Time to Take My Leave…


All things must come to an end. When I started this blog, I had no idea where it would lead. At worst, it would fail to attract any readers besides relatives and friends and it would die a natural death a few weeks or months after it was born. Instead, it took on a life of its own, and in the past six years or so I have written some 2,700 posts in 2,100 days, or roughly 1.3 posts per day on average. Many of the posts were brainless, but others took several dozen hours to prepare for, mostly the heirloom or special recipes featured. Over the six year period, readers have clicked on some 23+million page views, for me, a totally mind-boggling number, and have left nearly 90,000 comments that have in many cases added so much to our collective understanding of a topic under discussion. Even so, over the lifetime of this blog, less than 5% of readers have ever left a comment, and just a little more than that have ever participated in a poll. Over the past year, as best I can figure, there have been some 6 million page views, most coming from a regular readership (visit at least 1x a week) of some 15,000-20,000 people from around the globe. It is my personal belief that the blog “peaked” during this past year…


…and I firmly believe that one should take stock when one reaches a peak. Often, it is the best time to step away. I won’t go through an extensive history and bore you all to death, but I will say that there have been some personal highlights on this blog. Hundreds of recipes were tested and put out there for readers to try. I have written about types of produce I have never even run across before, not to mention most of the common ingredients in the local markets. I have visited markets from Laoag to Legazpi, Coron to Bohol and lots of places in between. The public school feeding program has raised over PHP1.6 million in funds and will provide a total of some 80,000+ meals when all the funds are depleted by March of 2011. We also brought gingerbread to young cancer patients and hospital wards across Manila. Planted hundreds of trees. Donated thousands of books to public schools. Wrote several service rants across various industries from real estate companies, airlines, hotels, magazines, restaurants, etc. and I am proud to say, in NOT ONE SINGLE INSTANCE have any of those rants been withdrawn for factual errors or because companies thought them completely unfair. My lawyers will probably be breathing a small sigh of relief when they read this post, thanks for watching my back quietly all those years. :) I wrote about scams which were indeed scams, I wrote about fishpans, chili episodes, plagiarism, resting steaks, etc. and most if not all of those arguments have held up over time. Over the past few years, I have agreed to go on three different international television food programs, and appeared (with face covered for the most part) in several local publications. I turned down several guest spots on local television, requests to judge culinary and other feats, as well as interviews, etc. Obviously, the Anthony Bourdain, No Reservations program was a real high. Throughout all of this, I stuck to my original objective, to remain almost completely commercial free (I have to admit, I shamelessly promoted my crew’s Zubuchon over the past year :), and the blog has been written without accepting sponsorships, gifts, fees of any sort. In fact, the cost of “feeding” this blog has not been insignificant, but I think it was worth every single centavo, as I have learned a lot from the wonderful exchange of ideas and knowledge from the active commenters on the blog.


So what’s next? A sabbatical of sorts. A break from posting/blogging. I am not sure I have what it takes to write a book on Filipino ingredients and recipes, but I would like to do that as I think there are few comprehensive, high-quality books on the subject out there. But it would probably be a commercial failure, and take me years to complete to my liking. Many folks don’t even bother to read books these days, technology is definitely pointing to more modern ways of finding a recipe or looking up an ingredient. So if anything, I would be writing the book for my family and a very small group of foodies out there that would like to have something on a shelf, not just a file on a computer. :) My interest in food, produce and markets will continue I am sure. It seems so sudden to just turn off the switch, and to put the blog to sleep. So I have decided to take a month or two off, and when that time has passed, decide whether to return to blogging about food on a much less active basis or to call it quits for good. Thank you so much for your visits to marketmanila.com, and a special thank you to all you guys who have remained regular visitors over the past 6 years. I wish you all the very best! Just as quietly as I started blogging, I shall quietly take my leave.


(Oh, and that’s not really me in the photo, I have been using a “stunt double” all these years to fool you. Sent him to the Philippine Blog Awards to pick up a trophy, prepped him extra well for those close-in encounters at eyeballs, gave him an invisible receiver so I could radio “sound bites” to him while he was on camera with Bobby Chinn and other hosts, etc. I am actually 320 pounds, 5 foot 4 inches, and have a complexion as dark as Lapu-Lapu’s. But he does have a passport and all of the same visas we do so he can come with us on our trips near and far, like the one to Marrakech, where these photos were taken in the Majorelle Gardens of Yves St. Laurent. Hahahaha!)


660 Responses

  1. You and only you can call the shots, MM. You will be sorely missed. Thanks for this blog. It’s a jewel.

    By the way, Oprah is starting her farewell season next week.

  2. some good things should never end, but THANK YOU FOR BEING ONE OF THE MOST INTELLIGENT, entertaining, honest, and sincere blogs. Will really miss you. God Bless you.

  3. cant believe this… I have been even telling all my crew mates about you
    they see me most times either seriously checking recipes or laughing at rants..

    but am sure I made it to the top for a reader who reads this site at different locations!!!


  4. Oh noooooooooo! I have only commented a couple of times in the past but that is no indication of my obsession or not with marketmanila. Your blog has kept me company for most of my hour ride to and from the office all these years. I have learned a lot from and been entertained by your posts and comment fr your audience. As you mentioned people do not refer to cookbooks as much;I just use the search engine in you site.

    I understand your site has grown to a more than 24/7 undertaking, but your site has been a friend for so long. I wish you the best as you ruminate your next step. Maraming salamat and hope to hear fr you sometime!!

  5. Thanks for a great run, and if you do decide to return to blogging after your break, we will still be here.

  6. This is my first post ever in your blog, but your posts have been a source of inspiration as I am not really a good cook, but manage somehow to make believable food, thanks to your recipes! ;)))

    I am sad that you are having a sabbatical. Hope this is not goodbye, Market Man ;)

  7. I am going to miss this blog a lot! Maybe I should start saving the recipes in the archives ;) Anyway, we’ll always be here :)

    (Oh and I hope to see your stunt double, maybe in the Cebu airport again? Hehe)

  8. At first I thought it was another “April Fools” or “Innocent’s Day” post until you showed your face. I hope everything is well with you and the sabbatical will be short and re-charge you to continue with this blog.

    Best of luck and we definitely need to get together the next time you are in Cebu.


  9. Geez….. I’m going to miss the back of your head! :-) Take care MM and I know you’re going to spend your precious free time enjoying your family on your numerous travel adventures.

  10. I think it is but your right to take a breather… go right ahead sir…

    Thank you also for keeping every reader of your site fooled by your stunt double LOL

    Anyway I’m sure you’ll be back with a vengeance!

    =) Au revoir!

  11. I have learned so much from your blogs and from the comments of the readers. You are an inspiration for me to try out new things and to explore new places. You surely deserve the break. Thank you. Will surely miss you.

  12. Wow oh wow. ‘Been a loyal reader the last five years. I seldom leave a comment but make it a point to visit mm site almost everyday; your daily blogs would be missed by moi.
    Whatever your plan is, best of luck to you! Thanks for sharing all those wonderful recipes, personal travel sojourns, rants/discussions (I love the madame who’s all knowing about her steak).
    I’ll see you when I see you – perhaps in Cebu when I get the chance to buy a whole Zubuchon.

  13. Thanks for having entertained me almost every morning for the last couple of years. Good luck on your future endeavors but hopefully after your sabbatical or a few weeks break you’ll suddenly feel the urge to blog again.

  14. Daghang salamat for unselfishly sharing your wisdom with us.

    I’m going to miss reading up on you everyday even if I didn’t post more than a few comments. I did participate a few times in your trendings.

    Having known quite a bit about you here, I believe you’re into bigger and greater things ahead, so all the BEST to you and your family.

    Will keep visiting this blog until your “comeback”…


    Charmos ginamos on your PS, ahahaha.

    Thanks a mil…

  15. Oh, I will be missing your posts MM! But that’s life – and I say, live, love, eat!

    Good luck with your new projects, and I’m hoping you will *quietly* come back and surprise us with your new discoveries, recipes, travel bits and occasional rants.

    God bless and THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! :)

  16. Thank you for what you have done for the past several years. You have given me much happiness and made me a better cook (per my husband and children). We will miss you, but we wish you all the best. God bless you, Mrs MM and the kid. Maraming maraming salamat.

  17. MM,

    your blog has become a welcome break in my everyday tasks/chores, & your recipes have found its way to my kitchen very much to the delight of my family & friends! ü

    i must say, it was truly a great adventure living vicariously through your escapades- both here & abroad. for that, a heartfelt THANK YOU!

    i pray that you find your way back to the blogging world after your well deserved sabbatical.

  18. Finally, there you are Marketman!

    Thank you for sharing Marketman. Learned a lot from your blog. I even used your recipes in cooking for my family. My wife and kids always asked me, saan mo na naman natutunan yan Daddy? Dito yon sa Marketmanila.com.

    I am sure maraming malulungkot but we hope to seeing/reading your blog again!

  19. Oh, MM! I can’t believe this! I learned a lot from your site and have been looking forward to reading it. I visit this sometimes twice a day and apply the tips as well as tried the recipes. Thank you for being so generous in sharing with every reader what you know.

    I’ll miss you!!!

  20. This is so sad and sudden but everyone needs a break.We will thoroughly miss you since you are a daily habit to most of us.You have become our friend and teacher.Thank you very much for sharing with us all your informative and wonderful experiences in your world of food, travel, flowers and many more.It was a joy learning with you. For the meantime I will be reading again your past blogs until (hopefully and keeping my fingers crossed) you are recharge and comes back with more experiences and information to share. I also wish you good luck in writing your long overdue book and I hope it will be available in the bookstores as I will be first in line to buy it! God bless!

  21. It’s my first time to post here, and it’s the end of the show! Have been regularly dropping by here since last year. Thanks for the original posts, your blog certainly contributed big time to Phil. food culture. Hope you find the inspiration to come back, even in a different way.

  22. I wish you all the best marketman. Thank you for your all your time and effort. Btw went back to the cebu this summer and had a 10 kilo zubuchon from Banilad. It was cooked to perfection (I heard) too bad our flight was delayed so the skin was a bit soggy by the time we got home. I got to say the skin was a bit too salty for everyone’s tastes. I hope that was just from a bad batch?
    I digress. Good luck with all your future endeavours!
    Daghang Salamat!

  23. Oh no, Marketman!…Anyways, it’s only a leave (or is it?)..I am hoping the best for you.
    You need a break…

    But this I’ll have to say—you are the most “honest” blogger I have ever seen (except for that stunt double, hehehe)! You’re like a pitbull when you attack with your rants…I love your style!

  24. i’m a bit sad. marketmanila is like an adrenaline shot i always “take” in the morning and afternoon. i surely will miss the posts.

  25. Thank you for gifting all of us with a wonderfully beautiful blog. You will be sorely missed. Please tell me it is April Fools Day today.

  26. When I started reading this entry, I thought you were pulling one of your April Fool’s day stunts but then…. its September. I will miss reading your blog and miss your perspective on things. You’re style of writing has always been entertaining, especially your rants! I also enjoyed the treasure hunt style games. Your blog has become a regular part of my day. And I am sure I share this sentiment with all your other fans that you and your blog will be sorely missed. Thank you for letting us be a part of your blog, a part of your day, a part of your life, even for just a while.

  27. Lovely photo :-) It has been a wonderful run and from my end, a much enjoyed daily respite. Rest well, MM!

  28. Thank you MM and family for being part of my daily routine.

    You will be sorely missed but life must go on…

    Good luck in all your undertakings.

  29. MM your blogs have been a daily refuge to my insane life. I will miss you! You have opened my eyes to food, things and places uncommon. Your zeal for the simple and finer things in life is refreshing! I hope after taking a hiatus you will return to blogging or even better publish a book. To that, I say: more power to you and Maraming Salamat!

  30. ay MM, im gonna miss you. I’m gonna remember you everytime I make sofrito and paella. I learned sofrito from you after all. Oh and yung Santol-ade. I have a feeling you’ll be back.

  31. I have been a daily reader of your blog for five years, and this is my first comment. Thank you very much MM! You taught me a lot.

  32. Does this mean that the site will be unavailable or will it still be available, just no new blogs?

    We will surely miss you MM…as in Major-Major MarketMan..I salute you and Thank you so much.

  33. Hijo, madamo gid nga salamat for the gift and the blessing you have given and shared with us – because the gift truly was and is – yourself – I have always admired your intellectual curiosity and wit, your honesty, your compassion. I think many a time, in previous posts, I had called you a “Renaissance’ man in all the high praise that name implies. Casubo cag casakit gid sang acon corazon cag seguro madamo gid nga tao feel the same way – so thank you again, and God continue to bless you and Mrs. MM and the young lady.

  34. my mornings will not be complete MM. I will definitely miss reading your blogs, learned a lot from it and tried a few dishes too. good luck and hope we can still access your site.

  35. I am one of your loyal reader and its very sad to know that a good blog like yours will end so soon. I have learned alot from your recipes and travels. I will definitely missed your blog.

    Good luck and hope after your sabbatical, you will comeback with more interesting and wonderful post.

    Cheers to you MM!

  36. MM, could you allow a stunt double to take your place so you can take some time off? We’re really saddened by your terrible news,I wish you could do what they do in story books where they write the star out of the action by slowly fading them out.

    We want to thank you very much for sharing your adventures and misadventures in your kitchen exploits and a million other things you have generously shared with us. You have given us so much knowledge and so much joy and laughter with your cheeky and wicked sense of humour and we have loved every minute of it. You were my most favourite blogger and you will be sorely missed.

    We love you! Pls. come back!

  37. Thank you for sharing yourself and your family, your time and knowledge with us,your readers. ARRIVEDERCI!!!

  38. MM! When I first saw this post I though “say it isn’t so!” but then as tnm said above, only you can call the shots. Thank you for 6 years of inspiration! As I’ve mentioned before, you were one of the first blogs I read and one of the ones that also inspired me to start my own blog :) Thank you for that as well — no small thing. You will be sorely missed! All the best to you and Mrs. MM and the teen!

    If you do decide to undertake the challenge of that book, I would love to procure a copy…tenchology or no, nothing can replace the feel of an actual book :)

  39. i’m shocked. i will have withdrawal symptoms for sure.
    now we all have to just get foodie fix from all those “ad sense” guys. hehe.

    thank you for being true. please don’t resist the urge if you need to write about something. please, please. :)

  40. Hello MM, i am a regular reader and check your blog almost daily.. Sincerely hope you will come back and continue blogging after your “leave”.. warm regards..

  41. Yes, all things must come to an end but I think it is too soon to say goodbye. Enjoy your sabbatical MM. We will be waiting till your leave is over.:)

  42. Very saddened but totally understand…thank you for all your wonderful posts, recipes and travel commentaries.

  43. Many thanks for the education, entertainment, and welcome break in our day. We will miss new posts on this blog which has become one of our favourite foodie-with-an-ethnic-cast websites among the many out in the ether. We hope you’ll leave the blog up as an archive at least, it’s a wonderful source of recipes and information especially to those of us who aren’t (weren’t) as familiar with Philippine food. It’s been fun to exchange information with you and fellow bloggers especially those who share our interest in plants and gardening.

    As for a book, we would certainly be up for a copy to add to our collection. It’s a given that if you pick that up as a project, it’ll be successful!

    Thanks for the generosity, e buona fortuna!

  44. Remarkable run ! Hope we’ve helped you as much as you’ve helped us ! Maraming salamat po !

  45. MarketManila and MarketMan will be missed. . . Thank you for sharing your passion to all of us followers of this blog :D

  46. thank you MM for the wonderful posts throughout the years. I will miss your food, travel and fishpan posts.

  47. You’ll be missed most definitely! You were the one who inspired me to start my own blog…

    Can’t wait for your resurrection be it in the form of a food book, TV show, a new blog or whatever you decide…hopefully soon!

    Maraming salamat pare!

  48. Now where will I get my daily marketmanila fix? Will definitely suffer from withdrawal symptoms. Will await for the grand comeback.

  49. you’ve been a part of my ‘research life’ sir MM, thank you for all the moments wherein your blog gave me relief, excitement and well, hope :) for more days to come. saeamat guid nga abo!

  50. I feel like I’m watching my favourite next door neighbor move out…. wanting to shout “Don’t Leave!!” yet knowing he must follow his path, his destiny, where life is taking him; wanting to say “Thank You” for all the experiences yet not wanting to because it feels so final.

    I will sorely miss your posts. They have not only brought recipes but excitement to trying recipes. They have expanded my horizon by bringing me to places I have never been, ingredients I have never seen. They have helped me prepare for trips home and have made my trips back home exciting – wanting to go try dishes & ingredients Marketman has tried. They have helped living in a teeny, teeny, teeny island less lonely, less confining.

    MM, a HUGE THANK YOU for sharing so much these past 6 years.

    For now, I take comfort in the thought of ” you’re just taking a leave”. My beloved neighbor might be moving out, but at least he hasn’t sold the house!

    Will be here and waiting when you come back!

  51. thanks for your wonderful blog! i hope you soon you will find again the time to write, please do as all of us will miss your daily blogs. good luck to you and your family! hope to see you in Cebu next year! God bless and more blessings !

