? If so I would rather pay someone to shop for me and ship the groceries to me via Fed Ex. It would be much more convenient for me and less expensive too since I would not have to pay for air fare to get there. Do you have any suggestions. Thanks very much, Paul Hogg

  86. Hi Marketman,

    I am the Warehouse Operations Manager of S&R Membership Shopping at The Fort, Mr. Edward Gonda forwarded me the inquiry of Mr. Paul Hogg. We are more than willing to be of service to him,he can call me at 0922-859-5155 or email me at cfrancisco@snrshopping.com so we can talk on the possibility of sending him the items he may wish to purchase from our store.

    Thanks and more power to you.


  87. Hi! I just need to know the Japanese grocery stores here in Metro Manila as im looking for rice bran oil used in cooking tempura. Please advise. Thanks.

  88. Hi, Do you know where to find hazelnut oil, grapeseed oil or safflower oil? Thanks :)

  89. lonely_girl, you can try Bacchus at Shangrila Hotel (the wine store), or Santis delicatessen or Terry’s Selection on Pasong Tamo or in the basement of Podium mall. You don’t see those oils too often in Manila. Oh, and maybe its worth a try to check out the Flavours n Spices shop at Market!Market! as I heard they were introducing some good oils…

  90. can anyone tell me please where I can find Hebrew National polish sausages and all beef franks? If not HN, how about any other US brand?


  91. Shopwise and Rustan’s has a good range of Imported cheeses. Mascarpone, Ricotta, goat cheeses, parmaggiano, asiago also bite size mozarella brand is mammalucia. It’s complete and cheaper than any other gourmet shops.

  92. hi Crispino, my neighbor in the American Women’s bazaar sells the Hebrew National beef franks at Php200/pack. The stall is called Flavor Kitchen. Sorry i forgot their number but if you have a chance, please come to the bazaar on August 6 at World Trade Center 830 am -3 pm. they have other great products like maple cured bacon, hungarian, breakfast and italian sausages, and others.

  93. They have the Hebrew National beef franks at S&R at Php220+ per pack and they have different varieties as well.

  94. The Steak Lady, I just saw those hotdogs today, so they must have only come in in the last few days…got myself two packs… :)

  95. bigeater, nowhere in Manila. The squash flowers here are blossoms of the more common kalabasa or winter squash, not zucchini specifically. No matter, they are almost interchangeable when cooked. I find the flowers in the wet markets almost every single weekend so unless you using it in greater than a small restaurant proportion, I see no reason why you can’t find it…

  96. Hi,

    Would any of you know where I can buy empty bottles? I’ve been looking for a supplier who can sell me in not-so-big quantities. Most suppliers will tell you they can only supply you by the thousands. I’d probably just need 100 for starters…..

    Thanks and hope you can help!

  97. Hello there Marketman,

    Would you know a place where I can buy small quantities of almond powder (the one for silvanas and sans rival coating)? I just need a kilo or even less – im baking just for my girlfriend’s baby shower.

    Thank you so much!


  98. Lucas, I buy either whole almonds, roast them, then blitz them in a food processor to make almond flour (with skins), or if you want the one with no skins, buy blanched almonds, either whole or slivered or sliced and blitz those and make “flour.” Blanched almonds aren’t so easy to find, the last time I needed them, I ended up searching for days… but I found some at Cook’s Exchange in Rockwell, then minutes later found slivered almonds at Rustan’s Rockwell. Sometimes, Toby’s House of Nuts stalls in various large malls carries it as do Santis delicatessen. I think the reason it isn’t easy to find the “almond flour” pre-made is that it has a tendency to go rancid quickly, so most would prefer to make their own. Maria, San Miguel packaging is the source of most home bottlers. Look them up in the directory and ask if there is an outlet that sells retail quantities near you.

  99. hmm.. were can i buy a ” i’m not plastic ” handbag here in philippines i mean what store or where can i find it?

  100. hi! just a couple of questions:

    1. where can i buy a crepe making kit (crepe pan, crepe spreader and spatula? or can you suggest a cheaper alternative/technique in making perfectly shaped crepes?

    2. where can i find wine making kit/supplies in manila?

    thanks in advance!!!


  101. Hey Marketman, good day! The weather’s so crazy and the aircon unit in our classrooms are not working properly, where can I buy good-quality spanish fans or Chinese folding fans? Please don’t recommend those cheap, smelly ones sold at the church’s entrance, they break easily. I know that my question is so silly knowing that your blog is only catered for those searching their foodstuffs around the metro, but I think only a genius like you can answer this one.

  102. Hi Zel,
    I saw some powdered buttermilk at Chocolate lovers in Quezon Ave.. they have another branch in P.Tuazon, Cubao, you could check that out..

  103. I have a question, where can you find FIVE SPICE powder? I’m trying to make salt & pepper spareribs, and I’ve been trying to find out that different flavor it has.
    Thanks! :)

  104. hi,

    i’ve been contemplating on cooking roast duck sometime this month and i was wondering if anybody could help me. i’ve only seen them frozen and vacuum sealed in s&r and santis. is there any other place i could get my hands on the said bird preferably in a fresher state than mentioned above?
    (oh, and as this is going to be a first and very much experimental for me, if anyone has some tips or recipes they’d care to share, i’d gladly take it)

  105. Carlo, I understand you can buy live or recently dressed duck at the pateros market. I suspect the same is true at Arranque market. However, for a first time try, the frozen Long Island Pekin ducks are not a bad place to start. They were flash frozen and due to high fat content, probably in decent shape after making the trip in a freezer on the high seas…

  106. hi guyz.. i was wondering where in manila can i get supply of VCO and chocolate syrup? does anyone know how i can contact them? a lot of thanks!

  107. Hi Market Man! Do you know where i could find canned cooked whole beets? Is there any alternative to that, maybe doing something with the raw, fresh kind that’s readily available in local supermarkets? I need it to make chocolate cake. Thank you very much!

  108. tal, they sometimes sell canned whole beets in Santis Delicatessen or even Rustan’s supermarkets (the bigger ones, not the mini-supermarkets) and perhpas the large SM groceries. They also sell fresh beets in the markets sometimes, they are grown in Baguio and I often buy mine at the FTI or Salcedo markets… they aren’t so easy to find bt if you know what they look like, you would probably spot them easily at the larger markets…

  109. I am from Cebu. If anyone whould like to try our FRESH ground and beans coffee, please email me at avietiful@yahoo.com. We also have FLAVORED coffee like vanilla, hazelnut and choco macademia.Or call 424-6657. 0927-2778737.