  52. You will be sorely missed. What am I to do now without MarketManila??

    I hope you decide to come back, but in case you don’t, I wish you the very best in all your endeavors. Thank you for sharing you recipes, rants, insights. Thank you for giving us all a glimpse of countries most of us have not yet seen. Thank you to your family and crew for all that they do behind the scenes.

  53. just when i found you, you decide to leave. this sounds like my love life..hehehe!
    this brief encounter though leaves a good taste in my mouth. hope you decide to come back. i’ve loved reading your blog and have learned much from you.
    for that, i thank you sincerely and wish you luck in your future endeavors.

  54. Thank you Marketman and good luck with your future endeavours!

    I hope you will leave your website up and running for future reference. I do like to refer to your recipes and experiments every now and then when cooking.

  55. It’s been a great ride, and I’m glad that I was with you almost from the beginning! I still remember your first EB in Galileo, and the second one at The Fort … and by the time the third one in Cebu came around I had already left for b-school.

    Many thanks — even as you retire your blog, it will definitely continue to be an invaluable resource for recipes and general food information for me and all your other readers. Please keep me posted on your progress on your book!

    On another note I decided to shut down my own (much smaller and humbler blog) earlier this year … as I felt like I had run the course of blogging as well. Best wishes!

  56. Good things really never last. Your blog is part of my day and an extension of our country since we migrated to US. I will really miss you MM. Thank you for the wonderful information you have shared with us. But then if you change your mind, please do write again from time to time. We’ll be waiting. Regards to you and your whole family.

  57. I will surely miss your posts. I have discovered your site only last year when it was recommended by our trainer for a blogging seminar…and I really enjoyed every moment going through every pages including the archives. Will be eagerly awaiting your book…… here are only a few books on Filipino cuisine (not recipe books) and yours will really enrich my collection.

  58. it’s a gray and rainy thursday and marketmanila might come to an end..

    i am saddened and a bit shocked that something i have thought to be constant has come to an abrupt end (?)

    THANK YOU for your dedication and hard work for this blog. you have heavily influenced me and my bf to cook and eat more at home, look for the best ingredients and try out things we haven’t tried before.

    those are the lessons i will take from this blog. Marketman and Marketmanila.com will be fondly remembered and sorely missed.

  59. i salute you! thank you for 6 years of wonderful blogs that were always entertaining and educational. good luck in the next chapter of your life and i hope to see your book in the shelves sometime soon.

  60. My internet service provider just restored our service after more than 2 months only to read this. Now, I am SAD….

    MarketManila has been part of my daily routine since 2007. I will truly miss you MM. And I hope this is not goodbye, I’ll be waiting for your next undertaking.

    Thank you so much!!

  61. thank you MM! :) we will wait for your comeback after a month or two… have been visiting your blog almost everyday for the past 3 years (late bloomer kasi) haha! enjoy your break and good luck to your future plans!

  62. Thank you, MarketMan! It was really a pleasure meeting you and your family personally several times! I wouldn’t want to keep you from resting a while from blogging :-)…although your posts are really worth putting into a book for all to really refer to it without sitting by the computer!..as a lot of avid readers I have read here believe—and so do I. And so do I.

    God Bless You and your lovely family and crew…and all those you had featured!

  63. Thanks for six years of wonderful, amazing tales and recipes! You were the one who inspired me to take up cooking again… But I understand perfectly. Godspeed! =)

    Will be here and waiting when you come back!

  64. Hi Sir MM,

    I am one of your regular “Market Manila” fans, and I am just as sad to read this post. I always look forward to reading and back-reading your entries which are very informative, entertaining, and “mouth-watering.” I am also very happy reading some entries about my hometown, Cebu. Thank you for introducing Cebu lechon to the world, which is definitely the best! You will be missed!


  65. THANK YOU VERY KINDLY for your great blog! Truly enjoyed and appreciate all your topics.
    God Bless you and Mrs. MM and your lovely daughter.

  66. thank you mm for the inspiration and for taking us with you on your journey. wow i can’t believe it’s been 6 years already! good luck and all the best to you :D your voice in the blogosphere will be missed.

  67. Shalom.
    MM, When are you taking the site down (offline)? I still have a mountain of pages/recipes to save. Please announce, so we can prepare.

  68. Just want to say thank you for your blog. It has been an inspiration and a treasure trove of recipes.

    Good luck in all other endeavors. :-)

  69. Such a sad day. I’ve been a long-time follower of your blog. It’s ironic that this happens on the day I actually began to leave comments.

    I wish you all the best, sir. And thank you for such a wonderful, wonderful blog.

  70. Oh no! Your writing will be sorely missed :( At least I can still search the blog to find any recipes that I need. Good luck on your new venture :)

  71. … when i saw your face in the last photo, i knew you were dead serious. naiyak ako! :(

    thanks for your wonderful blog, MM! i check it everyday. and even though i don’t comment often, rest assured that i have learned a lot, have been inspired, and laughed out loud from your posts. you will be sorely missed, that’s for sure!!!

    but we will be waiting! :) until your next post/project/experiment/undertaking. enjoy your sabbatical!

  72. Enjoy your break MM, and WE WILL BE WAITING, hopefully, for your return!
    I really did learn a lot from your blog since Marketmanila is one of first few blogs I have followed since I began my own blogging adventure a year ago.
    And I still have a few more recipes to share that were inspired by your posts!!! :-)))

    In case you do make your own (cook)book, I hope you make enough for us who wants a copy coz I also prefer to get my recipes from books, stacked on the shelf.

    Nice parting shot up there! ;)

  73. Hi MM! :)

    it’s early and it’s been quite a shock… first, i read your title and while i was reading the entry……. there was you!!! :P that’s the real shock factor… hahahaa! finally!! great portrait, btw! :) thank you for blogging. i like reading your posts… very entertaining. it’s caffeine for me when i needed to take a break from work. :) your posts have served also as an inspiration. i have tried a few of your recipes… easy ones like leche flan. ;) i’d like to try ensaimada but it’s too daunting for me,i guess. :) i just want to say that you’ve nourished the foodie in me! thank you! :)

    we’ll miss you!

  74. We’ll surely miss your posts. The question is, would you be able to resist posting an article about a new market produce, a fantastic recipe, or a major service failure during your hibernation?

    Looking forward to your blog’s renewed vigor in 1 or 2 months.

    Many thanks!

  75. I thank you so much for this blog. It has always been a part of my routine to check everyday and has been an inspiration. I will miss this and you will be missed! Have fun Mr. Marketman….and come back!

  76. I am a firm believer sabbaticals.

    I am pretty sure we have not heard the last from you, MM. The return may not be to blogging, but maybe a book or a resto (?) or something.

    For sharing your time, your experiences and the love for what you do–thank you!

  77. Started reading your blog after watching the No Reservation show.
    Never left a comment but constantly read and took recipes.

    For a new family like ours, I must say your blog has been a great part in cooking up new recipes and recreating old family heirlooms. Especially loved your travel blogs.

    I want to say a big MUCHOS GRACIAS from a newbie-mom and from our newbie-cook.

    We wish you dont take down the recipes. lol

  78. Oh man, how I will miss this site. When I first moved to the Philippines four years ago, this was a lifeline of sorts for me. It introduced me to ingredients I was unfamiliar with and help me deconstruct dishes that were new to me. Thank you thank you for everything!


    ALL MM LURKERS UNITE!!! Let’s show him some love.

    Get that much-needed and well deserved rest. Find the fire again!

  80. Reading your blog has been a part of my daily routine. Definitely we’ll gonna miss your blog MM. Good luck and Godspeed! :)

  81. Thank you ! I always look forward with anticipation your daily entry. You truly showcase what the Filipino food culture is all about. I have been away from home for 30 years and you bring me home every time I visit your blog. Good luck!

    And of course, you should write a book.

  82. I’ve been following your blog for years now, this is only my 2nd comment! LOL! I am sad you won’t be putting up regular posts, but do understand that you want to put your focus on another passion, and I say ROCK ON! :-) I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful posts, thoughts, and giving me a great new learning experience about the Philippines. My husband is from there, but came to the states when he was 8, so your blog has been my portal to learning about his country. Have a wonderful sabbatical, and please stop by once in a while to let us know how things are going! Thanks for everything!

  83. Uh-oh, withdrawal syndrome around the corner…

    Until we see you again MM– be in this blog, a book or hopefully, in person!

    Thank you so much for all the added knowledge from you and the other readers. This blog has served me well. :)

    Until next time!

  84. This is serious… a full frontal! hahaha Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.

    We’ll be waiting MM… In the mean time, I’ll be on the look out for you in S&R or Cebu! hihi

  85. What started out as a search for a ‘new’ lugaw recipe one cold winter day in Seattle, turned out to be a long food affair with your blog…I thank you for all the wonderful years…good luck with all your endeavors…and sometime somewhere when I least expect it, I hope we cross paths…!

  86. Oh no!!! I don’t want to see you go, but I understand. You don’t have to post regularly. Even if it’s just once a month :) Anyway, thank you for this great site. It’s really helped a lot of people out!

  87. I learned a lot from you, been to a lot of places with you and your family, been angry and mad at people who had somehow ruffled you and us readers as well, enjoyed meeting other readers especially BETTY Q. who had given valuable cooking tips and recipes to a lot of people, happy to see you as a good employer who also think of people in his employ to learn and benefit from their own aspirations and happy to see that you don’t need to make money from blogging even if we all need to make money come to think of it you acquired the biggest treasure, us your readers…Yes, take that break but once in a while come and write what is on your mind and after all is said and done I want to say THANK YOU……….

  88. So sad to read this post MM, but it’s really your call.

    Thank you for sharing parts of your life in this blog, we really enjoyed the ride. All the best in your future endeavors.

    We readers will be waiting for hopefully a “major, major” comeback! =)

  89. Hi MarketMan,
    I started reading your blog in 2005 and I haven’t stopped since. I have relocated to Melbourne and came back to the Phils. and it was your blog that kept me going despite of my homesickness. Can’t imagine a day passing by without reading your latest entry.
    Good luck and am hoping that this is just a breather….come back soon :-)

  90. Dear MM,

    All the best on the book project. :-)

    Will you keep the archives online? If not, then I’ll have to start copying all the recipes! (panic!)

    Many thanks for all the posts.

  91. You will be missed Joel!! I am a big fan and learned so much from you and your readers blogs. I have learned to really appreciate food and all its nuances, trivia and most of all your witty descriptions all mouth watering I must admit i will probably suffer from some withdrawal symptoms I can’t wait to see whats next from you! Again Thank You and God bless you the wife and the teen!! I hope to bump into you someday . I am a pinoy from the Big Apple food lover and frustrated culinary nut……

  92. I will miss reading your posts everyday. Through you, I have learned so much about our culture and the various dishes I sometimes take for granted.

  93. Thank you for your gift of sharing yourself to us. you have always inspired me to be a better person through your blogs (recipes, adventures, charities, and rants!). I will miss you, MM.

    If, or when, you reconsider and do come back, we, your fans, will still be here for you!

    once again, thank you very much, MM!

  94. Huhuhu. =( Thanks for everything, MM! You will certainly be missed. Thanks for giving us a daily peek into your fabulous daily life and even sharing Mrs. MM, The Kid, and Sister (oh, and your wonderful crew, too, of course!) with all of us. We love ya!!!!!!!!! Mmmmwah!

  95. Hi Marketman!

    I have been following your blog the past 4 years or so and it had to take an event as unfortunate as this for me to finally speak up! NOOOOOOOO! :)

    More than being a repository of Filipino heirloom recipes and grandmas kitchen secrets, you and your blog is – more than anything else – to me an example of the true global Filipino. Someone who is so grounded, so deeply rooted in our culture, and yet is no stranger either to the nooks and crannies of the world.

    I have enjoyed every moment spent reading your blog. It’s been a fantastic journey about life through food, travels and most of all spectacularly witty writing!

    We do hope you take your sabbatical as a chance to recharge, and not fade away :) As you said at the start, you would be more than happy even if only family and friends read your posts. Surprise surprise! Your family has grown by leaps and bounds and will be around as long as your are! :)

    Godspeed and good luck on whatever you finally decide on!

  96. MM, you will be missed! Every morning after breakfast I turn on my computer and open 2 tabs on my browser.. Market Manila and facebook! I wish you all the best in all you do. Great things come to good people =)

  97. Was speechless for a minute. Of course you have a right to do what’s best for yourself and your family….but just maybe, hopefully, after your ‘rest’, you’ll think of us thousands who miss you madly already…and reconsider returning to this wonderful blog? Thanks so much, MM and family for generous sharing of recipes, trips, experiences,etc. God bless your kind hearts always!!!! Looking forward to that book I’d love to buy soon!

  98. Mr. MM thank you I learned a lot from you and your blog. Cooking tips, places to eat and visit in the Philippines during our bi annual visits, places to eat around the world, local markets in Manila, the Beacon schools and credit card laws in the Philippines. Somewhere I hope we cross paths Salamat….

  99. I’ve learned so much in the past year reading your blog! As a Fil-Am in NY, it is refreshing to read about the motherland (as well as your outside adventures) from an insider’s point of view. Maraming salamat po!

  100. I too, have followed your blog almost from the very start. Really good job you did here and thank you so much for the passion that you have put into all your posts – each and every visit has certainly been worthwhile and entertaining for me.

    Good luck MM!

  101. I’m a big fan, an avid reader but a seldom commenter. I will surely miss your blog, but I still hope to see you in Aani or Salcedo Market. Good luck at maraming salamat po.

  102. Some good things just never last…sad but we understand…your unselfishness in sharing a part of yourself is truly inspiring…..good luck and godspeed po!

  103. thank you marketman. i learned a lot from you. will surely miss your posts.

    p.s. i also received a fishpan a few years back from my sis-in-law, and i said, “this is THE MARKETMAN fishpan :)

  104. Almost everyday, for the past 2 years or so, it has been part of my daily routine to check your blog, i even have it in my favorites, so you can just imagine how sad I was when i read on and discovered that this is not another april fool’s day kind of post. Thanks MM, we learned a lot from you.

  105. Take care and enjoy your sabbatical!!!! We will keep on coming back to check when is a new post again.

  106. The ride for me here was short, but I enjoyed your depth, passion and guts.. certainly lacking from many people in leadership nowadays. Should you speak as well as you write, perhaps hosting a TV talk show will be in the horizon one day. It will certainly be entertaining. Just don’t fail to include a fishpan segment. God bless.

  107. I’ve never commented on any MM post, but I simply have to on this one.


    Though I am saddened by this, I am grateful for all that you have shared with us, even those that turned my eyes green with envy (haha!). I will be keeping my fingers crossed for a comeback. :) God speed.

  108. whoa! i have MMWS (Marketmanila Withdrawal Syndrome) already!

    Bravo, MM, and a huge Thank You to you, Mrs. MM, The Teen, The Crew, and to all the friends I made through this page.

    See you at the markets sometime, or in the bookstore one of these days, but hurry up and be done with your leave soon!

  109. You’re on my google reader so when I check my mail I can see if you have a new posting. I have read almost all your entries and even though I don’t comment a lot I want you to know you’ll blog will be missed a lot. Take a break and come back soon or just post an entry once a week or a month!
    Will the recipes still be available once you stop blogging?

  110. I have been a regular reader for about a year now, but have never left a comment before. Thank you for sharing your recipes, and even parts of your life with all of us. I especially enjoyed reading about your feeding program and the Beacon Academy.
    This blog has been a source of hope for me. It is proof that there are intelligent Filipinos who care deeply about their country, and are doing something to build a better future for it.
    I will miss your entries. I hope you change your mind, or at least tell us if you decide to start another blog, or write a book or something.
    Thank you again for all that you have given your readers.

  111. MM, drop me a line if you ever decide to visit my part of the world, ha? would be very happy to show you around.

  112. Thank you so much. It was a pleasure to read and learn from you. My appreciation of Filipino food is much, much greater due to your wonderful writing. I hope you will write that cookbook, because I will certainly buy one. (You may want to look into Kickstarter.com, which my friend used to self-publish his own art book.)


  113. Thank you so much for the wealth of information you’ve generously shared during the course of your blog. Hoping the blog is only on hiatus and that you come back from your sabbatic with a renewed passion to write. All the best!

  114. Your blog always made my day. I’m numbed!!!!! I”ll always look back at your blog and wait for your return. Thank you!!!!!!!

  115. Not fair! I discovered your blog just a few months ago, and I really really like it! Well written, very informative (particularly for non-resident Pinoys) and really interesting. Basta, after two months, you have to blog again!

  116. Oh no!I will surely miss you.Thank you so major major.Salamat,salamat,salamat.Hope you will be back soon.

  117. all i can say is thank you for sharing to us ur knowledge and some other personal event of ur life..
    u inspire me so much , the very best blog i ever read. three thumbs-up , hehheeh
    Again, thank you and God bless :D

  118. MM,

    At the back of my mind, I am wishing that your next post will entitled JOKE.

    I would really miss your blog specially your rant adventures. But thank you so much for sharing your time, experiences and expertise to us. I do hope that you come up with a publication or even a printed version of this blog, if you decided to stop blogging.

  119. My selfish side is screaming – NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Whatever will i have on my home page now??? This is a sad day indeed.