  110. Thank you very much for the info! :) But if I do use fresh beets, how do I cook them to match the canned kind needed for making chocolate cake?

  111. hey- just wondering where can i find a reliable supplier for good belgian chocolate??? or other variety as long as good quality (for chocolate fountain).


  112. Try Americolor gel paste color (food color) for fondant, buttercream, royal icing, and bread among others. Interested parties can get in touch with us at 251-4004 or email debbie_caw@yahoo.com. We also supply other baking items.

  113. Anyone know where I can find real maple syrup and apple butter? I really hope S&R starts carrying these items. thanks!

  114. Carlo, they used to sell wood chips at True Value in Rockwell and Park Square 1…not sure if they still sell them, however. Olive, you can buy poppy seeds at Sweetcraft and other bakers supplies stores, see m post on Baking Ingredients 101 in the archives, look at the comments section for contact numbers… twethr, they have heavy cream at S&R in the Fort… Santis delicatessen also sometimes carries it.

  115. Mascarpone cheese is so hard to find…. where is Santi’s store located? or is there any other store selling these cheese..

  116. ana, they sell safron at Rustan’s larger groceries, Terry’s delicatessen, Santis and at La Tienda, a shop that sells spanish inredients. Oh, they also sell it at Flavours n spices at Market!Market in Fort Bonifacio. Don’t go for the cheapest, go for the best but just buy a little of it…

  117. i need some cornmeal to bake cornbread with…the answer i read at yahoo says that local cornmeal is available at veterinary supply stores. huh?! would you have any idea if this is for real? i would appreciate your input.

  118. Fred, you might want to try Shoemart home section, it might not be a fancy mandoline, but they will have slicers. Also, Cook’s Exchange in the malls might have it. But I have not seen a heavy duty stainless mandoline for sale here… chunky, silly, don’t get pet quality cornmeal! You can find boxed grocery cornmeal at Metro Grocery at market!market! mall… its the coarse-ish yellow stuff that are made into muffins. Check expiry dates, though, I find some of their stuff is a bit old.

  119. hahaha! i thought so…stuff you get from the internet could be so misleading. thanks for that warning MM!

  120. We are selling premium brand of processed meat in wholesale prices for business/parties/personal needs. Our plant is an ISO certified company and a recipient of several awards.

    Our products are as follows:

    Chix Nuggets 100.00 130-140.00
    Chix Patties 105.00 140-150.00
    Sausage Patties 80.00 95-100.00
    Hamburger Patties 85.00 100-105.00
    Spag. Meat Sauce 110.00 125.00

    We deliver based on min. buy qty per area. Our landline is 657-7571 or CP# 0927-7857366. TERMS: COD

  121. Help please! ive been trying to look for Violet crumble for the last year (even previous foreign trips left me empty handed). i heard it’s only available in Australia, but would you guys know where i can get it locally? Thanks so much!

  122. JM, sorry, I don’t know of any styrofoam suppliers. The Steak Lady, I haven’t seen violet crumble in a while, but I suspect they might have it at the Duty Free store near NAIA, or HK or Singapore groceries if you know anyone coming through there…

  123. Hi, I need cooked turkey (less hassle), anyone knows where to get it? Or a succulent recipe with easy ingredients for you to share? Many thanks….Happy Christmas!!!

  124. hi marketman!

    Finally I found the answer to my question thru this blog. Where to find almond meal and you answered it here. Now I have another problem… Where can i buy rocket the one you can use for salad and pizza probably? Sa Australia kasi ang dami nito sa grocery nila.

    Hope you can help! Thanks!

  125. Artist Chef, I have posts on rocket or arugula in the archives, type it into the search function and KEEP scrolling down until you find the right post…

  126. hi, i’m trying to look for Valrhona chocolates… in chef’s nook (mandaluyong) they only have callebaut.. is that as good as valrhona? aside from bacchus in makati shang, is there any other place where I can buy those?

  127. I saw creme fraiche at Rutter’s in SM Hypermarket. They have very friendly staff and will allow you to taste the some of the stuff they sell to encourage you to buy.

  128. rommaj, some groceries such as Rustans or large SM groceries sell cut tarragon. For live plants, go to the Manila Seedling Bank in QC, the garden 2000 center has tons of tarragon. Debbie, they have frozen puff pastry at Santis or S&R. Gedi, S&R or Terry’s Delicatessen carry Italian sausages. mamboo, I don’t think I have come across date sugar…

  129. mr marketman,
    i accidentally came across your site last year but don’t have much time browsing. however, i put your site in my favorites and browse whenever i have spare time. i find your site interesting and oh… so yummy! i am from pateros and its our town fiesta this sunday, feb 10 so i wanted to cook leche plan. i knew how to make it but i am interested to try your version. i just have to ask you kung saan ako pwedeng makabili ng carabao milk dito sa metro manila? i really dont have any idea. another thing, ive read of the query kung saan makakabili ng fresh duck. ang alam ko wala po sa palengke ng pateros. sa pasig market po kami bumibili at saka ang alam ko sa umaga lang po meron.

  130. where can i buy buttermilk and heavy cream?all of the recipes i have read requires “milk” to be used as one of the ingredients i’d like to know what milk should i use evaporated,condensed,fresh milk etc.

  131. lualhati, they have heavy cream at Santis delicatessen or S&R sometimes. I usually use whole milk, sometimes UHT from a tetra brick. I sometimes use evap for local desserts whose recipes call for evap. aidz, there is paprika at Terry’s delicatessen, branches at Podium ortigas and Pasong Tamo, there is also paprika at most groceries, though not the best kind often… irene, you can buy carabao milk at Salcedo market and other sources of the DVF? brand… they sell carabao’s milk at several locations around the city… troy, salmon heads at major groceries like Cash & Carry and Unimart. Wendy, try the Steak Lady, her contact numbers above in the comments, I think…

  132. hi iya you said there’s a creme fraiche at Rutter’s in SM Hypermarket,where exactly is the SM Hypermarket you were referring to?

  133. Hi! I was wondering where I could buy a bottle of rosewater and maybe some filo/phyllo dough? I’m interested kasi sa paggawa ng baklava, but I’m not sure where to find those ingredients that i’ve mentioned.

    Thanks much!

  134. lualhati, you can buy creme fraiche at any santis store…. bjc you can buy rosewater at assad in jupiter st. phyllo dough is available at santis.

  135. Mr. Marketman,
    I am grateful I stumbled upon your website… it’s a gem, really. Sure glad that this kind of site exists. Very helpful and informative.
    Can anyone help me with finding the best cleaning agent for burned pots and pans (not so much, though… just brownish spots but very stubborn I can’t get it off). Any idea, anyone? I have tried using baking soda, salt and vinegar, too.
    Thanks in advance.

  136. Theresa, at some point, the steel oxidizes or some other chemical reaction occurs, and taking off the light brown stains are next to impossible… A really tough scrubbing might work, but you will slowly rub off all the stainless steel…so best to live with a little browning, I think. I also had a post on pots and pans in the archives, but no post on how to clean them! :)

  137. Mia, San Miguel Packaging Products sells empty bottles, you have to call them to find out if they have a retail dealer near you, otherwise, they sell by the hundreds or thousands wholesale…

  138. Where can I buy Ricotta Cheese here in the Metro Manila area? I am willing to buy large containers if necessary. Really, I just want to make lasagna. I think most eateries are using cottage cheese and that is no substitute for ricotta.

  139. Norm, you can probably find ricotta at the large groceries like Rustans or Unimart in Ortigas Center. Santis delicatessen (several branches across Manila) almost always has it, but definitely they have it at the Yakal street branch. S&R warehouse stores also sometimes carry it, in fact, recently I spied not only ricotta, but mascarpone and even creme fraiche. Galileo Enoteca in mandaluyong has lots of Italian products and may also carry ricotta…

  140. We had our dinner at Terry’s Delicatessen at the Podium the other night as it was highly recommended by a friend. The food was ordinary. The service is late and some waiters are always chewing somehting and even cleaning his teeth with his toungue. The waiter does not have the courtesy of endorsing our order to a waiter assigned in our table and they wont even acknowledge our order or request.
    Maybe they are not poroperly supervised.

    On our way out we saw a storekeeper, later identified as Manny, wiith his foot in the deivided near the display chiller and doing his streaching. When we called his attention on his activity he even swtiched foot and continued his streaching. A food handler should not be doing this kind of activity specially near a food items.

  141. Can anyone help me find a really good plain greek yoghurt? When i went to Greece a couple of years ago, i always had Plain greek yoghurt with fresh fruits for breakfast. It is simply delectable and healthy, and their plain yoghurt is just so rich and creamy and a tad bit sweet.

  142. MM, I’ve read your post on stainless steel pans. Are there any Sitram’s available here in Manila? Or All Clad?

  143. zofhia, when they are in season abroad, fresh pomegranates are RARELY available at the top groceries such as Rustan’s or the fruit vendors at Salcedo market or the ones at the basement of The Rockwell Mall. I don’t think they are available at the moment, however. Jas, I have not seen Sitram’s for sale in Manila. However, you may want to check out the housewares department of the largest SM department stores, if I am not mistaken, they make have carried All Clad at one point. Also, try Bacchus at the Shangrila for Le Creuset or Gourdo’s at the Fort for other cookware brands. dorky’s girl, they sell Australian made, greek style yoghurt at S&R sometimes. But they come in big tubs so you really have to like it a lot to finish it all before it spoils. maria, not sure where you might find wagyu in paranaque, but if you go to the saturday salcedo market and talk to the Viger trading folks, you might arrange a deal with them. Kat, they offer edamame in several stores, Fresh Fields in Market!Market comes to mind, though it is erratically on offer. Also, some of the markets such as the Sunday Legaspi market also carry edamame.

  144. what a nice blog, with helpful readers!

    id just like to ask where i can find gluten or fake meat, vegemeat apart from Unimart in greenhills?


  145. big help indeed, just wanted to ask if you know where i might be able to find cherries and cherry tomatoes?

  146. jon, they sell cherry tomatoes at Rustan’s SM sometimes, fresh fields at Market!Market!, and the weekend markets. Cherries are harder to come by but they sometimes have them at fruit dealers at Salcedo market, in Chinatown, or perhaps the fruit stores in Greenhills…. L, sorry, I have no idea where to find fake meat.

  147. hello marketman!!!
    i just so love your site as in!!!i am also from cebu .i have asked you once for a recipe for halanghalang.thanks for replying though,sadly wala ka recipe hehehe. anyway,im planning to open a resto cafe does anyone know any contact numbers for suppliers.i would greatly appreicaite it soso much…mwah!!!!!thanks

  148. hi MM!
    i’ve been reading the commentaries and your site is pretty great!
    at the sunday souk at the powerplant mall recently, i came across this soymeat Meat Magic product manufactured in Cebu. I was able to purchase one and I really want to know where else I can find one. I was so enticed by the seller’s other product Tofu Chips that’s why I forgot to get their contact details. They said they’re still looking for a stall in Ortigas. Please help me. The product really “fooled” my ailing parents. All along they thought they’re eating “meat” which is actually bad for them. So when I started preparing the dishes with Meat MAgic the yreally dont know the difference!

    Thanks in advance

  149. can anybody suggests suppliers for coffee beans,syrups,machines,sandwich panini roaster,chillers, griller,plastic, and dont know how to start to get in touch with suppliers since im based here in mindanao.looking forward thanks.

  150. hello..i just wanted to know where to buy saffron, red pepper flakes and licorice flavored liqueur. I live near the alabang area. Where can i find some please..answer the meal is for my mom thanks..

  151. Where can I buy the baking cups for cupcakes?The hard thick silver ones…

  152. lualhati, I haven’t the thick silver ones for sale here, but you may want to try Gourdo’s at the Fort, or the bake shops mentioned in the comments above, a couple of them in Mandaluyong. Or try cooks exchange at major malls. eiszah, sorry, I don’t know where you can buy cocoa butter or almond oil. annika, saffron from the grocery, Rustan’s, SM etc. carry it. And you can go to specialty Spanish stores like Terry’s or others like it. Red pepper flakes at Flavors n spices or even possibly santis. And I have never seen licorice flavored liquer. It sounds like you are cooking a specific recipe… perhaps you should instead rely on whats in season so the ingredients aren’t so esoteric and difficult to find…

  153. Im having a hard time growing the seeds that my friend bought me, so i decided to buy grown ones. May I know where i can buy fresh herb plants (like thyme, rosemary, etc) in manila? I will be tansporting them thru plane, i only need 2 small pots each. Thank you for your help.

  154. maricar, I have several posts in the archives with fresh or live herbs, you may want to look them up. You can buy pots of herbs at the Manila Seedling Bank, in Quezon City, off EDSA.