    I will sorely miss this blog – You have taught me a lot about cooking and I usually turn to your blog for inspiration. Thank you very much for all the effort and the generosity sharing everthing you’ve shared. I’ve been reading your blog for I think over 5 years now and probably read all your posts….its been a daily companion and a welcome respite from a hectic day.

    I do hope that when you come back you decide to still keep the blog up for new readers to discover.

  120. Always an inspiration…best of luck to whatever you decide.
    Thank you for the recipes and entertainment.

  121. A BIG, BIG Thank You! Your blog has been a part of my daily routine for the past 3-4 years, I think, and I will sorely miss you. However, you deserve a rest and hopefully when you come back recharged, you will decide to continue blogging. Thank you, thank you, and God bless…

  122. say it isnt so?! im gonna miss your blog..well, wish you all the best MM, Thank you and God bless you!

  123. A big thank you for everything MM!!! I can truly say I learned to cook through your blog :) One request though, please dont shut down your site, it is my go-to site for everything cooking and traveling as well!

  124. This is my first ever post, but I just wanted to say thank you. I have been following this site for a while now and enjoyed every bit of it, especially those trips you made to Iloilo and Bacolod. Baw daw grabe na gid hidlaw ko sang pagkaon ilonggo. Tani indi ka magdugay sa imo nga “hibernation”.

    Anyway good luck and all the best!!!

  125. Thanks, MarketMan, for everything! I’ve been visiting your blog several times a day, every day. I learned a lot and I’ve enjoyed so much for the past 2 years or so. I’m going to miss your posts. (And I can’t believe I’m actually tearing up while typing this, hehe.)

  126. My first post =) Been a silent reader for quite a while now… I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog. Daghan Salamat and All the best… Cheers!

  127. Thank you for so generously sharing your time, your experiences, your knowledge, your family and crew in this blog. I’m not sure you know just how much you will be missed. You’ve definitely enriched my days. Of course I share the hope of most of your readers that you will decide to continue but que sera sera … and we’ll hope for the best ;-)

  128. Thank you, Marketman! Thanks especially for helping me out with my thesis (on Filipino sauces). Wouldn’t have graduated without your help :)

    I wish you and your family well!

    But I am hoping that this sabbatical will not last for so long ;p


  129. Thanks for all the wonderful/delicious recipes. This is my first time to leave a comment we will surely miss you.

  130. I have been a quiet reader in the past 3 years, and I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the wonderful articles you’ve written and have kept my interest in exploring the world of food (and cookware and gadgets). I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

  131. Thank you so much for sharing so much of your life and experiences with all of us!
    Your insights, culinary adventures, rants, & ravings have been my morning coffee for the past 3 years.

    I hope your Sabbatical makes you realize that having a blog as well read as this actually helps you in your daily life as well.

    Maraming salamat!

    Am looking forward to Zubuchon opening in Manila!

  132. Dear Mr. MM,

    I am a long time reader (and until today, a lurker) who enjoyed reading your blog entries even at the time it was a torture for me as I almost couldn’t eat anything. I shamelessly asked a friend’s friend if she could buy Zubuchon for me when she went to Cebu as I was not in a good condition to travel (well-worth it, and we’re still friends lol). Your post today came as a shock but your use of the words “leave” “sabbatical” and “break” gave me hope that sometime in the (near?) future, we, your loyal readers, would hear from you again. In the meantime, enjoy life with Mrs. MM, The Teen, Sister, the crew, and your friends. Thank you so much for all the recipes, tips, rants, and adventures and may God bless you and your family and guide you in all your undertakings. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay happy!

  133. I am an avid follower for more than 2 years now and it is my first time to leave a comment. Thank you so much for all the information I learned. I will surely miss your blog and I hope you will come back to blogging again.

  134. Oh no, yours is the first website I check every time I am on a leisure mode on the computer. I always look forward to reading the food and the adventures. I also like the fact that when you say something is delicious or that we should try a restaurant, there is no other motivation but to share that knowledge (no personal or financial gain on your side). Thank you for the experience and I am hoping you change your mind after your sabbatical…..

  135. MM, I have been following your blog for at least the last two year religiously. I am one of your silent majority. Before you go on your sabbatical, I want to express my gratitude for sharing a piece of your life with me and your other followers. Have a great time and good luck. Greetings from San Francisco.

  136. Your blog really opened my eyes to what’s good in the Philippines. Hopefully someone will pick up where you left off. Though you know its never as good as the original. Thanks for providing the much needed break from the grind. All the best!

  137. This is the only blog that I religiously visit and I am greatly saddened by this news. Nonetheless, I am truly grateful for the many inspiring things that you shared. Good luck on all your future endeavors.

    Now, I have to learn how to break the MarketManila habit….

  138. Farewell, Marketman…You have entertained us with your wit and passion for cooking. I love reading your blog everyday since I came across it ,when I was trying to look for a recipe. Since then, I have become addicted to your site and enjoy reading everything,be it a rant or a rave. You have made me less homesick just by reading your posts. Thank you so much for sharing with us a part of your life.

  139. I have learned and still learning a lot from your blog. Thank you so much for sharing. Your blog has truly been an edifying one…hope you enjoy you sabbatical leave! =) All the best!!

  140. sad. thank you for all the years of great blogging. my sanity break. wish you the best. am hopeful for your return. if not, will look at the archives. =)

  141. I’ll miss you MM. You’ve been part of my daily morning blog read. Here’s to more adventures!

  142. Mr. MM, magpahinga muna kayo hanggang kailan ninyo gusto at pagkatapos ay sana bumalik kayo sa pagbablog.Madami ako pong natutunan sa inyo, sa pagluluto, sa iba’t ibang prutas at pagkaing sa inyo ko pa lamang nalaman.Take a breather as long as you like but please come back …you will be sorely missed. Thank you Mr. MM.

  143. Dear Marketman
    I have visited your blog practically everyday….left comments sometimes. You offered glimpses of food not seen before, exotic produce and ways of cooking from across the world, and travel insights. I enjoyed your honest, insightful, very well researched writing. You will be missed. I think I’ll have withdrawal symptions for a while : )

    Write a book. You have what it takes. I think you should focus on it part by part like Traditional Recipes of the Phillipines, another one could be on the traditional produce and ingredients. All the best for the future.

  144. I will surely miss my daily routine. While you take your your well-deserved break, I will keep Marketmanila on my bookmark tab, and will surely click on some mornings just to see if you are back with your much-loved gift of web goodness!

    I will miss you but I guess I will have to seek some soothing through your archives to ease the MM withdrawal symptoms :D!!

    Good luck on your future projects, and thank you for everything you have shared with all of us. Maraming salamat po! ~Sam

  145. MM, I will miss seeing new posts from you. Have been reading your blog faithfully since I came here to Kuwait and that was almost 6 yrs ago. Your posts brought me a lot of comfort especially when I am feeling homesick and it has brought me to places I can only dream about. Keeping my fingers crossed we will see you actively blogging again in a month or two.

  146. napaluha naman ako, nalungkot….tuwing bubuksan ko ang computer, yung blog mo ang unang una kong tinitignan……sigurado ako pinag isipan mong mabuti ang desisyon na ito at gingalang namin iyon. sana lang ang pag blog mo e parang tv series may season 1, season 2 etc….sana yung 6 years mo on blogging is your season 1 at hihintayin namin ang pagbalik mo sa season 2 ng market manila. thank you marketman and good luck on your plans to write a book. hip hip hooray! see you here again MM (hopefully)

  147. i’ve been reading your site almost daily for the last five years, possibly six. i’ve actually been surprised you’ve kept with this for so long. thanks for sharing your time and experiences with us, MM. hope you continue but i’d totally understand if you choose not to. just let us know if/when your book comes out bec i know we’d all stand in line to buy it. good luck! and take care :)

  148. Marketmanila is the first site i visit almost everyday. I will definitely miss reading your blog. Thank you for all your wonderful posts.

  149. Major major sadness. But still I will keep marketmanila on my fave tab and click it everyday.

    Thank you sir! Enjoy your break and please do come back.

    I will be patiently waiting (with my cup of coffee in the morning).

  150. Can I scream —NOOOOOOOOOOO! I am too much of a regular reader (as in daily) and a creature of habit that having none of your blogs to read will be very very very difficult. I truly appreciate the candidness and the fact that your blog is “commercial free”. I used to follow other blogs but stopped doing so when my gut started telling me that the writer is getting paid to feature this product or that restaurant.

    Take a break–2,3 or 6 months— but please do come back.

  151. Awwww. You are bookmarked even though I know the your URL by heart.And this make me sad in a major major way.

    Yours are one of the first I always click so here I am hoping that after two months you will be back with full loads of recipes and stories.

  152. Your blog gave me something to look forward to when my newborn baby was on the crossroads of life-and-death and he was at the NICU for two months last year. Your blog gave me an excuse to be busy, and an escape from my anguish. Thank you.

    I really enjoy your culinary experiments and try your recipes most of the time. God bless you with gifts most dear to your heart.

  153. Unta nangatik ka lang…..pero morag dili gyud, tinood ni. Hala, pahuway usa. Kita-kits sa imong pagbalik Market Man. Pila’y pusta, di ka makaantos. You’re too generous, that’s why. Pag-ayo-ayo!!!

  154. MM and Family Thank You for sharing your life with us, you have profoundly influenced my views, travel and of course recipes and menus. I search your archives for inspiration and I will continue do so. Please reserve me 5 copies or your Filipino ingredients and recipes soon as you publish. Going to Morocco next year because of you :)

  155. Thank you for your gift of time that you so generously shared with us MM, we will definitely miss you. I hope we can still have access to your recipes and most especially your rants.

    May God bless you and your family sir.

  156. This makes me so sad. I visit your blog everyday for new posts and now i dont know how I can go through my mornings without seeing what marketman is up to.I saw you once while I was having my breakfast at UCC, the one outside Glorietta, and you were walking towards a group of men in the coffee shop. I wanted to come up and say hi and thank you for your blog, but i was too shy and too starstruck. I hope you enjoy your break. I know, in the next few weeks, somewhere in Makati or Cebu, marketman is cooking/discovering/purchasing something delicious. Thank you for your dedication & honesty.

    Here’s to hoping you come back!

  157. I am so not believeing what I am reading now!! But then again, this move will make all your articles all the more loved. I for one will certainly go back to reading the 2,700 posts. Thank you so much for all the information, knowledge and cooking secrets you unselfishly shared.

    I do hope you get to the book writing part coz the shelves that used to keep all my cookbooks are still empty. Your book will definitely fill the space taken by my lost to Ondoy Julia Child 1st edition cookbook. Nothing beats the exitement of taking home a newly bought cookbook.

    I love your photo with that look of good natured contentment (definitely no rants)! As they say, saving the best for last. But i am not buying the last bit of info there on your double! If i am wrong, your double sure did a real good job at entertaining Anthony Bourdain. Hahaha! You will be missed for sure.

  158. This can’t be true. Been a long time fan and follower of your blog. I never thought I would leave a comment or make known my being a lurker, but I just can’t help it. Please come back to your blog soon. I know deep inside, you do deserve a break but when you do, you leave behind a void and you will surely be missed. This is a blog of great relevance and you have elevated the consciousness of your readers to be better persons and members of society.

    PS. I’ve seen you several times in public but I am too shy to say hi to you.

  159. This is the first time that I’ll be leaving a comment but I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time now. I’ve really enjoyed your posts. Thanks and good luck to you and your family.

  160. que sera sera… for what its worth I learned to cook the best adobo ever here which I will probably pass on to my apos hehehe :) thanks Market Man :) I wish you all the best in life bro.

  161. Thank you so much for selflessly sharing your knowledge, expertise and experience with us readers. I myself enjoyed traveling the world vicariously through you. Will surely miss your recipes (Sister’s also!), floral arrangements, travelogues and rants :)

    Hope to have you back online soon. Cheers!

  162. Thanks MM! You’ve definitely more than earned the right to a sabbatical, but i sincerely hope you go back online after a month or two. Simply put, we haven’t had enough!

  163. Tusen tack! A thousand thanks for all the food insights, wonderful recipes, down-to-earth views of Philippine life, travel catalogue out of the ordinary and a feel good read. You have made such an impact on your readers and commentators that we surely feel lost not being able to read your posts – you will be very much missed!
    Enjoy your sabbatical! Au revoir! Hej så länge!

  164. MM, thank you so much for sharing with us a part of you life. we wish you all the best.
    we will be waiting for the big come back—-PLEASE

  165. you and what you write will be sorely missed. my partner and i truly enjoyed reading your blogs and have tried out most of the recipes you featured. we have learned so much from you MM…

  166. I rarely post a comment but I have been a daily (or nightly) reader for the past two years or so. I’ve learned so much from your blog and I want to thank you, MM, for sharing your wisdom, your ideas, and your creativity. I wish you all the best! God Bless!

  167. I was really teary-eyed when I saw this post. It saddens me coz checking your website everyday has been a habit of mine albeit I seldom post any comment. I hope you are just on hiatus MM and will still post from time to time. Your site has made me see other parts of the world, read other people’s opinions and comments on almost everything. I hope you won’t close this blog and leave it open for some of us who wants to see your previous posts in your archives. More power to you MM and your family. God bless.

  168. I’ve been reading your column regularly for the past 2 years. It’s sad to read that you will be going on leave for some time. But hey, you’re right. Take the time to rest and just do the things you want and maybe one day you will be back again to inform us and put smiles on the faces of your readers. Thank you and I wish you all the best!

  169. Hello Market Man,

    I am one of your readers who has been quietly enjoying your posts for the past year. Have been using your blog as an escape from everyday stress at work — thank you for that. Have been following some recipes with great results as my husband would say. I just saw your recipe on Chicken Tagine and will be cooking that next week.

    Please enjoy your leave but I do hope you continue this blog. You are well loved by your readers!

    Best wishes to you and your family!

  170. I’ve always enjoyed reading your blog. Like coffee for some people, it was my daily fix! Relatives and friends find it funny when I quote you, feeling daw nila close tayo when I’ve never met you haha. I will never forget the artisanal, homemade calamansi marmalade I won, and the card that came with it is an autograph of sorts –bragging rights, you could say–:) Thanks for the many wonderful posts and rants. The internet will not be the same with marketmanila.com. Looking forward to whatever comes next!

  171. I wish you all the best and may the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

    I rarely post a comment but I’ve learned a lot from this blog, I will send you a photo of the Smoked Salmon and Gruyere Grilled Cheese with preserved lemons I asked you about. Again, Thank you and God Bless!

  172. thank you for sharing snippets of your life with us, and more importantly, your love for food! you will sorely be missed.

  173. my heart skipped a beat when i saw the title of your post. i will definitely miss checking your blog if ever you do decide to call it quits*sigh* there is a marketmanila shaped space in my food blogger loving heart. in any case, thank you so much for generously sharing your passion and curiosity about food and life in general. we are all the better for it. the best of luck on all your endeavors.

  174. Aaaaaw. Just when I was thinking of being a really active commenter! Well, life goes on. Thank you for everything, MM! :D

  175. Thank you for sharing that which you obviously personally enjoyed. You have enriched our lives more than you would think – and if you were to think about it, you would feel bad leaving us without your daily morsels :)

  176. Thanks you, Marketmanila. This blog has become part of my everyday routine since i discovered your blog 3 years ago. Truly this is a one of a kind blog!

  177. thanks MM. please just don’t removed your website. We will keep on visiting it even if you are not writing or blogging anymore.

  178. This is oh so sudden. But you get your much deserved rest.

    Instead of a book, offer an Iphone APP for MarketManila. It could show tips, purveyors, info on seasonal fruits, recipes and best places to go to dine or stay. Well just an idea.

    God bless MM, your family and crew.

  179. Ohh Noooo, I will surely miss your blog. Reading you blog is already part of my daily routine for the last three years. Thank you so much MM.

  180. Sa halos apat na taon kong pagsubaybay sa blog na ito, napakarami kong natutunan, nalaman at napagtanto.

    Hindi lumilipas ang isang araw na hindi ko binibisita ang MarketManila.com.

    Maraming salamat at hanggang sa muli, MM!

    Mabuhay ka!

  181. Dear MM,

    You’ve got me at the edge of my seat wondering what’s next for you, Mrs MM and The Kid! Thank you for the many entertaining blogs, the yummy recipes, the travel stories, and the chance to be on a food trip to Hutong with THE Marketman!

    I will miss reading your blog. I do hope you decide to write again in a month or so!

  182. As sad as i am to read that you are taking a sabbatical, i guess this is an opportune time to also comment and say that i really love this blog and have learnt a lot from it.

    i do hope you come back and rest assured, I, plus your millions of followers, are just here. God bless and take care!!

  183. It would take a while before my system gets used to it. Visiting your site has been part of my daily routine for a long time. Big thanks MM for inspiring all of us in more ways than one.

  184. *cries*

    Thank you ever so much for bringing us along on your journey. I first got on your blog when I lived in Chicago, and it saw me through my time there, two trips to your wonderful country and back here to Singapore. Will be looking out for your reappearance – God bless you and yours, MM.

  185. (Major, Major) THANKS for all those entertaining, informative blogs and hope to hear from you soon!!!! MABUHAY si MM!!!

  186. Aaawwww!!! From way back in late 2004/or early 2005 when i stumbled on your blog after reading about it in inquirer, there has been no turning back. I fell hook, line and sinker.