  155. To Annika and MM,

    Licorice flavored liqueur would be Sambuca (black or white) aka Galliano.

    Cleaning brown (oil) stains on stainless steel/aluminium pots only: while pot is hot, brush the stains (inside or out) with a stripping brush (I don’t know if this is what they are really called but you can find them packed in 3’s in hardware shops–comes in copper, steel and nylon brush versions–check out true value). Or, boil hot water in soiled pot and cool a bit (safe handling measure) and scrub oil stains.

  156. Where can I find a bottle of marsala wine in Metro-Manila? I need to use it for my chicken marsala recipe here.

  157. Daphnie, santis carries sesame paste or tahini. Jon, I suspect Galileo Enoteca in Mandaluyong and Makati might have it. michelle, sorry, no idea…

  158. Are Rice Vinegar and Rice Wine Vinegar one and the same? I’m trying to out a recipe that needs Rice Wine Vinegar but I can’t find it in the stores.

  159. Hi. Can anyone tell me where I can buy virgin olive oil? Also, can anyone name some meat shops selling free-range meat? Thank you in advance

  160. Draeger, virgin or extra virgin olive oil is available in almost any large supermarket such as SM, Rustan’s, Landmark, etc. I am not aware of free-range meat as in cattle, but there are free range chickens such as Pamora at Santis, Terry’s delicatessen and S&R.

  161. Marketman, do you know where I can buy organic vegetables near my home? I live near UP Diliman. Thank You.

  162. MM – where can I find the hottest hot sauce here? or real hot chili peppers for cooking? I have tried many bottled hot sauces available in the grocery but after going through half, my hubby no longer finds it hot or spicy. He is often disappointed with my chili con carne as it is never hot enough but all our lips, eyes and noses are already burning. Do you have suggestions?

  163. ApplesH, have you tried the markets or even groceries? Taiwan bird’s eye chillies (often mistakenly offered siling labuyo) in a chili con carne should be wicked enough. Or find real siling labuyo in wet markets (the smaller ones, I have posts on it in the archives) which used to be considered amongst the hottest chillies in the world until the discovery of much hotter ones. They also sell jalapenos or bonnet chillies here on occasion, the latter probably ranking amongst the top 5 in the world. If you can’t find fresh, use dried chilli powder, try chinese groceries. Some of the szechuan or other red chilli flakes from china can blind you if you touch your eyes after handling it. bottled sauces are not ideal. Go for fresh or dried if you want real heat.

  164. hi, do you guys know where i can buy kamaboko (japanese fishcake) by any chance? thanks.

  165. hi,
    do you know guys where can i buy the thermometer using for the fish to get the themperature of hot & cold?

  166. Hello,
    does anyone know where can i buy frozen tuna sashimi that’s vacuum packed? I’m from davao and is studying here in manila and i can’t seem to find any store that sells this product.thanks.

  167. EJ Lu, look for Citra Mina Frozen Food shops, they carry frozen tuna sashimi, though they are paler than they should be. They also carry it in weekend markets like Salcedo and FTI, look for the ladies selling frozen seafood.

  168. Hello Marketman! Is there a place in Manila where I could buy Japanese ingredients like kombu,katsuo bushi, aonori, miso and others? Thank you very much!

  169. mister market can u help me where to find this kind of stuff?
    kosher salt,coriander seeds,mustard seeds and cinamon stalks.bcoz i will have that to start my xperimation and also my busnes. thankssss. i hope youll answer it plssss

  170. jet, kosher salt at Metro Market!Market! It isn’t cheap. coriander seeds and mustard seeds and cinnamon, try Flavors n Spices at market!Market mall where metro is. Have you tried groceries and supermarkets? Many carry some or all of these ingredients.

  171. elow market man can u answer my question plsss. What is the difference between marination and brine?? thanks market man

  172. Hi!

    I’m living in Makati area. And I want to know if there’s a place where i could buy timothy hay, orchard grass, or oat grass? or their seeds so i could plant them. These items are for my pet rabbit. Thanks.

  173. How can I contact a food distributor in Manila about purchasing American foods and having them shipped to Cebu ?
    We ( several) are considering forming a limited partnership as wholesalers in the Cebu area .

  174. hey marketman,,good day! i just want to ask where can i buy avocado oil here in philippines??pls send your answer to my email,,thnx!

  175. paula, a couple of folks have asked about violet crumble, but I haven’t seen it in the groceries anywhere in the past 3+ years… Mae, I think you mean tulip bulbs, and I don’t know anyone who sells them here, they would probably be imported, and to grow them, you would need a rather cool room…

  176. I recently bought a single-burner induction stove. where can i buy affordable cookware that works with it (stainless steel, iron, etc). Most stores now just carry aluminum-based cookware which don’t work on induction. Help!

  177. hello people! this is such a nice place! foodies unite! chefs and feeling chefs! hehe! cool. does anybody know where i can find a …mmm…yacon seeds? i have a business plan simulation about yacon (for business school). bought yacon at farmer’s market, 2 stalls selling at 80 per kilo, and the leaves for tea use. but they didnt have any seeds or something. anybody has ideas how i could grow yacon? will it come from a seed or from a cut part of the yacon itself and buried the same? thank you all. more hits to this site!

  178. dabui, sorry, I don’t know how yacon is propagated but as a tuber, I don’t think it is from seed. Best you seek out sellers of yacon in weekend markets and ask them for tips… rezywezy, the good cookware is available at shoemart, rustan’s etc. It is much more expensive, however, than aluminium.

  179. hello where i can buy ground nutmeg, ground sage, ground cinnamon and scotch bonnet…..thank you

  180. percie, have you tried a large grocery? They should have nutmeg, sage and cinnamon. fresh scotch bonnets are peppers, and they are harder to find here, try Salcedo market on weekends…

  181. hi marketman. i was just wondering where can i purchase major grey’s chutney or plain chutney here in Manila? And how much would it probably cost? and the Ricotta Cheese does Landmark carry one? Thanks

  182. Percie, the groceries here manila all carry ground nutmeg, ground sage, ground cinnamon. The brand McCormick has a lot of varieties. they don’t cost that much.

  183. anne, no idea, I have never seen a tea plant here in the philippines, but I have seen them in the foothills of Bogor, Java and in parts of Malaysia. van, have you been to a grocery or delicatessen? They do carry cheese, including blue cheese as well as chutney, ricotta, etc.

  184. Rezywezy; The cheap Stainless cookware seems to do best on my induction cooker, But tap the botton and get a good solid sound, to be sure take a magnet and if it sticks, it will work. I buy some of my stainless pots at Pure Gold, Dau. Most of the “high” quality SS does not work on an induction cooker.
    A big source of imported foods are at Royal Duty Free in SBMA. The stock changes every week tho. If they have what you want, buy plenty as it will be gone quickly.
    Yogurt; Easy and cheap to make, use Dry milk powder and any low heat source(100-120F) I use a styrofoam cooler and a heat pad, set on low. Skim milk gives you low fat and dried whole milk gets you the creamy stuff. Use small ctn on Nestle’s plain yogurt as a starter. I use yogurt as a replacement for butter milk, works a lot better than powdered buttermilk for me.
    On my list to do is fresh cheeses from dried milk powder, if it turns out ok, will post.

  185. hi marketman… i’ve read a question about NUTMEG… do you think SM SUPERMARKETS also sells this product? how much will it cost me if i want to buy one?? REALLY REALLY NEED IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.. TNX IN ADVANCE.. =D

  186. trisha, there should be ground nutmeg in most large groceries. For whole nutmeg, go to Flavors n Spices in Market!Market! Mall. jane, I have no idea. Anne, I have never seen fresh green tea leaves here…chino, I have never come across sage tea.

  187. where can i buy chocolate cookies in bulk orders the big one that can be use as a gift for xmas season?

  188. “L says:

    what a nice blog, with helpful readers!

    id just like to ask where i can find gluten or fake meat, vegemeat apart from Unimart in greenhills?”

    L, you can go to Country Vegefoods.

    Country Vegefoods. San Juan. 161 Luna Mancias St., San Juan. Phone Number: 723- 8614,

  189. Hi, I just came across your site and I think you should have your own TV show and then you could give out your tips and recipes. I’m sure it’ll be a big hit.

  190. Patricia, large groceries sometimes have pectin. I have seen it at Metro at Market!Market! at large SM groceries and bakeshop supply stores like Sweetcraft.

  191. Where can i find and buy mascarpone cheese in Cagayan de Oro city o zones near?. Thanx for help italian desperate.

  192. where can i find flavored coffee beans, flavored coffee syrups and expresso coffee machines for home use

  193. wow, finally somebody posted about liquid smoke available at unimart, the place most accessible for me, gotta run to get it. thanks for the question ROWENA and thanks for the answers guys.

  194. Hi! Where can I buy fresh raspberries and portobello mushrooms? And do you know of a place that sells good goat cheese?

  195. hi. where can i buy baking equipments here in metro manila? my friends and i are having plans of putting up a pretzel shop. we’re trying to find out if it is feasible.. please help me find one. can be online or malls or whatever…thank you so much.

  196. Hi MM! Where can i buy organic meats-chicken, beef, pork? i’ve been searching but couldn’t find any store that sells them..also nice variety of organic veggies..most i find in sm and shopwise are just salad greens and not for cooking..pls help..thanks!

  197. baba, all large or major groceries should have turkeys uncooked… unimart, SM megamall, rustan’s, landmark, S&R or cash & carry. For cooked, you can order one at Santis but they are quite pricey… and you may be late if you need it for Christmas…

  198. Can anyone inform what supermarket has stocks of marca el rey chorizos at this time? I know that this has been answered in older posts but I hate to hop from one supermarket to another just to be informed that it’s out of stock. Thanks.

  199. hi! where i can buy a frozen puff pastry for baking, just around here in metro manila.. prob. Pasig city

  200. i’d like to ask if any grocery or supermarket is selling ricotta cheese? and around how much is it? thanks

  201. Hi everyone … I just chanced upon this site today and I think I’m going to do a lot of browsing here as I learn so much. I’m from Legazpi and I have a hard time looking for ingredients I need. STEAKLADY, kindly email me your product list and price list (vmvargas03@yahoo.com.hk)

  202. Martina, frozen puff pastry is available in most Santis outlets. Saw one in their freezer at Santis, Corinthian Hills branch.

    Jeni, ricotta cheese is available even in SM hypermart butter/yogurt freezer. Am sure Galileo Enoteca (Mandaluyong and SM hypermart pasig) also maintain it on stock.

  203. bontongio, the last time I found them at Cash & Carry, and that was after searching for them at Rustan’s, Shoemart, Landmark, etc…

  204. hello Mr.marketman,

    maybe you can help me with this, i need to find a wholesale supplier, We cater hi end clients so i will gladly appreciate if you can help me with this..

    im looking for products such as:

    Frozen raw and cooked atlantic lobster
    Frozen USDA Prime ribeye, sirloin,topblade,prime rib roast bone in, prime ribroast boneless,
    Organic free range pork tenderloin,pork ham,porkloin, porkchops

    and also mushrooms, frozen and preserve truffles.

    thank you very

  205. Where can you find grapeseed oil in Manila? i got this great cookbook that uses this ingredient but i can’t find it in santis where else can you suggest?

  206. Hi MM! Would you know where I can buy parmesan cheese por kilo? Unbranded is ok. Thanks a lot!!!

  207. hi marketman..

    do u know any store wer could i buy a complete toppings for pizza.. coz im planning to open a pizza snack bar hir in laguna tnx…

    god bless..


  208. lhizel, a good grocery in Manila should have most of the things you need i would think… Emma, S&R or a large grocery should have parmesan in blocks. edna, they used to have them at the hardware at rockwell, but I haven’t seen them lately. Mara, no idea. Jewel, try divisoria wholesale stores like commoner’s commercial, joyt., santis has pancetta and heavy cream and cheeses. trisha, try bacchus. sveta, divisoria, look for the paper/packaging wholesalers.

  209. Where can I find Poppy seeds for baking cakes and breads? Some other shop than Santi’s Deli

  210. Yvonne, you can try Swet Haven on Boni Street in Mandaluyong. Or sometimes Metro grocery at market!market has a good ingredients selection or if in that mall try the Flavors n Spices store near the outdoor market. tel, I have not seen buttermilk for sale here, but a substitute might be a teaspoon of clear vinegar into a cup of milk, or alternatively, lemon juice. It isn’t exactly the same, but for many baked recipes, it works. Kaka, the only place I have seen miniature liquor is the duty free shops in Subic. Though I suspect wine shops in Manila might have them. mae, sorry, I haven’t the foggiest clue where to get wheat grass in Cavite.