    I will always treasure when you mentioned me once in your blog, after joining a trivia contest and being mentioned as being MM’s favorite in answering his trivia…

    “I was very amused by many of the emails I received, from folks who took time out from work to figure out the answers… others who guessed… and my favorite, a reader who is more obsessive compulsive than me and sent her answers complete with live links to all the relevant posts where the answers emanated from…heehee.”

    That, together with the yummy magazine, the tshirt and bag that i got in return for the donation will always have a special place in my memory banks.

    Thank you MM for the wonderful ride these past years. Wishing you all the best.

    Your loyal reader,

  187. Stunned! You are much Loved for who you have been to us, your regular readers..for your genuine sharing and generosity..Good Luck..Follow your heart..Hope to catch you in Cebu..

  188. I’m shocked and sad…. And are you serious about the stunt double?!

    Thank you for sharing so many things with us, your readers, Marketman! Your posts are among the most instructive, witty, entertaining and heartwarming treasures out there in cyberspace.

    All the best to you and your family.

  189. I visit your site daily but have never posted a comment – SORRY! I divide my time between the Philippines and Europe, but as they say, “home is where the heart is” and your blog is such a home away from home for so many of us in the Filipino diaspora. I appreciate your travel posts and your takes on foreign cuisines, but what has kept me coming back is the way you’ve elevated our traditional recipes, our “lutong bahay” and our regional specialties, into an art form. I also respect your thoughtful and constructive comments on the social and political issues of our loved but fraught homeland. Please Mr Marketman, instead of leaving us, wouldn’t you consider a “go slow”? There are so many food bloggers all over the world who, because of their blogs, have landed a lucrative book contract (or several) or opened their own restaurants, or become consultants or even specialist tour leaders, but they still keep their blogs open. They may not post for months at a time but now and then they’ll update readers about their projects, their travels, their lives and above all their striking food experiences. Marketman fans out there – I’m starting a petition for this option!!!!

  190. You are wonderful and funny and you will be missed. Thanks for all the wonderful posts, MarketMan. Have a great sabbatical – life!

  191. Oh no, that’s not the news to end my day on, but I do hope the sabbatical will help you figure out if the book is a go or not. It would be lovely to see it in bookstores, so may the next month be a good mental rest (not to mention lessen chances of carpal tunnel from all the typing).
    We’ll miss you MM!

  192. Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! It isn’t April so it definitely isn’t an April Fools day joke on all of us. The day will not be complete without checking your blog daily (several times actually). It has been one of the greatest joys these past years since I discovered Market Manila. This is the first entry of my desktop. I understand the need to go on sabbatical. I among many hope that after your period of rest you will decide to continue blogging even if not as often as you have. Thank you for all the time, information, stories, recipes and rants. It has definitely been a pleasure to be part of your blog family. I will miss all of these as there is no other like it.

    Please write a book of any sort. A cookbook will be welcome. It will definitely not be a financial failure. You have too many fans to back you up. Good luck and thank you for all the joys you have brought to so many of us.

  193. Noooooooooo!!!!!!!! This is one of the few blogs I check several times a day to check for updates! I enjoyed reading your posts and vicariously experiencing the trips, events and your cooking experiments. Because of you, I got several people hooked on Zubuchon :-) Thank you very much for sharing with us a glimpse of your world and thoughts. You will surely be missed.

  194. Sniff. :'( what a sad day…and i haven’t read all the posts yet…now my daily addiction must come to and end? sad day indeed.

  195. I hope you’ll reconsider and blog again after a month. i’d rather read your blog than any of the food/lifestyle magazines or sections in the newspapers. Thank you for the well-written articles, the rants and the raves!

  196. Shukran and Ma’a salama, Marketman!
    I’ll keep you bookmarked should you decide to come back. :)

  197. It’s been part of my daily routine to look for your new posting – and I will miss you more than I will miss my coffee in the morning.

  198. awwww….=( what a boring life it will be without new posts from you.. if you’re gonna write a book or someting, i will definitely get it.. Goodluck MM!

  199. I hope you reconsider, it is really an excellent blog!! Once a fortnight of writing… twice a week…or once a week….?? Cheers to you Mr. Marketman!

  200. Mr. Marketman… I can’t imagine you not being part of my daily habit :(… I think for the next few days, I’ll be going through your blog like a person would go through old photos of someone who’s went away… You will be sorely missed! But I wish you all the best…! And I think there are a lot of people out there who would love to have your book on their shelves–am sure, just like this blog, it’ll be full of information which we can constantly turn to as reference for our own food experiences. Personally, your stories have inspired me to pursue my own passion for food and life…. THANK YOU SO MUCH! WE’LL MISS YOU!

  201. This makes me so sad. I’ve been visiting your blog everyday since I discovered it several years ago.

  202. Oh MM! I’ve seen you na in Jessica Soho Lechon report, if that was you, “Joel” hehe. This blog is/ was very helpful as each time I search a certain recipe it always leads to this site. I enjoy reading the comments too. But thank you so much. *tears*

  203. Your blog was–still is– a great pick-me-up when I feel homesick. I hope this is just a “See you later” and not a “Farewell”. More power!

  204. Waaaaaaah!!! This means I need to find a new ‘homepage’?! Marketmanila has been a source of inspiration, creative ideas, successful recipe trials, great tips and suggestions for a host of things. Thank you MM and family.

    Everyone will be having Marketmanila withdrawal symptoms for a long long time.

  205. Dear MM,

    Like what most people said here, my days will be different and sad for not having and reading your blogs each day. I have tremendously learned so many things from you and I WILL SURELY MISS YOU and ALL YOUR BLOGS. I hope that you will really reconsider and keep on sharing with us like what you always have. But, whatever floats your boat, MM… Kung saan ka masaya…

    My heartfelt THANK YOU to you, Mrs. MM, The Teen, your staff and crew for sharing with us events, recipes, thoughts, travels and important things that are near and dear to your heart. I really appreciate everything. THANK YOU, MM and FAMILY!!! I salute you!

    To your future endeavors, GOOD LUCK! You’ll be missed… :-(

  206. thank you for all the wonderful recipes. i’m saddened by the news but i am looking forward to a much rejuvenated marketman after the sabbatical. bravo!

  207. Sayang…’ve been you avid reader for just about a year… anyway…good luck to a new beginning in case you really retire…God bless.

  208. I am reading this with a very sad heart, it’s been a priviledge reading your blog Marketman, I always look forward to your blog, it was through you that i developed a vice for food blog ( as my husband teased) I was able to amazed my husband by cooking food just by following your recipes you are such an easy teacher to follow, and to think that I do not know how to cook it was through you that i took courage to cook because you made things so easy to follow. Thank you Marketman it was a priviledge knowing you through your Blog…. Good Luck ..God Bless!!

    Cheers, Gezel

  209. you will be sorely missed by my whole family….enjoy your sabbatical…meantime we await your return….

  210. It will surely be different as I have always looked forward to checking your blog right after I check my daily mail! Your blog has bridged many days of homesickness…..looking forward to your return.

  211. Oh Noooooooo!!! You must come back MM !!!!

    You will be sorely missed. You must publish the highlights of your adventure because it has become part of our culinary culture and so educational and informative. I can help you edit, proofread, etc. Let’s make it a project! There’s too much to just let go.

    Thank you for sharing part of your life’s adventures with us … all the best and we’ll see you in a month or two :-)

  212. MM,

    I will miss your blog a lot. Thank you for all those wonderful recipes. I am hoping that you will come back from your sabbbatical and start blogging again.

    Regards to you and your family . . . .

  213. MM,

    It is sure sad to find out that this is your last blog ever… but we all wish you the best of luck as to whatever undertakings you pursue after this. We will all miss you, Mrs. MM, the Teen and Sister…you have all been a part of our household, that we enjoy your passion for food, for the sceneries, the places that you visit, the tests that you do for all of us readers to try, and for everything that MarketManila stands for.

    God Bless and we hope to see you again….SOON!

  214. Like everybody, opening your site is a daily routine for me even though I don’t leave comment as often as the others. Reading today’s post, there’s a prick of sadness inside me, but a smile of happiness as well. Thanks so much and God Bless. I do hope the site will remain open for a while to help me save the recipes in the archives.

  215. OH NO! this can’t be real. I’ve been your silent admirer and have been telling my friends to read your articles. I even read them out loud at the office to my officemates to break the monotony of our job. We will all miss you. Sad we don’t even know your real name. But now that we’ve seen your photo, maybe we’ll find out. Thank you for sharing your travels, food, recipes, opinions, ideas, and experiences. We hope you will return to blog again. Galing-galing mo! I’m sure you’re moving on to greater projects, but sana don’t stop this blog, maybe post once a week, or whenever you feel like it. We will be waiting……

  216. What can I say? I know how it is when the need to go on a sabbatical hits. Enjoy the break, MM, but I must urge you to work on that book. Except for Memories of Philippine Kitchens, books on Philippine cuisine have been very disappointing, so I’m really looking forward to the MarketMan book. I’m sure it will have rich content and, knowing your taste, great design.

    Thank you for your Paella recipe, which I don’t/won’t cook any other way but your way (the secret is in the sofrito, cooked 2 hours and 15 mins!). Your blog will always be my most trusted reference for Philippine recipes, culinary traditions and ingredients.

    The foie gras dinner you hosted for us is etched in my memory as one of the best meals I ever had. And your lechon – which I had the fortune of tasting at the eyeball – is truly “best pig ever”.

    God bless you, Mrs. MM and the Teenager.

  217. oh no!! Im shock. i will surely miss your blog MM. Im praying that you will be back to blogging soon. so sad.. Wishing you all the best sir MM.

  218. i read your blog every now and then because i love markets which you often write about, as well as your travels. i like reading first-hand reviews.

    maybe you will be back? who knows? that ‘itch to blog’ might re-surface after a month or two. sometimes ‘good’ habits are hard to break.

    i wish you well.

  219. Thank you for this wonderful blog. I thought it was a September-fool joke, ’til I saw you posted your picture……Maybe you will write a book or cookbook??? Thank you again!

  220. OMG! I didn’t think this day will come. But thank you for the journey. You will be sorely missed. Btw, this will be my first and last post. Until next time…..good luck!!!

  221. was it something i said…..???? :-{

    my fingers will be itching 3-4 x a day..that many times i visit your site…

  222. I have so much time to kill this morning so I made a list of countries/places where the comments came from. I stopped at comment number 250.
    Philippines 124
    United States 61
    Canada 9
    Japan 4
    Egypt 1
    HongKong 8
    Norway 1
    Australia 6
    Northern Marianas 1
    Singapore 5
    China 3
    India 2
    Qatar 1
    United Arab Emirates 1
    Malaysia 1
    Sweden 2
    Sri Lanka 1
    Ireland 1
    France 1
    Cayman Islands 1
    New Zealand 2
    Indonesia 1
    Luxembourg 1
    Europe 1
    Unknown 11

  223. Thank you for all those years you’ve shared your experiences with us. Your blog always makes my day complete. I am looking forward to read your blogs again.

  224. One word, MarketMan sir… DON’T
    Is that one word or two? Okay let’s make it an official two-word thing:

  225. Thanks for the memories…and nice farewell photo. I have a feeling this is not the last we will be hearing from you…enjoy your sabbatical!

  226. will be looking forward for your return after 2 months, MM!
    while you are on leave, can we still visit the archives for some recipes?

  227. I’m so sad… I want to cry… waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
    I will miss you and your posts MM!

    But yes, you do deserve a break. I wish you all the best!
    God bless and may you find what you’re looking for =)

  228. I know first hand how time consuming it can get to maintain a blog. Mine hasn’t been updated in 6 months! You are a rare gem in the Philippine blogosphere front and your smart, witty and informative posts will leave a gaping void. Do what you need to do, but remember there are thousands of us waiting with bated breath for your return.

    Crossing my fingers and holding my breath…

    BTW, the invitation still stands if ever you cross the pond all the way to the SF Bay Area… I can be your local tour guide ;)

  229. I hope the overwhelming response sways you a little when its time for you to decide whether or not to continue this blog.

    I’ve only commented here once or twice — and in one of them I promised to give you feedback on my portable UV wand (ref. your post on bed bugs) and if it really does kill bed bugs (as it claims on the manual). No it doesn’t. :-)

    God bless you Market Man. Here’s hoping we don’t “see” the last of you.

  230. Why is it that when one starts to say goodbye that everyone comes out of the hole to show their appreciation? We are indeed fortunate that our object of appreciation can still read this and enjoy it. Many are not that lucky =) So say thank you to the people you appreciate before it is too late.

    Thank you MM for sharing your world travels and food adventures. God Bless.

  231. I will surely miss you and hoping for your return. thank you for being there when my mind is asking for an intelligent human being. salamat po

  232. 6 years of following your blog!!!! on some lonely nights when we are at anchor my crew mates probably thought I have gone nuts when they hear me giggle on the deck while I read your hilarious posts!

  233. i will surely miss you….i always read your blogs and share it with friends and clients.Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge about food, but also your travels, endeavors, and opinions. Thanks thanks!!!! i will miss your flower arrangements….. so, please comeback!

  234. My Marketmanila Highlights:

    1. Won a signed Yummy Magazine in a contest
    2. Contributed T-Shirt designs
    3. Received books (books… plural… books) from a commenter
    4. Joined the Cebu eyeball and saw the faces behind the comments
    5. Had excellent kinilaw nga tanguigue during the Cebu eyeball
    6. Had excellent lechon sisig during the Cebu eyeball
    7. Understood how adobo should really be
    8. Developed an addiction to No Reservations and Bourdain books
    9. Travelled the world through the eyes and palate of Marketman and family
    10. Felt proud that Bacolod and Negros Occidental and its food were featured for weeks here

    salamat Marketman.

  235. 300 posts? whoa. i have just discovered this blog when i was looking for a recipe early this year. i found it quite genuine compared to other food blogs. since then, whenever i need recipe i would visit the site and search the archives for the recipes i need.

    well, MM thanks for sharing recipes and tips. good luck on your future endeavors. i just hope that the site will not be closed cause its a big help especially to people, like me, who just started learning how to cook.

  236. You should really write a book about Filipino food, Marketman. I will definitely buy one! Or two… or three.

    Best of luck in whatever you pursue next.

  237. Thank you MM, reading your blog gave me the courage to be more creative in cooking. I will be having MM withdrawal symptoms next.

  238. Are you feeling the love yet MM?

    The least I can do is say thank you, for informing me, for amusing me, for rescuing me many a time when I was in a cooking rut. You inspired me to go into the things you wrote about, just to name a few — pork belly, pork lard, lechon, pinakbet, sinigang, tocino, ensaymada, and recently, gazpacho.

    Very sad to see you go. Best wishes for you and the family.

    You can be proud of a job well done.

  239. This is indeed a sad day for me. I have been a lurker, with occasional posts, for many years and have enjoyed your blog tremendously. A daily dose of Marketmanila had been a staple for me for many years. You provided us opportunity to reminisce the good old days and also made some great new days for your readers. I will miss you rants and your produce finds. Your blog will be missed terribly in days ahead…

  240. oh no! i will miss reading this blog.
    but thank you for the quiet enjoyment your posts have given me. even the rants…actually, the rants usually made my day or week. thank you!

  241. oh no. now i have to find another blog to follow on a daily basis.
    good luck, Marketman! and hope the blog is still available for recipe (and travel) searches. =)

  242. MM, is this post for real? Showing a frontal shot of your face but disappearing afterwards is akin to “I’ll tell you the secret but I have to kill ya…” :-) Like everyone else, your site is one of my daily reads. I tried some recipe and decorating ideas. I commended here and there and I even won the Yummy magazine and you mailed it to me with an autograph, wahoo! I will sorely miss you, Sister, Kid, and your crew, and your intelligent posts and equally intelligent commenters, including the controversial ones LOL

    Seriously, enjoy your sabbatical, have a breather and we will be here awaiting for your comeback. Don’t take too long though or we’ll be heartbroken.

    Thank you for providing us netizens a unique, objective posts, free of ads and interesting posts that keep us coming back for more. You have put so much energy and resources in keeping this site for us to enjoy but we feel the love you put into it. I feel lucky to be part of your readership. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Will you let the site and the archives accessible while you are away? Best of luck and “see” you soon!

    More power!

  243. Nooooo! When I take a break from my hectic workload, the first thing I do is go to your site and see what you’re up to. This often leads to me going downstairs and taking a peak at my pantry to see if I can replicate a dish you’ve just talked about.

    I only discovered your blog a little over a year ago and yet you’ve inspired me on many, many things: food experiments, philanthropy, food travel, among other things.

    And did you know that one of my ‘foodie wishes’ is to meet you in person? I better make darn sure I order a Zubuchon this X’mas when I’m in the Philippines then as that seems to be the ‘closest’ I’ll get to meeting you.

    All the best,

  244. Ang pogi pala ni marketman!
    Thank you so much for this gift of a blog. For an overseas student, it feels like coming home every time I read your articles. Not only has it been such an entertaining trip, it has also been educational.
    More power to you.

  245. My most memorable MarketManila moment was when I posted my very first comment about how “tacky” a particular tourist place was and got CRUCIFIED by other readers for it!!! I couldn’t sleep soundly for days. hahaha :o) your blogs were some of the most hilarious and mouth-watering i’ve come across on the net.