  211. hello! help…where can i buy genuine organic maple syrup (preferably grade B) and how much is it? thanks.

  212. Two things I’m basically dying without: Rowntrees Fruit Gums and Sarsons Malt Vinegar! The fruit gums used to be found in Cubao but the store has gone.

  213. Bob, the chinese food products store at the ground floor of Virra Mall in greenhills used to sometimes (not always) carry Rowntree’s fruit pastilles and I sometimes see them at the small candy stalls in snazzy malls like Rockwell or Ayala. As for malt vinegar, not necessarily Sarsons brand, the grocery Metro at Market!Market! mall in Fort Bonifacio has a pretty interesting mix of imported ingredients and condiments, you may want to try there. anna, sorry, I have never seen oat flour. maru, I saw genuine maple syrup at Metro grocery in market!market! but I wouldn’t count on it being organic or isn’t all pure maple syrup necessarily organic?

  214. anyone who’s looking for macha can buy at fujimart along tomas morato-panay ave…

    MM: where can i buy a praline paste? i’m planning to make my version of some artisan chocolates :3

  215. Thanks. Fruit Gums and Fruit Pastilles are different, so maybe I should try to import them myself! Malt Vinegar is available up here in Olongapo/Subic Bay but not Sarsons, which has a distinctive bottle. I think it is sold somewhere in Makati, I’ll let you know if I track it down.

    Love living in the Philippines, just miss real Marmite, Roses’s Lime Marmalade and, of course, Fruit Gums.

  216. where can i buy nutmeg for the carbonara or is there alternative for the nutmeg please email me thanks!

  217. hi marketman,
    Your site is awesome! : )
    I’ve learned a lot from your site on where to buy stuffs for cooking and baking : )

    To thesteaklady, can you email me your product list? Here’s my email add, xtnjao@yahoo.com. Thanks so muchü

    More power to market man : )

  218. Choles, nutmeg is really optional. The very simplest Carbonara goes like this:
    Boil spaghetti (Lots of water, big pan, a little butter to help keep strands separate and salt), drain (rinse if you like, there’s a big controversy about doing so), return spaghetti to pan over low heat with a nice chunk of butter, some pepper and salt and toss until butter is melted and strands are well coated, toss in bacon/ham bits. Put spaghetti on individual plates and – here’s the neat bit – separate one egg for each diner and place the yolk in a half shell on top of each serving. The diner simply puts the yolk into the spaghetti and mixes it up, and eats. Simple and a conversation piece.

    The yolk combines with the butter and starch in the spaghetti and cooks gently in the dish’s own heat to make a sauce. Anything beyond this is purely option.

  219. hi marketman, i’m planning to make tiramisu but I’m having trouble looking for marsala wine. Do you know where I can buy this, and also Savoiardi lady fingers. Thanks!

  220. Margot, try Galileo Enoteca for the savoiardi, though our own broas from bohol work well too. Also try Bacchus, Galileo Enoteca or Santis for Marsala. But if you can’t find it, use coffee liqueur such as Kahlua and most folks will not know the switch was made… just make sure you have lots of mascarpone to pump up the richness quotient! choles, they sell whole nutmeg at Flavors n Spice as Market!Market! mall, but yes, I agree with Bob it is an optional addition to carbonara.

  221. I was wondering if any of you can point me out to a market or any supermarket where they sell limes? I’ve been on the hunt for them for the past year or so and I can never seem to find any. Ive been to the major supermarkets like SM, Landmark, Robinsons, Rustans, Shopwise but all they sell are either lemons or green lemons, I’m getting so frustrated! I remember they used to be available before but can never find any now. Perhaps any of the produce markets you’re familiar with? I’m also looking for lemon verbena herb, would you know a farm selling them?

    Many many thanks!

  222. Hi MarketMan!

    Where can I find good beef, chicken and pork for making shawarma?


  223. Where can I buy nice avocados year-round in Manila? The grocery stores always seem to be out of them and restaurants always claim they’re out of season. Because I can’t find any authentic Mexican restaurants Manila I am trying to make my own Mexican food… but the Guacamole is a key ingredient!

  224. Where can i get a supplier for Ravioli? I buy in S&R and Santis but both don’t have the size that I am looking for.

  225. hi,

    just wondering, would you know where i can buy almond oil, rose water and glycerin?


  226. rena, have you tried a grocery? Most large grocieries should have parsley. donna, there is baing supplies store in mandaluyong that sometimes has rose water and possibly glycerin, check the post in the archives called “Baking Ingredients 101”, camille, sorry, I don’t know any ravioli suppliers, john, they sometimes have alfalfa in S&R or at large groceries like Rustan’s or SM. Ashley, I saw fresh blueberries at S&R, and occasionally from some stalls in Market!Market! Anthony, avocados are seasonal, therefore seeking them year-round is rather difficult to meet. There are bottled avocados, but I can’t imagine how they would taste in comparison to fresh… I can’t imagine eating bottled for that matter. And besides avocadoes, if you are making guacamole, it will be harder to find real limes than the avocadoes themselves. Angela, the grocery? annie, there are key limes at S&R sometimes, or some weekend markets, but IT IS HARD to find a steady supply of real limes here.

  227. I’m looking for replacement lids and caps for glass jars and bottles of consumed grocery items. And a gallon glass jug. Any idea where one might find them?

  228. hi marketman, i’m planning to cook my “experimental paella” wonder where i could buy ingredients like rosemary,thyme & cumin?also what type of rice is usually used for paella?thanks much!!!

  229. herbs in a large grocery. They have fresh rosemary and thyme at Rustan’s and S&R many days of the week. Paella uses short grain spanish rice like Bomba or Callaspara. But they are hard to find here. Italian arborio is a substitute but many spaniards would roll their eyes if you use arborio. And I have made a few paellas in my time, but oddly, not many with rosemary and thyme in them… Kim, sorry, I don’t know where to get replacement lids.

  230. Hi!.. i really love strawberry preserve and strawberry wine from baguio (good shepherds). Where can i find those in Manila?..


  231. Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to ask if anyone knows where to buy shirataki noodles (the tofu noodles?)

    Thank you

  232. WHERE can i buy BUTTERMILK?

    i always find this ingredient in the recipes i want to cook…

  233. I just want to know where i can buy all the ingredients i need for making sushi especially the japanese rice?

  234. I’m looking for a distributor/supplier of maple syrup grade b here in manila.


  235. i’ve been looking for a supermarket or place wherein i can buy fennel tea here in metro manila but i found none, can you suggest a place near pasig?

    thank you so much!!!

  236. gudday Marketman. where can i find Italian tomatoes, Tipo 00 flour, and other pizza ingredients from Italy? is there one place where i can buy these? thank you so much..

  237. good day. where can i buy empty wine bottles in cebu?around 187ml?thank you so much

  238. Jackie, geez you are DEMANDING. :) Wheatgrass is available at Salcedo Saturday markets and if I am not mistaken there is a stand at the Rustan’s grocery in Makati. You can also sometimes find wheatgrass at the Manila Seedling Bank in Quezon City. But be careful, I am not a big fan of wheatgrass when I see that MOLDS grow actively in the potting or growth medium… imagine juicing something with potentially a ton of mold?!

  239. Hello to everyone! Just want to help some folks here … i saw shirataki noodles at a japanese groceryresto near Conti’s at greenhills, the liquid buttermilk are nowhere to be found in manila..try healty options grocery, I called but they are out of stock, look for the red mill brand buttermilk POWDER not the flour one or if ever you go to Hong kong citysuper has them in powder and liquid.. look for Grapeseed oil and the like also at healthy options. Peanut Oil can be found at parco along quezon ave… and the fresh herbs are mostly found on groceries that have a wide selection of fresh veggies, greenhills, hi-top .. I saw glycerin at Parco also at the flour / hotcake section

  240. hi!!!people. i would like to where can i buy my kitchen tools like spatula’s, micro plane/zester and other tools??? im new here in manila that’s why i don’t know where i will buy this things…..please help me…..

  241. hi. my friend told me that the taste of marca el rey chorizo de bilbao is different from the marca el rey chorizo. i know that this has been asked already, pero baka somebody has seen the marca el rey bilbao variety in the grocery lately? also, would anyone know where i can buy horlick’s? the candy tablet variety and not the chocolate drink. havent seen horlick’s for a long long time and i miss it.
    i read in the thread that somebody was looking for marmite? you might want to check out union jack tavern at festival mall in alabang. they have lots of canned and bottled items that are not regularly seen in the grocery. they just dont have the horlicks i’m looking for… thanks in advance.

  242. Hey everyone… Where can i buy lemons? The yellow ones and not calamansi.. I need yellow lemons.. Are they available at sm supermarkets? Thanks :)

  243. where are the outlets of CITRA MINA in Manila where i can buy vacuum packed Seabass & ‘panga’ tuna head? thanks

  244. hi! where can i get hungarian paprika or smoked paprika? Assad Mini Mart ran out of stock and i know there’s some at terry’s but it’s so expensive.Would you know if there are some other supermarkets that have it?

  245. You’re very welcome, Marketman :D I LOVE being able to find these things and be able to help someone who also needs it.

  246. Hi! Anybody knows where to get Ricotta cheese? I’ve read a response up there which says I can get one from shopwise but I still couldn’t find it. Been to different branches of shopwise already (festival alabang, cubao, libis, makati).

  247. Anyone has an idea where MIKAIDO is sold? It is fermented fish roe and is sold still in their roe sacs. Wickedly smelly (like bagoong) Spicy and salty.

    Tried some Korean groceries, to no avail. This is the ingredient used in Astralis’ Japanese spaghetti. The ones used in Japanese and Korean cooking should be the same.

  248. Marca EL Rey Chorizo would be available in Killion in Quiapo (so are nuts, chocolate chips, baking and cooking supplies). KitchenAid 4.5, 5.0 and 6.0 mixers with warranty are cheaper in New Sin Kian Heng in Quiapo (they supply chefs) and nuts in Nuts Trading. It’s tough to go to Quiapo and park so better visit all these and stock up!

    New Sin Kian Heng
    Dealer in General Household Supplies, Gifts for all occasions, Hotel and Hospitalware
    196-198 Carlos Palanca St (formerly Echague), Quiapo
    7332129; 7332133; 7336376

    Killion Merchandising
    40 Orosco St., Quiapo
    7338221 to 25

    Nuts Trading
    Dealer of All Kinds of Nuts, Flavored shakes, Black Sago, Agri Products & Groceries
    43 Orosco St., Quiapo
    7369647; 0920-6246942

  249. Jace, ricotta cheese from Santis delicatessen or sometimes S&R. Risa, try the Japanese grocery on Pasay Road, between Makati Avenue and Paseo de Roxa, San Lorenzo village side of the road. Risa, thanks for that. Melissa, tahini at Santis delicatessen, but not always in stock. You can also make your own if you have a good food processor, look up recipes on line for making tahini from scratch.

  250. i’m from makati, can anyone tell the nearest shop that sells PURE vanilla beans and or extracts? P.S. please state the adress or location of the area or state the mall that its in thankyou :D

  251. Hey marketman would you know where i could get some Double Cream?? i can only find whipping/heavy cream in santi’s or in large supermarkets. And also would you know where i could get Vermouth? Thanks!

  252. Gabs, they sometimes have heavy or double or pure cream (all varying degrees of fat content) at S&R at Fort Bonifacio. It’s Australian and quite good. Angelo, they sometimes have vanilla beans at Salcedo market at Herbana farms stall, check my archives for more information. They also sometimes have them at Flavors n Spices in Market!Market! mall.

  253. hi, am planning to sell chili galic paste in small bottles, where can i buy empty small bottles in small quantity and also made to order boxes for cupcakes, ensaymada, etc. thanks

  254. Hi MM, i would like to ask, where can i buy filo pastry and puff pastry, i can’t seem to find them.. thanks in advance..

  255. @ celyprado, you can buy romaine at large groceries and you can try at lung center too. They have this organic market ongoing every sunday.

  256. Hello, do you know where I can buy empty tea bags? I am making loose organic tea for hypertension and diabetes. My clients are getting lazy brewing the loose leaves. They want the conventional tea bags. Can anyone tell me where i can buy the empty tea bags please?

    Thanks and more power to your very useful site.

  257. Raffy, you can buy the breakable glass bottles along the sidewalks of Divisoria Mall. Also check out the outlet of Chocolate Lovers a one stop shop for your baking and cooking needs. They have boxes and containers for your ensaymada, cupcakes et al.

    How to contact Chocolate Lover
    45 P. Tuazon Blvd. corner
    C. Beniztez St. Cubao
    Quezon, 1109 Philippines

    (632) 411-7474
    (632) 724-5752
    (632) 724-4964


    website echocolatelover.com

    Read more: https://aboutmyrecovery.com/2006/04/05/chocolate-lover/#ixzz0LZ9cXQAr

  258. may alam kayo saan mabibili ito:

    -organic unpasturized goats/carabao milk

    -unroasted nori sheets


  259. hi marketman! i’d like to ask where i can find caramel and toffee that i can use for baking? thanks!