    Thanks MM! May your sabbatical bear very good fruits! I’m looking forward to that book.

  246. This will be my first comment… Thank you very much MM. I enjoyed reading your posts. Good luck!!! :)

  247. Thank you for the many years of food appreciation, Marketman! Your blog has kept me company in many locations around the world. Here’s hoping–fervently–that this is not goodbye!

  248. I’ll definitely miss this. Reading your blog has always been part of my routine. Maraming maraming salamat MM! I’ve learned a lot from you.

  249. for all it is worth SALAMAT!!! and many thanks for all you have imparted to us/me through this blog. whatever your future endeavors may be i know you will be as successful as you were with this blog. i will be checking in every day as usual just in case you can not resist the urge to write again :) many blessings to you!!!

  250. Nnnnnooooooooo!

    I’ve been an avid reader of your blog ever since I chanced upon the link to it while reading my friend Manolo’s blog years ago. Marketmanila.com has been one of my few absolutely regular stops on the web, and I’m sad to see it go to sleep.

    Enjoy your sabbatical! Hopefully after your break you’ll decide to continue with the blog. But if not, I still wish you all the best. If you do decide to stop blogging, may I request that you keep the site up anyway; I’ve come to use Marketmanila as a reference site of sorts, to which I go when I want to look up something food-related.

    And do let me know if and when you finish the planned cookbook. I will definitely want to get me a copy. You have my email address. :-)

    ¡Buena suerte!

  251. MM,
    i’m still in the state of denial… but all i want to say is we will catch you back after this very long and silent two months for us.

  252. You actually just made me cry. I read your blog everyday. It takes me to places I want to be, learn to cook food that I never thought I could, and inspires me to help the needy (like what you do). Reading your blog every morning has become a ritual. I will so miss it. Goodluck to you, and may MarketManila be back again (soon!)

  253. All the best to you and the Marketman family. We can only hope you will return in a few months energized and inspired to slay the food dragon once again!

  254. It’s been a slice MM. Though i don’t agree that your blog reached it’s peak yet ( as it still is in its upward path), i do respect your need to step back, recharge and contemplate on your next steps. Aside from your other achievements in life, will these six years of purist blogging constitute your legacy? To that i will say yes as many here will attest. To whatever final decision you come up with, good luck and be well!

  255. Your blog made me appreciate food more but I have to say that your travel entries inspired me to study and work harder. I enjoyed browsing through your site for the last couple of years and it does include reading the occasional rants, hehe. I will miss your Christmas posts the most, MM.

    Wishing you and your family all the best. Godspeed! :)

  256. Oh my gosh… *tear*

    Oh well, it’s been a great “ride” MM! Your blog is still the best food blog around! :D I’ll miss your posts! I’m in a state of shock right now. I don’t know what to do. Hahaha I always visit your blog. It’s one of the blogs that I visit almost every day, because I’m always hoping for the next project or hoping to learn something new about food again.

    Oh well, all’s well that ends well. :) Ciao!

    ps: I want a copy of that book! if you ever write one. :D

  257. A blogger would always be a blogger, MM! I am sure, whenever you see something unusual and worth investigating on, you would itch to write about it and share the knowledge and the information you gathered. Can’t wait to read your next blog after your brief respite:)) So long, MM!

  258. but i just discovered you! :( stalked you since your appearance on the Tony Bourdain’s show in fact hehe :P. not counting the lipsmacking lechon, i thought you were the best Filipino thing in that episode – knowledgeable, sincere, and natural, not pa-impress. but here you are saying arrivederci which sucks :( will surely miss your blogging but pls go write that book now. i’m only 21 anyway so even if it takes you years to finish i reckon i’ll be around to buy and read it :)..buena suerte, marketman. hope to bump into you somewhere..now you outted your ‘double’, i trust he could be persuaded to pose for a pic or two :D

  259. Thank you for 6 years’ worth of great posts. Although your need for a break is understandable as it must have been exhausting at times posting as often as you did, I certainly hope you go back to blogging after your short sabbatical. But if you decide otherwise, I think what you’ve done the last 6 years is more than what your readers could ask for. Bravo Marketman!

  260. Thank you. Your website was one of my links to the Philippines. I will miss all of your amazing pictures.

  261. There are waaay too many comments already, I am post number 330!

    But just to add my 2 cents:

    1) Thank you for the many years of entertainment, information and education. It’s been great! A simple “thank you” is just that, simple. Pero really sincere.

    2) I will continue to check back here and there, just to see if you have decided that blogging is now part of your lifestyle and unavoidable. Sana naman.

    3) If you do come out with a book, I hope there was some way for your to reach out to your readers. I am sure you will get so much support.

    Take care and thanks again!!!!

  262. I know a lot of people have already said it but, we will most definitely miss you. Have a great break. I certainly hope that this is not the end of Market Manila. In all the 3 years that I’ve been a follower, you have been an inspiration as I struggle with my cooking skills (or lack thereof). Your blog has been my window to my far away Philippines and a cure to my many bouts of painful homesickness.

    Best wishes Marketman!

  263. Many , many THANKS MM for all those wonderful recipes and travels you’ve shared with us., for allowing us to enter into your world…meeting your FAMILY and CREW!

    But as Mr. Arnold would say….” I WILL BE BACK?”…am looking forward to that day. Sayang. just when my arm is getting better and I could start typing, you are going away! At any rate, enjoy your much needed rest!

    Hey, Silly Lolo, do you have a blog?

  264. I will miss you, friend. You’ve been a part of my life every day for the past 5 years entertaining and teaching me through your blog so I feel like you’ve been a friend to me. Thank you very much for sharing your life with us!

    Take care and best wishes to you, Marketman and family.

  265. My family and I would like you to know how grateful we are for letting us in your secrets for those yummy recipes. Entertaining guests is so much fun because we are confident that we will receive compliments and we have you to thank for. We have thrown a lot of our old recipes and kept yours. Again, thank you, MM. Hope you’ll be back soon. Don’t close down your website please…

  266. Is this a prank? Because if it is, im falling for it, BADLY. BTW i will surely miss your posts…you’ve made even the most simplest of dish to be interesting…

  267. What?!? But I am only following one blog! And it’s this blog! :-(

    Many thanks for the many years of entertainment and loads of information. Does this mean you’ll take out this site from the web? As in we can’t access the archives at all? :-(

    Have a great sabbatical and hope to see a post at the end of it saying you’ve decided to continue this blog. How selfish of me, tsk, tsk.

  268. This blog will surely be missed. It has been the source of much pleasure.
    Will the archives be maintained? I will be in a state of panic if they all disappear.

  269. wow … :( this feels surreal, for the past 6 years or so, i have been an avid follower of MarketManila, and have gained insight & inspiration from you. thanks so much for sharing yourself, as well as your recipes, travels, rants & raves, your family & crew, sister, etc, etc. … you will be SORELY MISSED :( please, please, please, if i could be granted one wish … would really, really love to see a coffee table book of MarketManila … exactly the same way you wrote it for the past 6 years … daghang salamat :) ♥

  270. I’ll miss your food blog.Thanks for all the hard work and for unselfishly sharing your culinary
    knowledge , experiences and travels.Good luck on all of your present and future

  271. A well deserved BREAK you will have. You’ve been a good influence (or should be) to our kababayans on how to live a quality good life.
    I’m sure you will miss us too. hehehehehe
    Now maybe you can take a trip to Laguna/Quezon, I swear your wife and kid will love Liliw (Laguna), Majayjay (Laguna), Lucban (Quezon) and Tayabas (Quezon) – yes in this order! for some shoe/tsinelas shopping and have a taste of real Pancit Lucban!

  272. Marketman, you made me cry. I never imagined that a food blog can do that. I hope your leave won’t be too long and that you would continue blogging after your leave. You bring so much joy to your readers. I will be waiting for your book and will buy it whatever the cost may be.

    Your blog has been a big part of my life, especially when I left the Philippines more than three years ago. Whenever I’m feeling homesick, I just check your site and look at your Philippine food recipes. Just reading your posts takes me back home.

    I also love how your restaurant reviews are so honest, and the fact that you always pay for your own food. That way I know that you are not biased with your reviews.

    Seriously though, you’re not the one pictured above?

    Good luck to your future endeavors. Your blog will be sorely missed.

  273. Wow! Since i read this post yesterday i still can’t believe it. It hadn’t sank in yet, that’s why it took me this long to write a comment and i still don’t know what to say about it. For sure, it will disrupt my everyday routine because yours is the only blog i really follow and read everyday.That’s life, we gotta do what we gotta do.
    Many thanks to you MM, til then.

  274. You must be proud of such an accomplishment so well done!! Your respect for ingredients and those who produce them, and your approach to cooking, has helped Philippine cuisine take its rightful place among the great foods of the world.
    Well done, Marketman, and all best wishes to you. With your thorough and thoughtful approach, you will succeed in whatever you do.
    Thank you.

  275. the chinese have a saying: go while the people are still clapping.
    you go with the loudest applause from hundreds of your readers.

    thank you MM for all the rants, reviews and recipes. i look forward to the book you will writing

  276. I am saddend by this goodbye post, MM. I hope you are just taking your time to recharge. I always refer to your site whenever i need a recipe for something. I loved your posts on liempo and pork in general. I also love to read on your travels, its like being there!
    Will you take out this site, MM? Please give us time to save the recipes from your posts. I will surely miss it!

  277. Thank you for everything you have shared with us. I will miss reading your blog. I do hope you start writing again soon. God bless to you and your family.

  278. I am truly saddened by this news. I am a regular reader ever since I discovered this blog, and very few blogs have managed to keep my attention. Though I have only left a comment twice before, I visit this site almost every day to read the new posts, or if there are none, to go through the archives. If I am thinking of trying to cook something new, my first stop is this blog. I trust MM more than any other foodie out there. Heehee.

    Enjoy your break, Mr MM. And I say break because I am truly hoping that you will continue blogging. I have enjoyed all your posts, whether food related or not. Thank you for taking us with you on all your food adventures! Here’s hoping that you will continue to do so after your much deserved sabbatical. Meanwhile, please keep this site accessible as it is a wonderful source of recipes and anything that has to do with food. I will continue to visit this blog and just read through the archives to get my daily dose of MM :)

  279. Thank you very much MM. Though I have only discovered your blog last year, it has become my go-to place to search for recipes, especially Filipino ones. Hope to hear from you again after your sabbatical!

  280. Hello Everyone. Well, first of all, OMG, thank you for such wonderful and encouraging comments, I, we all truly appreciate them. I hadn’t planned on commenting during the break, but before we leave on a short trip, I figured it would be rude NOT to comment.

    I am particularly surprised by several private emails from readers who have used the blog to take their minds off very serious ailments, those of loved ones who are confined in hospitals, or of themselves, who are struggling with various illnesses. I have received these emails before, sporadically, but to get several in one day is truly bittersweet. I wish all readers who are going through tremendous trials all the best. If I could will you to be better, I would. I am also amazed that “David’s Mom” – the lady whose son I sent a gingerbread house to several years ago, remains a reader, and left a comment above. This blog has definitely done things I could never have imagined. Never before have I aspired to be a “distraction” for folks, but if used in this context, I think it is good, no?

    As for the mechanics, the blog will definitely stay up for now, so you can continue to check recipes and the archives of 2,700 posts. And if I can get a bit Marketman “nasty” let me pre-warn any would be opportunists that I am the legally registered owner of the basket logo and name “Marketmanila” and if you think of fooling with it, I won’t hesitate to smack you with a fishpan. :) The same is true for the Zubuchon logo and name.

    You cannot imagine how heartwarming it is to realize that there are more than a few people who will cook recipes for themselves and loved ones and who may have gotten the recipes or were inspired by the posts and reader comments on marketmanila.com. Check back in a month or two, the least I can do is hold a “pre-Christmas” marketmanila “contest” to give away one of those wonderful wheeled market baskets that I featured a few weeks ago… and maybe a jar or two of homemade jam. :)

    Thank you very, very much from MM, Mrs. MM and the Teen.

  281. This is so sad. Please come back. :(
    Thank you for that one ensaimada recipe that put a smile on my family’s face. Thank you for showing Mr. Bourdain what great lechon is. I’ve been lurking for the past year and have never posted a comment. I thought I should thank you, Sir. Good luck.

  282. Oh no Marketman, don’t go!
    Just to add my voice in the chorus of appreciation here – your blog is very inspiring and a great source for people like me who wants to just cook. (I think I’ve been reading it since a few months since you started.) Good luck to you and your projects. Hope you enjoy the break.
    To borrow Douglas Adams’ words, thanks for all the fish (pans and recipes.) :D

  283. MM, This adios is still very difficult to digest – am heartened that you would like to write the definitive Filipino cookbook (yes, there is a market for it, caming mga familia mo) – pero, hijo, how about a nice book using material from your blog – part travel (all those gorgeous photos from Greece, Morocco, for example – and then those life photo essays – the fisherman in Coron. the lumpia maker in Bacolod, the fishwifemonger. So much material to learn from, entertain and delight. We want to say thank you again.

  284. i am one of those who do not comment but have been reading your blog for the past 4 years. halos araw araw simula sa umaga at bago matulog isa ito sa binubuksan ko at unang binabasa. i will really miss you son. sana bumalik ka ulit. From a senior citizen.

  285. Sad…sad…….sad…….. i will miss reading your blogs……… awwwww! Hope you come back for more. In the mean time, Enjoy your vacation.

  286. I started visiting your blog 4 years ago in Hong Kong and it still a part of my daily routine to visit your blog when I moved here in Minnesota. Cooked several of your recipes for my employer and friends in Hong Kong and now for my husband. I will look forward to buying your book.

    Thank you.

  287. When I first read the title, I knew right away what this was about. Then I remembered how I was playing the song “She’s Gone” (Hall & Oates) on the drive to work this morning. Guess I’ll be playing the same song on the way home.

    I’ll see you when I see you. You’re one class act.

  288. Thanks to your site, I found out how very little I know about the Philippines and it’s culture. Your stories, features, and recipes (value these the most!!) inspired me to get to know the country my family left behind years ago. Sincere thanks to you and your efforts. Good luck on any future endeavors. I’m sure your book will be great!

  289. Your blog is indeed a wonderful distraction. I just started following your posts a few months ago and I instantly became a fan.. Reading your entries is like a break from all the work and worries. :) Anyways, thanks a lot for your tremendous effort to keep us entertained and informed. Please come back though. Good luck and enjoy your trip!

  290. I hope you’ll not do a “Brett Favre” (of Minnesotta Vikings), retire and then un-retire next. Good Luck!

  291. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart… This blog has been part of my everyday life. I will surely miss you. I will surely still visit this site often and go back to old posts. My warmest regards. God bless.

  292. :( im having withdrawal syndrome. this is my second visit just this morning.

    thanks MM for sharing your wonderful adventures.

  293. only my third post in the five years na bumibisita ‘ko dito. pero ayoko ng good-bye kaya so long na lang. sana bumalik ka sa blogging kahit paminsan-minsan lang, and i wish this for all the selfish reasons. salamat for sharing so much with us. we’ll miss you.

    good luck and more power to your public school feeding program.

  294. Bravo MarketMan!

    You’ve been an inspiration and your blog became a sanctuary to foodies like me who wants an escape. Reading your blog through the years have immersed people like me who doesn’t have the luxury of time and money to discover things our beautiful world has to offer.

    Again, thank you very much. God Bless your journey. :))

  295. I got teary-eyed when i saw your pictures.

    Market Manila was one of the reasons i got hooked to blog surfing.

    Thanks for everything and good luck in whatever decision you make.

  296. Thank you very much for your unique, entertaining, educational and most intelligent blog, Marketman! What will I ever do without my Marketmanila fix first thing in the morning? You will be sorely missed.

    I’m clinging to the definition of a sabbatical as typically lasting one year, so I’m looking forward to reading you again. It will be a long year without you.


    Sheesh. I keep coming back to this site to check JUST in case MM decides to blog one last time (and another “last time” LOL).

  298. Best of everything to you and if you find yourself gravitating back to the blog, my reader will continue to have a space for you.


  299. Oh my, no, no… please don’t go away… I am one of your silent readers never failing a single day, unless i have a downtime in my net connection, to visit your blog and always feel excited in anticipation of what I will be reading in your posts..

    Please come back Market Man, in between work i peak on your blog for new nice pix and for a good read… Why is it that both my two most favorite bloggers seem to be on hiatus mode these days=) please never cease writing in your blog, you don’t have to write everyday, if you need to energize, as they say rest if you must but Don’t QUIT! Looking forward to your comeback! Cheers from GenSan & Davao!

  300. Thanks Marketman for being the first (or at least one of the first) to ever write about the Salcedo Community Market. The speed with which the market grew from its early days was in no small part to your steadfast support.

    As manager of the market for five years, i know what “burn out” really means and I sympathize with you. I’d like to thank you personally for all the help and support you’ve extended to the market (which, like this blog, has morphed into something we never expected!).

    Marc Medina

  301. This is terrible news! ;(

    But all good things must come to an end. I’ll miss you Marketman for sure. Thanks for the recipes that you shared. It’s your site that I refer to whenever I need to put something new on the table. Who will I live vicariously through now about trips abroad? *pouts*

    Kidding aside, thanks for all that you shared Marketman. It was swell!

    A comeback is highly anticipated though! :P

  302. This is my second comment today :-) I’m happy that MM commented on the comments. He just made the sabbatical announcement and I miss him already :-) it’s also comforting that we have something to look forward to in a month or two. I “checked” in again today to read to increasing comments. It makes me feel not alone in my sentiments knowing there are other readers like me who are left sad and nursing a withdrawal symptom. Thankfully, MM is gracious enough to keep the archives for us to visit while he is away. MM, appreciate it so much! Have a safe trip and enjoyable vacation. Best regards to Mrs MM, the Kid, Sister and your entire crew.

    Betty Q, do you have a blog? :-)

  303. This is so sad.. Visiting your site on a daily basis is simply a bad habit to break! hahaha :). After 6 years of blogging you deserve a pretty good rest though if blogging is in your blood I’m still hoping that you will come back and continue to share your experiences to us. Anyway for almost 4 years or so of being here I’ve learned a lot of things !! Thanks MM and God Bless

  304. I have been following your blog since 2007…alongside the online news, i read you on a daily basis. To see you go is sad. You don’t have to blog on a daily basis now…just go slow….pleassssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Thanks somehow for sharing your thoughts to us!

  305. And talk about bittersweet timing… I’m just about to sink my teeth into some Zubuchon. I’ve been badgering a friend from Cebu to get me a piece of the best lechon in the world. Last night, I finally got my kilo… I’m having some (or maybe a lot) for lunch and I’m sure that with every bite, MM, I’ll think of you and your blog.

    Thank you and best of luck! Read you soon!

  306. Allow me to say thank you for all the wonderful informative posts in your blog. I have truly enjoyed reading your posts. Your writing and beautiful pics made me feel like I am actually there enjoying all the wonderful places you have been to and partaking all the wonderful dishes you have tried! And your own dishes… what can I say, have been a treasure book for us readers! Pleeeeeease…. reconsider. Do come back… I hope sooner than later! Regards to Mrs MM and the Teen

  307. Thank you MM. Hands down the very best insight into food, culture and life here (and there) and I have learnt so much from you and readers. You will be much missed – not least of all in my kitchen!! It’s been a great journey. Best wishes for the future.

  308. So sad… no more new blog entries… I’ve come to visit this blog very often. Now have to look for a new interesting one… I wish you luck and Thank you.

  309. I couldn’t bring myself to comment on this development ’til now, a day later, I was so sad. But it’s not about me, is it? I ought to be thankful instead, for being a part of this community, and I want to thank you for the great run; you really have created something special here, all by yourself; I’ve met many wonderful people through you, learned so much. Bravo, MM! Keep rocking!

  310. Thank you MarketMan! I have been following you for years. Checking your site is part of my daily grind, it’s actually a habit.

    Best of luck and blessings to you and your family. God bless.

  311. Bravo to you MM…….thank you so very much for sharing your wisdow, knowledge, recipes, and travel experiences. I will never forget your kindness and unselfish sharing of information regarding Coron which made our family vacation a very memorable, unforgetable one. My morning coffee is not going to be as good ….coz I can no longer sip and read your blog at the same time.

    Whatever you decide to do, am sure it will be a formidable contribution to humanity and the world at large. All the best to you and your family. Cheers!

  312. i have been a follower of market manila and this is my first time to post a comment. you will be missed terribly. good luck to you. thank you.

  313. Fare thee well MM (family + crew)! Onwards and upwards and to the next great adventure! Much love from this semi-silent follower…

  314. this is my second comment within the two years that I have been visiting your blog. your posts will be sorely missed.

    having lived in New York for almost 12 years, I tend to gravitate towards well written blogs from people in Manila, and yours is one of them.

    thanks for sharing your wit and time. enjoy your sabbatical!

  315. this is a sad day. I certainly agree with all the sentiments all the readers have expressed above. I just have to close yesterday when I read you’re going on sabbatical and now forced myself to open again. It is true. Many, many thanks for all the recipes, am forever grateful. Enjoyed your rants and raves. I would like to echo Josephine’s protest…nooooo don’t leave us.
    But, whatever you have to do, all the best.
    Good luck, MM and family.

  316. I definitely wish that you would go back. I’d even give you a free space since I have a 300GB server. But anyway, I hope that during your time off, you’d still think about returning. I’ve learned a lot from your blog. Recipes and various techniques in cooking.

    Thanks man!

  317. Sad day indeed. Though this is only my 2nd post (If not the third.) Possibly for the last time, I want to be counted. A Market Manila fan for six (6) years saying thank you for the ride.

  318. My day wouldnt be complete if I dont read your post…you will surely be missed…thank you for sharing with us your knowledge and be a part of your life.

  319. 1st reason sa pagbukas ng PC: read posts on marketmanila…

    ngayon mawawala na….


    goodluck MM and family… Maraming Salamat


  320. it is hard to say goodbye, but ‘thank you, MM, Mrs. MM and the Teen’ for sharing with us stranger readers’ is more bearable. I can only try to continue cooking the recipes you have shared with us and of course always give credit where it is due – it becomes a good topic for dinner conversation, anyway. And the recipes are really goooood! God Bless and see you soon! =)

  321. Thank you so much for the countless hours of enjoyment! Stats-wise your blog may have peaked, but my interest has not waned at all. I consider your site a resource not only for recipes but also for the positive distraction it has provided me from my daily grind. I have stolen your recipes to my family’s joy (and sometimes horror), hopefully you will keep the site up while I go through and copy each recipe in your archive.

    Thank you again and please do update us every now and then. Enjoy Life.

    Roland Miranda

  322. Haaay, sakit man ni kaayo sa dughan uy! Many, many thanks MM and Godspeed to you and your family!

  323. This is my second comment to this post…

    You will definitely miss us Marketman! You will be back! :)

    I wish.

  324. This is my second comment to this post…

    You will definitely miss us Marketman! You will be back! :)

    I wish. Missing your posts already :(

  325. MM
    I’ll tell you how addicted I am to your blog.For Lent, three years, I always try to give up reading your blog,I always fail.Take care of yourself,MM

  326. Dear Marketman, Family and Crew,
    I am writing this with tears. Thank you for all the wonderful blogs all through the years. i happened to come across marketmanila.com while googling a recipe for ensaymada less than two years ago. In my quest to educate my self on the art and science of cooking, mm.com has always been there as my ever reliable reference guide of sorts. This Christmas, i will start the gingerbread tradition with my two and half year old daughter Sophie. Thanks for all the inspiration and insights. I will surely miss marketmanila.com and it is my prayer that you’ll be back sometime soon. May God bless you in writing that book. I’ll sure be lining up to get an autograph when that wonderful book gets published.

  327. Hi MM,

    You’ve only been around 6 years! Still young and still a lot to share…

    You’ve kept me company from Bangkok to New Caledonia and now Melbourne. You’ve allowed me to travel even more with you and your family.

    I personally would like to thank you, Mrs. MM, Teen for allowing us into your lives and living your lives. Such generosity. I would also like to thank sister, Betty Q, Artisan and all others for sharing their recipes and family secrets. Lastly, I would also like to thank each and everyone of the Marketmanila community/family for the warmth and company.

    Will keep an eye out for you..

    Good luck!

  328. it feels like saying goodbye (for now) to a friend. thank you, Mr. MM and family for generously sharing so many, many wonderful things life has to offer through this blog.
    cheers and wishing you all the best!

  329. I would miss your blog’s presence in my daily routine, Marketmanila. You have kept me company thru single blessedness, marriage and kids, from OFW to a transplanted Negrense. Thank you for enhancing my love affair with food and our country. Six years is an achievement in blog years!!!! Congratulations and keep us posted on your next adventure or project :).

  330. MM, thank you SO much for for sharing all these years. Your site has been a fantastic resource and a great source of enjoyment. You will be missed! Best regards to you, your family and your crew.

  331. Does Apicio have a blog? I so love reading his comments. Your exchanges are so witty it’s legendary.

  332. I missed having internet connection for one day ( in the process of moving back to a reconstructed house after a fire) and look what I got. MM going on a sabbatical. Hope this is temporary.

    What would my retirement life be like with out a daily visit to marketmanila.com.?
    But I understand the need to recharge. You have a very active and “fertile” mind and I am sure it will not rest for long.

    Many thanks for sharing and for being a part of my retirement life.

    All the best to you, Mrs. MM and the Teen,
    Connie C

  333. Prawns, crabs, pork, beef, ribs, vegetables, and who would forget the places you’ve visited… WOW! That was one WOW of a journey MM.


  334. Thank you Market Man! I’ve been a constant reader for the last 5 years. I will surely miss this blog.

  335. ” So what’s next? A sabbatical of sorts. A break from posting/blogging. ”
    We all would still be here waiting for that day when you decide to come back. Meantime, take your time and enjoy your new endeavors. Good luck and God Bless. Again, thanks for sharing “yourself” with us.

  336. It’s a sad day for me! For years now, reading your blog daily has been my form of unwinding after a hectic day at the office. But one big thank you to you for this blog, for allowing us to participate in your feeding program. Hope you will be back with a vengeance. I hope it’s a cookbook that you will share with us! Wishing you well!

  337. as the song goes, “everybody needs a little time away”. seems yours have come. take a breather, take a bow. it’s all good!

    incidentally, i don’t know if you read my message, we will be having a series of baking(cake and breads) and cooking seminars all week next week in manila. do let me know if you would be interested in attending. a taiwanese chef is a special guest for the cooking part, and a vietnamese baker will come for the breads(this part is free!).

    hope to see you back here sometime in the future! btw, any zubuchon roasting soon? i’ll be in cebu on the 13th til 17th, doing a product demo!

  338. Hello from Calgary, Alberta, Canada,

    Thank you for the very interesting, informative and mouth-watering reading I have enjoyed until your “temporary” leave. You have kept me close to my beloved Philippines through your culinary travels, cooking techniques and well-written entries. I hope you decide to return to continue your good work. All the best for whatever you may decide to do in the future.

  339. I couldn’t let you go without saying thank you Marketman, for all your wonderful posts, which helped me learn so much about the amazing food in the mother country, as well as the food and culture in other countries! Your blog is all class & you shall be truly missed. However I’m very happy for you that you’re taking some well-deserved time off. I do hope that you’ll come back to us from time to time in the future. Lots of love, Sasha of Melbourne

  340. you and the blogs will be sorely missed. here’s to hoping you do return to it and soon. if you do publish the book i will surely line up for it. cheers to you my ka-bertdey!

  341. NO!!! Marketman I love your blog so much and it’s one of the few blogs I read here in NYC. It somehow alleviates the symptoms of Homesickness. I love your posts on different markets and towns..local and international….some unusual fruits and produce…the recipes…you’ve tweaked…the polls(I always join them) and of course your political commentary. Yes those too!

    I find an affinity in your love of cookware–The Staub…the Gorgeous copper fish pan I highly covet myself..Sis’s love and passion for unusual silver pieces—LOVE those..I started collecting my own:) .The intricate and antiquated Filipino cooking utensils and gadgets…i.e..the Gilingan…the palayok!

    Your blog is a mirror of Filipino Culture and a reflection of passion in food and IN LIFE!

    I will surely be looking forward to your cookbook. I have several treasured Filipino cookbooks in my Library—-The Sulipan Cookbook, the “Little ” cookbooks by Gene Gonzalez, and Memories of Philippine Kitchens by Amy and Romy Dorotan. Your Book I hope will be an amalgamation of classic Philippine cookery and Tweaked recipes….like that binalot na lechon and the rice cooked in bamboo. We need a Philippine cookbook that’s contemporary and offers new and exciting flavors as well as the tried and tested recipes.
    Your book will surely take pride of place:)

    Thanks for a great ride!


  342. You have inspired so many of us loyal readers. You and blog will be greatly missed. I salute you for taking time to share your time and effort.

    Thank you MM.

  343. Thanks MM. I’m an avid fan of your website. I don’t put any comment though I enjoyed all your blogs. You’ll be sorely missed. All the best to you and your family. God bless.

  344. looking forward to reading your culinary masterpiece. can’t wait for the hardcover edition. happy writing!

  345. Seems like a repeat April Fools day post, but double checked the calendar, it can’t be.. It’s for real. Your blog has been truly amazing. Thank you and goodluck.

  346. Thank you, Marketman, for sharing your experiences with us over the years. I’ll miss regularly checking out your blog for new posts.

    Wishing you all the best!

  347. I am one of the many lurkers for whom your blog surely made a difference to my day- mnay thanks for your wonderful recipes, insights and occasional glimpses into your passion for things Filipino. I will keep my fingers crossed for your return, and if not that, then perhaps a cookbook?

  348. Oh no! What will happen to me who’s just starting to learn the art of cooking and baking :-) Will surely miss this blog and I’m sure I will still keep on coming back to the posts and who knows, one day you’ll miss us too. Thanks for all MM, sis and to the entire crew. Through this, I met new friends and learned from them as well. All the best! Until we meet again…

  349. Gosh, I can still remember discovering your blog five years ago when, as a young bride, I was researching for the ultimate adobo and ginataang kalabasa and sitaw recipe to impress my European husband with. It was a success!:-) You have inspired and taught me how to cook in a new and foreign land without my cooking expert Papa and helpers. Thank you so much, MM. I wish you all the best and know that you will be sorely-missed!:-)

  350. The best part of your blog has been the Market Manila community including people like betty q, silly lolo, sister and the rest of you out there who have written with such enthusiasm, curiosity and good will. Highlight for me was the spirited and intelligent debate on the Bataan Nuclear Plant. Only in a food blog like Market Manila, truly. was this possible.
    You’ll be back Market Man, and I wish sooner than later!

  351. GOOD LUCK MARKETMAN ! i enjoyed reading your blogs felt like i was eating and traveling with you. i hope you change your mind and come back.

  352. Though I have never commented on your blog, I have been a regular follower of your well-written, wonderfully-photographed segments. You have helped this ‘white’ boy learn a lot about my Pinoy husband’s food culture. (I even did a crash course on indigenous fruits before a trip to the Philippines in April.) Thanks for creating such an entertaining blog. I’m going to continue to check this bookmark with the hope you’ll return in the near future.

    Michael Rose

  353. Thanks for all the good food. Luckily, I haven’t been checking your blog daily so I’ll have several months of “back issues” to go through before the withdrawals set in. Best of luck in your next endeavor.

  354. whoa! what now to do on the first 15 minutes upon arriving at work?

    i can’t even remember when i first came across your blog. it has been part of my routine for the past four years, though the comments i posted can be counted on one hand. i love this blog and i am really grateful to the man who had so generously shared his thoughts and his experiences to his readers. it would be amiss of me to ask (read: beg) you to go back to blogging after your sabbatical, but i know that your readers — including me — would be looking forward to reading your blogs again.

    salamat marketman.

  355. This is my nth time to visit this particular entry and I am amazed at the many commenters(new and old) in just a few days of your announcement. I am hoping that this is just one of your funny pranks to make those shy visitors to your site who never place a comment before, suddenly start posting their comments! Ha!ha!ha! Ow shucks!…..withdrawal symptoms…..ang hirap pala ma- addict dito! Hey guys, specially sister,Betty Q and the other generous ones why dont we keep sending our comments on topics anything under the sun just to keep each other company until MM comes back? It was done before when MM was indispose one time, remember?

  356. Okay now, I’ll comment na rin. Can’t help it…

    Mr.MM, thanks for the wonderful posts. I’ll surely miss those prosciutto, caviar, rare seafoods, game meats, and Zubuchon items that keeps fueling my craving for exotic delicacies.

  357. hi marketman. i’m an aid worker and i’ve been following your blog for 5 years now from various countries of assignments…mozambique, ethiopia, myanmar, thailand, switzerland, chad, etc. and now haiti. it’s difficult to have access to familiar pinoy food. because of your blog, i tried, and have learned, to cook a lot of pinoy (and non-pinoy) dishes. tough assignments are not tough anymore if one gets to eat comfort food. thank you for your blog!

  358. MM, I will miss reading your blog (my favorite)! I hope you’ll reconsider your decision! Thanks for all your wonderful posts and all the best. :)

  359. MM,

    You screwed up royally this time! Check your calendar! The date is not April 1st.

    Wishing you the very best and a warm aloha.


  360. I feel really sad for this but everybody is entitled to have a rest. I’ve been reading your blog for the past years (almost everyday..) and I think this is only my 2nd or 3rd comment. I am just an avid reader from the middle east enjoying every bit of information, rant, recipes and everything else that you write in your blog. I do hope everything is well. =) Thank you for sharing your life to us. God bless you and your family!!

  361. like Dew , i thought this must be an April Fool’s post…your blog is also my favorite since i learn new things not just about food and produce and where to get them, but also about travel – 2 of my favorite things – i wish you all the best, and hope that after your hiatus you consider coming back

  362. my mouth is still wide open after i reread the blog again today. i cant comment yesterday bec of shock. hope this is temporary. the only food blog with taste and style. no more everyday visits to marketmanila. haay….i will wait. thanks for spending your time with us. take care MM. godspeed ms MM and teen

  363. Well done.All the best to your next endeavor.
    Oh and an advance Merry Christmas..sure miss your christmas features!