  260. Hi marketman. Where can i buy empty containers for barbecue sauce? I’m planning to start a small business with this. I hope you can email me as soon as you can. Thanks.

  261. where can i find canned red beets? i can’t seem to find one in the market. thank you

  262. garnett, the larger groceries usually have canned beets. I have seen them at Cash & Carry, Unimart, S&R, Rustan’s, Metro Market!Market! etc. Mariel, Divisoria is the best place to look for reasonably priced plastic containers purchased in bulk. Try Commoner’s Commercial, you will have to look up their contact details in a directory. pam, I just saw poppy seeds at healthy options stores in various malls, they sometimes have poppy seeds at Santis delicatessens as well. ann, try bulk bakig supply stores, check out my post on “Baking Ingredients 101” in the archives and read the comments that mention several bake shops. Jason, sorry, can’t think of sources for those ingredients. Nina, sorry, I have not come across empty tea bags before. celyprado, yes romaine is widely available now. If you are still looking, try Fresh Fields at the market section of Market!Market! But all large groceries should have it. charity, phyllo and puff pastry in the frozen section of Santis delicatessen. Sometimes Terry’s and S&R also have puff pastry. raffy, try san miguel packaging for small bottles, but purchased by the box full. They have retailers for smaller orders. As for boxes, hit Divisoria, try Commoner’s Commercial.

  263. jerry there are beets in most weekend markets like the lung center sunday market, salcedo saturday market, FTI taguig Saturday market, etc. The larger groceries also sometimes have fresh beets.

  264. hi! i’ve been scouring for marsala wine for our taste testing and i found nothing. where can i buy it nearest to cagayan de oro? thanks.

  265. hello.. again.. mr. marketman, i am trying to look for dandelion root. Do you have any idea where can I buy this? Thank you..

  266. where could i find edmark store in manila…. ? where could i find this liquid chlorophyll drink

  267. Hi, do you know a supplier of large baby back ribs?
    And would you know where I can buy wood chips?
    Thanks! :)

  268. where can i buy a grade B maple syrup here in the philippines,,is there any chance that i can buy that in large supermarket,,like SM,,Rustan???

  269. Healthy Options has Coombs brand organic grade B maple syrup. Pricey though. They have a few other brands. Grade B really is more intense and flavorful. Rizal dairy has liquid buttermilk, but you might have to order in advance. They have a stall near Market!Market!

  270. Where can I find turnips? Not the jicama that some people call turnips, but either the purple-topped or the yellow turnips. Would love to find some in the Philippines.

    Also, does anyone know if you can by half & half in Manila. I sure miss it in my coffee.

  271. Hi

    Where can i find smetana or any natural sour cream?

    Kasi yung commercial sour cream eh may thickening agent na gelatin…Gusto ko yung natural talaga…

  272. Hi MM. Where can I get tuna in brine, pitted olives, sliced mushrooms, anchovies all in industrial sized cans? Thank you and more power!

  273. Hi MM. Where can i buy US made cast iron grill(portable)here just like the one Giada uses on her cooking show (Everyday Italian)? Thnxs!

  274. Lodge brand cast iron is sometimes available at Shoemart. They have a nice stovetop grill. Alternatively, it is easily purchased by a nice relative in the U.S. and sent home in a Balikbayan box… :)

  275. Hi Mark, you can make half & half by combining 3 parts nonfat milk and 1 part whipping cream. That’s the recipe they make at Starbucks..

    Hi guys, does anyone knows where I can buy Banana Liquer and DelMonte Banana Puree?

  276. Hey, Im just learn how to bake and Im so into it. Im from Gensan and am wondering where can I buy gumpaste or marzipan in Davao? Thanx..

  277. market man do you know where can i get squash flour?…in metro manila?
    or do you know anyone who supplies squash flour here in the philippines?

  278. nico, sorry, I have never come across squash flour or noticed it… Rhodelia, sorry, I don’t know Davao baking suppliers. Anne, can’t help on banana liquer or puree search.

  279. Hi Marketman and everyone who stalks this blog =)
    Please help me, I need to find a tortilla press, preferably a cast-iron one–as well as a cast-iron skillet. Is there any chance I’d find these in Manila? Quiapo? Divisoria? I really don’t know where to start looking since nothing turns up on my online research.

    Please, please I hope you can shed light on my dilemma. Thanks in advance!


  281. alken10, they sometimes sell fresh blueberries at S&R, Rustan’s or SM large groceries, in the fruit section. passerby, sorry, I havent seen a tortilla press here. Cast iron pans are sometimes available at SM home store (kitchen department) under the Lodge brand. You might also try Gourdo’s in Fort Bonifacio and other branches around Metro Manila. Ting, sorry, I don’t know any frozen yoghurt suppliers…

  282. guys!could you help me where can i buy 100%pure raw honey..and natural food or organic food that can help my chronic sinusitis..thanks

  283. HI MArketman,
    Where can I buy/find sour cream and ricotta cheese in manila?
    I really need then in my cooking.


  284. I am trying to find Tahini, which is sesame seed paste so I can make hummus and baba ghanouj. Are there any mediterranean/middle eastern grocery stores or health foods stores in Maaniala, preferably makati or Ft bonafacio global city area that cares tahini?

  285. Lyndon,
    S&R in fort Bonafacio/G;obal city has sour cream in the back in the little cooler with yogurt and they have a large selection of cheeses. I am not sure if they have ricotta though. Landmark may have it.

  286. Hi Ting, you can email me bec I may be of great help with regards to your queery. Also what kind of toppings are you looking for?

  287. AC I have not seen rosemary oil for sale, but it is easy to make for immediate use. Just take good olive oil, add the leaves of fresh rosemary, available in many groceries (take them off the stems) and blitz in a food processor or blender, then strain out the solids and you have a good fresh rosemary oil… Tony, they often carry tahini or sesame paste at Santis delicatessen, try Rockwell or their main branch at Yakal street. I would imagine that Assad’s on U.N. Avenue somewhere an Indian/Middle eastern ingredients shop would also have it. Lyndon, sour cream is in almost all groceries for local brands, and Santis and S&R have sour cream as well. nova, try Healthy Options in malls for pure honey.