  364. Hi MM, nakaka sad naman. You will be sorely missed. Thanks for all the food and travel info you’ve been dishing out all these years. May God bless you and keep you wherever you may be.

  365. MM, muchas gracias for taking the time to do this blog. You will be sorely missed but I know that we are all hopeful that you will come back to blog soon . . . makahilak gyud uy! So long . . .

  366. noooooooo! what a shock! my week is not complete without checking your blog. oh well, we are just going to have to miss reading your posts. I have always wondered how you find the time to do all this in addition to attending to your family business. thank you for all that you have shared with us through the years. I hope you do reconsider and come back. I don’t mind if you don’t have a new post every day. Kahit once a week, puede na! and, if you do decide to call it quits, then all I can say is that it was wonderful knowing Marketman, Mrs. MM and the Teen, albeit virtually. I guess there goes my dream of joining an eyeball when I go home to Manila someday.

  367. MarketMan – very many thanks, and I hope it’s not a permanent goodbye. I have only been reading your blog for a couple of years but it has corrected an impression I had before that Filipino food is awful.
    Please keep your archive alive for as long as possible, so that I can pore over old recipes.

  368. Dear Marketman, I hope you will return from your sabbatical sooner rather than later. Your blog is what keeps me company at home when I have my asthma attacks. It has been my companion for many years and I have learned a great deal from your blog more than any other blog about Filipino food. Christmas won’t be the same without you!

  369. nooooooooooooooo!!
    I am suferring from MMWS, I am addicted. Now what am i going to do on my sleepless hours.Seriously ,I am going to miss you so much.I am saddened but very happy for you and your family on you much needed away time on your blog,realizing i am being selfish. I have to think of much time you put on your blog. I dont know how to give back except to say,THANK YOU MM.I am looking forward and hopeful for a come back ,be it blog,books,magazine,anything! will be awesome,hopefully in very near future!! Enjoy your time,life &;Family!! THANKS!!

  370. I’ve been a regular follower for almost 6 years! This is the only blog I have seriously followed. THANK YOU!

    It breaks my heart to know that there is a possibility it might end (and I have missed 3 “eyeballs”). I deeply appreciated the fact that you kept it free from advertisement, unbiased and incredibly informative.

    I wish the blog continues to exist – even if its not regularly updated.

    Best of luck on all your endeavors, MM!


  371. Thank you. Good luck. I will definitely miss your blog. I read this almost daily. I consult your blog for our regular meal plans. I have cooked entire holiday and special occasion meals with recipes exclusively from your blog. In my opinion you have the most authoritative food blog around. Wishing you would come back but do what is best for you. Will surely miss you. God bless to you and your family.

  372. For the past two years, reading your blog has been part of my morning routine. While it saddens me that I won’t be able to look forward to my daily enjoyment of reading and thinking through your high quality blog entries in the foreseeable future, I wish you all the best.

    Thank you for your thoughtful and intelligent writing, your passion, and relentlessness. Your readers look forward to seeing you again, MM!

  373. I’ve missed your new posts already =( Maybe it’s habitual but I keep on clicking MarketManila home addy….But thankyou for setting up this blog of yours, you inspire me to have a blog of mine, I hope after your break you come back….but then that’s up to you=) Have fun in whatever you want to do…At the moment, am looking at your Bibingka adventures and how I will apply the cooking method on my BBQ charcoal bucket. If you ever make that book, I will definately buy one=) *Cyber HUGS* for Mr. MM!

  374. NOooooo!!!!! Yours is the only blog in my computer’s bookmark at home and in the office. Anyway, all the best MM but please keep your website alive!

  375. Aw. Farewell MM! It has been indeed a wonderful journey for all us readers and followers. I have learned so much and yes, I have tried most of your recipes ;)

    I will miss your writing and passion for food and all else great!

    Please don’t close your site. I might actually be sick when I come back to this and find that it’s gone, too.

    Thanks MM!

  376. Thanks for all the sharing. Hope we can still access your blog and try your numerous recipes. Haven’t caught up, you know. Good luck and may you enjoy your sabbatical leave.

  377. hey MM, just checking for new posts, in case….but your reply above really hits the spot…sadness to the max…

  378. One FINAL comment, MM…I regret now not juggling my schedule and postponing things so I could have gone home and made it to your Cebu eyeball….am looking forward though to that EYEBALL in the GREAT BEYOND one day!

    Should you decide to call it quits and make one FINAL POSTING< please include what I have asked you before…I think it is the right time and as I have said before, there is no other site that I wish to share what I know BUT yours for you, MM, are very different than the rest. I need not say more! We have NEVER met and nor have I met the others but it seems I have known everyone.

    But maybe one of these days, I can put names to faces at Salcedo Market or Taguig or Cebu if I can coax my sister to take me there at 6 am. and shake your hand and anyone else I think I know (from pictures posted form your EBs).

  379. Your blog is one of the best written blogs from the Philippines and it will definitely be missed.

    Just a thought — you have interesting commenters we would love to hear from and will surely miss along with your postings. Can we have them as guest bloggers during your sabbatical? There’s sister, betty q, silly lolo, lee,friedneurons and many others. Their exchanges have lit up the comments section.

    Thanks for sharing a part of your interesting life with us and letting us live it viacriously through your blog.

    Wishing you all the best on your sabbatical and we hope to see you back!

  380. What?!? No more MM blog?!? That’s a major, major sad development for the blog community. The stories MM heartfully shared made my day and provided me with information not just about food & MM’s family’s travels but other insights that I find myself in agreement with. I wonder how I could be updated with your family’s travels (which I’m most fascinated with)? Hmmm, do you think I could be your FB friend? Hahaha. Only if it’s okay. Enjoy your sabbatical and God speed, MM!

  381. You will be missed. It will not be same without your daily/frequent blog update about your passion for cooking, your loving family, your charitable works, your trips, your shopping, and lots more. It is a sad day but go where your heart leads you.

  382. Thanks for this wonderful blog MM!! I’ve been recommending your blog to friends and family since I discovered it over a year ago.

  383. Marketman, I have been following you since your early years. It’s sad to see you go, but I will miss you. I always look into your site for inspiration. Be safe and have an amazing journey ahead of you.


  384. We will miss you but if this is what it will need for that book to get written, then by all means MM, go ahead and do it. We wish you all the best. I know more good things will come out of this break. Thank you for all the things you shared with us and thank you for giving us the venue to meet lots of wonderful people here in your blog. We’ll see you around.

  385. So sad for all of us, you will truly be missed. :-( But if it’s not fun anymore, don’t be forced to keep on. God bless you and your family!

  386. Today is the 5th of Sept. and I actually went back to your archives to read the blogs all over again. Started with the post of Sept. 1, 2004 – Dalandan. 2, 705 posts more to go….

    Perhaps I would one day open your site and BEHOLD, a new post !!! So much for dreaming. But I’m hoping bettyq is right and that you will do one more post.

    Surprise us, please!!!

  387. MM, I just want to say that I your blog was the ONLY local food blog I would visit. God bless you and your family always.

  388. Thank you for your very intelligent and well-written blog. Your complete honesty (sometimes tough, but never unfair!) has been very refreshing and entertaining, I always feel like the blog is a conversation between close friends and not one that is trying to impress. As a lechon (and all things fatty and bad for you!) lover and home baker, bank officer (ex-Treasury trader), UP alumna, Jakarta resident in the 70s and 80s, involved parent, and proud Filipino, I found so much about your blog that “spoke” to me on many levels, reading your blogs has been an outlet for me (kind of living vicariously… since I could always imagine saying the same things the same way!) I also enjoy the lovely company of intelligent netizens who add richness and spice to your blog.

    I have been especially moved by how much you love your country and do more than your part with no fanfare or monetary gain, elevate the mundane to works of art, and gently educate without being preachy.

    By all means, take the sabbatical. All batteries need to be recharged, and by all accounts, your batteries have been greatly overextended these past few years! (We can’t all be Energizer Bunnnies!) I’m sure, though, that this will not stop you from continuing to do your good works and sharing, while occasionally slapping some under-trained service people to get their acts together… all towards nation-building!

    If you have an eyeball planned soon, please include me in your mailing list… I will be there!

    God bless you and your family and extended family. Terima kasih!!!

  389. oh my, i will sorely miss reading your posts…but anyway i don’t want to be selfish :).. goodluck to the new phase you’re going to take…regards and advance merry christmas!

  390. Si yu’us ma’ase (thank you) for keeping such a great “tasting” blog! (Not too many well rounded, informative blogs out there without cussing between sentences.) You are already missed.

  391. No no no no!!! =( This is terrible news, MM. I know this is selfish since it’s your decision entirely but please change your mind! =)

  392. MM, I am quite unsure how to react. I am one of those silent majority who visit your blog on a regular basis i.e. at least once every 2 days, join the poll once in a while and almost never leave a comment. For some reason, reading your blog calms me and that I will miss. I wish you the best, MM!

  393. i am actually teary-eyed while reading this….thanks so much for all the tips and wonderful recipes! i wish you the best on your next adventure! hopefully you will still be able to share it with us in the future! nevertheless, i will still dutifully look at my yahoo homepage and hope that a new post will be in your blog! hope to hear from you soon kabayan!

  394. oh my! i might have to go into a withdrawal stage…you’re blog is part of my daily ritual..you will surely be missed! thank you for sharing!

  395. Thanks for all those great blogs! In your own way, you have made lives a little brighter everyday. Please reconsider and continue to spread the light a little longer.

  396. Dear Marketman,

    Thank you for graciously sharing your knowledge and never imposing it on your readers.
    Thank you for bringing us with your travels, and never sounding oppulent about it.
    Thank you for writing with integrity, and never betraying principle for pesos.
    You have been one of the mose credible, respectful and entertaining blogers that I have followed on a daily basis. I will miss reading your entries. I only wish that you take us to the next chapter of your life. All the best to you and your family!

  397. This is really a sad day for me because reading your blog has been part of my routine. I am teary eyed upon reading your post. You’ve been an inspiration marketman. I love reading your travels abroad especially in Europe. Thank you very much marketman. Hope that you will be back soon. Have a safe trip!

  398. Whoa! that came out of nowhere. LOL. I have been thoroughly enjoying your posts for the past 2 years. I stumbled on your blog after I was randomly browsing links to lechon articles and I immediately became a fan. You have inspired me to blog about my own interests in food. Good Luck and God Speed on all your endeavors.

    Thank you for all the great reads and insights!


  399. this is so unfair. i was still expecting the reply of my interview from you. you have been a huge inspiration for all of us bloggers. i don’t know what to say but to feel really emotional towards someone I did not meet in person… it means that you’ve made a good job in sharing a part of yourself with us.

    you always take care sir. please do message me for a last hurrah so at least i can feature you before you totally go hermit. cheers!

  400. Its funny that the first thing that came to mind to many of your readers (including me) was that this is an April Fools Day post. You will surely be missed. I have enjoyed living vicariously through your wonderful travels, cooking experiments, enviable shopping, special dinners, explosive rants and so much more.

    Enjoy your sabbatical but allow many of us to go through denial, anger, bargaining, depression and hopefully acceptance. Haha! Looking forward to buying your book when the time comes. I hope to be there on your book signing =)

    Thank you for sharing so much with us MM, Mrs. MM and the Teen.

  401. :( sad that you would be “leaving” us soon… sure will miss reading your blogs, thank you so much for all the sharings and i could only wish you and your family all the best! ….
    ps: i hope you would reconsider !! :D

  402. Never really learned to cook, but I’ve absolutely enjoyed your blog over the years :) Good luck, God bless you, your family & future endeavors.


  404. I would like to thank you for taking the time to post/blog. I has been informative, and refreshing to learn about our food and culture. Wishing you the best!!

  405. Thank you very much MM,, your blog is truly inspiring. I’ll keep reading your old post,, thanks again and goodluck!!!!

  406. Thank you MM for all your wonderful recipes and tips. I often go back to your past articles for recipe tips especially now that we’ve migrated to Canada. Should you decide to return to blogging, we will be here to continue reading your articles.

  407. Been reading this blog regularly and have never made a comment. Just wanted you to know that your generosity is greatly appreciated. Thank you guid. Madamo guid nga salamat! God bless.

  408. Your insight and humor on all things (food or not) have always been appreciated. Cheers to you on future efforts!

  409. I have been checking if you decided to change your mind… your blog has been a regular read of mine for the past years… withdrawal symptoms are starting to creep in.

    Good luck MM!

  410. MM,

    I’ve been a reader since the fishpan days. It’s been fun. You have been the most engaging teacher of Filipino pride.


  411. wah having withdrawal symptoms..

    i told myself il stop visiting till after a month or more..

    but i can’t..stop…picking from internet dropdown..marketman site..

  412. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! DON’T GO!!!!!!!! (sigh) This may be my first time commenting on your posts, but I am so deeply saddened that I will not be seeing any new posts from you. I came across your blog over a year ago, and have bookmarked it as well as checked for new posts every other day. As a Fil-Am, I feel it brings me a little piece of connection to my heritage to see some of the culinary treats that you share with us.

    Thank you… and good luck to you.

  413. Hi, MM.. Even though you said you be on leave, i think most readers are still checking the blog in hopes that you change your mind.. :)

  414. hi MM… i have been a regular reader for years already and you have become a part of my daily routine.. it is through you that i have come to see places and things which we can only dream of and that somehow bridges the fact that yes they can really be real! will truly miss you and hopefully after two months of hiatus you’ll also miss us and come back blogging.. you have been truly an inspiration… my MM hightlight?…. well perfecting the sleep-depriving sofrito ….. pls pls come back MM. :o)

  415. Thanks so much MM for all the posts and the recipes, and sharing with us a passion for food and finding the freshest ingredients. I’ve learned a lot from your blog, and cooking has become more of a joy because of the insights you share.

    Wishing you all the best as you continue on with your quest and journey :) Maraming salamat po! Muchisimas gracias from the land of Z!

  416. thank you marketman. i really enjoyed reading your blogs. btw, when i bought zubuchon to go in cebu airport, i even asked the vendor “alin po si marketman dito sa picture?”

  417. Started reading your blog early in 2008 when I was still a meat-eater, now being a vegetarian, I still read your posts even if it’s about meat:) Your blogs have always been informative, your occasional rants are definitely amusing(your ‘fishpan lady’ is definitely a classic! LOL), lovee your travel, market finds and much much more that you featured on here. You’re blogs will be sorely missed. Have a wonderful time-off and will be looking forward to a more ‘invigorated’ MM!

  418. Haven’t commented on this post because I am in denial. Say it isn’t so…
    But many many thanks for all you have shared through the years.

  419. Maraming, maraming salamat, MM. You’ve created a community here that manifests the real traits of the Filipinos – smart, unpretentious, at times steaming but always funny. And lovers of (great) food! It was food that brought us all in here – just like the dining tables of our wonder years.

    I will definitely miss the rants and hope you find a healthy channel to voice these out.

    God Bless.

  420. It’s the end of an era. Thanks for all the learnings. This is site is a good resource for everything, hope it won’t vanish after a year.

  421. darn it – no post today? i’m one of your many, many fans of this blog. it’s not just a blog btw – it’s our online getaway where we can have a minute or two of virtually travelling with your family or tasting those exotic foods.

    God bless you MM, Mrs MM and the Teen! Mabuhay po kayo =)

    p.s. please please, can you retain your archives for a while? i’ve been a fan for only 3 years and have a lot of catching up to do!

  422. You will be leaving a gaping hole in my daily routine :) Why does it have to be you and not the much less knowledgeable (and jologs) blogs like OAP have to go?

  423. Hi MM hope this is just for a meantime, i will surely miss this blog, my morning is not complete without a visit to your blog. I’m very thankful to you for sharing with us your “adventures” in food, travel and many things, Maraming pong salamat, dahil sa inyo, parang natikman ko na rin ang mga pagkaing di ko kayang bilhin at marating ang magagandang lugar na hindi ko kayang puntahan. I will surely miss you Sir!

  424. As much as I love your blog MM, I understand how you’d want to take a break and all that. Good luck in your next adventure! I will surely be among those who’d want a copy of whatever book you decide to write/publish.

  425. just checking….i’ll still “stop by” daily…wonder what MM’s doing..i bet he misses this blog, too.

  426. Marketman, you have become a part of my life. I visit your blog more than I call my parents, go out with my friends, and make love to my partner. So that kinda makes this blog special. You have become a daily regimen that I’m afraid I’m going to go through withdrawal. If this is indeed adieu, I bring all the knowledge and inspiration marketmanila.com has given me. Food sprinkled with current events, financial wisdom and mindblowing travel, all these I loved about marketmanila. I would also like to apologize for pissing you off once, I was trying to push your buttons as a blogger, and since then I had a newfound respect for you (and boy, an arsenal of commenters were quick to react.) Please, now, tell me what to do without marketmanila.com?

  427. This is my 2nd visit for today 6th Sept. 2010. Just checking… I might get my “surprise!!!”

  428. Marketman!! Thank you x a MILLION for your eloquence, inspiration and passion!

    PLEASE STAY… I might be selfish in demanding that that but yours is one of my favourite blogs ever. I live in Australia and don’t hear many voices from the Philippines, especially ones that are passionate and positive about all good things! If you leave us forever.. could you at least recommend a blog to fill that empty space??


  429. waaaaahhhh!!! gonna miss you, MM! i will still visit your blog to reread my favorite entries.

    thank you and take care! *hugs*

  430. oh, wow! that’s a shame – just when i started reading your blog. at the same time, i do understand. hope you decide to come back after your planned two-month hiatus, though. you will be very missed. thanks for sharing part of your life with us. take it easy!

  431. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Please don’t leave!

    every day i have looked forward to your blog posts. you have helped me carve a little pinoy niche in my decidedly canadian / uk home. your food and recipes have helped me with foods i thought i had lost when my lola and lolo passed. i hope you come back with a refreshed outlook and with vigour. and if you don’t, i only wish you the very best and will follow you with whatever you do.

    all the best!!


  432. Mr. MM, you will surely be missed! Thanks for this blog. Though I only discovered it recently, I am taking my time to go back and read most if not all of your posts, especially the recipes. And also, thanks for the encouragement, I will “feed” my blog everyday just like what you have told me, though I doubt that it will be as good as http://www.marketmanila.com. :)

  433. Noooooo!!!!! While I respect your decision, I feel really sad that you’re not going to postany more amazing recipes for your readers to try. I really look up to you as THE authority on filipino food. I really do hope you return but if not, please (X100000) WRITE that Filipino cookbook!!!!! While it might not be for the general public, your fans will definitely love the book more than you can imagine!

  434. Dear Marketman,
    Your blog is part of my daily morning ritual along with a can of coke light. :) I recommended your blog to my aunt in Australia and my cousin in Las Vegas just last week! Eagerly awaiting for your coming book.
    PS: Love your pie crust recipe.

  435. Thank you Marketman :) I’m a firm believer in taking sabbaticals esp if your mind and body tells you to recharge.

    I have a suggestion though, how about you accept guest posts, from for example betty q and artisan chocolatier and other readers who have a lot to share to the community? so instead of daily posts, the blog can have weekly or monthly features. This way, the blog is still alive, albeit transformed into some kind of weekly or monthly magazine. I’m sure a lot of readers will agree with me when I say that it would be a loss if the blog will be discontinued for good. If you do decide to stop altogether, will the blog still be up?

  436. as much as i would like to say no to not reading posts from you regularly from now, i do say yes for you taking that much needed break… but make sure you come back to this blog, mm… will surely miss your posts… and i agree to hungrycurious accepting posts from your guests especially the “experts”… i’m saving pa naman for an ipad so i can read your blog wherever i go, hehe…

  437. Thank you so much MM! Your blog has been very educational and entertaining. I have tried a lot of the recipes you posted here and shared by other visitors on your blog. I’m sure these dishes will continue to grace our table and our friends’ as well. Wishing you all the best on your next endeavors.

  438. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have introduced me to food in the Philippines and provided so much education in such an entertaining way. You will be missed, but of course I wish you the best in whatever future endeavors you plan. If you do write a book, I will be in line immediately for it.

  439. daghang salamat pod MM, to you and to your family. good luck! and if you decide later that you miss us, your readers, and get back to blogging we will still be here and we will welcome you back like you’ve never even been gone at all. for sure you will be missed :-(

  440. I have always been a quiet follower… but I think now’s the time to say THANK YOU for the inspiration… yes, marketmanila.com has always been an inspiration to me :) Again, THANK YOU!

  441. Thank you very much, MM. I hope you’ll be back. I’ve learned a lot from you. You will be missed…

  442. you’ve made your mark… you’ve left a legacy…..brought long lost friends and acquaintances together….. made us laugh, try new things, take sides, appreciate more….
    — THANK YOU!

  443. Oh my. This is unexpected. I’ve been an avid reader of your blog for about a year now. In fact, yours is part of my daily morning routine while sipping coffee. I’ve always enjoyed reading about your food adventures and travels. It’s nice to finally meet you. Although your anonymity had always provided a sense of mystery and had me guessing all the time.. which added more fun I guess. I hope this is not goodbye. Although I do wish you all the best in whatever endeavors you might undertake. Thank you for sharing your life’s lessons and adventures with us MM.

  444. We will miss you Marketman and your posts! I’ve never commented before but I really enjoyed reading your blogs. I learned a lot from it. Thank you for sharing. You are an inspiration. Enjoy your vacay. More power!

  445. all I could say is salute, joel b., you have entertained us through out the years. cheers to you and your endeavors.

  446. While I would’ve liked to hold on to you and your blog, I do respect the amount of effort you have poured in all these years, and recognize that it is by no means an easy feat. Keeping a blog like this is practically a career!

    Thank you for everything that you have shared food-related or otherwise. This blog truly is the epitome of the concept of knowledge becoming more valuable when shared. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors MM. Maraming salamat at mabuhay ka! :)

    P.S. You can change your mind and post a September Fool’s Day post too. That could be an idea. Walang magtatampo, promise! Haha!

  447. oh, no – i am panicking already, what will I do without my regular dose of your blog? But I understand your need to put some distance, ruminate and perhaps strike out on a new venture. I hope you will not disable your blog…if you do come out with a book, I am sure to buy one and a couple more to give away as presents to people who appreciate food. Godspeed.

  448. i just read, never commented before but i’m gonna miss your blogs, you’ve been a wonderful guide on our food trips. may that recipe book be available to everyone. see you around…

  449. MM, I’ve very much enjoyed your blog these past years — heartfelt thanks for sharing your knowledge and passion for food and travel!

  450. MM, I will surely miss your blog! I never sent a post to you, but tried alot of your recipes and always a hit to my friends and family…Thank you very much!…Hope you’ll come back!..Godspeed and Take care!..

  451. ngek! i was really hoping you will end the post with a twist like you did some years past when you (april) fooled us all into believing it was the end of the blog. i have tried some of your recipes (chicken inasal is currently ‘grilling’ – the ensaymada is still a dream though!) and fed my family with joy. i have also travelled vicariously through your travel posts!

    thank you so much for sharing your adventures and passion, we will miss you! good luck and i’m hoping you’ll be back soon!

  452. It is so generous of you to have put so much effort in this website for quite a long time. Thank you, MM!

    Enjoy your leave! Whenever you feel like it, please do return to writing and updating this. =)

    I will look forward to your book someday, hopefully you will make it available to everyone.

    God bless!

  453. I look forward to the day when your book comes out. Write it. Your blog has given you much practice. Thank you for being one of the most important and intelligent sources on Philippine food and for bringing all the foodies together to remember the food of home of childhood of memory.

  454. Say it ain’t so!!! But I do understand (or so I hope) you wanting to take a sabbatical. I just wish it is short-lived and that you would return to this blog fully recharged!! Like most, I thought at the beginning of the article that it is one of your rants, until I saw your picture. That made me realize this is REAL!!!

    Thank you so much for the cyber-company.. I’ve learned so much from you and all the readers; have tested some of your recipes to acclaim; have travelled with you on your trips..

    Good luck and Godspeed!!!!

  455. Oh my goodness. Sob! Don’t go marketman. There are only so few of us! So few people who dare organize and pen down their thoughts on food, a select few who dare ask and venture out to find “unusual” food, and rarer still to find people who truly speaks with devotion and conviction about food. Don’t stop intriguing us and poking our eyes, noses, and minds with your entries. I am truly saddened.

    I hope your book gets published. Maybe this is the time :(

  456. Nooooo! Thank you thank you MM for exciting me about the food I grew up with and for demystifying the process so I can make it at home by myself. I, and I’m sure many of us will be waiting with baited breath to see if you will (and hoping you will) come back. Enjoy your time of rest!

  457. Waaaaaaaaa…this cant be happening..have had laptop issues and now this. Am praying you will just take a leave…you have been a blessing to me…during some of the most trying times…I pray you will make a comeback. Reinvent the site…maybe go slow…but pleaseeeeeeee…am thanking God for the gift of you…you have used your talents and all God given things to give glory to Him thru this site……hope you reconsider..Godbless in all your future endeavors….

  458. i’m leaving comment #619 – you’re definitely getting the lurkers out from the woodwork! doesn’t that tell you something?
    thank you for sharing your views & ideas on food – and fishpans and credit cards and airlines and stuff. whatever you decide on, i will respect, though i hope you’ll continue this foodblog… =D
    God bless!

  459. wow, this is a shocker. this blog will be sorely missed mm , u have no idea how addicting reading this blog is , when i first found out about this blog i actually spend 1 w hole day in front of the pc reading the archives. Thank you for the recipes ,ideas and the effort gave to this blog. Maraming salamat marketman

  460. Hey Marketman, hope to bump into you in one of your visits here in NYC ~ hope to see you sometime at the Union Square Greenmarket :)

  461. You will be greatly missed. I would love for you to continue on but that would be a selfish thought you don’t deserve. You deserve the much needed break you so desire. I would also like to thank you for numerous recipes you wrote up however, there are a few that I am mostly fond of. The Paksiw na Lechon and Angus rib eye roast beef have been my favorites( always been a hit with my eatcetera group ). Soon after you wrote the blog on Mercado San Miguel, my family visited Madrid as well. We ended up visiting this fabulous place you talked about, and would not have seen it if not for your blog. Anyway, this place is synonymous to our Granville Island. So once again many many thanks. And finally, I would like to end my comment with an open invitation. If you’re ever gonna be in the Pacific Northwest ( Vancouver, Canada to be exact ) please don’t hesitate to drop me note. Perhaps, one day we can exchange comments in person. Thanks MM.

  462. i rarely comment on your post but always, always enjoy reading your work. hopefully you’d keep the site up, just so that we can always come back to it and reread your posts :)

  463. Ganon? Feeling Oprah ka ngayon? Hehe. Thanks for your great posts, MM. Do let us know when and if the book comes out. I’ll be first in line to buy it. Good luck.

  464. Oh nooooooooooo! I’m gonna miss you. Thank you so much for all the wonderful posts and knowledge you’ve shared with all of us. But you deserve your sabbatical. I sincerely hope that this is not “Goodbye,” but “Till we meet again” in another form— another blog, a book, maybe in person. Take care and God bless you and your family, MarketMan.

  465. aggghhh…. can’t get over it! feeling sad! :(

    i know i could still keep in touch w/ you- if i want. . . but it’s not the same w/o you blogging your way. . . :(

  466. betty q. – I don’t see why not. You must have heard of us from some other groups here in Vancouver, hence your interest. Not sure how we can touch base with you? other than this forum. Your link points me back to yahoo?

  467. i’m not a regular reader because of a busy schedule and have posted comments only a few times, but i try to read your blogs whenever and wherever i can. i have found your posts not only highly informative and interesting, but i admire your effort to bring out what is good, what is relatively unknown, what is forgotten in the Philippine culinary tradition as well as doing an exemplary work of innovating and fearlessly treading new ground in local food culture. you have done an excellent job, with dedication and passion, and engaged with your readers in a candid and open way. i don’t know anybody who has managed to do this successfully at the same time, reaching such a wide audience as this blog did.

    and so while you will be surely missed, i agree with you that it is time to take stock, leave while you are on that proverbial top, reflect on your success, and…as is usually done in such cases…write THAT book. i eagerly await its publication…and mind, do tell your publishers to ship as well to europe… i don’t want to miss my copy.

    so, goodbye, MM and all the best to you!

    (oops, my location says US which is a mistake. i’m now in Slovakia, but if you want to do some stats, note my location as Portugal where i’m based.)

  468. Hi MM,
    It is indeed a sad news.. but we still wish you all the best! :)
    I hope you won’t put your site down, so we can still visit and review some posts we may have missed.

    We will be waiting for the book :)

  469. Thanks for your recipes,shared interest in travel,quaint artifacts,glorious food quests,inciteful and thought provoking rants and more. It always made my day. you will be missed.

  470. You’re my favorite online “tito”. Wish I had not missed all those eyeballs (I was shy and didn’t have anyone to go with me). I’ve seen you from your tv appearances but thank you for finally giving a face to this wonderful food blog that I have loved coming back to all these years.

    Mano po,
    Your virtual niece, Candy :-)

    PS. I have been learning how to make sourdough breads for the past few months, I was just about to ask you if you know a thing or two about it to help me in my project. Oh well, I’m sure you would wish me well and encourage me to keep at it until I get it. Thanks tito M! Mwah :-*

  471. All I can say is: Thank you!!! (Maybe a Market Manila iPod/iPhone app or Podcast as a next project? =D)

  472. Marketman had definitely affected our lives one way or the other. I had accidentally read your blog when you were just starting and the rest is history. Everybody had travelled vicariously with you and your family. We had enjoyed what you and your family had.

    I hope and pray that you will soon finish whatever your plans are. The best Christmas gift you are going to give us is to be back again before Christmas. Thanks for being a LEGACY……..

  473. I will miss this blog!!

    MM, should you decide to publish a cookbook, coffee table book or any book for that matter, please please put me on the waitlist!

    Thank you..God bless!

  474. I haven’t read through all the comments since am having an attack of migraine but I just cant avoid posting.. I learned a lot, felt I knew you and your family from all the blogs you posted about your trips and all.. its true its better to stop while its hot but i do hope you wont.. hehehe… i just hope you can compile all the recipes here and add a few photos and make it into a book of sorts, would love to have one!! its a cornucopia of sorts.. wishful thinking.. will be waiting for your book.. pls dont stop.. lol..

  475. ^ was surprised to see that it says United States… i wish.. lol… born, raised and happy to be in the Philippines!!

  476. Maraming salamat sa mga nai-tulong at nai-pamahagi niyo sa amin.
    Marami akong natutunan dito!
    Paalam na po.

  477. i wish you well on your vacation mm. you will surely be missed! i hope you decide to come back, maybe not to blog as regular as before, but anytime you just feel like! thank you for sharing your market finds, recipes and life as well… bye for now, i hope there will be a grand eb despedida/ welcome party of sort, this time, i will surely not miss it!

  478. You’re blog has been a link to home and an inspiration to try new dishes. All the best to you MM!

  479. I was in Cebu when I heard about this from someone who got hooked on your blog after I told her about it. I did not believe her then. I just finished catching up on the articles I missed why I was travelling. I dont know if I can find another credible blogger like you. I stumbled into you when I was searching for a recipe for budbud kabog and I still chuckle when I remember what you said about the consistency being right when you feel perspiration in your armpits. I hope you are taking this sabbatical to write the cook book. If you are headed for some other adventures I wish you the best and know you will succeed because you always do your best.

  480. Am sad, been too busy at work but always looked forward to coming “home” to this site. This blog is a treasure so go away if you must to rest. I’m sure you’d be surprised just how many are praying that you’ll come back with that book and hopefully, to continue the blog. Many thanks and God bless to you, Mrs MM, the Teen and your crew.

  481. WHAT?!!! wow, that is so sad! you will be sorely missed, indeed! :-( *sigh* best wishes to you and your lovely family. still, i truly, truly hope and pray that this is not The End.

  482. By the way, forgive me if this sounds silly, but if you do decide to call it quits, does that mean I’ll have to save all your posts? Will you take the site down? Oh my, oh my, I do hope a sabbatical is all you need. Just to let you know, I will be very happy with the “few-and-far-between-posts” situation if you do decide to stay on…and I’m sure that many of your readers feel the same way. :-)

  483. I seldom post a comment here but I always read everything. I will definitely miss your blog MM. I hope you’ll be back after the 2 mos. sabatical. By the way. I’m also interested to your reply to mokongbugoy. Enjoy!!

  484. I am glad to see some recent posts. When I started reading this blog I was new at cooking and at a foreign country to boot. I learned a lot of techniques and methods and of course inspiration and recipes from your site. Now I can say with that I am very much more confident cooking for family and friends and have even tackled other south east asian cuisine. Thanks a lot Marketman!

  485. Someone directed me to your blog when I first arrived in the Philippines from Europe. Ever since this is where I’ve turned to in my search for enlightenment about Philippine cuisine and ingredients. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm.

  486. Dear MM,

    not sure wheter if i got that right – but supposingly you need some “rest”.
    Not sure either if you will read this comment after 655 before, but anyway…

    Best things always should stopped when they are at its best – when Gary Larson stopped his drawing of cartoons nobody could understand, same with Calvin & Hobbes writer Bill Watterson.
    But after doing something essential in a very good way – it might lack challenges or so and you want to improve in whatever way.

    Writing a book i would deeply appreciate; i dont really think that books are not read anymore.
    Especially with cookbooks (at least over here in Europe) where for example Jamie Oliver did very well and somehow started a Renessaince in cookbookwriting and doing shows in which he got VERY successfull.
    So doing a fun book in “this style” would be absolutely phantastic.

    Anyhow i wish you all the best and thank you for all your fabolous recepies and other goodies…
    regards from Austria

    ps. something at last for your dining experiences: if you ever go to London / UK you should get into a “show” or contact with BOMPAS & PARR.
    They are THE guys for Jelly
    Link to the book in Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Jelly-Bompas-Parr-Sam/dp/1862058792/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1286345528&sr=8-3

    Link to their webpage: https://www.jellymongers.co.uk/

  487. Oh bollocks! And I just subscribed to the feeds today. I guess I just have to read older posts.

  488. maraming marami po akong natutunan kaya maraming maraming salamat po marketman ^_^